Operation Data Store

Real-Time Planning in APCC

As part of the next generation planning platform, APCC has a more real-time, event-based planning and execution system. This platform provides planners with more real-time visibility into real world changes that are occurring both within and outside the enterprise. With this knowledge, you can react and, if necessary, correct your plan before making any planning decisions.

The platform provides the ability to:

A set of pre-seeded business events triggers workflows or processes that are validated against a set of user-defined rules. The rules include conditions that qualify the event as one that the planner is interested in viewing in real-time. There is a trade-off between having too many of those events, which could potentially increase the nervousness in the plan, versus too few events, which could lead the planner into making decisions on stale data.

Real-Time Planning Use Case

An example of a typical use case of real-time planning within an enterprise is outlined below:

Process Flow

All real-time updates and events are recognized when the source system, such as ERP, or Legacy, updates APS Operational Data Store (ODS) either through a batch collection program or a synchronous web service call.

The updates can be any of the following types:

Collected Data in APCC

The following measures, which currently exist for a plan, are enabled for collected data in APCC:

The concurrent program, Refresh Collected Data in APCC Repository, refreshes the APCC repository. The parameters for the concurrent program are:

The date range of the collected data that is available in APCC depends on the following two profile options:

Incremental Updates to Real-Time Data

In case of an incremental refresh, the logic is:

  1. Identify the items or resources that have changed.

  2. Rebuild the APCC repository for those items only, for all measures.

  3. Rebuild all pre-aggregated data that are impacted by these items.