This image shows the Edit Alert Rule Parameters page. The Alert Type is Threshold. The Monitored Attribute is*usedSpacePercentage. The Alert Rule Name is File System Used Space Percentage. There is no description. The Alert Window option to Monitor for alert limits continuously is selected. The second option, which is not selected, is Monitor for alert limits at specific time, and enables you to define the start at and end times. The option to Generate alert after a specified time period is defined as 5 minutes. The Alert Parameters table includes the Severity, Monitored Attribute, an Operator, and Value. The first column contains a Critical icon, a Warning icon, and an Info icon. The second column contains the same monitored attribute for all three severity levels. The monitored attribute is*usedSpacePercentage. The third column contains the operation. In all three instances the operator is the greater than symbol. The Value column contains 90.00 for the Critical severity, 80.00 for the Warning severity, and 10.00 for the Info severity.