Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Profile Options

Profile Options Overview

During implementation, set a value for each Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) profile option to specify how Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) controls access to and processes data.

You may also have additional user profile options on your system that are specific to other applications. Generally, your system administrator sets and updates profile values.

You can govern the behavior of many of your forms using user profile options. Profile options can be set at the following levels:

The values that you enter for these options at the user level supersede the preset values that your system administrator has entered for you for these options.

Related Topics

Setting User Profile Options, Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide - Maintenance

Required Profile Options

This section lists the required profile options and their available settings. Use the System Profile Values window to define these profile options.

Note: Required profile options are needed to run Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) and require you to provide a value. An Optional profile option already provides a default value which you can change.

The following table provides profile option information as follows:

The key for the table is as follows:

Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Required Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Budgeting Extensions: Unbalanced Journal Totals Checking No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Budgeting Extensions: Average Non – Balance Enforced Account Value No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Budgeting Extensions: Allow Prior Period Budgeting No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Budgeting Extensions: Default Code for Unbalanced Budget Entry No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Construction Industry Scheme: Tax Group No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: Tax Code No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: CIS4P Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: CIS4T Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: CIS5 Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: CIS6 Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS4P Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS4T Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS5 Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS6 Tax Percentage No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS CD-ROM Data File Path No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS CRL Path No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Calendar No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Gateway Test No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Gross Withholding Tax Group No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Key Password No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Keystore Password No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Keystore Path No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Net Withholding Tax Group No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Poll Limit No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Proxy Server No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Sender Password No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: Sender Type No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Submit Monthly Returns XML Request No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS Unmatched Withholding Tax Group No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
IGI: CIS XML Server No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Generic Interface: View Secure Sources No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Inflation Accounting: Implementation Import/Export File Location No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Inflation Accounting: Revaluation Tolerance No default Update No Access Update Update Update
Inflation Accounting: Use Web ADI to Import/Export No default No Access Update No Access Update No Access
Internal Trading: Authorization Time Limit in Days No default No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
Internal Trading: Encumbrance Type ID No default No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
Secondary Invoice Approval: Payment Approvals Required No default No Access Update No Access Update Update
Secondary Invoice Approval: Central Finance Group User No default No Access Update No Access Update Update
Single Third Party: AR Term Default No default Update Update Update Update No Access
Single Third Party: Interface Context No default Update Update Update Update Update
Single Third Party: Pay Group Default No default Update Update Update Update Update
Single Third Party: Receivables Batch Source No default Update Update Update Update No Access
Single Third Party: Unit of Measure Default No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Single Third Party: AP Term Default No default Update Update Update Update No Access
Single Third Party: Payables Source No default Update Update Update Update No Access
Subledger Security: Default Security Group No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Subledger Security: Maintain History No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Subledger Security: SLS Responsibility No default No Access No Access No Access Update No Access
Subledger Security: Security Group No default No Access No Access No Access Update No Access

GL: Data Access Set

Before using the ledgers for transaction processing, you must assign a data access set to a General Ledger responsibility using the profile option, GL: Data Access Set. Data access sets control which ledgers can be accessed by different responsibilities. Data access sets also limit a user from accessing certain balancing segment values or management segment values or grant read–only or read and write access to data in a ledger. If you are using Oracle Subledgers, the data access set should include the ledger that is assigned to the GL Ledger Name profile option that controls ledgers used by subledger applications.


Multiple Organizations Profile Options

If you use multiple organizations access control feature, you can assign operating units to responsibilities by using the following profile options:

Note: Public Sector Financials (International) does not own the Multiple Organizations profile options.

See: Setting Up a Multiple Organization Enterprise, Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide.

FA: Enable Depreciation Override

The profile option FA: Enable Depreciation Override must be set to No for the Modified Historic Cost Accounting feature. Depreciation Override functionality is not compatible with MHCA.

Budgeting Extensions: Unbalanced Journal Totals Checking

Unbalanced Journal Totals Checking profile option defines batch control total criteria for entering transactions in unbalanced budget journals.

Select Credit so that users enter the sum of all credit amounts as a control total for the batch. When the batch is complete, the system verifies the control total equals credits entered.

Select Debit so that users enter the sum of all debit amounts as a control total for the batch. When the batch is complete, the system verifies the control total equals debits entered.

