Nonconformance and Disposition Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Collection Plan Details

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the nonconformance and disposition solution.

Template Supplier Nonconformance Record Plan

This collection plan enables the supplier to report or log a nonconformance related to the material on a purchase order, related to an outside services job that was sent for processing to the supplier site, and log Product Change Requests or other type of improvement activities.

The Supplier Nonconformance plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Supplier Supplier
20 PO Number PO Number
30 PO Line Number Line
40 PO Release Number Rel
50 PO Shipment Shipment
60 Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
70 Nonconform Item Type Nonconform Item Type
80 Item Item
90 Revision Rev
100 Supplier Lot Number Supplier Lot
110 Quantity Quantity
130 Component Item Component Item
140 Component Revision Rev
150 Component Lot Number Comp Lot Number
160 Component Serial Number Comp Serial Number
170 Component UOM UOM
180 Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
190 Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
200 Short Description Short Description
210 Nonconform Severity Nonconform Severity
220 Nonconform Priority Nonconform Priority
230 Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Type
240 Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Code
250 Project Number Project No
260 Task Number Task No
270 Contract Number Contract Number
280 Contract Line Number Contract Line Number
290 Deliverable Number Deliverable Number
300 Job Job
310 From Op Seq Number From Op Seq
320 Operation Code From Operation Code
330 From Intraoperation Step From Intraop
340 Email Address Email Address
350 Distribution List Distribution List
360 Owner Owner
370 Send Email Send Email?
380 Entered by User User Name
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Supplier Is entered Execute a SQL Script To update Nonconformance Master with Supplier Nonconformance information
2 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -

Template Nonconformance Master Plan

This plan is a central repository of all nonconformances that have been reported in your organization. The reported nonconformances can be from multiple sources such as Supplier, In-Process, Maintenance, and Service. The collection elements can be grouped into Folders to provide contextual information, as well as ease of use:

The Nonconformance Master plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Collection Element Name Prompt
10 General Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Number
20 General Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
30 General Short Description Description
40 General Detailed Description Detailed Description
50 General Nonconform Severity Nonconform Severity
60 General Nonconform Priority Nonconform Priority
70 General Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Type
80 General Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Code
90 General Nonconform Item Type Nonconform Item Type
100 General Item Item
110 General Revision Rev
120 General Quantity Quantity
130 General UOM UOM
140 General Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
150 General Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
160 General Nonconformance Status Nonconformance Status
170 General Owner Owner
180 General Email Address Email Address
190 General Distribution List Distribution List
200 General Send Email Send Email?
210 General Entered by User Entered by User
220 General Date Opened Date Opened
230 General Date Closed Date Closed
240 General Days to Close Days to Close
250 In-Process Job Job
260 In-Process From Op Seq Number From Op Seq
270 In-Process Operation Code From Operation Code
280 In-Process From Intraoperation Step From Intraop
290 In-Process Department Dept
300 In-Process To Op Seq Number To Op Seq
310 In-Process To Operation Code To Operation Code
320 In-Process To Intraoperation Step To Intraop Step
330 In-Process To Department To Dept
340 In-Process Production Line Production Line
350 In-Process Line Operation Line Operation
360 In-Process Component Item Component Item
370 In-Process Component Revision Component Revision
380 In-Process Component UOM Component UOM
390 In-Process Component Lot Number Component Lot Number
400 In-Process Component Serial Number Component Serial Number
410 In-Process Component Subinventory Component Sub
420 In-Process Component Locator Component Locator
430 Projects Project Number Project Number
440 Projects Task Number Task Number
450 Projects Contract Number Contract Number
460 Projects Contract Line Number Contract Line Number
470 Projects Deliverable Number Deliverable Number
480 Inventory Subinventory Sub
490 Inventory Locator Locator
500 Inventory Lot Number Lot Number
510 Inventory Serial Number Serial Number
520 Inventory License Plate Number License Plate Number
530 Inventory Lot Status Lot Status
540 Inventory Serial Status Serial Status
550 Supplier Supplier Supplier
560 Supplier PO Number PO Number
570 Supplier PO Line Number PO Line Number
580 Supplier PO Release Number Rel
590 Supplier PO Shipment Shipment
600 Supplier Supplier Lot Number Supplier Lot Number
610 Supplier PO Receipt Number PO Receipt Number
620 Customer Customer Customer
630 Customer Sales Order Number Sales Order Number
640 Customer SO Line Number SO Line Number
650 Customer RMA Number RMA Number
660 Customer RMA Line Number RMA Line Number
670 Maintenance Asset Group Asset Group
680 Maintenance Asset Activity Asset Activity
690 Maintenance Asset Number Asset Number
700 Maintenance Maintenance Work Order Work Order
710 Service Service Request Service Request
720 Service Incident Type Incident Type
730 Service Item Instance Item Instance
740 Service Item Instance Lot Item Instance Lot
750 Service Item Instance Serial Item Instance Serial Number
760 Process Process Name Process Name
770 Process Process Step Process Step
780 Workflow Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
790 Workflow Send Notification To Send Notification To
830 Process Process Batch Number Process Batch Number
840 Process Process Batch Step Num Process Batch Step Num
850 Process Process Operation Process Operation
860 Process Process Activity Process Activity
870 Process Process Resource Process Resource
880 Process Process Parameter Process Parameter
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Nonconformance Master Plan Template Nonconformance Master Record History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
2 Template Nonconformance Master Plan Template Nonconformance Detail Plan Delayed Nonconformance number, Item, and Component item information is copied to child plan
3 Template Nonconformance Master Plan Template WIP Component Segregation Delayed Some elements are copied to child plan
4 Template Nonconformance Master Plan Template Inventory Segregation Delayed Some elements are copied to child plan
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -
2 Date Opened Is Empty Assign a Value to a collection element Make Date opened as current date
3 Nonconformance Equals CLOSED Assign a value to a collection element Update Date Closed with current date
4 Days to Close Date Closed is entered Assign a Value to a collection element Calculate the Days to Close
5 Owner Is entered Assign a Value to a collection element The e-mail address of the owner is assigned to Email Address
6 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Maintenance Nonconformance Record Plan

