Holiday and Non-Working Dates Setup


In the Holiday/Non-Working Dates window, you can enter non-working or holiday dates to be used in the Prompt Payment Due Date Calculation process.

The Holiday/Non-Working Dates window enables users to enter and update dates to be used in the calculation of Payable Invoice due date.

Note: Weekends do not need to be entered in the Holiday/Non-Working Dates window. The Prompt Payment Due Date Calculation process considers weekends in the calculation of the payable invoice due date.

Related Topics

Prompt Payment Process, Oracle U.S. Federal Financials User Guide.

Defining Holiday/Non-Working Dates

To define holidays and non-working days for the agency, navigate to the Holiday/Non-Working Dates window.

The following table describes selected fields on the Holiday/Non-Working Dates window

Holiday/Non-Working Dates Window Description
Field Name Description
Date Date of holiday or other date that must not be considered for use in due date calculation
Description Description of date field; for example, President's Day