Select Hash Total so that users enter the sum of combined debit and credit amounts as a control total for the batch. When the batch is complete, the system verifies the control total equals debits and credits entered.

Budgeting Extensions: Average Non – Balance Enforced Account Value

Controls how a user can enter unbalanced budget amounts in budget journals and how the system displays the year-to-date figures for non-balanced enforced accounting flex fields. Yes displays year-to-date figures as average of the periods. No displays year-to-date in standard Oracle General Ledger way.

Budgeting Extensions: Allow Prior Period Budgeting

Enables budget transactions to be posted in prior periods, where prior periods are periods older than the oldest open period. Yes enables users to amend budgets held in prior periods.

Budgeting Extensions: Default Code for Unbalanced Budget Entry

A responsibility level profile that specifies a default profile code for unbalanced budget journal entry.

Construction Industry Scheme: Tax Group

Indicates withholding tax group defined for Construction Industry Scheme.

For information on defining withholding tax groups, see Withholding Tax Overview, Oracle Payables User Guide.

Construction Industry Scheme: Tax Code

Select a withholding tax code to indicate the withholding tax code defined for Construction Industry Scheme.

For information on defining withholding tax codes, see Tax Codes, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

Construction Industry Scheme: CIS4P Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for CIS4P holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: CIS4T Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for CIS4T holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: CIS5 Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for CIS5 holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: CIS6 Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for CIS6 holder.

Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS4P Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for factored CIS4P holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS4T Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for factored CIS4T holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS5 Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for factored CIS5 holders.

Construction Industry Scheme: Factored CIS6 Tax Percentage

Select a percentage to indicate the percentage of Construction Industry Scheme tax to withhold for a factored CIS6 holder.

IGI: CIS CD-ROM Data File Path

This profile option stores the location and the name of the CD-ROM CSV data file.


This profile option stores the Certificate Revocation List path. Download the Certificate Revocation List from the Inland Revenue server and store in the specified path. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: CIS Calendar

This profile option assigns the Construction Industry Scheme special calendar to use in the monthly returns user interface and reports.

IGI: CIS Gateway Test

This profile option sets the value for the GatewayTest element in the Verification and Monthly Returns XML request. Any XML request or file sent to Inland Revenue must contain the GovTalkHeader in accordance with the latest Gateway protocol. The gateway test is identified by the GatewayTest element in the GovTalkHeader structure of the XML request. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: CIS Gross Withholding Tax Group

This profile option stores the CIS gross withholding tax group. The verification response from Inland Revenue contains the tax treatment status (Net, Gross, Unmatched) for each successfully matched or verified subcontractor. If the tax treatment is Gross, then the verification program retrieves the withholding tax group assigned to this profile option and updates the vendor and vendor sites with the gross withholding tax group.

IGI: CIS Key Password

This profile option stores the certificate password and is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

See: Define Keystore for more information.

IGI: CIS Keystore Password

This profile option stores the keystore password and is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

See: Define Keystore for more information.

IGI: CIS Keystore Path

This profile option stores the name and path of the keystore and is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

See: Define Keystore for more information.

IGI: CIS Net Withholding Tax Group

This profile option stores the CIS net withholding tax group. If the tax treatment is Net, then the verification program retrieves the withholding tax group assigned to this profile option and updates the vendor and vendor sites with the net withholding tax group.

IGI: CIS Poll Limit

This profile option stores the number of times the verification or the monthly returns request polls the Govtalk Gateway before the request terminates. To set the interval between polling, the PollInterval attribute on the ResponseEndPoint element must be set to a positive numeric value. This attribute indicates the numbers of seconds the client application waits before polling again. For example, if the Poll Interval attribute is set to five and the IGI: CIS Poll Limit is set to 20, then the polling process occurs every five seconds for 20 attempts before terminating in an error. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: CIS Proxy Server

This profile option stores the proxy server information that the contractor uses for secure internet communications. The proxy server address must be similar to http://<proxy server>:<port> for this profile option. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: CIS Sender Password

This profile option stores the password of the XML sender ID. The password is provided to the contractor when registering with HMRC. Any XML request or file sent to Inland Revenue must contain the GovTalkHeader as per the latest protocol. The sender password is identified by the Value element in the GovTalkheader structure of the XML request. The Government and Gateway Submission protocol validates the sender password. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: Sender Type

Sets the value for the Sender Type element in the Verification and Monthly Returns XML request. Any XML request or file sent to Inland Revenue must contain the Sender element in the XML body, which the Government and Gateway Submission protocol validates. This profile option is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically.

