Warehouse Management Transactions

This chapter covers the following topics:

Mobile Inventory Transactions

Oracle Warehouse Management provides inventory transactions on a mobile RF device. It provides support for License Plate Numbers (LPNs) in all transactions. All transactions can be for either loose material or LPN triggered. LPN triggered transactions require less data entry because an LPN has its current subinventory, location, and item contents all associated with a single identifier. The benefit of an LPN triggered transaction is greater when it contains serial controlled items because the amount of data entry is greater.

Supported Transactions

Oracle Warehouse Management supports two basic categories of transactions on the mobile device. These two transaction categories are differentiated by whether or not they have document tracking. These two categories deal with material movement: receipts, issues, and transfers. A third category of transactions, LPN transactions, includes miscellaneous pack and unpack transactions but does not receive, issue, or move material to different locators.

Non-Document Based Transactions

Miscellaneous receipts allow you to receive material without a purchase order number. Miscellaneous issues allow you to issue material without a sales order number. You can transfer Inventory organization items without using an Internal Requisition/Internal Sales Order through Direct Organization Transfers or In-transit organization transfers. Subinventory transfers allow you to transfer material to a different subinventory or locator a document number.

Document Based Transactions

Move Orders enable requisitioning and document tracking tool for material transfers within an inventory organization and for material issues. If material needs to be requested from another inventory organization, use internal requisition.

Related Topics

Overview of Inventory Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Transferring Between Subinventories, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Performing Miscellaneous Transactions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Inter-Organization Transfers, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Overview of Move Orders, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Generating Move Order Requisitions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Performing Inventory Transactions with LPNs, Oracle Warehouse Management User's Guide

LPN Transactions

LPN transactions allow movement of material in to and out of LPNs and enable you to manually create nested LPNs. The available LPN Transactions are as follows:


A pack transaction takes loose material and moves it into an LPN. You can use an existing LPN, or generate a new LPN in the following ways: with a hotkey, via a desktop concurrent request, or enter manually. If you use an existing LPN, the subinventory and locator of the material default from the current LPN location. A pack transaction does not change the on-hand or available quantity of the item. It changes how much of the material is packed in LPNs and how much is loose within the locator.

If the item you are packing is under dual under dual unit of measure control, then the secondary packed quantitymay become out of synch with the secondary lot quantity if you implement deviations for items in the line region. You need to implement synchronization of both fields when this happens.


The consolidate transaction packs one LPN into another LPN, and creates a nested LPN, or parent-child relationship. You can have an unlimited amount of nested LPNs. If you consolidate two existing LPNs, they must both exist in the same locator. However, you can use a new parent LPN (generated with a hotkey, entered manually, or pregenerated on the desktop) for nesting an existing LPN into an empty outer LPN.


Use unpack to unpack any of the immediate contents of an LPN, including both items and other nested LPNs. Identify and enter the LPN to be unpacked which can, itself, be an inner LPN in a nested relationship. Like packing, unpacking does not change the on-hand or available quantity of the item, only how much of the item is packed in LPNs and how much is loose within a locator.

If the item is under dual unit of measure control, and the item supports deviation for the secondary quantity, ensure there is no residual left in an LPN when unpacking the secondary quantity will be zeroed when the primary is zero.


A split transaction splits an existing LPN into two LPNs. A split transaction is an unpack and pack combined into a single transaction, though it is a separate transaction type. You can split the contents of an LPN into existing LPNs or into new LPNs.


You can use LPN Update to change, any of the physical attributes of an LPN including the weight, volume, and corresponding units-of-measure. Furthermore, if the LPN is not associated with a container item, you can use LPN Update to make the association.

Bulk Packing

Bulk Packing allows you to specify a number of loose items or LPNs and automatically determine the number and type of containers or LPNs that this material should then be packed in to. The system makes the container type determination using the cartonization process where predefined container load relationships and category-based container grouping are considered. You can also specify a value for the level, which controls how many levels up the cartonization hierarchy the system shuttlecock. LPNs will only be generated for the topmost level. Also, note that only LPNs that are also associated with container items to define the weight, volume, and dimensions of the container, can be bulk packed.

Related Topics

Warehouse Management Cartonization

Transaction Features

Most transaction features supported on the desktop are also supported on the mobile device. In addition, some additional features which enable faster or more controlled data entry are included with the mobile user interface.

Defaulting Account and Type

Oracle Warehouse Management supports user-defined transaction types defined for specific reporting needs. If a limited number of transaction types and accounts are used in an organization, you can define the menu structure so the transaction type and adjustment account default for the transaction through the menu definition.

