
This chapter explains the Demantra security mechanisms.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Data Security

Demantra data is secured as follows:

The following table summarizes how Demantra controls access to data elements.

Data Element Options Controlled by Component Controlled by User Group Controlled by User ID
Series Visible or not visible Yes No Yes
Series indicators (which indicate the presence of a note or promotion within the worksheet table.) Visible or not visible Yes No No
Levels Visible or not visible Yes No No
Level members Full control, including ability to delete members
Read/write existing members
Read existing members
No access
Yes No Yes
Units of measure Visible or not visible Yes No No
Indexes and exchange rates Visible or not visible Yes No No
Notes Similar to level member options No As specified by creator of note

It is useful to remember that each user of a component sees a subset of the data associated with that component. You cannot give user access to data that is not contained in the component.


For more information about components see: Creating or Modifying a Component

Each component has the following properties:


User details are defined using the Business Modeler (Security > Create/Modify User). For more information about users see: Creating or Modifying a User

For users, you can specify the following details:

User Groups

For user groups, you can specify the following details:

Security for Deleting Members

Most level members are created by integration and it would generally be undesirable to delete them. Most users, therefore, do not have delete access to these members. The exception is a user with System Manager permission; see “Permission Levels”.

Level members can be created directly within Demantra (through Member Management). For any these members, the user who created the member has permission to delete it.

Data Security at Higher Levels

When a user views data at an aggregation level that is higher than where the permissions are set, it is necessary to resolve how to aggregate editable members and uneditable members. Demantra uses the following rules:

Feature Security

Demantra features are secured as follows:

For convenience, you control access to individual menu items, to predefined collections of menu items, or to your own collections of menu items (your own program groups).

Permission Levels

Demantra defines four permission levels, as follows:

The table below shows the default rights for these four permission levels. Note that only the System Manager has a different set of permissions from the other three. However, users with the System Manager permission level can utilize the Collaborator Workbench Administration tool to modify the access restrictions for specific menu items, or sets of menu items, thereby changing these defaults. See the section Specifying Permissions for Menu Items.

Permission Level Business Modeler – login / change pwd Business Modeler – All Menus Collaborator Workbench Administration tool Collaborator Workbench - view public and own worksheets Collaborator Workbench - view all worksheets Demand Planner - System menu
System Manager X X X X X X
Supervisor X - - X - -
Power User X - - X - -
Casual Supervisor X - - X - -

Permission Hierarchies

In order to understand how Demantra determines a given user's access to a given menu item, it is necessary to understand the permission hierarchies and how Demantra combines them.

Demantra has two independent permission hierarchies. In the first hierarchy, each component includes groups, and each group includes users. A user can belong to multiple groups, provided that all those groups belong to the same component. In the second hierarchy, each component includes four permission levels, and each user has one permission level.

the picture is described in the document text

Explicit and Implicit Permissions

In Collaborator Workbench you can display or hide any menu item. You can also display but disable a menu item, which can provide a useful clue about advanced features that are available to other users. Each permission is either explicit or implicit (inherited).

Note: For more information see:Logging into the Collaborator Workbench Administrator.

You define permissions in an expandable hierarchy like the following. For now, let's focus on the three check boxes:

the picture is described in the document text

The following table describes how to use these check boxes:

Desired outcome Hidden Disabled Inherited Permission
Menu option is explicitly hidden Checked Irrelevant Unchecked
Menu option is explicitly displayed but disabled Unchecked Checked Unchecked
Menu option is explicitly displayed and enabled Unchecked Unchecked Unchecked
Use implicit permissions for this menu item Unchecked Unchecked Checked

How Demantra Combines Multiple Permissions

For a given user and a given menu item, Demantra checks for all the following permission descriptions:

To determine whether a user has access to a given menu item, Demantra searches for and combines the permission descriptions as follows.

  1. Demantra checks to see if the user has an explicit permission setting (for a given menu item). If so, that setting is used, and all others are disregarded.

  2. If the user does not have an explicit permission setting for a given menu item, then Demantra looks at the settings for the groups to which the user belongs, the permission level that the user has, and each program group that the menu item is in. Here, the following rules apply:

    • An explicit permission takes precedence over an implicit permission.

    • Among explicit permissions, the most liberal permission takes precedence.

    • Among implicit permissions, the most liberal permission takes precedence.

  3. If no explicit permission setting for the menu item has been found so far, then Demantra uses the permission setting at the component level, if any.

  4. If there is no setting at the component level, Demantra displays and enables the menu item.

See Also

“Data Security”

“Specifying Permissions for Menu Items”

Other Security Features

Note the following additional security features:

Program Groups

For more information about Program Groups see: Defining a Program Group

Redefining a Program Group

Deleting a Program Group

A program group is a collection of menu items, typically related to each other in some way. You create program groups so that you can easily control access to all the menu items in the group.

Demantra provides several predefined program groups, for convenience. These program groups contain only menu items from the right-click menus.

Program group Menu items in this group, by default
Add New member right-click menu option for every level in the system.
Edit Edit member right-click menu option for every level in the system.
Delete Delete member right-click menu option for every level in the system.
View View member right-click menu option for every level in the system.
Copy Copy, Paste, and Paste from Clipboard right-click menu options for every applicable level in the system. (Note that this option is available only for promotional-type levels.)
Open Open and Open With right-click menu options for every level in the system.

Configuration Notes

The following table summarizes the Demantra security tools.

Tool Purpose/Notes
Components > Open/Create Component option* Creates components, which are usually created as part of basic implementation.
Security > Create/Modify User option* Creates users and configures all information except for access to menu items.
Security > Create/Modify Group option* Creates user groups and configures all information except for access to menu items.
Collaborator Workbench Administrator Controls access to menu items; defines program groups.
*These options are in the Business Modeler.

Password Policy

You can set up Demantra to enforce password policies and ensure that passwords are well-formed and are changed frequently. By default, password policies are not enforced. To enable password policy verification, an administrator must modify the system parameter PasswordRulesEnforcedGlobal (see System Parameters).

Once enabled, the password polices are:

If a user attempts to create a new password that does not follow these policies, a message notifies the user of the password policies.

If the user attempts to login and fails, a message similar to the following appears:

the picture is described in the document text

The number of tries allowed by the password policy is determined by the system parameter “AccountLockoutThreshold”. (see System Parameters).

If the user is locked out because of too many failed attempts, the following message appears:

the picture is described in the document text

An administrator can unlock the user’s account by logging into Business Modeler, navigating to Security > Create/Modify User, and then deselecting the Locked check box.

If an administrator explicitly locks a user’s account, a different message appears, saying that the account is locked and to please contact your system administrator.

Note that this locking applies to Collaborator Workbench, Workflow Manager, Administrator Login, Demand Planner Web, Dynamic Open Link (DOL) , Demantra Anywhere.Locking does not apply to the Business Modeler, Member Management, or Chaining Management.

When a user’s password expiration date is within 10 days, a message displays prompting the user to change his password.

For more information see these system parameters: