Profile Options

This chapter covers the following topics:

Profile Options

The tables below lists the profile options which need to be set to implement Oracle Incentive Compensation after the product has been installed. You must set them before the system is ready to be used to build compensation plans, collect and process transactions, and pay incentive compensation. The options can be set in any sequence.

A few of the profile options are for applications other than Oracle Incentive Compensation. For example, three are from Oracle Quoting (ASO) and there is one from Multi Organization (MO). The Quoting profiles must be set if Quoting integration is used. The Multi Organization profile is mandatory.

Profile options can be set at the following levels:

In this release of Oracle Incentive Compensation, 13 profile options have been changed to system parameters. This was done because this release allows multiple operating units to be controlled by the same responsibility. Profile options are operating unit specific, so in order to continue to allow a single location for setting the profile values, some profiles were added into the application's user interface directly. This maintains the single location setup functionality of the previous release. The converted profile options are listed below.

11.5.10 User Profile Option Name R12 System Parameter Parameter Location
OSC: Collect on Account Credits Collect Account Credit Memos from Oracle Receivables? Set up Collection Parameters
OSC: Commission Rate Precision Numeric Precision for Rate Tables Set up Calculation Parameters
OSC: Default Conversion Type Currency Conversion Type Set up General Parameters
OSC: Customized Summarization Aggregate Transactions Based on Custom Criteria during Rollup? Set up Calculation Parameters
OSC: Default Custom Flag Customize Compensation Plan  
OSC: Income Planner Disclaimer Display Projected Compensation Disclaimer? Set up Calculation Parameters
Display Draw Display Draw in Year To Date Summary Report? Set up General Parameters
OSC: Apply non-revenue split to quantity Collect Quantity for Non Revenue Credit Receivers?  
OSC: Prior Adjustment Allow prior period adjustments? Set up Calculation Parameters
OSC: Negate during Revenue Adjustments Collection Negate Original Transactions during Revenue Adjustments Collection Set up Collection Parameters
OSC: Reporting Hierarchy Reporting Hierarchy for Manager Access to Resources' Reports Set up General Parameters
OSC: Reset Error Transactions Reload Errored Transactions Set up Collection Parameters
OSC: Roll Summarized Transactions Aggregate Transactions during Rollup phase? Set up Calculation Parameters


System Administrator


Oracle Forms: Navigator > System Profiles


  1. In the Navigator, double-click Profile.

  2. Double-click System.

  3. In the Find System Profile Values window, query the following categories to narrow your search:

    • Site: Select if the profile option applies to all users at your site.

    • Application: Oracle Sales Compensation

    • Responsibility: Select only if the profile option you are defining is specific to a responsibility.

    • User: Select only if the profile option you are defining is specific to a user.

  4. In the Profile field, you can enter OIC% to see most of the Incentive Compensation profiles. Or, enter another search parameter. You can use the percent sign (%) as a wildcard.

  5. Click Find.

  6. View or change the profile setting.

  7. Save.

Note: After you change the setting of a profile option, you must bounce the Apache server to reset it.

Table of Profile Options

The following table lists the system profiles used by Oracle Incentive Compensation. The profiles are divided into nine categories:

: In the table, the Level column displays at which this profile option can be set. A = Application, S = Site, R = Responsibility, U = User.

System Profile Options
Profile Name Description Level Default
Calculation Profiles      
OIC: Enable Incremental Calculation If set to Yes, every event is put into the Notify Log so that it can be included in the next incremental calculation. Recommended that you set it to No while setting up your system, but change it to Yes when you are ready to start collecting transactions. ASRU Yes
OIC: Frequency of Batch Runners Status Check Sets the amount of idle time between batch runner status checks performed by the parent calculation process. The idle time gives each phase time to complete the current process without being queried by the system for a status. For high volume transactions, use the default setting. ASRU 30 seconds
OIC: Multi Rollup Path Enables rollup of sales credits through multiple paths of the compensation group hierarchy. See Guidelines for restrictions on using this profile. ASRU Null
OIC: Reset Balances Each Year If the profile is set to Yes, then the salesrep subledger balances (cn_srp_periods) get reset to zero at the beginning of each fiscal year during calculation and payment. Otherwise the balances carry over across fiscal years. S No
Collection Profiles      
OIC: Apply Invoice Splits to Credit Memos and Payments When this profile is set to 'Y', any splits or moves done to invoices are updated to the credit memos and payments, unless the transactions are delinked. ASRU No

Note: For information on this profile option, see Performance profiles.

