Oracle Loans Concurrent Programs

This appendix covers the following topics:

LNS: Billing

Submit the LNS: Billing program in Oracle Loans to create bills (Receivables documents) for your active loans. You can create bills for a single loan or borrower, or for a range of loans, borrowers, or dates. Using standard request submission, you can schedule billing to run at a specific time, or to run periodically.

Submit the LNS: Billing program from either the Forms-based Submit Request window, or the HTML-based Submit Request page. See: Using Standard Request Submission, Oracle Applications User's Guide

For more information, see: Overview of Loan Billing.

The LNS: Billing program creates a bill for all active loans that match the entered parameters. Enter at least one parameter to run billing:


See: Running Reports and Programs, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

LNS: Fee Assessment

Submit the LNS: Fees Assessment program to identify, calculate, and apply late charges for overdue loans. This program checks all loans to assess whether the conditions exists to assess a late charge. You should run this program daily and before you run the billing program to determine the fees for the billing program to bill.

Note: As Loans Agent, you can also run the LNS: Loans Maintenance and Billing request set from a Forms application such as Oracle Receivables. This request set runs both the LNS: Fee Assessment and the LNS: Billing programs. This request set is not available from the Loans application.

LNS: Generate Distributions

This program generates distributions for ERS loans.

LNS: Receipts Application Engine

This program searches and applies payments to Loans invoices based on selected parameters.

LNS: Refresh Materialized Views

This program refreshes the Loans Dashboard Graphs data.

LNS: Reverse Last Bill

This program credits the original bill if the bill issued to a borrower is incorrect. You can optionally rebill the loan at the same time. Alternatively, you can complete the credit, or credit and rebill, process from within the Servicing tab. See: Outstanding Bills.