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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: Performance Analyzer
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Document Information


1.  Overview of the Performance Analyzer

2.  Performance Data

3.  Collecting Performance Data

4.  The Performance Analyzer Tool

5.  The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool

er_print Syntax

Metric Lists

Commands That Control the Function List


metrics metric_spec

sort metric_spec


fsingle function_name [N]

Commands That Control the Callers-Callees List


csingle function_name [N]

cprepend function-name [N | ADDR]

cappend function-name [N | ADDR]



Commands That Control the Call Tree List


Commands That Control the Leak and Allocation Lists



Commands That Control the Source and Disassembly Listings





source|src { filename | function_name } [ N]

disasm|dis { filename | function_name } [ N]

scc com_spec

sthresh value

dcc com_spec

dthresh value

cc com_spec

setpath path_list

addpath path_list

pathmap old-prefix new-prefix

Commands That Control Hardware Counter Dataspace and Memory Object Lists


data_single name [N]


memobj mobj_type


mobj_define mobj_type index_exp

Commands That Control Index Object Lists

indxobj indxobj_type


indxobj_define indxobj_type index_exp

Commands for the OpenMP Index Objects



Commands That Support the Thread Analyzer


rdetail race_id


ddetail deadlock_id

Commands That List Experiments, Samples, Threads, and LWPs






Commands That Control Filtering of Experiment Data

Specifying a Filter Expression

filters filter_exp

Listing Operand Tokens for a Filter Expression


Selecting Samples, Threads, LWPs, and CPUs for Filtering

Selection Lists

Selection Commands

sample_select sample_spec

lwp_select lwp_spec

thread_select thread_spec

cpu_select cpu_spec

Commands That Control Load Object Expansion and Collapse


object_show object1,object2,...

object_hide object1,object2,...

object_api object1,object2,...


object_select object1,object2,...

Commands That List Metrics





Commands That Control Output

outfile { filename | - }

appendfile filename

limit n

name { long | short } [ :{ shared_object_name | no_shared_object_name } ]

viewmode { user| expert | machine }

compare { on | off }

Commands That Print Other Information

header exp_id



overview exp_id

statistics exp_id

Commands That Set Defaults

dmetrics metric_spec

dsort metric_spec

en_desc { on | off | =regexp}

Commands That Set Defaults Only For the Performance Analyzer

tabs tab_spec

rtabs tab_spec

tlmode tl_mode

tldata tl_data

Miscellaneous Commands


script file




Expression Grammar

Example Filter Expressions

er_print command Examples

6.  Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data

7.  Understanding Annotated Source and Disassembly Data

8.  Manipulating Experiments

9.  Kernel Profiling


Commands That Set Defaults

You can use the following commands in your .er.rcfile to set the defaults for er_print, er_src, and the Performance Analyzer. You can use these commands only for setting defaults: they cannot be used as input for the er_print utility. The commands can only be included in a defaults file named .er.rc.Commands that apply only to defaults for the Performance Analyzer are described in Commands That Set Defaults Only For the Performance Analyzer. See Default Settings for Analyzer for information about how the Analyzer uses the .er.rc file.

You can include a .er.rc defaults file in your home directory to set defaults for all experiments, or in any other directory to set defaults locally. When the er_print utility, the er_src utility, or the Performance Analyzer is started, the current directory and your home directory are scanned for .er.rc files, which are read if they are present, and the system defaults file is also read. Defaults from the .er.rc file in your home directory override the system defaults, and defaults from the .er.rc file in the current directory override both home and system defaults.

Note - To ensure that you read the defaults file from the directory where your experiment is stored, you must start the Performance Analyzer or the er_print utility from that directory.

The defaults file can also include the scc, sthresh , dcc, dthresh, cc, setpath, addpath, pathmap, name, mobj_define, object_show, object_hide, object_api, indxobj_define, tabs, rtabs, and viewmode commands. You can include multiple dmetrics, dsort, addpath, pathmap, mobj_define, and indxobj_define commands in a defaults file, and the commands from all .er.rc files are concatenated. For all other commands, the first appearance of the command is used and subsequent appearances are ignored.

dmetrics metric_spec

Specify the default metrics to be displayed or printed in the function list. The syntax and use of the metric list is described in the section Metric Lists. The order of the metric keywords in the list determines the order in which the metrics are presented and the order in which they appear in the Metric chooser in the Performance Analyzer.

Default metrics for the Callers-Callees list are derived from the function list default metrics by adding the corresponding attributed metric before the first occurrence of each metric name in the list.

dsort metric_spec

Specify the default metric by which the function list is sorted. The sort metric is the first metric in this list that matches a metric in any loaded experiment, subject to the following conditions:

The syntax and use of the metric list is described in the section Metric Lists.

The default sort metric for the Callers-Callees list is the attributed metric corresponding to the default sort metric for the function list.

en_desc { on | off | =regexp}

Set the mode for reading descendant experiments to on (enable all descendants) or off (disable all descendants). If the =regexp is used, enable data from those experiments whose lineage or executable name matches the regular expression. The default setting is on to follow all descendants.