Troubleshooting Resource Manager

This section lists common implementation errors, error messages and frequently asked questions in troubleshooting Resource Manager.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Common Implementation Errors

Note: The Oracle CRM Diagnostic Tool is useful in pinpointing problems with the setup and configuration of the many CRM modules. It is available through the CRM System Administration Console.

This section contains information on some of the common implementation errors associated with implementing Resource Manager.

Unable to Import a Resource

Action: Perform the following procedures:

  1. Run the concurrent program "Resource Manager Diagnostics" available under CRM Administrator Responsibility. If it is not available, then perform the following:

  2. Log on using the System Administrator responsibility.

  3. In the "Executable" option, under "Concurrent Program", query for "Resource Manager Diagnostics."

  4. Enable it by checking the checkbox.

  5. After the concurrent program completes, view the log file generated by pressing the "View Log" button. See if any errors are reported.

  6. Correct any errors as reported in the concurrent program log. Then, import again.

Unable to Import a Resource From Human Resources

Cause: Form JTFRSSEC does not compile after applying the latest patch.

Action: Compile the Form based on following steps.

cd $AU_TOP/forms/us 
f60gen module=JTFRSSEC.fmb userid=apps/apps 
mv JTFRSSEC.fmx $JTF_TOP/forms/US 
cd $AU_TOP/resource/US 
f60gen module=JTFRSSEC.pll userid=apps/apps module_type=library 
chmod 755 JTFRSSEC.plx 

Unable to See Resource Name

Cause: This problem can occur in the CRM or Common Application Calendar modules, the LOVs, and in other similar items.

Action: In SQL*Plus, connecting as apps/apps, enter the following:

SQL> select count(*) from jtf_rs_resource_extns where source_name is null; 

If count(*) is non-zero then run the concurrent program "Synchronize Employees" using the CRM Administrator responsibility.

Cannot Invoke Salesperson Form from AR Menu

Cause: This problem occurs when invoking the Salesperson form from the Accounts Receivables menu. It occurs under the following circumstances:

(Navigation path: Setup > Transactions > Salesperson)

In either case, the user is unable to close the form or application unless the File > Close or Exit toolbar menu option is used.

Action: apply patch 1799597. Read the README mentioned in the patch.

Accounting Flexfield LOV Display Parent Values

Action: Perform the following steps to define the accounting flexfield:

  1. Navigate to the General Ledger module: GL > Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Key > Values.

    In Find form, check for find values by Key flexfield. In the Title Field, choose from the list of values "accounting flexfield" and click Find. There is an extensive list of values. To the right, there is a box called "Effective" title. Check for it's other title "Hierarchy, Qualifiers." A parent check box is checked for some of the values and not checked for others.

  2. You can add values and check them as parent but this is not necessary, you can simply write down a few values that are checked as parents. (For example, the first value 1000- Total asset is checked as one.)

  3. Navigate to Accounts Receivables: Setup > Transactions > Autoinvoice > Salespersons.

    Receivables uses the general ledger accounts that you enter there in combination with your AutoAccounting rules to determine the default revenue, freight, and receivable accounts for your invoices.

  4. Create a new salesperson. Enter a name and a sales credit type from the list. In the next three fields enter the Accounting Flexfield for your Revenue, Freight, and Receivables Accounts.

    If you open the list and see account aliases, click OK. A form in which you can enter a department value and an account value appears.

    In the account values list, verify the parent values observed in step 2. (For example, the first value might be 1000- Total asset.)

  5. You can choose this value and save the transaction.

It must be emphasized again that the parent values should not appear in the list and you should not be able to select them. These are only summary accounts and not accounts you can use for regular processes, which means you cannot enter amounts to accounts which are checked as parents.

List of Values (LOV) Are Not Populated in the Hold Reasons Field

Cause: Incentive Compensation uses Resource Manager to set up sales representatives and sales compensation group hierarchies. If the Hold Reason field is not populated in the Compensation tab, then create a lookup type.

