Party and Party Information API Use

This chapter describes Party and Party Information APIs. The provided information includes: PL/SQL record structure and procedure, Java inner class and method, and parameter descriptions and validations.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Party APIs


Java Class Name: HzPartyV2Pub

PL/SQL Constant:


PL/SQL Record Structure for Party

TYPE party_rec_type                 IS RECORD(
    party_id                        NUMBER,
    party_number                    VARCHAR2(30),
    validated_flag                  VARCHAR2(1),
    orig_system_reference           VARCHAR2(240),
    orig_system                     VARCHAR2(30),
    status                          VARCHAR2(1),
    category_code                   VARCHAR2(30),
    salutation                      VARCHAR2(60),
    attribute_category              VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute1                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute2                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute3                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute4                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute5                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute6                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute7                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute8                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute9                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute10                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute11                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute12                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute13                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute14                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute15                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute16                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute17                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute18                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute19                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute20                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute21                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute22                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute23                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute24                     VARCHAR2(150)

PL/SQL Record Structure for Organization

TYPE organization_rec_type          IS RECORD(
    organization_name               VARCHAR2(360),
    duns_number_c                   VARCHAR2(30),
    enquiry_duns                    VARCHAR2(15),
    ceo_name                        VARCHAR2(240),
    ceo_title                       VARCHAR2(240),
    principal_name                  VARCHAR2(240),
    principal_title                 VARCHAR2(240),
    legal_status                    VARCHAR2(30),
    control_yr                      NUMBER,
    employees_total                 NUMBER,
    hq_branch_ind                   VARCHAR2(30),
    branch_flag                     VARCHAR2(1),
    oob_ind                         VARCHAR2(30),
    line_of_business                VARCHAR2(240),
    cong_dist_code                  VARCHAR2(2),
    sic_code                        VARCHAR2(30),
    import_ind                      VARCHAR2(30),
    export_ind                      VARCHAR2(30),
    labor_surplus_ind               VARCHAR2(30),
    debarment_ind                   VARCHAR2(30),
    minority_owned_ind              VARCHAR2(30),
    minority_owned_type             VARCHAR2(30),
    woman_owned_ind                 VARCHAR2(30),
    disadv_8a_ind                   VARCHAR2(30),
    small_bus_ind                   VARCHAR2(30),
    rent_own_ind                    VARCHAR2(30),
    debarments_count                NUMBER,
    debarments_date                 DATE,
    failure_score                   VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_natnl_percentile  NUMBER,
    failure_score_override_code     VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary        VARCHAR2(30),
    global_failure_score            VARCHAR2(5),
    db_rating                       VARCHAR2(5),
    credit_score                    VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary         VARCHAR2(30),
    paydex_score                    VARCHAR2(3),
    paydex_three_months_ago         VARCHAR2(3),
    paydex_norm                     VARCHAR2(3),
    best_time_contact_begin         DATE,
    best_time_contact_end           DATE,
    organization_name_phonetic      VARCHAR2(320),
    tax_reference                   VARCHAR2(50),
    gsa_indicator_flag              VARCHAR2(1),
    jgzz_fiscal_code                VARCHAR2(20),
    analysis_fy                     VARCHAR2(5),
    fiscal_yearend_month            VARCHAR2(30),
    curr_fy_potential_revenue       NUMBER,
    next_fy_potential_revenue       NUMBER,
    year_established                NUMBER,
    mission_statement               VARCHAR2(2000),
    organization_type               VARCHAR2(30),
    business_scope                  VARCHAR2(20),
    corporation_class               VARCHAR2(60),
    known_as                        VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as2                       VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as3                       VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as4                       VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as5                       VARCHAR2(240),
    local_bus_iden_type             VARCHAR2(30),
    local_bus_identifier            VARCHAR2(60),
    pref_functional_currency        VARCHAR2(30),
    registration_type               VARCHAR2(30),
    total_employees_text            VARCHAR2(60),
    total_employees_ind             VARCHAR2(30),
    total_emp_est_ind               VARCHAR2(30),
    total_emp_min_ind               VARCHAR2(30),
    parent_sub_ind                  VARCHAR2(30),
    incorp_year                     NUMBER,
    sic_code_type                   VARCHAR2(30),
    public_private_ownership_flag   VARCHAR2(1),
    internal_flag                   VARCHAR2(30),
    local_activity_code_type        VARCHAR2(30),
    local_activity_code             VARCHAR2(30),
    emp_at_primary_adr              VARCHAR2(10),
    emp_at_primary_adr_text         VARCHAR2(12),
    emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind      VARCHAR2(30),
    emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind      VARCHAR2(30),
    high_credit                     NUMBER,
    avg_high_credit                 NUMBER,
    total_payments                  NUMBER,
    credit_score_class              NUMBER,
    credit_score_natl_percentile    NUMBER,
    credit_score_incd_default       NUMBER,
    credit_score_age                NUMBER,
    credit_score_date               DATE,
    credit_score_commentary2        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary3        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary4        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary5        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary6        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary7        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary8        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary9        VARCHAR2(30),
    credit_score_commentary10       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_class             NUMBER,
    failure_score_incd_default      NUMBER,
    failure_score_age               NUMBER,
    failure_score_date              DATE,
    failure_score_commentary2       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary3       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary4       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary5       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary6       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary7       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary8       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary9       VARCHAR2(30),
    failure_score_commentary10      VARCHAR2(30),
    maximum_credit_recommendation   NUMBER,
    maximum_credit_currency_code    VARCHAR2(240),
    displayed_duns_party_id         NUMBER,
    content_source_type             VARCHAR2(30), := G_MISS_CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE,
    content_source_number           VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute_category              VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute1                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute2                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute3                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute4                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute5                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute6                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute7                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute8                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute9                      VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute10                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute11                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute12                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute13                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute14                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute15                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute16                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute17                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute18                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute19                     VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute20                     VARCHAR2(150),
    created_by_module               VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                  NUMBER,
    do_not_confuse_with             VARCHAR2(255),
    actual_content_source           VARCHAR2(30) := G_SST_SOURCE_TYPE,
    home_country                    VARCHAR2(2),
    party_rec                       PARTY_REC_TYPE:= G_MISS_PARTY _REC

PL/SQL Record Structure for Person

TYPE person_rec_type                    IS RECORD(
    person_pre_name_adjunct             VARCHAR2(30),
    person_first_name                   VARCHAR2(150),
    person_middle_name                  VARCHAR2(60),
    person_last_name                    VARCHAR2(150),
    person_name_suffix                  VARCHAR2(30),
    person_title                        VARCHAR2(60),
    person_academic_title               VARCHAR2(30),
    person_previous_last_name           VARCHAR2(150),
    person_initials                     VARCHAR2(6),
    known_as                            VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as2                           VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as3                           VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as4                           VARCHAR2(240),
    known_as5                           VARCHAR2(240),
    person_name_phonetic                VARCHAR2(320),
    person_first_name_phonetic          VARCHAR2(60),
    person_last_name_phonetic           VARCHAR2(60),
    middle_name_phonetic                VARCHAR2(60),
    tax_reference                       VARCHAR2(50),
    jgzz_fiscal_code                    VARCHAR2(20),
    person_iden_type                    VARCHAR2(30),
    person_identifier                   VARCHAR2(60),
    date_of_birth                       DATE,
    place_of_birth                      VARCHAR2(60),
    date_of_death                       DATE,
    gender                              VARCHAR2(30),
    declared_ethnicity                  VARCHAR2(60),
    marital_status                      VARCHAR2(30),
    marital_status_effective_date       DATE,
    personal_income                     NUMBER,
    head_of_household_flag              VARCHAR2(1),
    household_income                    NUMBER,
    household_size                      NUMBER,
    rent_own_ind                        VARCHAR2(30),
    last_known_gps                      VARCHAR2(60),
    content_source_type               VARCHAR2(30):= G_MISS_CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE,
    internal_flag                       VARCHAR2(2),
    attribute_category                  VARCHAR2(30),
    attribute1                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute2                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute3                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute4                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute5                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute6                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute7                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute8                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute9                          VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute10                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute11                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute12                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute13                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute14                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute15                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute16                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute17                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute18                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute19                         VARCHAR2(150),
    attribute20                         VARCHAR2(150),
    created_by_module                   VARCHAR2(150),
    application_id                      NUMBER,
    actual_content_source               VARCHAR2(30) := G_SST_SOURCE_TYPE,
    party_rec                           PARTY_REC_TYPE:= G_MISS_PARTY_REC

PL/SQL Record Structure for Group

TYPE group_rec_type IS RECORD(
    group_name                      VARCHAR2(255),
    group_type                      VARCHAR2(30),
    created_by_module               VARCHAR2(150),
    mission_statement               VARCHAR2(2000),
    application_id                  NUMBER,
    party_rec                       PARTY_REC_TYPE:= G_MISS_PARTY_REC

Java Inner Class for Party

    public BigDecimal                   party_id;
    public String                       party_number;
    public String                       validated_flag;
    public String                       orig_system_reference;
    public String                       orig_system;
    public String                       status;
    public String                       category_code;
    public String                       salutation;
    public String                       attribute_category;
    public String                       attribute1;
    public String                       attribute2;
    public String                       atribute3;
    public String                       attribute4;
    public String                       attribute5;
    public String                       attribute6;
    public String                       attribute7;
    public String                       attribute8;
    public String                       attribute9;
    public String                       attribute10;
    public String                       attribute11;
    public String                       attribute12;
    public String                       attribute13;
    public String                       attribute14;
    public String                       attribute15;
    public String                       attribute16;
    public String                       attribute17;
    public String                       attribute18;
    public String                       attribute19;
    public String                       attribute20;
    public String                       attribute21;
    public String                       attribute22;
    public String                       attribute23;
    public String                       attribute24;

    public PartyRec();
    public PartyRec(boolean _RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Organization