IGI: CIS Submit Monthly Returns XML Request

This profile option enables using XML requests for submitting the Monthly Returns instead of manually submitting the Monthly Returns.

IGI: CIS Unmatched Withholding Tax Group

This profile option stores the CIS unmatched withholding tax group. If the tax treatment is Unmatched, the verification program retrieves the withholding tax group assigned to this profile option and updates the vendor and vendor sites with the unmatched withholding tax group.


This profile option stores the location of the government gateway and is only required if the contractor communicates with Inland Revenue electronically. The location information is available on the HMRC web site:

IGI: CIS2007 Activation Date

This profile option sets the date from which the new Construction Industry Scheme Library code is enabled.

Generic Interface: View Secure Sources

The profile option Generic Interface: View Secure Sources determines if users can retrieve details of transactions imported from secure feeder systems. Setting the value to Yes enables users to retrieve details. If users are not allowed to view data from specific feeder systems, the system administrator must set the View Secure Sources profile option to No at Site, Application, Responsibility, or User level.

Note: Setting this option to No enables the Secure Source check box on the Feeder System Descriptors window. Selecting the Secure Source check box for a feeder system restricts users from viewing details of transactions imported from that feeder system.

Inflation Accounting: Implementation Import/Export File Location

Sets the full directory pathname for the input and output file locations when using SQL loader. This profile option is only required if the SQL Loader import/export routine is used in the implementation process.

Inflation Accounting: Revaluation Tolerance

Sets the revaluation tolerance percentage.

Inflation Accounting: Use Web ADI to Import/Export

Determines if Web ADI is used to import or export data in the Implementation Toolkit.

Secondary Invoice Approval: Payment Approvals Required

Determines if there are two levels of approval holds.

Select Yes to allow payment approval holds for invoices in addition to secondary approval holds.

Select No to allow secondary approval holds only.

Secondary Invoice Approval: Central Finance Group User

Indicates if users are authorized to release payment approval holds. The Secondary Invoice Approval: Payment Approvals Required profile option must also be set to Yes.

Select Yes at user or responsibility level to indicate that users are authorized to release payment approval holds.

This profile option is usually set to No at site level.

Single Third Party: AR Term Default

Indicates default payment terms for netting transactions automatically generated in Oracle Receivables. Payment terms must be predefined in the Payment Terms window in Oracle Receivables before the terms can be selected for this profile.

For information on payment terms, see Define Payment Terms, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Single Third Party: Interface Context

Specify the user-definable context field value assigned to the AutoInvoice line transaction flexfields for Single Third Party. The suggested Context Field Value is STP NETTING. This context name is predefined in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

For information on defining the transaction flexfields for Single Third Party, see Descriptive Flexfield Segments Window, Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide.

Single Third Party: Unit of Measure Default

Indicates default unit of measure for the netting transactions automatically generated in Oracle Receivables. The unit of measure must be predefined in the Units of Measure window before it can be selected for this profile.

For information on defining units of measure, see Units of Measure, Oracle Receivables Implementation Guide.

Single Third Party: Receivables Batch Source

Selects the Receivables batch source defined for single third party on the Transaction Sources window.

For information on defining batch sources, see Define Transaction Sources.

Single Third Party: AP Term Default

Indicates default payment terms for netting transactions automatically generated in Oracle Payables. Payment terms must be predefined in the Payment Terms window in Oracle Payables before the terms can be selected for this profile.

For information on payment terms, see Payment Terms, Oracle Payables User Guide.

Single Third Party: Payables Source

Indicates name of the Payables lookup code defined for Single Third Party on the Payables Lookups window.

For information on defining lookups for single third party see Lookups, Oracle Payables Implementation Guide.

Subledger Security: Default Security Group

Determines which security group a user belongs to by default, if not assigned at responsibility level.

Select CEN to let an Oracle application user view data belonging to all security groups for the secured tables.

Select security group to let an Oracle application user view data belonging to the assigned security group only for the secured tables.

Select null to prevent an Oracle application user from viewing data for any security group for the secured tables.

Subledger Security: Maintain History

Determines if data entered in database tables, where security is enabled, is still secure when security is re-enabled.