Action: Perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Application Object Library Lookups window.

  2. Enter in the type field: "JTF_RS_HOLD_REASON_TYPE"

  3. In the User Name field, enter the same value again.

  4. In the Application field, select CRM Foundation from the LOV.

  5. In the Access Level radio group, select User.

  6. In the detail block, enter suitable values for Code, Meaning, and Description fields.

    Note that what you enter in the Meaning field is what the LOV for Hold Reason field in the Define Resource form will display.

List of Values (LOV) Are Not Populated in the Support Site Fields

Cause: Support site information, which displays in Assignment Manager, is actually attached to a resource in Resource Manager. You can attach the information from an LOV in either the HTML or Forms-based module. The List of values are populated from several sources including TeleService with the Customer Support responsibility.

Action: Add support sites based on previously defined addresses. The city of the address will populate the LOVs. Perform the following:

  1. Navigate to the Navigator > Customer Support window.

  2. Select Customer Management > Contact Center.

  3. In the Caller Type field, select either Organization or Person.

  4. In the Organization field, select your organization.

  5. Select the Address tab.

  6. In the Status column, select Active.

  7. In the Address1 column, select the appropriate address from the LOV.

    The City field automatically populates.

  8. In the Usage field, select Support Site.

  9. Select Active in the Usage Status field.

  10. Save your work.

JTF-Post Vertical User Hook

Cause: This error occurs when attaching a role type of Sales Compensation to a resource.

Action: First determine whether or not the resource has been saved. If the result is:

Same Resource Showing Twice in Define Resource Form

Cause: In this case, both resources have the same transaction number, but one record displays the salesperson number, and the other does not.

To verify this problem, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Define Resource form, note the resource number for both the records.

  2. If the resource number is the same (for example, 10015), then run the following query:

    SQL> select res.resource_id,sr.salesrep_id,sr.org_id 
         from jtf_rs_resource_extns res,jtf_rs_salesreps sr 
         where res.resource_id = sr.resource_id 
         and res.resource_number = 10015; 
  3. If the output of this query results in two or more records with the same resource_id, and the same org_id, but, different salesrep_id then it is bad data. For example, the sample output following would be considered bad data;

    RESOURCE_ID       SALESREP_ID          ORG_ID 
    ----------------- -----------------    ---------- 
    100000016         100000019            2 
    100000016         100000054            2 
    100000016         100000054            2 

    This type of data can never be created using the Define Resource form, or any of the Resource Manager public APIs.

Action: To clean up the data, perform the following steps:

  1. There are two records, one, for example, with a salesrep number non NULL value and other with a NULL value. Identify which is the one you want to remove. To Identify the IDs, run the following statement:

    SQL> select res.resource_id,sr.salesrep_id,sr.org_id,
         from jtf_rs_resource_extns res,jtf_rs_salesreps sr 
         where res.resource_id = sr.resource_id 
         and res.resource_number = 10015; 

    This will return two records. Note down the resource_id, salesrep_id, and the org_id of the record which you want to delete.

  2. Run the following delete statement. Assuming, you decided to delete record with salesrep_id 100000019, org_id 2, it would look like:

    SQL> delete from jtf_rs_salesreps 
         where salesrep_id = 100000019 
         and org_id = 2 
         and resource_id = 100000016; 

    This should cleanup all bad data.

Warning: You are actually deleting physical records from the database. This has the RISK of leaving behind dangling foreign keys in other tables in other applications. Confirm the check for FOREIGN KEYS before deleting records as suggested above. Otherwise, you may end up corrupting your database.

Contact Oracle Support in case of any doubt.


Cause: This is a data problem. This error occurs when the territory Start and End dates are out of range with salesperson dates.

Action: Perform the following steps:

  1. Find out the maximum Start_date_active value and minimum End_date_active value for a salesrep_id across all org_id from JTF_RS_SALESREPS table. (Be aware that the end_date_active value can be NULL.)

  2. For the salesrep_id in step 1, find the Start_date_active and End_Date_active from RA_SALESREP_TERRITORIES table. (Be aware that the Start_date_active and end_date_active values can be NULL.) You may get multiple records.

  3. For every record in step 2, verify whether or not the dates fall within the dates in Step 1.

    • If yes, then no further action required.

    • If no, then:

    • Update the Start_date_active, End Date_active in RA_SALESREP_TERRITORIES Table with the Dates from Step1.

    • Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for all the salesrep_id in JTF_RS_SALESREPS table.

Invalid User Error

Invalid User- Resource link, Contact Your System Administrator

This problem has been observed in the Service Request form, however, it could occur in other places too. While creating or updating a Service Request in the "Owner" field, it is possible to pick a resource from the LOV, and get the "Invalid User - Resource link" error.

Cause: This problem occurs if the currently logged in user (as defined in FND_USER), is not mapped to a proper resource who you are trying to update the SR with.

Action: Ensure that the user ID of the resource that you select in the LOV matches with the one that the user is currently logged in as. This restriction is due to the fact that in trying to create interactions, there is a validation that the user must be a resource.

Product Name Displays Improperly

When selecting a product, the product appears as "X" instead of displaying the product name.

Cause: When setting up Inventory, the item flexfield segment was not compiled.

Action: Compile the item flexfield segment by performing the following:

  1. Log in to the Forms interface with System Administrator responsibility.

  2. Select Flexfield > Key > Segments.

  3. Run a query for Application "Oracle Inventory" and Flexfield Title "System Items" by performing the following:

    1. Select View > Query by Example > Enter.

    2. In the newly highlighted Application and Flexfield Title fields enter "Oracle Inventory" and System Items".

    3. Select View > Query by Example > Run.

  4. In the Structures menu, select "SYSTEM_ITEMS" and click the Compile button.

Performance Issue When Selecting the Resource Details Button

Cause: When selecting the Resource Details button, forms do not display for up to thirty minutes.

Action: A fix for this problem is available in a patch release. Details about this patch and its availability are found on the metalink Web site. As an interim solution, you can run the Synchronize Employees concurrent program and set the Get New Employees parameter to "Yes".

Synchronize Employee Concurrent Program Does not End Date Resources

Cause: End date for terminated resources does not display properly when running the Synchronize Employees Concurrent program.

Action: A fix for this problem is available in a patch release. Details about this patch and its availability are found on the metalink Web site. When running the Synchronize Employees concurrent program, you must run the concurrent program when the employee is no longer active. For example, if the employee is today and inactive starting tomorrow, you must run the concurrent program tomorrow, to end date the resource in Resource Manager. If the Employee is end dated in HR with a previous date, then run the concurrent program today, resource will be end dated with sysdate-1.

Error Messages

This section contains information on some of the error messages associated with implementing Resource Manager.


Routine FDFBKS found no row in FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENT.

Cause: This is a flexfield issue.


  1. Define the Territory Flex field.

  2. Recompile.

APP-FND-01934: ORA-01400


Cause: This error can occur when trying to save a new role.

Procedure Create_Role_Quota_Cate


  1. Verify whether or not CN_ROLE_QUOTA_CATE_PVT is valid in the database.

  2. Select status, owner, object_type from dba_objects where object_name='CN_ROLE_QUOTA_CATE_PVT ';

  3. If invalid, compile it and try again.

  4. If valid then, make ROLE_MODEL_ID column null in the following tables:




  5. Recompile and re-run.

    Note: If this error continues, refer to the OIC (Oracle Incentive Compensation) Implementation documentation for additional troubleshooting under the topic: Assign Resources to Roles and Groups.


APP-PER-50022: Oracle HR could not retrieve a value for the User Type profile option.

Cause: This error occurs when pressing the "View" Button in Define Resource Form.

Action: Verify that it is set properly for your responsibility. Ensure that the current resource is of type "Employee." Update the profile "HR: User Type" at the application level by selecting a valid value from the LOV. If you select "HR User", then verify that the user currently logged in has the "US HRMS Manager" responsibility.