public static class OrganizationRec {          
    public String                  organization_name;
    public String                  duns_number_c;
    public String                  enquiry_duns;
    public String                  ceo_name;
    public String                  ceo_title;
    public String                  principal_name;
    public String                  principal_title;
    public String                  legal_status;
    public BigDecimal              control_yr;
    public BigDecimal              employees_total;
    public String                  hq_branch_ind;
    public String                  branch_flag;
    public String                  oob_ind;
    public String                  line_of_business;
    public String                  cong_dist_code;
    public String                  sic_code;
    public String                  import_ind;
    public String                  export_ind;
    public String                  labor_surplus_ind;
    public String                  debarment_ind;
    public String                  minority_owned_ind;
    public String                  minority_owned_type;
    public String                  woman_owned_ind;
    public String                  disadv_8a_ind;
    public String                  small_bus_ind;
    public String                  rent_own_ind;
    public BigDecimal              debarments_count;
    public java.sql.Timestamp      debarments_date;
    public String                  failure_score;
    public BigDecimal              failure_score_natnl_percentile;
    public String                  failure_score_override_code;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary;
    public String                  global_failure_score;
    public String                  db_rating;
    public String                  credit_score;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary;
    public String                  paydex_score;
    public String                  paydex_three_months_ago;
    public String                  paydex_norm;
    public java.sql.Timestamp      best_time_contact_begin;
    public java.sql.Timestamp      best_time_contact_end;
    public String                  organization_name_phonetic;
    public String                  tax_reference;
    public String                  gsa_indicator_flag;
    public String                  jgzz_fiscal_code;
    public String                  analysis_fy;
    public String                  fiscal_yearend_month;
    public BigDecimal              curr_fy_potential_revenue;
    public BigDecimal              next_fy_potential_revenue;
    public BigDecimal              year_established;
    public String                  mission_statement;
    public String                  organization_type;
    public String                  business_scope;
    public String                  corporation_class;
    public String                  known_as;
    public String                  known_as2;
    public String                  known_as3;
    public String                  known_as4;
    public String                  known_as5;
    public String                  local_bus_iden_type;
    public String                  local_bus_identifier;
    public String                  pref_functional_currency;
    public String                  registration_type;
    public String                  total_employees_text;
    public String                  total_employees_ind;
    public String                  total_emp_est_ind;
    public String                  total_emp_min_ind;
    public String                  parent_sub_ind;
    public BigDecimal              incorp_year;
    public String                  sic_code_type;
    public String                  public_private_ownership_flag;
    public String                  internal_flag;
    public String                  local_activity_code_type;
    public String                  local_activity_code;
    public String                  emp_at_primary_adr;
    public String                  emp_at_primary_adr_text;
    public String                  emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind;
    public String                  emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind;
    public BigDecima               high_credit;
    public BigDecimal              avg_high_credit;
    public BigDecimal              total_payments;
    public BigDecimal              credit_score_class;
    public BigDecimal              credit_score_natl_percentile;
    public BigDecimal              credit_score_incd_default;
    public BigDecimal              credit_score_age;
    public java.sql.Timestamp      credit_score_date;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary2;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary3;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary4;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary5;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary6;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary7;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary8;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary9;
    public String                  credit_score_commentary10;
    public BigDecimal              failure_score_class;
    public BigDecimal              failure_score_incd_default;
    public BigDecimal              failure_score_age;
    public java.sql.Timestamp      failure_score_date;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary2;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary3;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary4;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary5;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary6;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary7;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary8;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary9;
    public String                  failure_score_commentary10;
    public BigDecimal              maximum_credit_recommendation;
    public String                  maximum_credit_currency_code;
    public BigDecimal              displayed_duns_party_id;
    public String                  content_source_type;
    public String                  content_source_number;
    public String                  attribute_category;
    public String                  attribute1;
    public String                  attribute2;
    public String                  attribute3;
    public String                  attribute4;
    public String                  attribute5;
    public String                  attribute6;
    public String                  attribute7;
    public String                  attribute8;
    public String                  attribute9;
    public String                  attribute10;
    public String                  attribute11;
    public String                  attribute12;
    public String                  attribute13;
    public String                  attribute14;
    public String                  attribute15;
    public String                  attribute16;
    public String                  attribute17;
    public String                  attribute18;
    public String                  attribute19;
    public String                  attribute20;
    public String                  created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal              application_id;
    public String                  do_not_confuse_with;
    public String                  actual_content_source;
         public String                  home_country;
    public PartyRec                party_rec;

    public OrganizationRec();
    public OrganizationRec(boolean_RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Person

public static class PersonRec {
    public String                   person_pre_name_adjunct;
    public String                   person_first_name;
    public String                   person_middle_name;
    public String                   person_last_name;
    public String                   person_name_suffix;
    public String                   person_title;
    public String                   person_academic_title;
    public String                   person_previous_last_name;
    public String                   person_initials;
    public String                   known_as;
    public String                   known_as2;
    public String                   known_as3;
    public String                   known_as4;
    public String                   known_as5;
    public String                   person_name_phonetic;
    public String                   person_first_name_phonetic;
    public String                   person_last_name_phonetic;
    public String                   middle_name_phonetic;
    public String                   tax_reference;
    public String                   jgzz_fiscal_code;
    public String                   person_iden_type;
    public String                   person_identifier;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       date_of_birth;
    public String                   place_of_birth;
    public String                   deceased_ind
    public java.sql.Timestamp       date_of_death;
    public String                   gender;
    public String                   declared_ethnicity;
    public String                   marital_status;
    public java.sql.Timestamp       marital_status_effective_date;
    public BigDecimal               personal_income;
    public String                   head_of_household_flag;
    public BigDecimal               household_income;
    public BigDecimal               household_size;
    public String                   rent_own_ind;
    public String                   last_known_gps;
    public String                   content_source_type;
    public String                   internal_flag;
    public String                   attribute_category;
    public String                   attribute1;
    public String                   attribute2;
    public String                   attribute3;
    public String                   attribute4;
    public String                   attribute5;
    public String                   attribute6;
    public String                   attribute7;
    public String                   attribute8;
    public String                   attribute9;
    public String                   attribute10;
    public String                   attribute11;
    public String                   attribute12;
    public String                   attribute13;
    public String                   attribute14;
    public String                   attribute15;
    public String                   attribute16;
    public String                   attribute17;
    public String                   attribute18;
    public String                   attribute19;
    public String                   attribute20;
    public String                   created_by_module;
    public BigDecimal               application_id;
    public String                   actual_content_source;
    public PartyRec                 party_rec;

    public PersonRec();
    public PersonRec(boolean __RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Java Inner Class for Group

public static class GroupRec {
    public String                   group_name;
    public String                   group_type;
    public String                   created_by_module;
    public String                   mission_statement;
    public BigDecimal               application_id;
    public PartyRec                 party_rec;

    public GroupRec();
    public GroupRec(boolean_RosettaUseGMISSValues);

