Ad Hoc Reporting

This appendix covers the following topics:

Discoverer Content

This section describes the Discoverer business areas delivered in the ad hoc reporting feature for Internet Expenses.

The data is secured by the operating unit as defined by the security profile setup.

Expense Reporting - Operations Business Area

The functional business area is targeted to be used by the business analysts to build reports. It is comprised of several folders containing data which is commonly reported on. All folders and folder items are labelled in such a way to be easy to understand by the business analyst. The folders are described in the following table.

Folder Description
Credit Card Transaction Information Credit card transaction data uploaded from the credit card issuer
Expense Distribution Information Expense report distribution-level, line-level and report-level information
Expense Line Information Expense report line-level and header-level information
Expense Policy Violation Information Expense report policy violations with report header-level and line-level information
Expense Report Information Expense report header-level information

Expense Reporting - Core Business Area

The core business area is targeted to be used by the IT analysts to build reports and to build custom folders for the business analyst simply by dragging and dropping folder items from this business area to the custom folder. Each folder in this area is based on an Internet Expenses database table and defines the join relationships between each folder. Rather than resolving the lookup code within the view containing a lookup code reference, a folder is defined for each lookup type and a join is defined between the lookup folder and all folders referencing the lookup. The folders are described in the following table.

The data is secured by the operating unit as defined by the security profile setup.

Folder Description
Audit Lists List of people who are automatically audited (from the AP_AUD_AUDIT_LIST table)
Credit Cards Credit cards (from the AP_CARDS_ALL table)
Credit Card Transactions Credit card transaction data imported from the credit card issuer (from the AP_CREDIT_CARD_TRXNS_ALL table)
Expense Report Audit Reasons Reasons for selecting expense reports for audit (from the AP_AUD_AUDIT_REASONS table)
Expense Report Distributions Expense report distributions (from the AP_EXP_REPORT_DISTS_ALL table)
Expense Report Headers Expense report headers (from the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_HEADERS_ALL table)
Expense Report Lines Expense report lines (from the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_LINES_ALL table)
Expense Types Expense types (from the AP_EXPENSE_REPORT_PARAMS_ALL table)
Locations Locations where expenses are incurred (from the AP_POL_LOCATIONS_TL and AP_POL_LOCATIONS_B tables)
Policy Violations Policy violations for expense reports (from the AP_POL_VIOLATIONS_ALL table)
Audit List Reason Lookup Reasons for adding a person to the Audit List (from the OIE_AUTO_AUDIT_REASONS lookup type)
Credit Card Transaction Category Lookup Categories for credit card transactions (from the OIE_CC_TRX_CATEGORIES lookup type)
Credit Card Transaction Folio Type Lookup Folio types (from the CARD_EXPENSE_TYPE lookup type)
Credit Card Transaction Validation Error Lookup Validation errors found during the credit card transaction import process (from the OIE_CC_VALIDATION_ERROR lookup type)
Expense Adjustment Reason Lookup Reasons for adjusting an expense line (from the OIE_ADJUSTMENT_REASONS lookup type)
Expense Category Lookup Expense categories (from the OIE_EXPENSE_CATEGORY lookup type)
Expense Report Audit Reason Lookup Reasons for selecting a report for audit (from the OIE_AUDIT_REASONS lookup type)
Expense Report Audit Return Reason Lookup Reasons why an auditor returns an expense report to the filer (from the OIE_AUD_RETURN_REASONS lookup)
Expense Report Audit Type Lookup Audit types (from the OIE_AUDIT_TYPES lookup type)
Expense Report Import Data Source Lookup Data sources for expense reports (from the INVOICE IMPORT SOURCES lookup type)
Expense Report Import Rejection Reason Lookup Validation errors detected during the expense report import process (from the INVOICE IMPORT REJECTION lookup type)
Expense Report Status Lookup Expense report status (from the EXPENSE REPORT STATUS lookup type)
Fuel Type Lookup Fuel types (from the OIE_FUEL_TYPE lookup type)
Policy Violation Types Lookup Policy violation types (from the OIE_POL_VIOLATION_TYPES lookup type)
Receipt Status Lookup Receipt statuses (from the RECEIPT_STATUS lookup type)
Ticket Class Lookup Air ticket classes (from the OIE_TICKET_CLASS lookup type)
Travel Type Lookup Air travel types (from the OIE_TRAVEL_TYPES lookup type)
Vehicle Category Lookup Vehicle categories (from the OIE_VEHICLE_CATEGORY lookup type)
Vehicle Type Lookup Vehicle types (from the OIE_VEHICLE_TYPE lookup type)

Setup Step

Prior to setting up the Ad hoc Reporting, ensure that the post-installation steps for Discoverer are completed. The post-installation steps include uploading the Business Area definitions, and generating the business views. You can download soft-copy Discoverer documentation from