Sample File For Solution Import Program

This appendix covers the following topics:

Example of a Solution File for the Solution Import Program

The Oracle Knowledge Management Solution Import Program uses the input XML file name (absolute path) and commit interval (time intervals for committing the import) parameters for running. The file must contain the solutions in an XML format and must be compliant with the Document Type Definition (DTD) for Oracle Knowledge Management, cskb_solution.dtd.

The file must contain the solutions in a XML format and must be compliant with the Document Type Definition (DTD) for Oracle Knowledge Management (cskb_solution.dtd), which verifies the validity of the input XML document. If it is valid, the solutions are created, one after the other. If any data is invalid, the solutions are not created. If processing for a solution fails, its changes are rolled back, and a log error message is written, and the next solution in the file is imported. Each new solution to be uploaded can either have a Saved status or be directly published, if the flow information is provided. Users can update only published solutions. File type attachments are supported and can be imported. Statement Global Update is supported. Any statement with a statement number is globally updated according to the new data specified in the XML document.

For product and platform, you can optionally specify the segments attribute, which corresponds to the concatenated segments for that item. Once specified, the import program uses the concatenated_segments to lookup the item (product or platform) in the system item master. If not specified, import program still uses the content of the product or platform element as description to lookup in the system item master.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE solution_list SYSTEM "cskb_solution.dtd">



<solution_type> Symptom Cause Action</solution_type>

<solution_visibility>External </solution_visibility>

<title>Maria's Test Solution 1 (mchui061902b)</title>

<category>Home&gt;12 World Cup&gt;United States</category>

<product segments=”PBD-001” >Passport Backup Drive</product>

<product>Windows NT (wrong)</product>

<platform segments=”SSD”>Sentinel Standard Desktop</platform>




<content_type>HTML with Autolink</content_type>

<summary>mchui061902b - symptom 1</summary>




<attachment_title>Desktop Specs</attachment_title>

<attachment_description>Desktop Specs</attachment_description>















<flow_name>Bayu Flow</flow_name>

Example of a Solution File for the Solution Import Program

Sample File For Solution Import Program E-3



<solution_type> Symptom Cause Action</solution_type>

<solution_visibility>External </solution_visibility>

<title>Maria's Test Solution 2 (mchui061902c)</title>

<category>Home&gt;New Category&gt;New Category 2</category>

<product>Windows NT</product>

<product>Windows NT</product>

<platform>windOWS 95</platform>




<content_type>Text with Autolinks</content_type>

<summary>mchui061902c - symptom 1</summary>

<detail>another imported statement - published</detail>










<summary_upd>update existing statement summary</summary_upd>

<detail_upd>global update of statement CLOB</detail_upd>





<solution_type> Symptom Cause Action</solution_type>


<title>UPDATED Solution 1000003 yes (updated on 062102)</title>

<category>Home&gt;New Category&gt;New Category 2</category>

<product>Windows NT</product>

<platform>windOWS 95</platform>





<summary>create new statement </summary>

<detail>new statement details</detail>




Example of a Solution File for the Solution Import Program

E-4 Implementation Guide



<content_type_upd>Text with Autolinks</content_type_upd>

<summary_upd>global update of statement</summary_upd>

<detail_upd>statement detail should be globally