The Maintenance Nonconformance plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Asset Group Asset Group
20 Asset Activity Asset Activity
30 Asset Number Asset Number
40 Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
50 Maintenance Work Order Work Order
60 Quantity Quantity
70 Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
80 Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
90 Short Description Description
100 Nonconform Severity Nonconform Severity
110 Nonconform Priority Nonconform Priority
120 Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Type
130 Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Code
140 Email Address Email Address
150 Distribution List Distribution List
160 Owner Owner
170 Send Email Send Email?
180 Entered by User Entered by User
190 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
200 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Nonconformance Source Is entered Execute a SQL Script To update Nonconformance Master with Maintenance Nonconformance information
2 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -
3 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Nonconformance Detail Plan

This collection plan captures the detail of a nonconformance. It is assumed that each nonconformance reported in the master collection plan can have multiple reasons or causes, requiring each master record to be fragmented into detail records. It is possible that the person logging the nonconformance is not in a position to perform additional analysis or identify the cause of defect. This collection plan enables you to review, analyze, and perform other actions associated with the lifecycle of a nonconformance, such as assign action and maintain history. At the end of a nonconformance lifecycle, the decision regarding a disposition action is made, and that execution is relayed to the Disposition Management set of collection plans.

The Nonconformance Detail plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Folder (For reference only - not seeded) Collection Element Name Prompt
10 General Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Number
20 General Nonconform Line Num Nonconform Line Num
30 General Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
40 General Nonconform Item Type Nonconform Item Type
50 General Defect Code Defect Code
60 General Cause Code Cause Code
70 General Nonconform Line Status Nonconform Line Status
80 General Entered by User Entered by User
90 Material Item Item
100 Material Revision Rev
110 Material Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
120 Material Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
130 Material Lot Number Lot Number
140 Material Serial Number Serial Number
150 Material Component Item Component Item
160 Material Component Revision Component Revision
170 Material Component UOM Component UOM
180 Material Component Lot Number Component Lot Number
190 Material Component Serial Number Component Serial Number
200 Notes Note Type Note Type
210 Notes Notes Notes
220 Action Executed Action Executed Action Executed
230 Action Executed Action Executed By Action Executed By
240 Action Assignment Action Type Action Type
250 Action Assignment Action Description Action Description
260 Action Assignment Action Assigned To Action Assigned To
270 Action Assignment Email Address Email Address
280 Action Assignment Distribution List Distribution List
290 Action Assignment Send Email Send Email
300 Action Assignment Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
310 Action Assignment Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Nonconformance Detail Plan Template Nonconformance Detail History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
2 Template Nonconformance Detail Plan Template Disposition Header Plan Delayed The nonconformance specific elements are copied to the child plan
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Action Assigned to Is entered Assign a value to a collection element The e-mail address of the assignee is assigned to Email Address
2 Send email Equals YES Send an electronic email notification -
3 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template WIP Component Segregation

This collection plan enables you to move or return nonconforming components found in Oracle Work In Process to a Material Review Board/Quarantine Subinventory.

The Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Number
20 Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
30 Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Type
40 Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Code
50 Nonconform Item Type Nonconform Item Type
60 Default Values Default Values?
70 Item Item
80 Job Job
90 From Op Seq Number From Op Seq
100 Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
110 Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
120 Component Item Component Item
130 Component Revision Rev
140 Component Lot Number Comp Lot Number
150 Component Serial Number Comp Serial Number
160 Subinventory Subinventory
170 Locator Locator
180 Transaction Date Transaction Date
190 Reason Code Reason Code
200 Disposition Status Segregation Status
210 Disposition Message Segregation Message
220 Concurrent Request ID Concurrent Request ID
230 Launch Action Launch Action
240 Action Fired Action Fired
250 Owner Owner
260 Email Address Email Address
270 Distribution List Distribution List
280 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
290 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template WIP Component Segregation Template WIP Component Segregation History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Launch Action Equals YES Execute a SQL Script WIP component return transaction triggered
3 Disposition Status Equals FAILED, SUCCESS, WARNING Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on status of the segregation
4 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Inventory Segregation

Using Move Orders, this plan enables you to move nonconforming material, found in Inventory, to a Material Review Board or Quarantine Subinventory.

This Collection Plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Nonconformance Number Nonconformance Number
20 Nonconformance Source Nonconformance Source
30 Nonconformance Type Nonconformance Type
40 Nonconformance Code Nonconformance Code
50 Nonconform Item Type Nonconform Item Type
60 Default Values Default Values?
70 Item Item
80 Revision Rev
90 Quantity Nonconforming Quantity Nonconforming
100 Nonconforming UOM Nonconforming UOM
110 Subinventory Subinventory
120 Locator Locator
130 Lot Number Lot Number
140 Serial Number Serial Number
150 To Subinventory To Subinventory
160 To Locator To Locator
170 Date Required Date Required
180 Project Number Project Number
190 Task Number Task Number
200 Disposition Status Segregation Status
210 Disposition Message Segregation Message
220 Move Order Number Move Order Number
230 Concurrent Request ID Concurrent Request ID
240 Launch Action Launch Action
250 Action Fired Action Fired
260 Owner Owner
270 Email Address Email Address
280 Distribution List Distribution List
290 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
300 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Inventory Segregation Template Inventory Segregation History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Launch Action Equals YES Execute a SQL Script Move order is created
3 Disposition Status Equals FAILED, SUCCESS, WARNING Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on status of the segregation
4 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Disposition Header Plan