Credit Allocation Profiles      
OIC: Allow split % less than 100% In Credit Allocation, Revenue Split Total is not 100%. AS Custom
OIC: Number of Batch Workers for Credit Allocation Set the number of parallel workers that the OIC Credit Allocation Transfer process uses. ASRU 1
Debug Profiles      
OIC: Enable Debug Mode Determines whether debugging messages are written to the process log during execution of programs (concurrent and online). Setting Debug Mode to Yes writes these errors to the CN_PROCESS_AUDIT_LINES table. ASRU Yes
OIC: Enable Logging If set to Yes, debugging messages are written to a log file. Only enable this profile option for debugging purposes if there are suspected problems with the application. If enabled, this profile option generates log files, which can affect performance. ASRU No
Import Profiles      
OIC: SQL Loader Control File Directory This is the directory where the SQL Loader control file is stored. It is recommended that this profile be set at the site level to absolute path for $CN_TOP/bin. $CN_TOP/bin has to be first translated into a full physical path. If the bin directory does not exist it should be created, with read/write/ execute permission given to it. ASRU Null
OIC: SQL Loader Data File Directory The directory where the CSV files for server side transaction import are located. See Guidelines. ASRU Null
Payment Profiles      
OIC: Approve or Reject Duplicate Payment Transactions Use this profile to set Payroll to automatically accept multiple payment batches submitted in the same period. Settings are Reject (do not allow multiple entry--the default), Insert (create new entry) or Update (change existing entry). S Reject
OIC: Enforce Payment Worksheet Approval Determines whether the validate payment worksheets statuses must be Approved when paying a payment batch. Enables auto approval process for payment batches after they have been frozen. When set to Yes, the approval process for worksheets is enforced to pay a payment batch. When set to No, a payment batch can be paid after it has been frozen regardless of the status of worksheets in the payment batch. S Y
OIC: Pay by Transaction Determines if payment details for a worksheet are displayed at the transaction level or aggregated at the plan element level. Valid values are Y and N.
If the value is set to Y, the payment details are shown at the transaction level. If the value is set to N, the payment details are aggregated at the plan element level.
If set to N and integration with AP is by Product, expense codes are not displayed in AP.
Payment Salesrep Batch Size

Note: For information on this profile option, see Performance profiles.

Performance Profiles      
CN_DB_PARALLEL_ENABLE When you set this profile option to Y, then the system activates Parallel DML. Parallel DML maximizes resource utilization, which in turn improves the performance of the notification and collection queries.
If you set the profile option to N, then the notification and collection queries run without Parallel DML.

Caution: If you set this profile option to Y, then you will not be able to use the Transaction screens while the Collection program is being run.

