14 Plans

Enterprise Manager Ops Center operations are executed in a consistent way when you use plans and the profiles that they contain. All users can apply a plan. Your ability to modify plans depends on your role and whether you are the author of a profile or a plan.

See DEPLOYMENT PLANS and OPERATIONAL PLANS for information about creating plans and operational profiles.

Viewing Plans

You can view the following details of a deployment or operational plan:

  • Details of the plan such as name, description, version, steps in the plan, target type and last modification.

  • Required resources for the execution of the plan.

  • The result of executing the plan.

  • The other plans that use the plan in their steps.

  • Version history of the plan.

  • The list of jobs that were executed using this plan.

To View a Plan

  1. Select Plan Management section in the Navigation pane.

  2. Select a plan from either Operation Plans or the Deployment Plans tree.

  3. Expand the selected plan. All the plans for this type are listed.

  4. Select a plan from the list.

  5. Select one of the tabs in the center pane to view information about the plan:

    • Details

    • Results

    • Referrers

    • Version History

    • Jobs

Details Tab

The Details tab provide an overall view of the selected plan and its output. Each step of the plan is displayed with the associated profile or plan, result of the task, and any additional parameters . The Details tab displays the following general information about the plan:

  • Name

  • Version

  • Description

  • Target type

  • Creation date

  • Last modified date

  • Template used

  • Referrers

Results Tab

The Results tab specifes the number and types of assets that executed the plan. For each task of the plan, the expected result is defined. Some steps in the plan use the result from the previous step as the target for the next step.

Referrers Tab

The Referrers tab list the other plans that use the selected plan to complete their tasks..

Version History Tab

Each time a plan is modified, the new version is recored on the Version History tab. You can select a version of the plan and view the details of the plans, and apply the plan. To delete any version of the plan, you must have the appropriate authorization.

Jobs Tab

The Jobs tab shows the list of jobs that were executed using the plan. It displays the status of the job, version of the plan used, the owner of the job, and the time taken to complete the job. You can select a job and then select the following options:

  • Re-Apply Deployment Plan – This option allows you to select the asset on which you want to run the plan and the corresponding plan steps to be executed.

  • Show Job Details – This option opens the Job Details window, which displays the job information and composition.

Applying a Deployment Plan

A Deployment Plan is a plan that installs or updates an operating system or firmware for an asset type.

To Apply Deployment Plan:

  1. ExpandPlan Management in the Navigation pane, then click Deployment Plans.

  2. Select the deployment plan you want to use.

  3. Click Apply Deployment Plan in the Actions pane. The Select Assets window is displayed.

  4. Select a target from the list of available targets and click Add to Target List. You can add more than one target to apply the plan.

  5. Select whether you want to apply the plan with minimal user interaction or override any profile values. Click Next.

  6. Specify the network resources for each selected targets.

  7. Enter the IP address for each selected target.

  8. Review your selections and then click Next.

  9. Click Apply. A job starts to deploy software on the selected targets according to the plan.

Applying an Operational Plan

An Operational Plan contains a script that defines an operation to be performed on a managed resource or group of resources.

To Apply an Operational Plan

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane, then click Operational Plans.

  2. In the center pane, highlight the plan you want to apply.

  3. Click the Apply Operational Plan icon in the center pane. The Select Assets - Operational Plans page appears.

  4. Select the assets or groups that will be the targets of the Operational Plan, then click Add to Target List.

  5. Specify how to apply the plan. You can apply the plan with minimal interaction, or you can choose the option to override any profile values. Click Next.

  6. Specify any additional environment variables. You can apply the variables to all targets, or click the Targets tab to select specific targets.

  7. Review your selections and then click Next.

  8. Click Apply. A job starts to deploy software on the selected targets according to the plan.