Multiple Lots and Serial Range

Oracle Warehouse Management also supports transacting multiple lots in a single transaction, and generating new lots when receiving new material. You can perform receipt of serial controlled items by specifying either individual serial numbers or serial ranges. Transfers of serial controlled material is serial triggered, since a guaranteed range of serial numbers does not exist. Like lot numbers, you can generate serial numbers at receipt.

LPN Triggered Transactions

You can generate LPNs in new material receipts. An LPN can contain multiple serials, lots, or revisions of a single item, and a heterogeneous combination of items as well. The entire contents of an LPN are moved whenever the LPN is transacted.

Data Identifiers

All transactions support data identifiers, which you can use to support out-of-order data entry on the mobile device.

Transaction Processing Mode

Mobile devices support online, concurrent, and background processing. The actual processing mode used depends on the inventory transaction processing profile settings. Online processing means the transaction manager begins processing the transaction immediately, when you select Save. You relinquish control of the device while the transaction manager processes. The system returns control to you when the transaction manager completes. With concurrent processing, the transaction manager begins processing the transaction immediately, but you retain control of the device. In background processing, the transaction manager processes all transactions accumulated over the last interval you determined.

With online processing, you see any error messages encountered during transaction processing. With both concurrent and background processing, you do not have visibility to any errors. The system displays different success messages to you, depending on the transaction processing mode:

Success Messages
Processing Mode Success Message
Online Processing Transaction Success
Concurrent Processing Transaction Submitted
Background Processing Transaction Queued

LPN Controlled Subinventory

If a subinventory has the LPN Controlled flag disabled, it cannot store LPNs. LPNs moved into this subinventory are automatically unpacked. Miscellaneous receipts into this subinventory must be for loose material, and material in this subinventory cannot be packed.

Non-LPN controlled subinventories can be used for several different reasons, but two common scenarios are forward picking areas and backflush subinventories.

In a forward picking subinventory, material is always picked in small quantities, but is replenished with cases. By making a forward picking area non-LPN controlled, the system automatically unpacks any LPN moved into the area, saving you from performing an additional unpack transaction. Cartonization is most likely used in a subinventory that has only loose material.

Backflush subinventories are where material is automatically pulled for jobs, either as assembly pull or operation pull on the bill of material. Because the system keeps an accurate count of items that are in each LPN, if backflushing is setup from a locator that has multiple LPNs, the system will not know which LPN to pull material from. For that reason, operation and assembly pull material is always taken from the loose on-hand quantity. Therefore, to ensure that these areas always have loose material, a subinventory where backflushing is to occur should be non-LPN controlled. Note that this need not be the case, but that it will simplify inventory tracking.

Form Function Parameters

The following form function parameters are used to set up the various transactions:

Form Function Parameters
Form Parameter Valid Parameters Description
Manifest Picking TASK_METHOD MANIFESTORDER Enables manifest picking fields in the Order Picking page and Pick Slip page so you scan multiple order numbers/pick slip numbers. To review the manifest picking fields, use the mobile device: (N) Warehouse Management > Tasks > Directed Task > Outbound > Manifest Picking.
Manifest Picking TASK_METHOD MANIFESTPICKSLIP Enables manifest picking fields in the Manifest Pickslip Picking page so you scan multiple pick slip numbers. To review the manifest picking fields, use the mobile device: (N) Warehouse Management > Tasks > Directed Task > Outbound > Manifest Picking.
Determines if the operator must enter an account alias or an account number for an issue transaction. If no parameter provided, defaults to ALIAS_ISSUE
Mobile Inventory Receipts TRANSACTION ALIAS_RCPT
Determines if the operator must enter an account alias or an account number for a receipt transaction. If no parameter provided, defaults to ALIAS_RCPT
Mobile WMS Pack/Unpack TYPE PACK
Determines if the transaction is a pack, unpack, split, consolidate, or LPN update transaction. A value for this parameter must be provided.
Mobile Inventory Issue
Mobile Inventory Receipts
Mobile Sub Transfer
Mobile Org Transfer
TXN_TYPE_ID Any valid transaction type id from MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES.TXN_TYPE_ID that have the same transaction action and transaction source type as the applicable system defined transaction type Defaults the transaction type and hides the transaction type field from the operator if a parameter is provided.
Mobile Inventory Issue
Mobile Inventory Receipts
ACCOUNT Any valid account alias as defined in CONCATENATED_SEGMENTS.MTL_GENERIC_DISPOSITIONS_KFV defined within the current organization Defaults the transaction account and hides the account field from the operator if a parameter is provided. Note that this can only be used for Alias Issues and Alias Receipts.
Mobile Inventory Receipts SERIAL_TYPE INDIVIDUAL
Determines if the serials are indicated by ranges or individual numbers. If no parameter provided, defaults to INDIVIDUAL
Mobile Sub Transfer
Mobile Org Transfer
Indicates if the lot and serial quantity is cross-checked for lot / serial transactions (Y), or if the transaction quantity is calculated from the lot / serial quantity (N). If no parameter provided, defaults to Y.

