Creating a Planning Cycle

This chapter describes how to create a portfolio planning cycle, and the planning cycle attributes.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Planning Cycles

A portfolio planning cycle is a series of activities that are dedicated to examining and approving a set of projects. During a planning cycle, you decide which projects to fund based on the strategic and financial goals of your company.

You can create a planning cycle whenever a business change occurs or a periodic review process takes place. For example, you might create a planning cycle during your company's annual planning and budgeting cycle.

The Vision Corporation creates planning cycles during their annual planning and budgeting cycles. This organization is required to develop formal plans for the type of work they will perform for each fiscal year. The formal planning process can include:

You can use Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis to prepare, perform, and track each step in the process, and use the planning cycle to determine which projects to fund.

Planning Cycle Activities

During a planning cycle, the portfolio analyst and portfolio owner develop and analyze scenarios, and then recommend scenarios for approval. The portfolio approver is responsible for approving a single scenario and the portfolio plan. You can create a new planning cycle for a portfolio after the portfolio plan is approved and closed.

Note: Only one planning cycle can be active in a portfolio. You can create a new planning cycle for an existing portfolio after the prior planning cycle has been closed.

Planning cycle activities include:

Defining a Planning Cycle

When you create a planning cycle, you specify the following objectives:

You define the following attributes for a planning cycle:

To create a planning cycle:

  1. Open the Create Planning Cycle page.

  2. Enter the planning cycle name and description. You can choose to save the planning cycle at this point by applying the changes.

  3. Enter the details for the planning cycle attributes, which are: Investment Criteria, Basic Information, Financial Information, and the Distribution List.

  4. Save your work.

Planning Cycle Elements

When you create a planning cycle, you assign financial, strategic, and general details to it that assist with project analysis, project evaluation, and the selection of projects that will be collected into the planning cycle.


You can use the planning cycle checklist to perform the actions in the following table:

Action When You Can Perform This Action
Review Strategic and Financial Criteria The planning cycle status is Created or Null
Initiate Planning Cycle The icon is enabled when the planning cycle is created, but not initiated
Collect Projects After the planning cycle is initiated, until one of these events has occurred:
  • The deadline (due date) for submitting projects has passed

  • All project owners have submitted projects to the planning cycle

  • The portfolio analyst has forced project collection

Develop Scenarios After projects are collected into the initial scenario, until you submit a scenario for approval
Submit Plan for Approval After a scenario is recommended for approval
Approve Plan After a scenario is approved, and the planning cycle status is Submitted
Close Planning Cycle After the planning cycle is created

Investment Criteria

Investment criteria help portfolio analysts evaluate project investments. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis uses a combination of financial and non-financial (strategic) criteria. Portfolio analysts evaluate both types of criteria when reviewing projects that are being considered for funding in a planning cycle.

You define the Investment Criteria in a planning cycle to execute the following functions:

Strategic Groups and Objectives

Strategic groups and objectives are shared throughout your organization for every planning cycle. Portfolio analysts can select the strategic criteria to use for planning cycles. You select the strategic criteria for each planning cycle by determining the relevance of each strategic group and objective for a planning cycle, and assigning weights (as percentages) to the criteria. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis uses the weights when calculating the weighted strategic score for projects, investment class codes, and scenarios.

Vision Corporation analyzes projects in terms of risk, for which a strategic group named Risk Assessment has been created. Individual strategic criteria focused on Risk Assessment have been created for that group. Within the Risk Assessment group, the implementation team can define criteria to measure the risk to the company's schedule, cost, or resources. A portfolio analyst creating a planning cycle determines the importance of risk to the planning cycle, and assigns a weight to the Risk Assessment group and all of its subordinate strategic criteria.

Target Scores

Portfolio analysts enter target values for financial and strategic criteria in planning cycles. Target scores enable you to define internal standards for a portfolio and for project assessment. After setting the target scores, you can track how well organizations are aligning with the investment criteria defined for your company.

You enter overall target score ranges for the planning cycle's financial and strategic criteria. Within the strategic criteria, you assign target scores for each strategic group. You can enter target scores for the financial criteria when defining the financial information for a planning cycle.


To evaluate a project based on multiple criteria, you can score a project, investment class code, or scenario using a set of strategic groups and objectives. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis combines the results to calculate a single weighted strategic score for each project. The weights used are the percentages you assign to the strategic criteria for the planning cycle.

At the investment class code and scenario levels, the weighted strategic score is calculated as the average weighted score for all approved projects in the scenario or investment class code, weighted by the planned cost of those projects. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis requires that the total sum of weights be 100 percent for:

Related Topics

Targets and Financial Metrics

Implementing Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Basic Information

You define basic information for a planning cycle such as the investment mix, calendar, and currency attributes. If a planning cycle that is in Closed status exists for your portfolio, certain attributes from that planning cycle appear as default values on the Basic Information page. These values are:

You can override the default values for a new planning cycle.

Investment Class Category

A portfolio analyst assigns an investment class category to the planning cycle, which helps to select projects for the planning cycle. Project managers are responsible for assigning that investment class category and one of its class codes to the projects they plan to submit to the planning cycle. If a project does not contain the investment class category that is assigned to a planning cycle, it is not eligible to be collected in the planning cycle.

Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates the aggregate net present value, return on investment, internal rate of return, and payback period for each investment class code assigned to the projects in a planning cycle.

Planning Cycle Calendar

The planning cycle calendar defines the range of time for which you are planning. To do this, specify the following information for the planning cycle:

Planning Cycle Currency

As a portfolio analyst, you can configure the currency attributes for your planning cycle. You specify values for the Currency Code, Conversion Rate Type, and the Conversion Rate Date.

Related Topics

Implementing Oracle Project Foundation, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Implementing Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide

Investment Class Category in Oracle Project Management

Funds Available

Financial Information

A portfolio analyst can define the following financial information for a planning cycle:

As a portfolio analyst, you define ideal target ranges for each financial metric. These target values enable you to define internal standards for the projects in your planning cycle. After setting the target scores and collecting projects into scenarios, you can track the performance of each project by comparing it to the acceptable target values of the financial metrics.

Discount Rate

The discount rate is the minimum acceptable rate of return on an investment. You specify the annual discount rate to be used for calculating net present value and the payback period for planning cycles and scenarios. The default value for the discount rate is automatically applied to the scenarios in the planning cycle. However, you can change the value for each scenario.

Funds Available

Funds are available to spend for the funding period defined for a planning cycle. You enter the total funds available for the portfolio plan, and enter percentages in the investment mix to define the funds distribution to each investment class code. The total percentage of available funds for the investment class codes must equal 100 percent.

The funds available amount that you enter for the planning cycle is the default funds available amount for each scenario. However, you can adjust the value for each scenario in the planning cycle. The funds available amount that you specify is also used to calculate the funds allocated to scenario projects.

Display Factor

The portfolio analyst selects a display factor, which is a divisor for displaying numeric values in a planning cycle. The display factor does not change the amounts, only the way they are displayed. You can choose to display amounts as their original value, or by thousands, millions, or billions. Displayed amounts roll up from the project level, to investment class category level, to the scenario level.

A planning cycle named 2006 Capital Spending Plan contains projects A, B, and C. The funds available for the projects are listed in the following table:

Project Funds Required (in USD)
Project A 1400.49
Project B 299.51
Project C 300.00

The display factor that you select is used to display funds required, funds available, funding variances, costs, benefits, and other financial attributes of a planning cycle.

Targets and Financial Metrics

Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis provides a set of standard financial criteria to assist portfolio analysts with evaluating the projects in a planning cycle. The financial criteria are:

Net Present Value

The net present value is the discounted cash amount of the expected net gain or loss from an investment. This is calculated by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present time. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates net present value at the project level, and rolls it up to the investment class code and scenario levels.

The net present value of a project is the discounted cash amount of the expected net gain or loss from a project. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates this value by discounting all future revenues and costs for the project to the present point in time, based on the planning cycle discount rate.

The net present value of an investment class code or scenario is the sum of the discounted cash amount of the expected net gain or loss from all approved projects in the investment class code or scenario. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates this amount by discounting all future revenues and costs for the approved projects in the investment class code or scenario.

Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis only considers the expected costs and revenue from periods that are within the planning cycle's funding periods, from the Effective Period From period to the Effective Period To period.

Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return is the discount rate at which the present value of future revenues of a project, investment class code, or scenario is equal to the present value of future costs of that project, investment class code, or scenario. If you use the internal rate of return as the discount rate, the net present value of the project, investment class code, or scenario is zero.

Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates the internal rate of return at the project, investment class code and scenario levels.

The internal rate of return for a project is the discount rate at which the present value of the future revenues of the project equals the present value of the future costs of the project, such that the net present value of the project is zero when using the internal rate of return as the discount rate.

The internal rate of return for an investment class code or scenario is the discount rate at which the net present value for all projects with a recommended Funding Approval Status of Approved is zero when using the internal rate of return as the discount rate. Projects that have a recommended Funding Approval Status of Rejected or On Hold are not considered when calculating the internal rate of return.

Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis only considers the expected costs and revenue from periods that are within the planning cycle's funding periods, from the Effective Period From period to the Effective Period To period.

Payback Period

The payback period is the amount of time it takes to recover the initial amount invested, without regard to the time value of money. Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis calculates payback period at the project, investment class code, and scenario levels.

The payback period of a project, investment class code or scenario is calculated as the number of months that it takes to recover the total cost of the project, investment class code, or scenario from the beginning of the funding period.

Return on Investment

The return on investment is an index that is used to evaluate projects for which net present values have been determined. Projects with high return on investment numbers are beneficial to the organization. The return on investment for a project, investment class code, or scenario is determined by dividing its net present value by its total cost.

Investment Mix

The investment mix represents the intended distribution of funds in a portfolio among the investment class codes. You enter a percentage for each investment class code according to how you want Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis to distribute the funds.

Distribution List

The distribution list is a list of Oracle Projects users or roles that are notified when a planning cycle status changes. You can define the distribution list by role or by person.

Distribution List by Role

You can select send notifications of planning cycle activities to all users that are assigned to a specific role in Oracle Projects. For example, if you specify Project Manager in the distribution list, all users that have a role of project manager on any project in Oracle Projects receive notifications pertaining to your planning cycle.

Note: If you add a role to the distribution list, all of the individuals in your company who are assigned to the role receive notifications of the planning cycle activities, even if they are not performing work related to your planning cycle.

Distribution List by Person

You can select any individual who is defined in Oracle Human Resources Management Systems to receive notifications of planning cycle activities. This option enables you to specify named individuals to participate in the portfolio planning process who are not assigned to a project role.

Distribution List and Oracle Workflow

When you create a distribution list for your planning cycle, Oracle Workflow sends notifications to the specified roles or people when the following activities occur:

The users that you specify, and the individuals assigned to the roles that you specify, receive workflow notifications requesting them to manually submit their projects to be considered for inclusion in the planning cycle. The notification contains these details about the portfolio and the planning cycle:

Oracle Workflow also sends notifications of planning cycle activities to portfolio analysts and portfolio approvers. Portfolio analysts receive notifications when a portfolio plan is initiated, approved, rejected, or closed. Portfolio approvers receive notifications when a portfolio plan is submitted or closed.

Planning Cycle Due Date

You can optionally enter a planning cycle due date to specify a date for Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis to automatically collect projects into the initial scenario of your planning cycle. The automatic project collection can occur only after you initiate the planning cycle.

Initiating a Planning Cycle

After you define a planning cycle, you initiate it to collect projects into a scenario. You initiate a planning cycle after you enter and save the required planning cycle details, and the planning cycle status is Created. When you initiate the planning cycle the status changes to In Collection.

To initiate a planning cycle:

  1. Open the planning cycle Checklist.

  2. Select Initiate Planning Cycle.

Planning Cycle Statuses

You can view the planning cycle status from the My Portfolios page, and from the planning cycle pages of a portfolio.

The following table describes the planning cycle statuses:

Planning Cycle Status Description
Created The planning cycle is created and the portfolio analyst is entering data.
In Collection The portfolio analyst has initiated the planning cycle, and Oracle Workflow has sent notifications to the users on the planning cycle distribution list. The users can submit projects to the planning cycle.
In Analysis Oracle Project Portfolio Analysis has collected projects into the initial scenario. The portfolio analyst can review the submitted projects, assign project scores against strategic objectives, and create additional scenarios. Projects can be added to the scenarios. New projects are automatically added to the initial scenario.
Submitted The portfolio analyst has submitted the plan for approval.
Approved A scenario and planning cycle are approved. Further analysis is allowed, but the plan cannot be resubmitted.
Closed The planning cycle is closed and no further changes can be made.

You can have only one planning cycle for a portfolio in an active status at any time. All of the statuses except Closed are active statuses.