Cause: This error can occur when trying to access employee information:

APP-PER-500022 Oracle Human Resources could not retrieve a value for the user type profile option.

Action: Ensure that the profile option HR: User Type is set correctly for your responsibility. This occurs when there is a shared installation of HR, and the value for profile option HR:User Type in corresponding responsibility level is not properly set.

Set up profile option HR: User Type to HR user in responsibility level. If the profile option cannot be updated in responsibility level, then update it in the responsibility level from application developer responsibility.

HTTP 404

Cause: This error occurs while trying to log in to an HTML application. It is an environment issue. Perform the following steps to correct the problem.


  1. Close Netscape.

  2. Remove fat.db, netscape.hst, and cookies.txt.

  3. Clear disk cache and memory cache.

  4. Log in again.


Cause: This error can also occur when invoking the Accounts Receivables forms.

Action: Perform the following procedures:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connecting as apps/apps, enter the following:

    SQL> set pages 999 
    SQL> set long 9999 
    SQL> select text from dba_views where view_name = 'RA_SALESREPS'; 

    Check to see if the results of the FROM clause in the view definition list any of the following tables or views:






      If so, then log a bug against Accounts Receivable.

  2. In SQL*Plus, connecting as apps/apps, enter the following:

    SQL> select table_name 
         from all_synonyms 
         where synonym_name ='RA_SALESREPS_ALL' and owner = 'APPS'; 
    • If the result of this query returns RA_SALESREPS_ALL, then Salesperson migration has not happened. If you do want the migration to happen, then apply the following patches:

      • 1638958

      • 1757827

      or else, log a bug against Accounts Receivable.

    • If the result of this query returns JTF_RS_SALESREPS, then the salesperson migration has occurred. In this case, run the following in SQL*Plus connected as apps/apps:

      SQL> delete from jtf_rs_salesreps
            where salesrep_id=-3 and org_id is null; 
    • If the previous command deletes one record, then perform a COMMIT, otherwise, perform a ROLLBACK operation.

    Warning: You are actually deleting physical records from the database. This has the RISK of leaving behind dangling foreign keys in other tables in other applications. Confirm the check for FOREIGN KEYS before deleting records as suggested above. Otherwise, you may end up corrupting your database.

Warning: Contact Oracle Support if you have any questions.


ORA-01422: Exact fetch returns more than requested numbers of rows.

Cause: This occurs while adding a group role to a resource in Define Resource Form, and indicates that an unexpected error was encountered in INSERT_REP_MANAGER.

Action: To resolve this, contact your system administrator.

Alternate Cause: This problem can occur when there is more than one snapshot view log on JTF_RS_REP_MANAGERS table.

Alternate Action: To confirm, run the following query in SQL*Plus, connected as apps/apps:

SQL> insert into rep_temp 
        person_id, category,
      (-9, 1, 1, 'employee', null, 1, 'x', -1, sysdate, -1, sysdate,
       -1, 'y', sysdate, null, -1, -1, 1); 

If the result is:

ORA-01422: Exact fetch returns more than requested numbers of rows,

then more than one snapshot log exists. There should be only one snapshot log on the table MLOG$_JTF_RS_REP_MANAGERS. Verify if there are more, and drop them. If after ensuring that there is only one snapshots of log MLOG$_JTF_RS_REP_MANAGERS, and the error still occurs, log a bug against Oracle Sales.


Cause: There are several issues that can affect migration of salesperson data. Errors can occur when accessing the following Accounts Receivables forms:

Action: To diagnose and resolve, perform the following checks:

  1. In SQL*Plus, connecting as apps/apps, enter the following:

    SQL> set pages 999 
    SQL> set long 9999 
    SQL> select text from dba_views where view_name = 'RA_SALESREPS'; 

    Check to see if the results of the FROM clause in the view definition list any of the following tables or views:






      If so, then log a bug against Accounts Receivable.