Transaction Processing Mode

You can set the transaction processing mode differently for each window. You can also set it at the site, application, responsibility, and user levels as a standard profile option. The profile options are the same as those used for the desktop windows. You can set the profile TP:INV Transaction Processing Mode to On-line processing, Immediate concurrent processing, Background processing, or Form level processing. This profile controls the behavior of all forms. If you select Form level processing the system checks the individual options at the form level. You can find all applicable profile options by performing a blind query using TP:INV%.

If background processing is used, the time interval with which the transaction manager should run must be set up. Because Oracle Warehouse Management uses the same transaction manager as Oracle Inventory, setup for Oracle Warehouse Management does not differ from Oracle Inventory.

Related Topics

Inventory Profile Options, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Customizing Hot Keys and Prompts

You can edit the hot keys you use, and the prompts displayed on the mobile device. To access the hot keys, press the Esc key followed by the highlighted letter on the button on the mobile device or keyboard. To edit the hot keys and prompts complete the following procedure:

Note: To access the Define Regions window, you must log in under the Application Developer Common Modules Responsibility.

  1. Navigate to the Define Regions window.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Query for the INVRESOURCETABLE in the Region ID field.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Choose Region Items

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Make the desired changed to the Long Label field.

    The Long Label field contains the text that displays on the mobile device. An ampersand precedes the hot key character. You can change the text, and the position of the ampersand.

    Only prompts that are used for buttons have ampersands for hotkeys. Prompts that are used as page titles or field labels do not use hotkeys and any ampersand inserted into a prompt are automatically stripped if the label is used as a page title or field label.

    the picture is described in the document text

    Note: The system may truncate long text labels depending on the width of the screen, and very short labels may not be clear enough. If multiple buttons on the same page use the same hot key, the mobile device responds only to the first hot key with that label.

    Note: Whenever you apply patches that include new or changed prompts, the system reloads the resource tableINVRESOURCETABLE based on the definition seeded by development, overwriting any changes you have made. That means that any changes that you have made will be lost. Typically, this seed data does not change with small bug fixes, but frequently does change with new releases. However, to be safe, you should keep track of the modifications you make either manually, or by making a copy of the resource table prior to all patching and then comparing the entries in the two tables, updating the recently overwritten table when necessary.

  5. Save your work.

Transaction Manager Stub

The transaction manager calls an empty stub when each transaction processes, regardless of processing mode. It can include any additional business logic to perform for each record in the transaction interface tables. The API specification is as follows:

/* $Header: INVTPUBS.pls 115.0 2000/02/25 01:30:26 sdirisal noship $ */ 
   *  p_header_id         = TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID 
   *  p_transaction_id    = TRANSACTION_ID 
   *  x_return_status     = FND_API.G_RET_STS_*; 
   *  in case of an error, the error should be put onto the message stake 
   *  using fnd_message.set_name and fnd_msg_pub.add functions or similar 
   *  functions in those packages. The caller would then retrieve the 
   *  messages. If the return status is a normal (predicted) error or 
   *  an unexpected error, then the transaction is aborted. 
  PROCEDURE postTransaction(p_header_id IN NUMBER, 
                            p_transaction_id   IN NUMBER, 
                            x_return_status OUT VARCHAR2); 

Common Problems

The following are a list of common problems, when they may occur, and how to fix them. Miscellaneous transactions interact with many other entities, including label printing, lot and serial attributes, and material status.

Cost Group Commingling Error

A cost group commingling error arises whenever multiple cost groups exist in the same locator which cannot be otherwise differentiated by item, lot, serial, revision, or innermost LPN. If the transaction causing the error is a pack or a subinventory transfer, check the cost group of the transacted material and the cost group of the material in the destination locator and LPN. If there are no other differentiating attributes, then the items can not be stored together. The transaction can take place, however, if the item is packed into an LPN and then the LPN is moved to (or packed into) the destination.

