
An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the solution to an issue. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.
This search finds documents that contain at least one of the query terms.
Advanced Solution Search
Advanced Solution Search is a more comprehensive search than Simple Search. You can search for solutions under different categories, products, or platforms. You can search one solution type or all, and search for statements. You can also select an existing statement in Oracle Knowledge Management and perform a related search.
All Keywords
This search uses the AND operator. The search results must match all terms in the query.
Any Keywords
This search uses the OR operator. This search can match one or more query terms.
A link from a solution to a supporting item of information that enhances the value of the solution for its users. Attachments can include graphics, scripts, or documents in different file formats.
Authoring Flow
An Authoring Flow defines the steps or tasks that a solution must follow in the solution approval or rejection process.
Simple Search
Simple Search is a type of search that lets you search for a solution and category based on a keyword.
In this searching method, you can enter your own Oracle Text operators. If you do not enter an operator, this search performs a phrase search.
A folder containing a set of related solutions.
An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the reason for the solution issue. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.
Autolink Linking
Is the process of linking an object type or a unique identifier within a statement as a link to additional information related to that object type or to that unique identifier.
End Date
End-dating a statement or solution type prevents any further statements or solutions of this type from being created. Solutions or statements currently in progress are allowed to complete. End dating a solution or statement type does not mean that the solution or statement type has been deleted. Instead, it is considered a soft delete that can be revoked by removing the end date on the solution or statement type at any point in time
Find Related Statements
The search method that finds all other statements that have been previously linked. The results are displayed based on the strength or weight of the link.
Find Similar Statements
A text search that finds matches that are determined by comparing keywords to the summary of the statements in the repository.
Knowledge Base
The Oracle Knowledge Management database that contains information that can be used to solve issues.
Knowledge Worker
An individual that creates or edits or technically reviews information within Oracle Knowledge Management.
A company that has purchased or is using one or more Oracle Applications modules.
Oracle Text
Oracle Text is a feature that enables the Oracle database to store, manage, and retrieve text, documents, geographic location information, images, audio, and video in an integrated fashion with other enterprise information. Formerly known as Intermedia Text.
A link between a solution to a statement or a statement to another statement that indicates they have been used together at some time as part of a solution. A statement can have many relationships based on the number of solutions of which it is a part.
Oracle Knowledge Management evaluates the criteria to produce a score to present the best solution first. The scoring criteria include the number of times that a solution has: been linked to an external object and solved; been linked to external objects; received positive feedback; been viewed as a solution; or received negative feedback. These scores are shown as a combined score to indicate the strength of the match to the query entered. The maximum score is 100.
Collection of information or statements to solve an issue or answer a question.
Solution Number
Every solution in Oracle Knowledge Management is associated with a unique number. This search finds the solution that is associated with the number entered in the search query field.
Solution Score
Each solution is scored based on the text match performed by Oracle Text and the number of times it has been successfully used to solve issues. These scores are shown as a combined score to indicate the strength of the match to the query entered. The maximum score is 100.
Solution Type
An attribute of a solution that helps define the type of content that goes into a solution (a solution type is like a template).
A statement is a description of any aspect of a problem, its cause, or its resolution. It contains a summary field that can be a maximum of 500 characters and a detail field that can be maximum of 4 GB. Statements can be segmented into statement types.
Statement Type
Statements can be segmented into statement types. It is an identifying name associated with a particular part of a solution type. For example, question is a statement type in a question or answer solution type.
Solutions and statements have a status attribute. This attribute describes the phase of review that a solution or statement has gone through. Common solution statuses are: Draft, Under Edit, Technical Review, Editorial Review, Obsolete, and Published.
An Oracle Knowledge Management statement type that contains the issue the user is trying to solve. It is a part of the Symptom-Cause-Action solution type.
Unified Search
Also known as a Simple Search. See Simple Search.
An Oracle Knowledge Management user can be an internal or an external user. External users are users that can see published solutions. Internal users include system administrators, knowledge workers, and knowledge agents.