  2. In SQL*Plus, connecting as apps/apps, enter the following:

    SQL>select table_name 
       from all_synonyms 
       where synonym_name ='RA_SALESREPS_ALL' and owner = 'APPS';

    If the result of this query is RA_SALESREPS_ALL, then the salesperson migration has not happened. If you do want the migration to happen, then you must apply the following patches:

    • 1638958

    • 1757827

      or else, log a bug against Accounts Receivable.


ORA-4062: Signature of package "APPS.JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PVT" has been changed.

Cause: This is an environment error in which the package body and spec are out of sync.

Action: Recompile all JTF forms and libraries. This process will not work if directories contain invalid characters.

Problem: Ran the API Jtf_Rs_Role_Relate_Pub.create_resource_role_relate and it stops with an error:


The API JTF_RS_ROLE_RELATE_PUB.CREATE_RESOURCE_ROLE_RELATE, generates the following error message: ORA-20000 buffer overflow.

Cause: This error is caused by the table space being full.

Action: A future release will contain more specific error message such as the following:

ORA 01653: Unable to extend table CN.CN_SRP_QUOTA RULES_ALL by 515 in tablespace CND

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The following are frequently asked questions. Answers to these questions may help you in troubleshooting problems with the Resource Manager.


Answer: Yes, in the PARENT_RESOURCE_ID column in this table.

How Are Role Types Associated with the Applications?

Where do you define the role type? In the Meaning field for defining the Role Type? If yes, how is this controlled as the field doesn't contain an LOV and it is a free form entry. Also should the customer use one of the defined meanings for the application/Role Type association?

Answer: Navigation steps to define a Role Type:

With the CRM Administrator responsibility, select Resource Manager > Setup > Role Types.

The content in the "Meaning" field is what is displayed in all LOV for Role Type.

When you invoke the "Role Types" form, you see a numerous records. Many of them are shipped out-of-the-box as seeded values. Customer can add new Role Types, or, change the Meaning, Description, or Dates of the seeded ones. But, customers cannot delete seeded values. To determine which ones are seeded, and which ones are added by the Customer, navigate to each Role Type record, and see if the "Delete" option in the tool bar is enabled. It is enabled for new records, not for seeded values.

How is the Role Associated with the Application?

Is this done by the Type (Role Type) on the Roles definition form?

Answer: Roles are associated one-to-many with a Role Type. Just like Role Type, we ship quite a few Roles for each Role Type out-of-the-box. Individual Applications use both Role Type and Role. Some applications use it as a filter mechanism, while some use it for reporting.

Example: If you have 100,000 Employee Resources in the system, and you are only interested in the subgroup Salespersons, then an application such as Oracle Sales and Marketing assigns a Role of type Oracle Sales to the those resources and write logic to only display those salespersons in their application LOVs.

There is no association necessarily between Role Type and an Application; except that the names of the Role Types appear like Application Names.

Are Resources Org Striped?

How about Salespersons?

Answer: Resources are NOT org striped, but salespersons are.

Example: If you have an Employee Resource R1 who is a Salesrep in multiple orgs (lets say org_id 100, 200, 300), then in the Define Resource window, when you query the Resource in the context of Org 100, you see the Resource information, and the Salesrep information for Org 100. However, if you are in the context of Org 150, then only the Resource displays, but none of the Salesrep information such as Salesrep Number or Sales Credit Type displays in the header and the Receivables tab.

The same is true with all other types of Resources like Party, Partner, Supplier Contact, Other, and To-Be-Hired.

IS There a One to One Mapping Between an FND_USER and Resource?

Answer: Use the "Define User" window in AOL to assign an Employee, Party, and Supplier Contact to the same FND User.

What Can I Import into Resource Manager?

Answer: Even though its possible to attach an Employee, Party, Supplier, or Contact to the SAME FND User, you cannot import all of them into Resource Manager. You can only import one: Employee, Party, or Supplier Contact.

How Do I Send Notifications?

I've attached a Resource Group to a Task. How can I send notifications to all members of this group?