Create Organization API


This routine is used to create an organization. The API creates a record in the HZ_PARTIES table with Organization party type. The HZ_PARTIES table holds the basic information about the party. The API additionally creates a record in the HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table. That record holds more detail and specific information about the organization. If orig_system is passed in, the API also creates a record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source system reference and the TCA primary key.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_organization (
    p_init_msg_list                    IN            VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_organization_rec                 IN            ORGANIZATION_REC_TYPE,
    x_return_status                    OUT           VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                        OUT           NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                         OUT           VARCHAR2,
    x_party_id                         OUT           NUMBER,
    x_party_number                     OUT           VARCHAR2,
    x_profile_id                       OUT           NUMBER 

Java Method

public static void createOrganization(       
    String                              p_init_msg_list,
    OrganizationRec                     p_organization_rec,
    String [ ]                          x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                          x_msg_data,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_party_id,
    String [ ]                          x_party_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_profile_id
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Create Organization API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of each parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
organization_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute
duns_number_c IN VARCHAR2 No  
enquiry_duns IN VARCHAR2 No  
ceo_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
ceo_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
principal_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
principal_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
legal_status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LEGAL_STATUS
control_yr IN NUMBER No  
employees_total IN NUMBER No  
hq_branch_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HQ_BRANCH_IND
branch_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
oob_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
line_of_business IN VARCHAR2 No  
cong_dist_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
sic_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
import_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
export_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
labor_surplus_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
debarment_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
minority_owned_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
minority_owned_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
woman_owned_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
disadv_8a_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
small_bus_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
rent_own_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND
debarments_count IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
debarments_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_natnl_percentile IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
global_failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
db_rating IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_three_months_ago IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_norm IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
best_time_contact_begin IN DATE No  
best_time_contact_end IN DATE No  
organization_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
tax_reference IN VARCHAR2 No  
gsa_indicator_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
jgzz_fiscal_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
analysis_fy IN VARCHAR2 No  
fiscal_yearend_month IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MONTH
curr_fy_potential_revenue IN NUMBER No  
next_fy_potential_revenue IN NUMBER No  
year_established IN NUMBER No  
mission_statement IN VARCHAR2 No  
organization_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
business_scope IN VARCHAR2 No  
corporation_class IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
local_bus_iden_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_BUS_IDEN_TYPE
local_bus_identifier IN VARCHAR2 No  
pref_functional_currency IN VARCHAR2 No  
registration_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRATION TYPE
total_employees_text IN VARCHAR2 No  
total_employees_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against the TOTAL_EMPLOYEES_INDICATOR lookup type.
total_emp_est_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against the TOTAL_EMP_EST_IND lookup type.
total_emp_min_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against the TOTAL_EMP_MIN_IND lookup type.
parent_sub_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
incorp_year IN NUMBER No  
sic_code_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type SIC_CODE_TYPE
public_private_ownership_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
internal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
Default: N
local_activity_code_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_TYPE
local_activity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type = value of local_activity_code_type.
emp_at_primary_adr IN VARCHAR2 No  
emp_at_primary_adr_text IN VARCHAR2 No  
emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against the EMP_AT_PRIMARY_ADR_EST_IND lookup type.
emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against the EMP_AT_PRIMARY_ADR_MIN_IND lookup type.
high_credit IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
avg_high_credit IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
total_payments IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_class IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_natl_percentile IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_age IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_class IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_age IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_recommendation IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_currency_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign Key to fnd_currencies.currency_code
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
displayed_duns_party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Foreign Key to HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
content_source_number IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated.
do_not_confuse_with IN VARCHAR2 No  
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Default - SST
home_country IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must exist in FND_TERRITORIES.
party_rec Record Type
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Unique if passed in, else generated by from sequence
party_number IN VARCHAR2 Yes/No Validation: Generated by sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else mandatory.
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Default: N
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Default: party_id
Validation: If orig_system is passed in, then orig_sysatem_reference is required.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS Default: A
category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
x_party_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: party_id of the party created
x_party_number OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: party_number of the party created
x_profile_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: organization_profile_id of the organization profile record created

Update Organization API


This routine is used to update an organization. The API updates the party record for the organization in the HZ_PARTIES table. The API additionally creates or updates a record in the HZ_ORGANIZATION_PROFILES table. If an organization is updated on the same day as it is created, the active profile record is updated. Otherwise, a new profile record that is created and the old profile record is end dated.

