Oracle Financial Services Audit Reports

This chapter describes the reports you use to analyze data from business processes in Oracle Financial Services (OFS) applications such as Oracle Transfer Pricing.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Oracle Financial Services Audit Reports

Use Oracle Financial Services (OFS) audit reports to view the results of cash flow edits and cash flow processing. The following table lists the Oracle Financial Services (OFS) audit reports and their Discoverer file names.

Report Name Discoverer Workbook Title Discoverer Worksheet Title
STD - AUDIT Cash Flow Edits STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits Cash Flow Edits
STD - AUDIT Process Cash Flows STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows Process Cash Flows

Related Topics

Overview of the Reports

STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits

Use this crosstab report to view the results of the cash flow edits process.

The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report references data stored in the FTP_CF_CORRECTIONS table. This table contains a log of data inconsistencies found, and corresponding data corrections made, during a Cash Flow Edits rule run.

The account table data must be clean, complete and correct for Oracle Transfer Pricing to perform cash flow processing and generate accurate transfer pricing and option cost results. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you create and run Cash Flow Edit rules before processing data to generate any type of cash flow-related results. Cash flow edit rules validate (test for consistency and completeness) and correct, account table data used in cash flow processing. See: Overview of Cash Flow Edits Rules, Oracle Transfer Pricing User Guide.

You should be able to run the STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report for any Object Definition ID that exists in the FTP_CF_CORRECTIONS table.

Important: The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report returns data only after a Cash Flow Edit rule has been run.

Business Area Folders

The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report is based on the following business area folders:


The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report makes use of the following join to retrieve data:

Page Items

The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report is based on the following parameter:


The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report includes the following rows:

Report Headings and Calculations (Columns)

The STD-AUDIT Cash Flow Edits report has the following headings and calculations:


Grand Total Rows Sum for Count, Label = “Total”

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle Financial Services Audit Reports

Overview of the Reports

STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows

Use this tabular report to view the results of the cash flow processing. The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report references data stored in the FTP_PROCESS_CASH_FLOWS table.

The FTP_PROCESS_CASH_FLOWS table is populated when you select the Detail Cash Flows audit option while executing a Transfer Pricing Process rule. The Cash Flow engine outputs detailed calculation results for a maximum of five instrument records per execution to this table. Users typically select the Detail Cash Flows audit option when testing setup of new products where result validation is required.

You should be able to run the STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report for any Object Definition ID that exists in the FTP_PROCESS_CASH_FLOWS table.

Important: The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report returns data only after you have run Transfer Pricing Process rule and only if you selected the Detail Cash Flows audit option while running the rule.

Business Area Folders

The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report is based on the following business area folders:


The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report make use of the following joins to retrieve data:


The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report uses the following condition to filter data:

Page Items

The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report is based on the following parameters:

Report Headings and Calculations (Columns)

The STD-AUDIT Process Cash Flows report has the following headings and calculations:

Related Topics

Overview of Oracle Financial Services Audit Reports

Overview of the Reports