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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.2: C++ User's Guide
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Part I C++ Compiler

1.  The C++ Compiler

2.  Using the C++ Compiler

3.  Using the C++ Compiler Options

Part II Writing C++ Programs

4.  Language Extensions

5.  Program Organization

6.  Creating and Using Templates

7.  Compiling Templates

8.  Exception Handling

8.1 Synchronous and Asynchronous Exceptions

8.2 Specifying Runtime Errors

8.3 Disabling Exceptions

8.4 Using Runtime Functions and Predefined Exceptions

8.5 Mixing Exceptions With Signals and Setjmp/Longjmp

8.6 Building Shared Libraries That Have Exceptions

9.  Improving Program Performance

10.  Building Multithreaded Programs

Part III Libraries

11.  Using Libraries

12.  Using The C++ Standard Library

13.  Using the Classic iostream Library

14.  Using the Complex Arithmetic Library

15.  Building Libraries

Part IV Appendixes

A.  C++ Compiler Options

B.  Pragmas



8.4 Using Runtime Functions and Predefined Exceptions

The standard header <exception> provides the classes and exception-related functions specified in the C++ standard. You can access this header only when compiling in standard mode (compiler default mode, or with option -compat=5). The following excerpt shows the <exception> header file declarations.

// standard header <exception>
namespace std {
    class exception {
           exception() throw();
           exception(const exception&) throw();
           exception& operator=(const exception&) throw();
           virtual ~exception() throw();
           virtual const char* what() const throw();
    class bad_exception: public exception {...};
    // Unexpected exception handling
       typedef void (*unexpected_handler)();
         set_unexpected(unexpected_handler) throw();
       void unexpected();
    // Termination handling
       typedef void (*terminate_handler)();
       terminate_handler set_terminate(terminate_handler) throw();
       void terminate();
       bool uncaught_exception() throw();

The standard class exception is the base class for all exceptions thrown by selected language constructs or by the C++ standard library. An object of type exception can be constructed, copied, and destroyed without generating an exception. The virtual member function what() returns a character string that describes the exception.

For compatibility with exceptions as used in C++ release 4.2, the header <exception.h> is also provided for use in standard mode. This header allows for a transition to standard C++ code and contains declarations that are not part of standard C++. Update your code to follow the C++ standard (using <exception> instead of <exception.h>) as development schedules permit.

// header <exception.h>, used for transition
#include <exception>
#include <new>
using std::exception;
using std::bad_exception;
using std::set_unexpected;
using std::unexpected;
using std::set_terminate;
using std::terminate;
typedef std::exception xmsg;
typedef std::bad_exception xunexpected;
typedef std::bad_alloc xalloc;

In compatibility mode (—compat[=4]), header <exception> is not available, and header <exception.h> refers to the same header provided with C++ release 4.2. It is not reproduced here.