Core Concepts

This chapter explains worksheets and other basic concepts.

This chapter covers the following topics:


A worksheet (sometimes known as a query) is the primary user interface to Demantra data. A typical worksheet might look like this:

the picture is described in the document text

Within a worksheet, a user can examine and edit data as needed, view the forecast, run simulations, and save changes back to the database, for the benefit of other users and downstream operations. The precise details vary from application to application, but worksheets share the following characteristics:

For details, see “Worksheets”.

The Basic Input Data

When fully configured, Demantra imports the following data, at a minimum, from your enterprise systems:

Demantra can import and use other data such as returned amounts, inventory data, orders, and settlement data.

For details, see “Data Assumptions and Requirements”.

Time Resolution

Sales data is typically available at the daily (or sometimes hourly) level, but demand plans do not usually go down to that level of detail. When sales data is imported into Demantra, it is automatically binned into time buckets corresponding to the base time unit, depending on how you configure the system.

Specifically, when the sales data is imported, each sale date is changed automatically to the start date of the appropriate time bucket. For example, suppose you use a weekly base time unit, starting on Monday. If a sale actually happened on Wednesday, May 7, the sale date in Demantra is changed to Monday, May 5.

The base time unit is specified during configuration to a length that is appropriate for your planning cycle. Oracle provides three sizes of base time unit (day, week, or month) and can support hourly time units if needed.

Oracle also provides larger time units for use in worksheets, and you can define additional time units. You specify the time unit to use in a given worksheet, and the worksheet shows data for the time buckets that correspond to that time unit.

For details, see Time Units.


The first interesting feature of any worksheet view is the aggregation level or levels that it uses. For example, you might want to view data at the account level, as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

The worksheet might include a drop down list instead of this tree control.

For example:

the picture is described in the document text

In either case, you can view data for any account. For example, for the quarter that started on February 3, 2003, the Demand for the CVS account was 1, 571, 396 units, and the unit price was $9.99. You can edit any data that is shown in white, such as the price and market plan.

In generic terminology, the word member refers to a unit within a level. For example, CVS is a member of the account level.

Levels are also used in import and export, security, and forecasting.

For details, see “Levels”.


When users explore their sales data, they generally examine data associated with some item (or aggregation of items) at some location (or aggregation of locations). Each possible pairing of item and location is known as a combination.

Note: In theory, some implementations may have more than two chief dimensions. For example, you might track sales for items, locations, and demand types. In this case, a combination is an item, a location, and a demand type.

Combinations are central to Demantra. At any given time, a worksheet displays data for one combination at any aggregation level, for example:

Selecting Combinations

Apart from completely aggregated worksheets, each worksheet provides a way to select the combination to view. Demantra provides two equivalent mechanisms, as in the following examples.

Members Browser (available only in Web worksheets)

the picture is described in the document text

Drop down lists

the picture is described in the document text

In either case, the selected combination is “Low fat products at the BJ account.” The rest of the worksheet shows data for that combination.

In some cases, you view data that is aggregated across one dimension. For example, if the worksheet contains only the product family level, and you select the Low Fat member, that means that you have selected the combination “Low fat products at all locations.”

Combination Status

Not all items are sold at all locations. By default, Demantra stores only those combinations that have actual sales, and the Analytical Engine considers only those combinations. You can enable users to create new combinations, for simulation purposes; to do so, they use tools called Member Management and Chaining Management.

The Analytical Engine also considers the relative age of each combination, as well as other combination-specific details. For the details, see “Combination-Specific Settings”.


A series is a set of data that represents some value that varies over time or that varies between item-location combinations (or most commonly, that varies in both ways). A worksheet displays the series data in a table, or in a graph, or both. The following shows an example of a worksheet table:

the picture is described in the document text

The example here shows series at the lowest level, but you can generally view data for any given series at any aggregation level. The definition of the series controls how the data is aggregated. Data can be aggregated in various ways, for example by totalling it, or by taking the maximum or the minimum value.

Series have many properties, including the following:

The Analytical Engine directly populates the data used in some of the base series:

For details, see “Series”.

Filtering and Exceptions

Both filters and exceptions both limit the members that users can see. Filters act directly, and exceptions act indirectly.


Filters specify the members that users can see. When you apply a filter, you specify the following:

The net result is that a filter allows Demantra to display only certain item-location combinations.

Demantra uses filters in various contexts. In all cases, it uses a standard user interface to display a filter. In the following example, the filter blocks data for all brands except for the Rainbow brand.

the picture is described in the document text

As a result, the worksheet will display only those item-location combinations that are associated with the Rainbow brand. You can filter data at any level, whether or not it is chosen as an aggregation level of the worksheet.


Exceptions (or exception filters) indirectly control which members the users can see. When you apply an exception, you specify a true/false expression that specifies a series, an operator, and a value, for example: Sales > 50000. A combination is displayed only if this expression is true for at least some of the time buckets in the time range of interest.

You can specify multiple expressions and relate them by logical AND or logical OR.

the picture is described in the document text


You can define level methods, which the user sees as ordinary right-click menu options in Demantra (either in worksheets or in Members Browser content panes). Each level can have its own set of methods. Demantra provides a set of default methods (Create, Edit, and Delete) that you can redefine or disable as needed.

Each method runs a workflow. In Demantra, a workflow is a logically connected set of steps. Each step can be automated or can require interaction from one or more users or groups. Demantra provides a set of workflow steps, each with predefined behavior.

Workflows can also be used for general automation purposes.

For details, see “Methods and Workflow”.


The Demantra data and menus are secured, so that not all users have access to the same data and options. The security model includes the following features:

For details, see “Security”.


The Analytical Engine reads data from the database, generates a forecast and performs other analyses, and writes the forecast to the database. This section provides a brief overview of the concepts.

Demand and Causal Factors

The forecast considers both the historical demand and the causal factors (such as seasons, price changes, and specific events such as promotions).

In a Demantra solution, the demand data is ultimately imported from external systems. Typically, the data that is actually imported needs to be adjusted by the forecasters, as they apply their own knowledge to better describe the history.

Causal factors provide information about historical events that are expected to recur in the future. Causal factors cause demand to deviate from a trend. More specifically, a causal factor is a time-varying quantity (such as promotions, price, season, or day of the week) that affects demand. Demantra requires historical data for causal factors, as well as future data that describes expected occurrences that will affect demand.

In the case of Promotion Effectiveness, you also configure promotional causal factors, influence ranges, and influence groups, all of which control how the Analytical Engine determines the effects of promotions on the forecast.

Engine Coefficients

As a result of the forecasting process, the Analytical Engine calculates a set of coefficients that describe how each causal factor affects demand for each item-location combination, over time. The Analytical Engine then uses those coefficients, along with future values for the causal factors, to calculate the forecast. The Promotion Optimization module also makes use of these coefficients.

Forecasting Models and the Forecast Tree

The Analytical Engine uses a set of mathematical forecast models. When forecasting, the engine follows a specific process of examining the data, checking for outliers and so on, evaluating the usefulness of each model, and generating the forecast.

In general, forecasting is most accurate when it can be performed at the lowest possible allowed aggregation level. However, sometimes there is not enough data at that level for all combinations. For those combinations, the Analytical Engine aggregates the data to a higher level and tries to generate a forecast there. The purpose of the forecast tree is to organize data for this process. Each node in the forecast tree aggregates both by items and by locations. The following example shows a small part of a forecast tree.

the picture is described in the document text

The bold boxes show the nodes at which the Analytical Engine is forecasting in this example.

Parameters and Engine Profiles (PE)

Demantra provides parameters to control both the theoretical models and the overall engine flow.

The engine uses engine profiles, which are sets of engine parameters with specific values. Demantra provides some predefined profiles for different purposes, and you can define additional engine profiles, as needed. When you run the engine, you specify the engine profile to use.

Batch and Simulation Modes

The Analytical Engine runs in two modes:

See Also

“Introduction to the Analytical Engine”.