If the primary key is not passed in, get the primary key from the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table based on orig_system and orig_system_reference if they are not null and unique.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_organization (
    p_init_msg_list               IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_organization_rec            IN          ORGANIZATION_REC_TYPE,
    p_party_object_version_number IN OUT      NUMBER,
    x_profile_id                  OUT         NUMBER,
    x_return_status               OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                   OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                    OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateOrganization(
    String                          p_init_msg_list,
    OrganizationRec                 p_organization_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  p_party_object_version_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  x_profile_id,
    String [ ]                      x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                  x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                      x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Update Organization API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
organization name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Cannot be updated to null
duns_number_c IN VARCHAR2 No  
enquiry_duns IN VARCHAR2 No  
ceo_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
ceo_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
principal_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
principal_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
legal_status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LEGAL_STATUS
control_yr IN NUMBER No  
employees_total IN NUMBER No  
hq_branch_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HQ_BRANCH_ID
branch_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
oob_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
line_of_business IN VARCHAR2 No  
cong_dist_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
sic_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
import_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
export_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
labor_surplus_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
debarment_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
minority_owned_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
minority_owned_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
woman_owned_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
disadv_8a_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
small_bus_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
rent_own_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: If this value is changed, then validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
debarments_count IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
debarments_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_natnl_percentile IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
global_failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
db_rating IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_score IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_three_months_ago IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
paydex_norm IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
best_time_contact_begin IN DATE No  
best_time_contact_end IN DATE No  
organization_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
tax_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MONTH
gsa_indicator_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
jgzz_fiscal_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
analysis_fy IN VARCHAR2 No  
fiscal_yearend_month IN VARCHAR2 No  
curr_fy_potential_revenue IN NUMBER No  
next_fy_potential_revenue IN NUMBER No  
year_established IN NUMBER No  
mission_statement IN VARCHAR2 No  
organization_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
business_scope IN VARCHAR2 No  
corporation_class IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
local_bus_iden_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_BUS_IDEN_TYPE
local_bus_identifier IN VARCHAR2 No  
pref_functional_currency IN VARCHAR2 No  
registration_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRATION TYPE
total_employees_text IN VARCHAR2 No  
total_employees_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
total_emp_est_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
total_emp_min_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
parent_sub_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
incorp_year IN NUMBER No  
sic_code_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type SIC_CODE_TYPE
public_private_ownership_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
internal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
local_activity_code_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type LOCAL_ACTIVITY_CODE_TYPE
local_activity_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type = value of local_activity_code_type.
emp_at_primary_adr IN VARCHAR2 No  
emp_at_primary_adr_text IN VARCHAR2 No  
emp_at_primary_adr_est_ind IN VARCHAR2 No  
emp_at_primary_adr_min_ind IN VARCHAR2 No  
high_credit IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
avg_high_credit IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
total_payments IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_class IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_natl_percentile IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_age IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
credit_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_class IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_age IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_date IN DATE No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
failure_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_recommendation IN NUMBER No Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
maximum_credit_currency_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to FND_CURRENCIES.CURRENCY_CODE
Comment: This parameter should only be populated with data provided by D&B.
displayed_duns_party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID
content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
Validation: Cannot be updated
content_source_number IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
do_not_confuse_with IN VARCHAR2 No  
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validation : Cannot be updated.
home_country IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must exist in FND_TERRITORIES.
party_rec Record Type
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
party_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Valid party_id from HZ_PARTIES table
Comment: Pass the party_id from HZ_PARTIES record for the organization
party_number IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable, but if a primary key is not passed in, you can pass in any ORIG_SYSTEM and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE that exists in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE table and unique validation is bypassed. The ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE does not change, but persists in the table.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS. Cannot be updated to null
category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
p_party_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing party record

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the record from hz_parties

  • Return new value after update

x_profile_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: Returns organization_profile_id of the profile record created or updated

Create Person API


This routine is used to create a person. The API creates a record in the HZ_PARTIES table with party type ‘PERSON'. The HZ_PARTIES table contains basic information about the party. The API also creates a record in the HZ_PERSON_PROFILES table. That record holds more detail and specific information about the person. If orig_system is passed in, the API also creates a record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source system reference and the TCA primary key.

When Oracle Human Resources calls this API to replicate information in HR tables, if the HZ_PROTECT_HR_PERSON_INFO profile option is set to YES, then sensitive information, such as gender, marital_status, date_of_birth, and place_of_birth, is not propagated from HR to the HZ_PERSON_PROFILES table.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_person (
    p_init_msg_list   IN    VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_person_rec      IN    PERSON_REC_TYPE,
    x_party_id        OUT   NUMBER,
    x_party_number    OUT   VARCHAR2,
    x_profile_id      OUT   NUMBER,
    x_return_status   OUT   VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count       OUT   NUMBER,
    x_msg_data        OUT   VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createPerson(
    String                              p_init_msg_list,
    PersonRec                           p_person_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_party_id,
    String [ ]                          x_party_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_profile_id,
    String [ ]                          x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                      x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                          x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Create Person API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
person_pre_name_adjunct IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE
person_first_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes/No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in
person_middle_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_last_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes/No Validation: Either one of person_first_name or person_last_name should be passed in
person_name_suffix IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_academic_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_previous_last_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_initials IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_first_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_last_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
middle_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
tax_reference IN VARCHAR2 No  
jgzz_fiscal_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_iden_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HZ_PERSON_IDEN_TYPE.
person_identifier IN VARCHAR2 No  
date_of_birth IN DATE No  
place_of_birth IN VARCHAR2 No  
deceased_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against date_of_death. If deceased_ind is N, then date_of_death cannot have a value.
Default: If date_of_death is null, then N. If date_of_death is not null, then Y.
date_of_death IN DATE No  
gender IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HZ_GENDER.
declared_ethnicity IN VARCHAR2 No  
marital_status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS
marital_status_effective_date IN DATE No  
personal_income IN NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
household_income IN NUMBER No  
household_size IN NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps IN VARCHAR2 No  
content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
internal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Default: N
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system with sst_flag value of Y.
Default - SST
Party_rec Record Type Attributes
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Unique if passed in, else generated from sequence
party_number IN VARCHAR2 Yes/No Validation:.Generated by sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else unique and mandatory
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Default: N
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Default: party_id
Validation: If orig_system is passed in, then orig_sysatem_reference is required.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS Default: A
category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
x_party_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: party_id of the party created
x_party_number OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: party_number of the party created
x_profile_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: person_profile_id of the person profile record created

Update Person API


This routine is used to update a person. The API updates the party record for the person in the HZ_PARTIES table. The API additionally creates or updates a record in the HZ_PERSON_PROFILES table. If a person is updated on the same day that it is created, the active profile record is updated. Otherwise a new profile record is created and the old profile record is end dated.