Resource Groups are not tied to Workflow groups. So, when a workflow is in setup, for example, in Task Manager, to send notification to the Task Owner, how can I ensure that if a Resource Group is assigned an owner to the Task, then the notification will be sent to all the members of that Resource Group automatically?

Answer: Examine the example of Task Manager.

Decide which workflow process to launch by defining a new workflow process under the workflow item: JTFTASK (User name for seeded workflow: Workflow for Task Manager.) Within the new workflow process, call a workflow (and PL/SQL) function in a loop, which retrieves the members of the group and send the notification to all the members.

An example of SQL code to get all the GROUPS and RESOURCES, under one GROUP (one hierarchical level):

SELECT  group_id  group_id,  resource_id  group_resource_id,  'INDIVIDUAL'  resource_type 
FROM jtf_rs_group_members UNION 
SELECT rgm.group_id  group_id,  rgr.group_id  group_resource_id,  'GROUP'   resource_type 
FROM jtf_rs_group_members rgm, jtf_rs_grp_relations rgr 
WHERE rgm.group_id = rgr.related_group_id; 

Why Are Party and Partner Treated Differently?

Why are Party, and Partner treated as separate Resource Categories in Resource Manager? Should they not be combined into just one category?

Answer: The parties of party_type 'PARTY_RELATIONSHIP' can be imported as a resource of category 'PARTY' or 'PARTNER'. But there are some other party types that can be brought in only as category PARTY (for example, PERSON) and those that can be brought in only as PARTNER (for example, Organization.) The categories need to exist independently rather than being merged.

What is the Geo Override and Inside City Limits Fields?

What is the significance of fields "Geo Override", and "Inside City Limits"? How should these fields be used in the Define Resource window when defining a Salesperson?

Answer: The Geo Override value associates the salesperson with a unique tax jurisdiction. Both fields should normally be used if you have installed a sales tax vendor of type Vertex Taxware Sales. Oracle recommends you use Tax System or Vertex Quantu.

If you entered a value in the Geo Override field and the tax jurisdiction for this address is within city limits, select the "Inside City Limits" check box. This check box should typically be enabled only if your sales tax vendor is Vertex Quantum.

Geocodes are used by tax engine to identify taxing jurisdiction. A geocode is typically needed when the state, zip, and city fields of an address do not uniquely identify the exact taxing jurisdiction. For example, same city and zip can be found in multiple counties. Inside city limits adds more to that geocodes. For example a city has different tax rates for city limit, in this case the city will have two different jurisdictions: one inner city and another that is outer city. The tax will be calculated accordingly.

Third party tax engines like vertex and taxware recognize such complicated geocode.

For additional information, see the following:

Where Can I Set Up Sales Credit Types?

In the Define Resource Form, under "Receivables" tab, there is a field labeled "Sales Credit Type". Where do values in the LOV for this field come from and how to I populate the LOV if it contains no values?

Answer: The Sales Credit Type field values come from Order Management. To populated the LOV with values, navigate to: Order Management > Set up > Sales > Credit Types and use the forms accordingly.

What are the Attributes of an Employee Resource?

What are the attributes of an Employee Resource that are kept in SYNC with HR? What is the list of all HR denormalized columns in Resource Manager.


SOURCE_ID    (mapped to Person ID in HR) 

What Are the Responsibilities Associated With Resource Manager?

What are the responsibilities associated with Resource Self Service (HTML) functionality? What are the Responsibility names for "Super User", and "Regular User"?


How Does the Employee Button in the Resource Summary Page Appear?

Answer: If the user is logged in with "Resource Self Service Administrator" responsibility, and if the value of the profile "JTFRS: Employee Resource Update Access" is set to "ANY," then, the Create button for Employee will appear in the Resource Summary page.

How Does the Create Button in the Groups Summary Page Appear?

Answer: If the user is logged in with "Resource Self Service Administrator" responsibility, AND if the value of the profile "JTFRS: Group Update Access is set to "ALL" then, the Create button for Groups will appear in the Resource Groups Summary page.

