Risk Management

Using Risk Management

Oracle Payments supports risk management functionality. Electronic commerce applications can incorporate this feature and detect fraudulent payments. The following information describes how electronic commerce applications can utilize the risk management functionality of Oracle Payments.

Risk Factors and Risk Formulas

Oracle Payments is bundled with a set of risk factors. Payees can configure these factors depending on their business model. The payees can create multiple formulas using different factors and weights depending on their specific requirements. The ability to create multiple formulas provides flexibility to payees to accommodate different business scenarios. Each formula must be set up so that the sum of the weights is equal to 100. If a risk factor value is missing at the time of risk evaluation, the risk for the missing factor is considered very high in the formula.

Oracle Payments also defines an implicit formula for each payee with default factors and weights. Administrators have the flexibility to modify the implicit formula. The following information describes how and where the implicit formula is used.

Process Flow of Risk Evaluation

The following describes the process flow of risk evaluation.

  1. To enable risk analysis during authorization, set up the explicit risk flag in the input transaction object or check the Enabled radio button in the Risk Management Status screen for that payee.

  2. When an electronic commerce application makes a Payment Request API call, Oracle Payments first checks the risk flag and depending on its value, decides if the payee involved in the payment request is risk enabled or not. If the risk analysis field indicates that Oracle Payments should perform risk analysis, or if a default value is added in the field and a payee is risk enabled, Oracle Payments evaluates either the risk formula passed in the Payment Request API or the implicit formula associated with that payee.

  3. Electronic commerce application can pass a specific risk formula name by calling the overloaded Payment Request API. This API takes PmtRiskInfo object in which electronic commerce application can set up the formula name and additional information. If PmtRiskInfo object is not passed and the payee is risk enabled, Oracle Payments evaluates the implicit formula of that payee.

  4. Oracle Payments returns the Risk Response (RiskResp) object as part of the payment response. If risk evaluation is done successfully, Risk Response object contains the risk score obtained after evaluation and the threshold value that is set up with the payee. Based on the risk score and the threshold value, the electronic commerce application can decide whether a payment can be accepted or not.

  5. If the risk score is more than the threshold value, the payment request is risky.

Process Flow of Independent Risk APIs

Risk API 1

  1. When an electronic commerce application invokes Risk API 1, Oracle Payments evaluates the risk formula sent in the request or the implicit formula associated with that payee.

  2. Oracle Payments evaluates all the risk factors that are configured as part of this formula, except the AVS Code risk factor.

  3. After evaluation, Oracle Payments returns Risk response (RiskResp) object as a response to this API. This response object contains, the status of the API call, AVSCodeFlag indicating if AVS Code risk factor was part of the formula or not, risk score, and the risk threshold value that is setup for the payee. Depending on the AVSCodeFlag value, it is be decided whether to call Risk API 2 or not.

    Note: Partial risk score is returned if AVS Code risk factor is part of the risk formula.

Risk API 2

  1. Electronic commerce applications need to call this API with the same PayeeID and formula name that were used to call Risk API 1. The risk score that was returned as part of the Risk API 1 response also needs to be sent. When electronic commerce applications call this API, Oracle Payments checks again if the formula has AVS Code risk factor configured in it or not. If it is configured, Oracle Payments evaluates the AVS Code risk factor.

  2. After evaluating the AVS Code risk factor, Oracle Payments calculates the final risk score of the formula using the previous risk score that was sent and the AVS Code risk factor score. This risk score is sent back to the electronic commerce application as part of the response object of this API.

Risk Management Test Scenarios

The following are three business scenarios that describe how a merchant can use the Risk Management functionality.

Merchant Selling Books and Low Priced Goods

In a small business, accepting risky instruments is a critical factor. If a customer is using a stolen credit card, the merchant should consider this transaction risky and assign this risk factor a higher weight than the other risk factors. Ship to/bill to address matching and payment history are also important risk factors. To include AVS Code risk factor, a merchant can set up a formula with weights as shown in Weight B column in the Risk Formula Setup-First Case table. The total of all the weights should be 100. For a formula that a merchant would set up in this case, see Risk Formula Setup for the First Case.

Risk Formula Setup for the First Case

The table below shows the risk formula setup for a merchant selling books and low priced goods.

Factors Weight A Weight B
Risky Instruments 30 30
Payment Amount Limit 15 15
Transaction Amount 15 15
Ship to/Bill to 20 10
Payment History 20 10
AVS Code 0 20

Risk Factor Setup

The table below shows the risk levels and the associated payment amounts.

Risk Levels Greater than or Equal To
Low 0
Low medium 100
Medium 200
Medium high 300
High 400
Risk Levels Greater than or Equal To
Low 6
Low medium 4
Medium 3
Medium high 2
High 0
Risk Level AVS Code
No risk S,Y,U,X,R,E
Low A,Z,W
Low medium  
Medium high  
High N

Merchant Selling Electronic Goods

Risky instruments is a critical factor in this case. If a customer is using a stolen credit card, the merchant should consider this transaction risky and assign it a higher weight.

Frequency of purchase is the next important risk factor. Usually customers do not buy electronic goods frequently, and if they do, the purchases could be a fraudulent.

In this scenario, time of purchase is also should be considered as an important risk factor. If someone buys many goods after 2:00 AM, it might be a fraudulent purchase.

To include an AVS Code risk factor, a merchant can sets up a formula with weights as shown in column Weight B in Risk Formula Setup-Second Case table. The total of all the weights are 100. The AVS Code risk factor evaluation will be useful only for customers in the United States.

Risk Formula Setup for the Second Case

The table below shows the risk formula set up for a merchant selling electronic goods.

Factor Weight A Weight B
Risky Instruments 30 30
Ship to/Bill to 15 12
Time of Purchase 15 12
Frequency of Purchase 20 10
Payment Amount 10 8
Transaction Amount Limit 10 8
AVS Code 0 20

Risk Factor Setup

The table below shows the risk levels and the associated payment amounts.

Risk Levels Greater Than or Equal To
Low 500
Low medium 1000
Medium 1500
Medium high 2000
High 2500
Risk Level AVS Code (Comma Separated)
No risk S, Y, U, X, R, E
Low A,Z,W
Low medium  
Medium high  
High N

Business to Business Customer

In a business to business scenario, a merchant has an established relationship with his customer. In this scenario, the Oracle Receivables risk factors take higher precedence. The merchant is interested in the customer's payment history, his credit rating, etc. All Oracle Receivables risk factors are set up through Oracle Receivables interface.

Risk Formula Setup in the Third Case

The table below shows a Risk Formula setup for a business to business customer.

Factors Weight
Overall Credit Limit 30
Transaction Credit Limit 30
Risk Codes 15
Credit Rating Codes 15
Payment History 10

Risk Factor Setup

The table below shows the risk codes and the associated risk scores set up through Oracle Payments administration user interface.

Risk Codes Risk Score
Low Low
Average Medium
Excellent No risk
Credit Rating Codes Risk Score
Low Low
Average Medium
Poor High
Excellent No risk