If the primary key is not passed in, get the primary key from the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table based on orig_system and orig_system_reference if they are not null and unique.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

When Oracle Human Resources (HR) calls this API to replicate information in HR tables, if the HZ_PROTECT_HR_PERSON_INFO profile option is set to YES, then sensitive information, such as gender, marital_status, date_of_birth, and place_of_birth, is not propagated from HR to the HZ_PERSON_PROFILES table.

If HR created the record, then only the attributes replicated from HR, not the entire person record, is protected against update by other users. If users attempt to change the value of an attribute replicated from HR, then they receive an error.

The attributes that you can replicate from HR are:

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_person (
    p_init_msg_list                 IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_person_rec                    IN          PERSON_REC_TYPE,
    p_party_object_version_number   IN OUT      NUMBER,
    x_profile_id                    OUT         NUMBER,
    x_return_status                 OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                     OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                      OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updatePerson(
    String                   p_init_msg_list,
    PersonRec                p_person_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]           p_party_object_version_number,
    BigDecimal [ ]           x_profile_id,
    String [ ]               x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]           x_msg_count,
    String [ ]               x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Update Person API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
person_pre_name_adjunct IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type CONTACT_TITLE
person_first_name IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null
person_middle_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_last_name IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: During update both person_first_name and person_last_name cannot be set to null
person_name_suffix IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_academic_title IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_previous_last_name IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_initials IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
known_as5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_first_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_last_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
middle_name_phonetic IN VARCHAR2 No  
tax_reference IN VARCHAR2 No  
jgzz_fiscal_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
person_iden_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HZ_PERSON_IDEN_TYPE.
person_identifier IN VARCHAR2 No  
date_of_birth IN DATE No  
place_of_birth IN VARCHAR2 No  
deceased_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Default: If this parameter is null and date_of_death is not null, then this parameter changes to Y.
date_of_death IN DATE No  
gender IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type HZ_GENDER.
declared_ethnicity IN VARCHAR2 No  
marital_status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type MARITAL_STATUS
marital_status_effective_date IN DATE No  
personal_income IN NUMBER No  
head_of_household_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type YES/NO
household_income IN NUMBER No  
household_size IN NUMBER No  
rent_own_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: If the value is changed, then the value is validated against the AR lookup type OWN_RENT_IND.
last_known_gps IN VARCHAR2 No  
content_source_type IN VARCHAR2 No Comment: This parameter is no longer used. Use actual_content_source.
Validation: Cannot be updated
internal_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Cannot be updated if value exists
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validation : Cannot be updated
Party_rec Record Type Attributes
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
party_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Valid party id in hz_parties
Comment: Pass the party_id from hz_parties record for the person
party_number IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable, but if a primary key is not passed in, you can pass in any ORIG_SYSTEM and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE that exists in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE table and unique validation is bypassed. The ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE does not change, but persists in the table.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY _STATUS.

  • Cannot be updated to null

category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
p_party_object_version_number IN
NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing party record.

  • Pass the current object_version _number of the record from HZ_PARTIES

  • Return new value after update

x_profile_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: person_profile_id of the person profile record created

Create Group API


This routine is used to create a group. The API creates a record in the HZ_PARTIES table with party type ‘GROUP'. The HZ_PARTIES table holds the basic information about the party. There is no profile information for a Group party unlike an Organization or Person party. If orig_system is passed in, the API also creates a record in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table to store the mapping between the source system reference and the TCA primary key.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_group (
    p_init_msg_list       IN      VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_group_rec           IN      GROUP_REC_TYPE,         
    x_party_id            OUT     NUMBER,
    x_party_number        OUT     VARCHAR2,
    x_return_status       OUT     VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count           OUT     NUMBER,
    x_msg_data            OUT     VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void createGroup(
    String                               p_init_msg_list,
    GroupRec                             p_group_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_party_id,
    String [ ]                           x_party_number,
    String [ ]                           x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                       x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                           x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Create Group API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
group_name IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute
group_type IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Comment: Text to indicate application from which creation of record is initiated.
party_rec Record Type Attributes
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Unique if passed in, else generated from sequence
party_number IN VARCHAR2 Yes/No Validation: Generated from sequence if profile HZ_GENERATE_PARTY_NUMBER is Y, else unique and mandatory
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No Default: N
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Default: party_id
Validation: If orig_system is passed in, then orig_sysatem_reference is required.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS Default: A
category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
x_party_id OUT NUMBER No Comment: party_id of the party created
x_party_number OUT VARCHAR2 No Comment: party_number of the party created

Update Group API


This routine is used to update a group. The API updates the party record for the group in the HZ_PARTIES table.

If the primary key is not passed in, get the primary key from the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCES table based on orig_system and orig_system_reference if they are not null and unique.

Classification code assignment records are also created in the HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS table based on certain conditions.

