Label Type Fields

This appendix covers the following topics:

Label Type Fields

The most current complete list of label fields that are available for printing on each of the label types can be seen by executing the following query on your database:

select ml.meaning "Label Type", 
wlf.field_name "Field Name", 
wlf.field_description "Field Description" 
from apps.wms_label_fields wlf, apps.mfg_lookups ml 
where ml.lookup_type = 'WMS_LABEL_TYPE' 
and wlf.document_id=ml.lookup_code 
order by wlf.document_id, wlf.field_name 

This list is ordered first by label type identifier, and then by label field name. Additional fields are added by seeding new data, and so with new releases or label printing patches, you can run this query again to get the most up-to-date list for your instance.