How are Supplier Contact Type Resources Set Up?

Explain the detailed steps in defining a supplier contact resource such that it can be imported in Resource Manager.

Answer: Perform the following steps.

Responsibility: Purchasing, Vision Operations (USA)

Navigation: Supply Base > Suppliers


  1. When the appropriate supplier record has been found, select the 'Supplier' icon at the bottom right hand corner.

  2. In the 'Contacts' tab, enter the supplier contact name, telephone number and their email address in the Mail Stop field.

  3. Switch responsibility to CRM Administrator.

  4. Select Resource Manager > Maintain Resources > Import Resources -> Select Resource category.

  5. Supplier Contact > choose Contact as previously created. Find, then Create resource. View using Resource details.

How are Support Site IDs in Resources Set Up?

Explain the detailed steps in defining a support site such that it can be associated to a Resource Manager.

Answer: Perform the following steps.

Responsibility: Customer Support.

Navigation: Customer Management > Contact Center


  1. In the Caller Type field, select either Organization or Person.

  2. In the Organization field, select your organization.

  3. Select the Address tab.

  4. In the Status column, select Active.

  5. In the Address1 column, select the appropriate address from the LOV.

  6. The City field automatically populates.

  7. In the Usage field, select Support Site.

  8. Select Active in the Usage Status field.

  9. Save your work.

How is Data in JTF_RS_GROUPS_DENORM Populated?

Explain the detailed steps by which resource group hierarchy information is denormalized / flattened in this table.

Answer: The following example illustrates the answer.


The following table depicts group information.

Group Information
Group Name Group ID
G1 100000001
G2 100000002
G3 100000003
G4 100000004
G5 100000005
G6 100000006

How Are Records Populated?

How are records populated in JTF_RS_GROUPS_DENORM table for the previous example?


Group Data
Group_ID Parent_Group_ID Immediate_parent_flag Denorm_Level
100000001 100000001 N 0
100000002 100000002 N 0
100000003 100000003 N 0
100000004 100000004 N 0
100000005 100000005 N 0
100000006 100000006 N 0
100000002 100000001 Y 1
100000003 100000002 Y 1
100000003 100000001 N 2
100000004 100000003 Y 1
100000004 100000002 N 2
100000004 100000001 N 3
100000005 100000001 Y 1
100000006 100000005 Y 1
100000006 100000001 N 2

Note: DENORM_LEVEL column is new in our current release. It DOES NOT exist in CRM 11.5.6 Family Pack.

How Can Employee Number Generation Be Controlled?

Explain the steps by which Employee Number can be manually entered while creating an Employee Resource.

Answer: Perform the following steps:

Responsibility: US HRMS

Navigation: Work Structures > Organization > Description.


  1. Query the Business Group you want to control the generation of Employee number.

  2. In the Organization Classification section Select "Business Group"

  3. Click on Others Button.

  4. Chose Business Group info. This will invoke a Flex Field.

In the flexfield one segment is defined as Employee number generation. Depending on the value of this segment the system decides whether or not the number needs to be manually entered/or be automatically generated.

Can I Use Netscape's Back Button in Resource Manager?

There is a bug in the Netscape browser that can affect Resource Manager. Do not use the Back button, as you may loose your data. It is recommended that you use the Resource Manager user interface (UI). The Internet Explorer browser does not have this issue.

How Many Contacts Can Be Imported For a Supplier Site?

Can you import contacts for just one supplier site?

Answer: If you want to import a supplier contact, you must enter the supplier name and site. In the Payables Supplier Form, you can specify contacts for each supplier site.

Responsibility: Customer Support

Navigation: Resource Management > Maintain Resources > Import Resources


  1. Select Supplier Contact from the Resource Category field.

  2. Select your chosen name from the list of values (LOVs).

  3. Select your chosen address from the LOVs.

  4. Select your chosen Supplier Contact from the LOVs.

If there are multiple addresses and supplier contacts, then you can only select one to import into Resource Manager at a time.