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_group (
    p_init_msg_list                IN          VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_group_rec                    IN          GROUP_REC_TYPE,
    p_party_object_version_number  IN OUT      NUMBER,
    x_return_status                OUT         VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                    OUT         NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                     OUT         VARCHAR2

Java Method

public static void updateGroup(
    String                         p_init_msg_list,
    GroupRec                       p_group_rec,
    BigDecimal [ ]                 p_party_object_version_number,
    String [ ]                     x_return_status,
    BigDecimal [ ]                 x_msg_count,
    String [ ]                     x_msg_data
) throws SQLException;

Parameter Description and Validation

The following tables list information about the parameters in the Update Group API. The tables include the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
group_name IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Cannot be updated to null
group_type IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Cannot be updated to null
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.
application_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Non Updateable if value exists
party_rec Record Type Attributes
Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comment
party_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Valid party id in hz_parties table
Comment: Pass the party_id from hz_parties record for the group
party_number IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable
validated_flag IN VARCHAR2 No  
orig_system_reference IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable, but if a primary key is not passed in, you can pass in any ORIG_SYSTEM and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE that exists in the HZ_ORIG_SYS_REFERENCE table and unique validation is bypassed. The ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE does not change, but persists in the table.
orig_system IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to HZ_ORIG_SYSTEMS_B.orig_system.
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation:
  • Validated against AR lookup type REGISTRY_STATUS

  • Cannot be updated to null

category_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Validated against lookup type CUSTOMER_CATEGORY
salutation IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute_category IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute1 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute2 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute3 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute4 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute5 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute6 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute7 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute8 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute9 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute10 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute11 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute12 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute13 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute14 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute15 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute16 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute17 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute18 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute19 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute20 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute21 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute22 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute23 IN VARCHAR2 No  
attribute24 IN VARCHAR2 No  
p_party_object_version_number IN/OUT NUMBER Yes Validation:
  • Mandatory attribute

  • Validated against value in the database for the existing party record

  • Pass the current object_version_number of the record from HZ_PARTIES

  • Return new value after update.

Party Information APIs


PL/SQL Record Structure for Party Info

TYPE credit_rating_rec_type IS RECORD(
credit_rating_id                NUMBER,
description                     VARCHAR2(2000),
party_id                        NUMBER,
rating                          VARCHAR2(60),
rated_as_of_date                DATE,
rating_organization             VARCHAR2(240),
comments                        VARCHAR2(240),
det_history_ind                 VARCHAR2(5),
fincl_embt_ind                  VARCHAR2(5),
criminal_proceeding_ind         VARCHAR2(5),
claims_ind                      VARCHAR2(5),
secured_flng_ind                VARCHAR2(5),
fincl_lgl_event_ind             VARCHAR2(5),
disaster_ind                    VARCHAR2(5),
oprg_spec_evnt_ind              VARCHAR2(5),
other_spec_evnt_ind             VARCHAR2(5),
status                          VARCHAR2(1),
avg_high_credit                 NUMBER,
credit_score                    VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_age                NUMBER,
credit_score_class              NUMBER,
credit_score_commentary         VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary2        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary3        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary4        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary5        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary6        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary7        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary8        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary9        VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_commentary10       VARCHAR2(30),
credit_score_date               DATE,
credit_score_incd_default       NUMBER,
credit_score_natl_percentile    NUMBER,
failure_score                   VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_age               NUMBER,
failure_score_class             NUMBER,
failure_score_commentary        VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary2       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary3       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary4       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary5       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary6       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary7       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary8       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary9       VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_commentary10      VARCHAR2(30),
failure_score_date              DATE,
failure_score_incd_default      NUMBER,
failure_score_natnl_percentile  NUMBER,
failure_score_override_code     VARCHAR2(30),
global_failure_score            VARCHAR2(30),
debarment_ind                   VARCHAR2(30),
debarments_count                NUMBER,
debarments_date                 DATE,
high_credit                     NUMBER,
maximum_credit_currency_code    VARCHAR2(240),
maximum_credit_rcmd             NUMBER,
paydex_norm                     VARCHAR2(3),
paydex_score                    VARCHAR2(3),
paydex_three_months_ago         VARCHAR2(3),
credit_score_override_code      VARCHAR2(30),
cr_scr_clas_expl                VARCHAR2(30),
low_rng_delq_scr                NUMBER,
high_rng_delq_scr               NUMBER,
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt              NUMBER,
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms     NUMBER,
num_trade_experiences           NUMBER,
paydex_firm_days                VARCHAR2(15),
paydex_firm_comment             VARCHAR2(60),
paydex_industry_days            VARCHAR2(15),
paydex_industry_comment         VARCHAR2(50),
paydex_comment                  VARCHAR2(240),
suit_ind                        VARCHAR2(5),
lien_ind                        VARCHAR2(5),
judgement_ind                   VARCHAR2(5),
bankruptcy_ind                  VARCHAR2(5),
no_trade_ind                    VARCHAR2(5),
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind                VARCHAR2(5),
num_prnt_bkcy_filing            NUMBER,
prnt_bkcy_filg_type             VARCHAR2(20),
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter          NUMBER,
prnt_bkcy_filg_date             DATE,
num_prnt_bkcy_convs             NUMBER,
prnt_bkcy_conv_date             DATE,
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv          VARCHAR2(60),
slow_trade_expl                 VARCHAR2(100),
negv_pmt_expl                   VARCHAR2(150),
pub_rec_expl                    VARCHAR2(150),
business_discontinued           VARCHAR2(240),
spcl_event_comment              VARCHAR2(150),
num_spcl_event                  NUMBER,
spcl_event_update_date          DATE,
spcl_evnt_txt                   VARCHAR2(2000),
actual_content_source           VARCHAR2(30),
created_by_module               VARCHAR2(150)