Select Y to indicate that data is secured when re-enabling the security.

Select N to indicate that data is not secured when re-enabling the security. This is the default value.

Subledger Security: SLS Responsibility

Determines if the responsibility is treated as a Subledger Security responsibility.

Select Y to indicate that data is secured when using this responsibility.

Select N to indicate that this responsibility is not considered for subledger security.

Note: A null value indicates a full security scenario and the responsibility cannot view any data in the secured tables.

Subledger Security: Security Group

Specifies the security group associated with this responsibility.

Select Central to indicate that the user can view data belonging to all security groups.

Select security group to indicate the secured security group associated with this responsibility.

If the Subledger Security: SLS Responsibility profile option is set to Y, then the Subledger Security Default Security Group profile option is checked at site level and takes that value. A null site level value implies a full security scenario and this responsibility cannot view any data in the secured tables.

Optional Profile Options

This section lists the optional profile options and their available settings for Oracle Public Sector Financials (International). Use the System Profile Values window to define these profile options.

Note: Required profile options are needed to run Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) and require you to provide a value. An Optional profile option already provides a default value which you can change.

The following table provides profile option information as follows:

The key for this table is as follows:

Oracle Public Sector Financials (International) Option Profile Options
Profile Option Default User Access System Administration: Site System Administration: Application System Administration: Responsibility System Administration: User
Budgeting Extensions: Allow Prior Period Budgeting No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Budgeting Extensions: Average Non-Balance Enforced Account Value No default No Access Update Update Update Update
Budgeting Extensions: Default Code for Unbalanced Budget Entry No default No Access No Access No Access Update No Access
Combined Basis Accounting: Debug Mode No default Update Update Update Update Update
Exchange Protocol: Allow Create Dialog Unit No default No Access Update No Access Update Update
Exchange Protocol: Allow AR Transaction Completion No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Exchange Protocol: Allow Create Transmission Unit No default No Access Update No Access Update Update
Exchange Protocol: Allow Hierarchy Update No default Update Update Update Update Update
Exchange Protocol: Legal Numbering Required No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Internal Trading: Encumbrance Required No default No Access No Access No Access No Access Update
Modified Historic Cost Accounting : Debug Mode No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Single Third Party: Netting Prefix No default No Access Update No Access No Access No Access
Single Third Party: Objecting STP Allowed No default No Access Update Update Update Update

Budgeting Extensions: Allow Prior Period Budgeting

Enables budget transactions to be performed in prior periods. Prior periods are periods older than the oldest open period. Select Yes to enable users to amend budgets held in prior periods.

Budgeting Extensions: Average Non-Balance Enforced Account Value

Determines how you enter unbalanced budget amounts in budget journals and how the system displays year-to-date figures for non-balanced enforced accounting flexfields. Select Yes to display year-to-date figures as an average of the periods or No to display year-to-date figures in the standard way.

Budgeting Extensions: Default Code for Unbalanced Budget Entry

Specifies default profile code for unbalanced budget journal entry.

For information on defining profile codes for Budgeting Extensions, see Defining Profile Codes Procedure.

Combined Basis Accounting: Debug Mode

Controls debug messages for Combined Basis Accounting. If set to Yes, debug messages are printed to the concurrent log file. This profile option should be set to No to improve performance.

Exchange Protocol: Allow Create Dialog Unit

Select Yes or No to indicate whether creation of dialog units is allowed.

Exchange Protocol: Allow AR Transaction Completion

Select Yes or No to indicate whether manual completion of Receivables transactions is permitted.

Exchange Protocol: Allow Create Transmission Unit

Select Yes or No to indicate whether creation of transmission units is allowed.

Exchange Protocol: Legal Numbering Required

Select Yes or No to indicate whether a legal document is required.

Modified Historic Cost Accounting: Debug Mode

Controls debug messages for Modified Historic Cost Accounting. If set to Yes, debug messages are printed to the concurrent log file. This profile option should be set to No to improve performance.

Single Third Party: Netting Prefix

Used to automatically assign numbering to netting transactions, optionally used to specify the sequence prefix for the netting transactions.

Single Third Party: Objecting STP Allowed

Used to enhance netting security, by specifying whether the access to create and select objecting third parties is granted; also controls if objection to netting payment type is available for creation.