Lookup Codes

This appendix covers the following topics:

Lookup Codes

The following tables provide the list of system, user, and extensible lookup codes for Oracle Sales Contracts. Use these tables to identify the lookup codes that you need to define for your implementation.

Extensible Lookup Code for Clauses and Templates
Type Description
OKC_SUBJECT Clause types

The following table displays the seeded lookup codes for clauses and templates.

Seeded Lookup Codes for Clauses and Templates
Type Description
OKC_AMEND_OPN_CODE Contract terms amendment operation codes
OKC_APP_MODE Application modes for contract terms
OKC_ART_IMP_PROCESS_STATUS Clause import statuses
OKC_ART_USER_ACTS User actions allowed on clauses
OKC_ART_VAR_DATATYPE User-defined variable data types
OKC_ART_VAR_TYPE Variable types
OKC_ARTICLE_ADOPTION_TYPE Clause adoption type
OKC_ARTICLE_DATE_PERIOD Date search criteria
OKC_ARTICLE_IMPORT_ENTITY Entities used for the XML-based clause import
OKC_ARTICLE_PROVISION Clause type (Provision or Clause)
OKC_ARTICLE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Relationship type of the clause
OKC_ARTICLE_SECTION System seeded default section
OKC_ARTICLE_STATUS Clause statuses
OKC_BEFORE_AFTER Before-After lookup for business doc events
OKC_CA_ADOPTION_TYPE Clause analysis adoption type
OKC_CA_ADOPTION_TYPE_GORG Clause analysis adoption type for the global organization
OKC_CA_ADOPTION_TYPE_LORG Clause analysis adoption type for the local organization
OKC_CA_SUMMARIZE Clause analysis summary
OKC_CA_USAGE Clause analysis usage
OKC_CONTRACT_TERMS_SOURCES Possible sources for contract terms: Attached Document or Structured Terms
OKC_DEVIATIONS_AUTOGEN_PREF The preference for generating the Deviations report: Yes, No, or Not Applicable
OKC_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CLASS Error type for validations
OKC_DWNLOAD_FILE_FORMAT Download file formats
OKC_ERROR_RECORD_TYPE QA error record types (for example, Clause, Contract Expert, and Document)
OKC_INVALID_ARTICLES Deviation code for deviation category: Invalid Clauses (Clause Expired, Clause on hold, Clause not required per Contract Expert)
OKC_MISSING_STD_ARTICLES Deviation code for deviation category: Standard Clauses Missing (Clause required per Contract Expert, Mandatory Clause removed, Optional Clause removed)
OKC_NON_STD_ARTICLES Deviation code for deviation category: Non-Standard Clauses (non-standard clause added, modified standard clause)
OKC_NUMBER_LEVEL Contract numbering scheme levels
OKC_NUMBER_SEQUENCE Contract terms document numbering sequence
OKC_PURGE_TYPE List of tables that can be purged through the concurrent program
OKC_QA_SEVERITY Validation severity (error or warning)
OKC_REPO_ATTACH_DOC_FROM Attach document using the following options: Add New Document or Add from Previous Version
OKC_SECTION_LOCATION Contract terms section location (before, after, or within)
OKC_SECTION_SOURCE Source of the section (from library or new)
OKC_STD_ARTICLES_ADDED Deviation code for the Deviation category: Standard Clauses Added (standard clause added, standard clause replaced with alternate)
OKC_TERM_QA_LIST Contract terms validation issues listing
OKC_TERMS_AUTH_ACTIONS_AMEND Contract terms authoring actions in the Amend mode
OKC_TERMS_AUTH_ACTIONS_UPDATE Contract terms authoring actions in the Update mode
OKC_TERMS_AUTH_ACTIONS_VIEW Contract terms authoring actions in the View mode
OKC_TERMS_DEVIATION_CATEGORIES Terms Deviation Categories: Invalid Clauses, Standard Clauses Missing, Non-standard Clauses, Standard Clauses Added
OKC_TERMS_DEVIATIONS_VIEWBY Contract terms deviations view by category (default view) or section
OKC_TERMS_INTENT Contract terms intent
OKC_TERMS_MOVE_LOCATION Location to move contract terms (After, Before, or Within)
OKC_TERMS_QA_TYPE Contract terms QA type
OKC_TERMS_TEMPLATE_ACTIONS Contract template actions supported
OKC_TERMS_TMPL_DATE_PERIODS Contract template date search criteria
OKC_TERMS_TMPL_STATUS Contract template statuses supported
OKC_TERMS_UPLOAD_ACTIONS Review upload actions
OKC_XPRT_CHAR_OPERATOR Contract Expert rules' character operators: In, Not In, Is, Is Not
OKC_XPRT_COND_OBJECT_TYPE Contract Expert condition object types
OKC_XPRT_COND_VALUE_TYPE Contract Expert Condition Value Types
OKC_XPRT_NUMBER_OPERATOR Contract Expert rules' numeric operators
OKC_XPRT_QUESTION_DATATYPE Contract Expert question data types
OKC_XPRT_QUESTION_TYPE Contract Expert question entity type
OKC_XPRT_RULE_RECORD_TYPE Contract Expert rule condition types
OKC_XPRT_RULE_STATUS Contract Expert rule statuses
OKC_XPRT_RULES_QA_LIST Contract Expert rules quality assurance checklist
OKC_XPRT_VIEW_RULE_ACTIONS Rule actions in the View mode
OKC_YN Contract flags (Yes or No)