Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Bills of Material

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Bills of Material Chapter

This chapter describes the integration of Oracle iStore with Oracle Bills of Material.

Overview of Oracle Bills of Material

Oracle Manufacturing and Oracle Order Management use Oracle Bills of Material (BOM) to store lists of items (products) associated with a parent item and information about each item's relationship with its parent.

Oracle Bills of Material supports the following types of bills of material:

Oracle iStore Functionality with Oracle Bills of Material

You can use Oracle Bills of Material to set up configurable models, model bundles, and items with standard warranties for sale in your sites. This chapter addresses only the setup of model bundles in Oracle iStore using Oracle Bills of Material.

For information about creating bills of material for other types of products, see Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide and Oracle Inventory User's Guide. For more information on setting up configurable items, see the chapter, Integrating Oracle iStore with Oracle Configurator.

Overview of Model Bundles

The Oracle iStore product catalog supports model bundles. A model bundle is a pre-configured model item in which all components (option classes) are mandatory.

A model bundle exists in Oracle Inventory and Oracle Bills of Material as follows:

From the customer perspective, the model bundle consists of the Oracle Inventory model item and the items listed on the option class bills in Oracle Bills of Material.

Use a model bundle only when revenue recognition at the component item level is required. Otherwise, use a standard item for better performance.

Model Bundle Display in the Catalog

The catalog display of model bundles is similar to standard item display.

Model bundle products are displayed in the catalog as follows:

Model Bundle Display in the Shopping Cart

The shopping cart display of model bundles is similar to standard item display.

Model bundle products are displayed in the shopping cart as follows:

Model Bundle Pricing

A model bundle's price is the sum of the prices for the model item and other component items.

You can set up pricing for a model bundle component in one of the following ways:

Use the pricing attribute Model Id to allow variable component pricing depending on whether it is purchased separately or as part of a particular model. When the component is purchased separately, no pricing attribute is passed to Oracle Pricing. When the component is purchased as part of a model, the model ID is passed to Oracle Pricing as the pricing attribute Model Id.

Model bundle pricing is available only for the model item's primary unit of measure (UOM).

Example: Pricing Model Bundle Components

The item Java Book has the following pricing:

To establish this pricing, the price list must have two lines for the item Java Book:

Implementing Oracle Bills of Material

Use the following procedure to create a model bundle. See the chapter, Verify Mandatory Dependencies, for more details about creating site products.



  1. Login to Oracle Forms with Inventory responsibility. In Oracle Inventory, create the model bundle's model item with the following settings:

    • In the Bills of Material tab:

      • BOM Allowed = Yes (checked)

      • BOM Item Type = Model

    • In the Work In Process tab:

      • Build In WIP = No (unchecked)

      • Supply Type = Push

    • In the Order Management tab:

      • Pick Components = Yes (checked)

Remember that pricing for a model bundle is available only for the model item's primary UOM.

  1. In Oracle Inventory, create the model bundle's option classes with the following settings:

    • In the Bills of Material tab:

      • BOM Allowed = Yes (checked)

      • BOM Item Type = Option Class

    • In the Work In Process tab:

      • Build In WIP = No (unchecked)

      • Supply Type = Phantom

    • In the Order Management tab:

      • Pick Components = Yes (checked)

  2. In Oracle Inventory, create the model bundle's non-model items with the following settings:

    • BOM Allowed = Yes (checked)

    • BOM Item Type = Standard

      These items will be included in the option classes' bills in Oracle Bills of Material.

  3. In Oracle Bills of Material, create a bill for each option class in the model bundle. Each option class bill should have only one item.

    To ensure that prices are displayed and calculated for the model bundle's items, make the items in the option class bills optional. Oracle Order Management does not price items in a model bundle if they are mandatory.

  4. In Oracle Bills of Material, create a bill for the model bundle's model item. Include the model bundle's option classes in the bill as mandatory components.

  5. When you create a bill, it exists only in the current organization. If you are implementing multiple organizations, copy the bill to your other organizations, or reference the bill as a common bill. See Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide for additional details.

  6. In Oracle Pricing, set up pricing for the model bundle's items. If you want an item to have different prices depending on whether it is included in a model bundle, use the pricing attribute Model Id as described in the section, "Model Bundle Pricing", in this chapter.

    • The model bundle's model item should have a price of zero, without any modifiers.

    • The model bundle's option classes should have prices of zero, without any modifiers.

    • The items in the option classes' bills should be set up with prices and any applicable modifiers.

  7. If you have set up a pricing attribute for an item, you must run the Build Attribute Mapping Rules concurrent program to generate and display the correct prices. Follow the directions in Oracle Pricing User's Guide. Restart the Apache server after the concurrent program completes.

See also: