The figure sub_dtls.gif shows an example of the Submission Details window. The title bar reads "Submission of Module RXCRCLRC": RXCRCLRC is the unique identifier for the batch job or report being submitted. A title also appears in the top part of the window itself: "Submission Details for Report Reference Codelists." The body of the window groups fields into four sections, arranged vertically. The first section includes one read-only field, the Report Server Job. The second section includes two fields: the Mode of Execution (BATCH_SCHEDULED is currently selected) and Report Server (PSUB_SCHEDULER is selected). The third section includes three fields: Output Type (PRINTER is selected), Output Format (POSTSCRIPT is selected), and Printer (%MY_PRINTER% is selected). The last section includes two fields: the Keep File? checkbox (currently selected), and the Output File Name (currently greyed out). Four buttons appear in the bottom of the window, from left to right: Back, Submit Job, Schedule, and Server OS Password.