Create Credit Ratings

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE create_credit_rating(
    p_init_msg_list            IN  VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_credit_rating_rec        IN  CREDIT_RATING_REC_TYPE,
    x_credit_rating_id         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_return_status            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Create Credit Ratings API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
credit_rating_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Unique if passed in, else generated from sequence hz_credit_ratings_s.
Not updateable.
description IN VARCHAR2 No  
party_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Must a valid party from hz_parties.
rating IN VARCHAR2 No  
rated_as_of_date IN DATE No  
rating_organization IN VARCHAR2 No  
comments IN VARCHAR2 No  
det_history_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
fincl_embt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
criminal_proceeding_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
claims_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
secured_flng_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
fincl_lgl_event_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
disaster_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
oprg_spec_evnt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
other_spec_evnt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup REGISTRY_STATUS
avg_high_credit IN NUMBER No  
credit_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
credit_score_age IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_class IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_date IN DATE No  
credit_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_natl_percentile IN NUMBER No  
failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
failure_score_age IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_class IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_date IN DATE No  
failure_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_natnl_percentile IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
debarment_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
debarments_count IN NUMBER No  
debarments_date IN DATE No  
high_credit IN NUMBER No  
maximum_credit_currency_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_currencies.currency_code
maximum_credit_rcmd IN NUMBER No  
paydex_norm IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_three_months_ago IN VARCHAR2 No  
credit_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE
cr_scr_clas_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
low_rng_delq_scr IN NUMBER No  
high_rng_delq_scr IN NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt IN NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms IN NUMBER No  
num_trade_experiences IN NUMBER No  
paydex_firm_days IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_firm_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_industry_days IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_industry_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
suit_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
lien_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
judgement_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
bankruptcy_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
no_trade_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
num_prnt_bkcy_filing IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_date IN DATE No  
num_prnt_bkcy_convs IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_conv_date IN DATE No  
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv IN VARCHAR2 No  
slow_trade_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
negv_pmt_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
pub_rec_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
business_discontinued IN VARCHAR2 No  
spcl_event_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
num_spcl_event IN NUMBER No  
spcl_event_update_date IN DATE No  
spcl_evnt_txt IN VARCHAR2 No  
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validate: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY
Validate Content Source
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 Yes Validation: Mandatory attribute. Validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.

Other Validations

The following column combination must be unique: party_id, truncated_as_of_date, rating_organization, and actual_content_source.

Update Credit Ratings

PL/SQL Procedure

PROCEDURE update_credit_rating(
    p_init_msg_list             IN     VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
    p_credit_rating_rec         IN     CREDIT_RATING_REC_TYPE,
    p_object_version_number     IN  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
    x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
    x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

Parameter Description and Validation

The following table lists information about the parameters in the Update Credit Ratings API. The table includes the parameter names, the type of each parameter, the data type of each parameter, the necessity of the parameter, and other information about the parameter such as validation, defaults, and other comments.

Parameter Name Type Data Type Required Validation, Default, Comments
credit_rating_id IN NUMBER Yes Validation: Valid credit_rating_id from the HZ_CREDIT_RATINGS table.
description IN VARCHAR2 No  
party_id IN NUMBER No Validation: Must a valid party from hz_parties.
rating IN VARCHAR2 No  
rated_as_of_date IN DATE No  
rating_organization IN VARCHAR2 No  
comments IN VARCHAR2 No  
det_history_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
fincl_embt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
criminal_proceeding_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
claims_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
secured_flng_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
fincl_lgl_event_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
disaster_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
oprg_spec_evnt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
other_spec_evnt_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
status IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup REGISTRY_STATUS
avg_high_credit IN NUMBER No  
credit_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
credit_score_age IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_class IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY
credit_score_date IN DATE No  
credit_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No  
credit_score_natl_percentile IN NUMBER No  
failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
failure_score_age IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_class IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_commentary IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary2 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary3 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary4 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary5 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary6 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary7 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary8 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary9 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_commentary10 IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY
failure_score_date IN DATE No  
failure_score_incd_default IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_natnl_percentile IN NUMBER No  
failure_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No  
global_failure_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
debarment_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
debarments_count IN NUMBER No  
debarments_date IN DATE No  
high_credit IN NUMBER No  
maximum_credit_currency_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Foreign key to fnd_currencies.currency_code
maximum_credit_rcmd IN NUMBER No  
paydex_norm IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_score IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_three_months_ago IN VARCHAR2 No  
credit_score_override_code IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup FAILURE_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE
cr_scr_clas_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
low_rng_delq_scr IN NUMBER No  
high_rng_delq_scr IN NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_rng_prcnt IN NUMBER No  
delq_pmt_pctg_for_all_firms IN NUMBER No  
num_trade_experiences IN NUMBER No  
paydex_firm_days IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_firm_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_industry_days IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_industry_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
paydex_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
suit_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
lien_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
judgement_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
bankruptcy_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
no_trade_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
prnt_hq_bkcy_ind IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Must be a valid lookup value from lookup YES/NO
num_prnt_bkcy_filing IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_type IN VARCHAR2 No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_chapter IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_filg_date IN DATE No  
num_prnt_bkcy_convs IN NUMBER No  
prnt_bkcy_conv_date IN DATE No  
prnt_bkcy_chapter_conv IN VARCHAR2 No  
slow_trade_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
negv_pmt_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
pub_rec_expl IN VARCHAR2 No  
business_discontinued IN VARCHAR2 No  
spcl_event_comment IN VARCHAR2 No  
num_spcl_event IN NUMBER No  
spcl_event_update_date IN DATE No  
spcl_evnt_txt IN VARCHAR2 No  
actual_content_source IN VARCHAR2 No Validate: HZ_MIXNM_UTILITY
created_by_module IN VARCHAR2 No Validation: Non updateable if value exists, else validated against AR lookup type HZ_CREATED_BY_MODULE.

Other Validations

The following column combination must be unique: party_id, truncated_as_of_date, rating_organization, and actual_content_source.