OIC: CUST_MERGE_ONLINE This profile option removes the deadlock from the CN_COMMISSION HEADERS and CN_COMM_LINES_API tables when Concurrent Manager runs the TCA – Customer Merge program.
If this profile option is set to ‘N’, then you must run the CN_TCA_MERGE program to update CN_COMMISSION HEADERS and CN_COMM_LINES_API tables.
OIC: LOV Input Validation If set to Yes, the two profiles OSO: Minimum search string length and OSO: Search Lead Wildcard are enforced in LOVs. ASR Yes
Payment Salesrep Batch Size The value of this profile option determines the number of child process that the application will create, while creating a worksheet using concurrent process. SR  
Upgrade Profiles      
OIC: Invoice Split Upgrade End Date Used to set an end date for the invoice split upgrade process. This enhances performance. ASRU Null
OIC: Invoice Split Upgrade Start Date Used to set the start date for the invoice split upgrade process. This enhances performance. ASRU Null
Other Profiles      
AMS: Item Validation Master Organization This is required if you want to display the Product tab in Oracle Incentive Compensation. The value is selected by using an LOV (master organization for which items are defined). ASRU Blank
ASO: Automatic Sales Credit Allocation Determines if and when Quoting calls the sales credit allocation engine to get sales credit receivers and percentages. S Partial
ASO: Automatic Sales Team Assignment Determines if and when Quoting calls Territory Manager to assign sales teams to quotes. S Partial
ASO: Calculate Projected Commission Determines if projected commission is available in Quoting. AS Yes
Bypass Group Validation Set to Y to bypass group usages when defining a resource and assigning that resource to a resource group. ASR No
JTFRS: Employee Resource Update Access To make the Resource tab and other HTML pages editable in Oracle Incentive Compensation and the 360 Degree view, this profile must be set to Any. See other two related profiles below. R  
JTFRS: Group Update Access To make the Resource tab and other HTML pages editable in Oracle Incentive Compensation and the 360 Degree view, this profile must be set to All. R  
JTFRS: Resource active days after termination of resource Use this profile to end date the resource and sales rep records used by Oracle Incentive Compensation after a specific number of days. Set the number of days after actual termination that you want the records to be updated. For example, if the end date is 15-June-2007 and the profile is set for 60 days, then the records will be end dated on 14-Aug-2007.    
JTFRS: Role Update Access To make the Resource tab and other HTML pages editable in Oracle Incentive Compensation and the 360 Degree view, this profile must be set to All. R  
MO: Operating Unit Verify or set this profile option to the appropriate operating unit. Mandatory. R [operating unit name]
OIC: Datamart Global Conversion Type The value of this profile option is used as a rate to convert Datamart currency to the default currecny. S 1000
OIC: Datamart Global Currency Code This is the Datamart functional currency. All transactions are calculated using this currency and rendered in the reports. S USD
OIC:XML Documents Max Quota Periods Setting to display the maximum number of periods in the Plan XML document - Distributed Quota table S 50
OIC:XML Document Max Rate Tiers Per Table Setting to display the maximum number of rate table tiers in the Plan XML document - Rate Table S 200
OIC:XML Document Quota Periods Display Order Setting to determine display order of quotas in the Plan XML document - Distributed Quota table. The quotas are ordered according to the period. S Descending
OSO: Debug Messages On Setting to display or hide debugging messages ASRU No
OSO: Enabled Instruction Text If set to "On", instruction text appears on applicable pages.
If set to "Off", instruction text is not displayed.
OSO: Enable Record Count in Tables Enables record count in tables. ASRU No
OSO: Max Attachment Size Maximum attachment size in bytes. S 100,000
OSO: Minimum search string length Used in Incentive Compensation to set the minimum number of characters required for any search from a text field. S 4
OSO: Search Lead Wildcard Indicates if % can be the first character in a search sent to a list of values ASRU No


The following profile options are set automatically if you run AutoConfig. All of them set the displayed default value at Site Level.

If your inbound/outbound file is being created or is used by a concurrent program, set your profile option value as follows:

Variable and Description (Source adctxinf.tmp, adxmlctx.tmp from ARU):

If the value for your profile needs to be defined as a directory in the utl_file_dir parameter in the INIT.ora, please set the value for the profile to:

%s_applptmp% .

APPLPTMP is the standard directory in which Oracle Applications temporary files are created and the directory in which PL/SQL output files are created.

After AutoConfig runs, some profile values will appear differently, as follows:

Before Autoconfig Runs After Autoconfig Runs
%s_applcsf%/inbound/%s_contextname% /u01/proddb/admin/inbound/cn
APPLCSF /u01/proddb/admin
contextname product name = cn

The OIC: Multi Rollup Path profile option, when set to Y, allows managerial rollups for resources who are assigned the same role in multiple groups. If a resource is assigned a role in multiple groups, it must be the same role. This release of Oracle Incentive Compensation does not support rollup along multiple paths when the managers receiving the credit have different roles in the compensation groups along the rollup paths. This is because the application picks the role at random.