Audits Seeded Template Plan Details

Overview of Seeded Template Plans

This appendix lists all seeded template collection plans and elements for the audits solution.

Template Audit Master Plan

The Audit Master Plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Audit Number Audit Num
20 Audit Name Audit Name
30 Audit Type Audit Type
40 Audit Objective Audit Objective
50 Lead Auditor Lead Internal Auditor
60 Internal Auditor Internal Auditor
70 Internal Auditee Internal Auditee
80 Department Department
90 Standard Violated Audit Standard Basis
100 Registrar Registrar
110 External Auditor External Auditor
120 External Auditee External Auditee
130 Start Date Start Date
140 End Date End Date
150 Audit Status Audit Status
160 Customer Customer
170 Supplier Supplier Audited
180 Supplier Site Supplier Site
190 Project Number Project Number
200 Task Number Task Number
210 Internal Auditor Email Internal Auditor Email Address
220 Internal Auditee Email Internal Auditee Email Address
230 Send Email Send Email?
240 Audit Result Audit Result
250 Procedure Exists Procedure Exists?
260 Procedure Adequate Procedure Adequate?
270 Procedure Compliant Procedure Compliant?
280 Due Date Due Date
290 Follow up Date Follow up Date
300 Notes Notes
310 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
320 Send Notification to Send Notification too

Template Audit Master History Plan

The Audit Master History Plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Name Element Prompt
10 Audit Name Audit Name
20 Audit Type Audit Type
30 Audit Objective Audit Objective
40 Lead Internal Auditor Lead Internal Auditor
50 Internal Auditor Internal Auditor
60 Internal Auditee Internal Auditee
70 Registrar Registrar
80 External Auditor External Auditor
90 External Auditee External Auditee
100 Audit Status Audit Status
110 Audit Result Audit Result
120 Notes Notes

Template Audit Findings Plan

The Audits Findings Plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Audit Number Audit Num
20 Audit Name Audit Name
30 Audit Type Audit Type
40 Internal Auditee Internal Auditee
50 Audit Area Audit Area
60 Standard Violated Audit Standard Basis
70 Section Violated Audit Section
80 Customer Customer
90 Supplier Supplier Audited
100 Supplier Site Supplier Site
110 Audit Finding Number Finding Identifier
120 Finding Type Finding Type
130 Short Description Short Description
140 Finding Date Date of Finding
150 Follow up Date Follow up Date
160 Action Assigned to Action Assigned to
170 Notes Notes
180 CAR Required CAR Required?
190 Internal Auditor Email Internal Auditor Email Address
200 Internal Auditee Email Internal Auditee Email Address
210 Send Email Send Email
220 Workflow Notification Workflow Notification
230 Send Notification to Send Notification to

Template Audit Findings History Plan

The Audit Findings History Plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Finding Type Finding Type
20 Short Description Short Description
30 Action Assigned to Action Assigned to
40 Notes Note

Template Audit Question and Response Plan

The Audit Question and Response Plan has the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Audit Number Audit Num
20 Audit Name Audit Name
30 Audit Type Audit Name
40 Internal Auditee Internal Auditee
50 Department Department
60 Standard Violated Audit Standard Basis
70 Section Violated Audit Section
80 Audit Area Audit Area
90 Supplier Supplier Audited
100 Supplier Site Supplier Information
110 Question Category Question Category
120 Question Code Question Code
130 Audit Question Audit Question
140 Detailed Description Audit Response
150 Due Date Response Date
160 Notes Auditor Comments

Template Audit Question and Response History Plan

The Audit Question and Response History Plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Standard Violated Audit Standard Basis
20 Section Violated Audit Section
30 Audit Area Audit Area
40 Question Category Question Category
50 Question Code Question Code
60 Audit Question Audit Question
70 Detailed Description Auditor Response
80 Notes Auditor Comments

Template Audit Question Bank Plan

The Audit Question Bank plan contains the following collection elements:

Prompt Sequence Collection Element Name Prompt
10 Standard Violated Audit Standard Basis
20 Section Violated Audit Section
30 Audit Area Audit Area
40 Question Category Question Category
50 Question Code Question Code
60 Audit Question Audit Question