Required fields are Supplier Name and Supplier Site.

How Can I Import Salesrep Information?

How can I import Salesrep information from a legacy or third party system?

Answer: Use the API of your HR system and Resource Manager public API, JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB. Create_Resource ( ), to import employees if you want to import employee data from a legacy HR system. For details of Resource Manager public APIs, see Trading Community Architecture Implementation Guide.

Which API Returns all Workflow Roles for a Specific Resource ID?

Which API Returns all Workflow roles for a resource when provided with a specific resource ID?

Answer: The get_wf_role procedure in package JTF_RS_WF_INTEGRATION_PUB returns all workflow roles for a resource when provided with a specific resource ID. This procedure contains the following function:

FUNCTION get_wf_role(p_resource_id IN number) RETURN varchar2
    l_orig_system       wf_local_roles.orig_system%TYPE;
    l_orig_system_id    wf_local_roles.orig_system_id%TYPE;

When the user ID is provided as an input value, the function returns the name of the Workflow role, its original system, and its original system identification.

How do I display Flexfields in a JSP/HTML page within Resource Manager:

What are the steps to display a flexfield in a JSP/HTML page within the HTML version of Resource Manager?

Answer: You cannot perform this action because the HTML version of Resource Manager does not support Flexfields.

Which Partner Categories Are Terminated in Resource Manager?

Which partner categories are terminated in Resource Manager after running the Number of Days profile option?

Answer: The Number of Days profile option terminates resources in Resource Manager a specified number of days after they have been terminated in Human Resources. This profile option only terminates the partner category of resources.

How do I Enable Flexfields for the HTML Version of Resource Manager?

Is there a different set of steps to enable flexfields for the HTML version of Resource Manager? Enabled flexfields in the 'Groups' and 'Employees' region of Resource Manager. When user navigates to the Groups and Employees regions in the Forms-based interface, enabled flexfields are displayed. However, they are not displayed under the Employee and Groups tab of the JSP generated HTML page.

Answer: Resource Manager HTML currently does not support Flexfields. However, this feature will be available in a future release.

Why does the Synchronize Employee Concurrent Program Always update every record's last_update_date parameter?

The Synchronize Employee concurrent program updates every record's last_update_date even if the record is not changed. Is this a bug?

Answer: No. The program is designed that way to update the entire set using a single SQL command, which results in the observed behavior.

Error Encountered When Running the Synchronize Employee Concurrent Program

The Synchronize employee concurrent program imports new employees into Resource Manager. When attempting to modify the new resource encountered error:

" Resource End Date out of range for the salesperson related End dates of the resource"

The new resource cannot be modified until the 31-DEC-4712 has been manually removed.

Answer: There are two answers to this problem:

  1. When running the concurrent program, use the mass import by organization function since it does not populate the date field.

  2. If you cannot delete all the imported records, then nullify the 31-DEC-4712 date in the JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS table.

Deactivated Role Still Appears

Why does a role that is made inactive still appear as a valid role with no end date on the resource record?

Resolution: Currently the resource role is not affected when a role is made inactive. A future release will address the issue of preventing inactive roles from being specified for resources when adding resources to groups.

What is the Correct Public API Sequence for Creating a Sales Rep?

What is the correct sequence for using pubic published Resource Manager APIs to create a sales rep?

Answer: To create a salesrep, must first create it as a resource using JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB API. Then, create a salesrep using JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB API.

How do I set the org_context to Properly Call the Create_Salesrep and Update_Salesrep APIs using SQL*Plus

What are the requirements for setting the org context and passing the org_id as a parameter when using SQL*Plus to call the Create_Salesrep and Update_Salesrep APIs?

Answer: Use the following command in your scripts when setting the org_context to call the Create_Salesrep and Update_Salesrep APIs:

mo_global.set_org_context(999, NULL);

where 999 is the org_id parameter value to which the context is set. This should be done every time you call the Create_Salesrep and Update_Salesrep APIs.