
This chapter describes various reports and views of your system, including information about patches you have applied to your system, statistics for maintenance sessions and the time it takes to run them, and other important system information.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle E-Business Suite Reporting Tools

As you use your Oracle E-Business Suite system, you perform maintenance tasks that modify and enhance your system. Oracle E-Business Suite includes tools that enable you to create numerous reports about system status. For example, you can generate a report about the version and translation level of your files. You can also generate reports that contain statistics about how many maintenance sessions are complete, number of jobs in each session, and the time it took to complete the session and individual jobs.

Note: Many of the Oracle E-Business Suite reporting capabilities are related to patching. For details of those reports, see Oracle E-Business Suite Patching Procedures.

Categories of Reporting Tool

The AD reporting utilities introduced here are described in more detail later in this section. They are all run from the command line.

AD Job Timing Report

Produced automatically by AutoPatch and AD Administration to report on long-running processes, this report can be run manually from the command line to provide summary information about AD utility sessions.

AD Configuration Report

This report contains information about the installed configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite, including product group information, whether Multi-Org or MRC functionality is installed, base language and other installed languages, and so on.

AD File Identification Report

This report identifies the version and translation level of Oracle E-Business Suite files.

AD Job Timing Report

When you run AutoPatch or AD Administration, they automatically generate an AD Job Timing report (adt<session_id>.lst) that shows how long it takes to complete a parallel processing session, and provides information about the actions of workers as they process jobs during the session. These reports include timing statistics for the entire session, the phases in the session (AD Administration does not group jobs by phases), and individual jobs.

At any time during an AutoPatch or an AD Administration session, you can run a script to create an AD Job Timing report that shows the progress of the current session. Or you can go to the APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out directory to view an adt<session_id>.lst report from a previous session.

For AutoPatch and AD Administration sessions, the adt<session_id>.lst report is very similar to the web-based Timing Report you can access via Oracle Applications Manager. See Timing Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Patching Procedures.

AD Job Timing Report Interface

You can view job timing statistics from the Timing Reports page in Oracle Applications Manager. You can also run the AD Job Timing Report for AD Administration jobs from the command line. There are no menus or input screens.

Running AD Job Timing Report

  1. Set the environment.

    Set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

  2. Run AD Job Timing report.

    Run the report with this command, where <session_id> is the session of the timing statistics you want to see, and <output file> is the name of the file where the statistics will be written.


    $ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out
    $ sqlplus <APPS username>/<APPS password> @$AD_TOP/admin/sql/adtimrpt.sql \
    <session id> <output file>

AD Configuration Report

The AD Configuration utility is a SQL script that reports standard information about the installed configuration of Oracle E-Business Suite. Run this task in order to debug or document the status of your installation. Running AD Configuration generates a report file (adutconf.lst) that contains the following:

AD Job Configuration Report Interface

You run AD Configuration and supply the information it needs from the command line. There are no menus or input screens.

Running AD Configuration Report

  1. Set the environment.

    Set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

  2. Run AD Configuration report.

    Use the following commands. The report output file is written to adutconf.lst in the current working directory.


    $ cd $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out
    $ sqlplus <APPS schema username>/<APPS schema password> \

AD File Identification Report

The AD File Identification utility creates a report that identifies the version and translation level of Oracle E-Business Suite files. It is useful when collecting information about your site for Oracle Support Services.

AD File Identification Report Interface

You run AD File Identification and supply the information it needs from the command line. There are no menus or input screens.

Running AD File Identification

Run this utility as follows.

  1. Set the environment.

    Set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

  2. Run AD File Identification.

    Use the following commands. The output is displayed on the screen.


    $ adident Header <file 1> [ <file 2> <file 3> ... ]

AD Check Digest

The AD Check Digest utility checks the integrity of downloaded patches. Oracle provides MD5 and SHA-1 digests for each Oracle E-Business Suite patch. The MD5 digest is a 128-bit string output that uniquely identifies the patch and the SHA-1 is a 160-bit string output. The patch digests are viewable from the My Oracle Support download page for a particular patch. Use AD Check Digest to verify whether the computed digests for the downloaded patch match the digests published on My Oracle Support.

AD Check Digest Interface

You run AD Check Digest and supply the information it needs from the command line. There are no menus or input screens.


The following parameters are used for running AD Check Digest.

AD Check Digest Parameters
Parameter Meaning
-file Patch file name and path. This parameter is required.
When the -file parameter is specified without the -md5 and -sha1 parameters, AD Check Digest computes the MD5 and SHA-1 digests for the patch.
-md5 The MD5 output from the My Oracle Support patch download page.
When you specify the -md5 parameter, AD Check Digest compares the MD5 value you provide with the MD5 digest computed for the patch file.
-sha1 The SHA-1 output from the My Oracle Support patch download page.
When you specify the -sha1 parameter, AD Check Digest compares the SHA-1 value you provide with the SHA-1 digest computed for the patch file.

Running AD Check Digest

Run this utility as follows.

  1. Set the environment.

    You must set the environment in order to apply the environment variables that define your system. This task is common to many AD utilities. See Setting the Environment in Chapter 1 for the basic steps.

  2. Run AD Check Digest.

    Use the following commands. The output is displayed on the screen.


    $ adchkdig -file <File> [ -md5 <MD5_digest> -sha1 <SHA-1_digest> ]