Item Not Assigned to Destination Organization

To perform an organization transfer of an item, the item must be assigned to both the source organization and the destination organization. Items that are not assigned to both organizations do not appear in the list-of-values for transfers of loose material. When LPNs are transferred, an error indicates the LPN has contents which are not assigned to the destination organization. To eliminate this error, check which of the LPN contents are not assigned to the destination organization, and then make the assignment if desired, on the desktop.

Insufficient Quantity

For transactions that decrement inventory from a locator, such as issues and transfers, verify the result of the transaction does not drive the on-hand (packed or unpacked) or available quantity below zero. A parameter set at the organization level specifies whether negative balances are allowed. If negative balances are allowed, then a warning message is displayed and you can continue. If negative balances are not allowed, an error message is displayed and you cannot continue

This check is made independently for both packed and loose on-hand quantities. The error or warning is displayed if a transaction drive either one of the quantities negative, even if the net on-hand in that locator is positive.

Transaction disallowed by Material Status

You can assign material statuses that disallow certain transaction types to lots, serials, locators, and subinventories. If you enter transaction data that violates the material status restrictions, either the value does not appear in the list of values (in the case of lots, serials, locators, and subinventories), or you receive an error message that indicates the transaction is disallowed (in the case of LPNs). Verify the material status of the affected entities on the mobile or via the Material Workbench on the desktop, and update the material status if appropriate.

LPNs Disallowed by Subinventory

You can set a subinventory to disallow LPNs by disabling the LPN Controlled flag on the subinventory definition. Packed LPNs are not allowed in these types of subinventories. Subinventory transfers and other material movement transactions into that subinventory automatically unpack the LPN. The empty LPN is then available for reuse anywhere in the organization.

Miscellaneous receipts of packed material, as well as pack and bulk pack transactions are not allowed in these subinventories. In the case of a miscellaneous receipt, if you enter an LPN after selecting a subinventory, the system displays an error message that indicates this is a disallowed transaction. The message also displays for pack and bulk pack transactions.


If you receive a Java error on the mobile device, it usually means either the package is invalid, or a code bug exists. To find code bugs, check the Transaction Manager log file, which can be located by viewing the profile option setting of INV: Debug file. Also, verify the following profile options to ensure that debugging messages are captured.

Debug Profiles
Profile Setting
INV: Debug Trace Yes
INV: Debug file provide the complete path for the log file
INV: Debug Level set a value larger than 1

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When is the transaction saved if I use the <Save/Next> button?

    The transaction is always committed on <Save>. For transactions that have <Save/Next>, the transaction is saved when you choose <Save/Next>. If you cancel a subsequent transaction, all prior transactions are saved; only the current transaction is canceled. A transaction is not committed when you choose <Next>. <Next> allows multiple records to be posted with the same header information.

  2. Why can't I consolidate (or merge) two LPNs?

    Verify the following conditions for LPN consolidation:

    • They belong to two different deliveries and the operation plan link to the tasks within the LPNs have the consolidation method Within Delivery.

    • if the operation plans for the tasks within the two LPNs have the consolidation method set to across delivery, then verify the destination LPN is in a staging locator.

    • If the destination LPN is in a staging locator, then verify that a common deconsolidation point can be determined using regions and zones setup, and the Transportation Execution constraints if Transportation Execution is installed.

  3. Why can't I unpack an LPN?

    There may be several reasons that prevent the unpacking of LPNs. First, verify that there is no material status that disallows the unpack transaction. The more common cause, however, is the LPN has been staged for delivery. LPNs staged for a delivery cannot be unpacked because the tie between the material and the sales order is made via the LPN. However, staged LPNs can be split and consolidated to make any nesting relationship that is necessary to accurately model and efficiently perform the shipment.

  4. What is a cost group commingling error?

    Transactions that result in commingling of cost groups are prevented. Cost groups are considered commingled when there is no other distinction (such as lot, serial, revision, locator, item number, or LPN) that can be used to differentiate between them. For instance, within a single LPN, the same lot of an item cannot have two different cost groups. But if some of the material is outside the LPN and some of the material is inside the LPN, then the material can have different cost groups. A pack transaction of the loose material into the LPN, results in cost group commingling, so the transaction is not allowed.

  5. What becomes of an LPN when it is moved into a non-LPN controlled subinventory?

    When an LPN is moved into a non-LPN controlled subinventory, the LPN is unpacked and the subinventory and locator are cleared from the LPN. In addition, the LPN context or state is updated to “Defined But Not Used”, indicating that it is available for any transaction elsewhere in the organization. In this way, it can be considered a reusable tote