This Disposition Header collection plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Disposition Source Disposition Source
20 Source Reference ID Source Reference ID
30 Source Ref Line ID Source Reference Line ID
40 Disposition Number Disposition Number
50 Item Item
60 Disposition Quantity Disposition Quantity
70 Disposition UOM Disposition UOM
80 Disposition Disposition
90 Disposition Status Disposition Status
100 Disposition Desc Disposition Description
110 Disposition Owner Disposition Owner
120 Owner Email Owner Email
130 Default Values Default Values
140 Source Owner Source Owner
150 Source Owner Email Source Owner Email
160 Entered by User Entered by User
170 Send Email Send Email
180 Date Opened Date Opened
190 Date Closed Date Closed
200 Days to Close Days to Close
210 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
220 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Disposition Header Plan Template Disposition Detail Plan Delayed Some elements copied to child plan
2 Template Disposition Header Plan Template Disposition Header History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Disposition Owner Is entered Assign a value to a collection element E-mail address is assigned
3 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on disposition details
4 Date Opened Is empty Assign a value to a collection element Current date is assigned to Date Opened
5 Disposition Status Equals CLOSED Assign a value to a collection element Date Closed value is assigned
6 Date Closed Is entered Assign a value to a collection element Days to Close is calculated
7 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template Disposition Detail Plan

The Disposition Detail collection plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Disposition Source Disposition Source
20 Source Reference ID Source Reference ID
30 Source Ref Line ID Source Reference Line ID
40 Disposition Number Disposition Number
50 Disposition Line Num Disposition Line Number
60 Default Values Default Values
70 Item Item
80 Revision Rev
90 Lot Number Lot Number
100 Serial Number Serial Number
110 Job Job
120 Component Item Component Item
130 Component Revision Component Revision
140 Component Lot Number Component Lot Number
150 Component Serial Number Component Serial Number
160 Subinventory Subinventory
170 Locator Locator
180 License Plate Number License Plate Number
190 PO Number PO Number
200 PO Line Number PO Line Number
210 PO Release Number Rel
220 PO Receipt Number PO Receipt Number
230 PO Shipment Shipment
240 Disposition Quantity Disposition Quantity
250 Disposition UOM Disposition UOM
260 Disposition Disposition
270 Disposition Action Disposition Action
280 Disposition Status Disposition Status
290 Disposition Line Desc Disposition Line Desc
300 Implementation By Action Assigned to
310 Email Address Email Address
320 Distribution List Distribution List
330 Disposition Owner Disposition Owner
340 Owner Email Owner Email
350 Source Owner Source Owner
360 Source Owner Email Source Owner Email
370 Send Email Send Email
380 Disposition Module Disposition Module
390 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
400 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Disposition Detail Plan Template In-Process related Disposition Action and Result Delayed with criteria Disposition Module = WIP Some elements are copied to child plan
2 Template Disposition Detail Plan Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result Delayed with criteria Disposition Module = INV Some elements are copied to child plan
3 Template Disposition Detail Plan Template Disposition Detail History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Implementation by Is entered Assign a value to a collection element E-mail address is assigned
3 Send Email Equals YES Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on disposition details
4 Disposition Action Equals a given set of values Assign a value to a collection element Disposition Module is assigned
5 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Sends a workflow notification

Template In-Process related Disposition Action and Result

This plan executes the Disposition Actions, WIP Scrap, Create Rework Job, WIP Component Issue and WIP Component Return, Create Rework Operation, and Move to Rework Operation. The plan uses some of the context elements captured during the creation of a nonconformance and enables you to update it. During the time the nonconformance is logged and the disposition action is executed, the reference context might be stale; you can update it for this reason.

The plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Disposition Source Disposition Source
20 Source Reference ID Source Reference ID
30 Source Ref Line ID Source Reference Line ID
40 Disposition Number Disposition Number
50 Disposition Line Num Disposition Line Number
60 Disposition Disposition
70 Disposition Action Disposition Action
80 Default Values Default Values
90 Item Item
100 Job Job
110 Maintenance Work Order Maintenance Work Order
120 New Rework Job New Rework Job
130 Rework Job Rework Job Name
140 Job Class Job Class
150 Start Date Start Date
160 End Date End Date
170 Bill Reference Bill Reference Item
180 BOM Revision BOM Revision
190 Routing Reference Routing Reference
200 Routing Revision Routing Revision
210 Rework Op Seq Number Rework Op Seq Number
220 Rework Operation Code Rework Operation Code
230 Rework Department Rework Department
240 Resource Seq Num Resource Seq Num
250 Resource Code Resource Code
260 Assigned Units Assigned Units
270 Usage Rate Usage Rate
280 From Op Seq Number From Op Seq
290 Operation Code Op Code
300 From Intraoperation Step From Intraop
310 Department Dept
320 To Op Seq Number To Op Seq
330 To Operation Code To Operation Code
340 To Intraoperation Step To Intraop Step
350 To Department To Dept
360 Production Line Production Line
370 Line Operation Line Operation
380 Disposition Quantity Disposition Quantity
390 Disposition UOM Disposition UOM
400 Job MRP Net Quantity Job MRP Net Quantity
410 Scrap Account Alias Scrap Account Alias
420 Project Number Project No
430 Task Number Task No
440 Component Item Component Item
450 Component Revision Component Revision
460 Component Lot Number Component Lot Number
470 Component Serial Number Component Serial Number
480 Component Subinventory Component Subinventory
490 Component Locator Component Locator
500 Transaction Date Transaction Date
510 Reason Code Reason Code
520 Disposition Status Disposition Status
530 Disposition Message Disposition Message
540 Concurrent Request ID Concurrent Request ID
550 Launch Action Launch Action
560 Action Fired Action Fired
570 Implementation By Action Assigned to
580 Email Address Email Address
590 Distribution List Distribution List
600 Disposition Owner Disposition Owner
610 Owner Email Owner Email
620 Source Owner Source Owner
630 Source Owner Email Source Owner Email
640 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
650 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template In Process Disposition Action and Result Template In Process Disposition History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Disposition Action Equals a set of values Execute a SQL script The disposition actions are executed in the background
3 Disposition Status Equals a set of values Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on disposition status
4 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Workflow notifications sent

Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result

This plan executes the Disposition Actions, Inventory Scrap (Account Alias), and Move Orders. The plan uses some of the context elements captured during the creation of a nonconformance and enables you to update it. During the time the nonconformance is logged and the disposition action is executed, the reference context might be stale; you can update it for this reason.

The plan contains the following collection elements:

Plan Details
Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Disposition Source Disposition Source
20 Source Reference ID Source Reference ID
30 Source Ref Line ID Source Reference Line ID
40 Disposition Number Disposition Number
50 Disposition Line Num Disposition Line Number
60 Disposition Disposition
70 Disposition Action Disposition Action
80 Default Values Default Values
90 Item Item
100 Revision Rev
110 Subinventory Subinventory
120 Locator Locator
130 Lot Number Lot Number
140 Serial Number Serial Number
150 License Plate Number License Plate Number
160 To Subinventory To Subinventory
170 To Locator To Locator
180 Move Order Number Move Order Number
190 Date Required Date Required
200 Disposition Quantity Disposition Quantity
210 Disposition UOM Disposition UOM
220 Scrap Account Alias Scrap Account Alias
230 Project Number Project No
240 Task Number Task No
250 Transaction Date Transaction Date
260 Reason Code Reason Code
270 Disposition Status Disposition Status
280 Disposition Message Disposition Message
290 Concurrent Request ID Concurrent Request ID
300 Launch Action Launch Action
310 Action Fired Action Fired
320 Implementation By Action Assigned to
330 Email Address Email Address
340 Distribution List Distribution List
350 Disposition Owner Disposition Owner
360 Owner Email Owner Email
370 Source Owner Source Owner
380 Source Owner Email Source Owner Email
390 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
400 Send Notification To Send Notification To
Parent-Child Relationships
Relationship Number Parent Plan Child Plan Data Entry Mode Element Relationships
1 Template Inventory related Disposition Action and Result Template Inventory Disposition History Plan History All elements are copied to child plan to maintain audit trail
Seeded Collection Plan Actions
Action Number Collection Element Condition and Value Action Invoked Comment
1 Default Values Equals YES Assign a value to a collection element Multiple collection element values are assigned, based on the nonconformance number from the Nonconformance Master plan
2 Disposition Action Equals a set of values Execute a SQL script The disposition actions are executed in the background
3 Disposition Status Equals a set of values Send an electronic mail notification E-mail sent on disposition status
4 Workflow Notification Equals YES Launch a Workflow Workflow notification is sent