Oracle Configurator Modeling Guide


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Modeling Guidelines

Oracle Configurator provides tools for a wide range of solutions. This section consists of chapters that are designed to lead you from relevant planning guidelines through important design questions to best practices that leverage the strengths and requirements of Oracle Configurator.


Scope of this Guide
Product Support

Planning Your Model Design

Overview of Designing a Configuration Model
Planning Guidelines Relevant to Model Design
      BOM Model Design or Redesign
      End-User Expectations
      Rule Design
      Lifecycle and Maintainability Expectations

Starting Your Model Design

Do You Expect Configurator to Display Large Lists of Options?
Are the Same Product Elements Repeated in Separate Models?
Are You Modeling Many Related Products?
Do You Need Default Values Set Automatically?
Does Your End User Need to See the Bill of Materials?
Will Configurations Contain Instances of a Component?
Will Your Configurator Collect Many End-User Inputs?
Does Configurator Depend on Information Collected Upstream?
Does Configurator Pass Non-Orderable Information Downstream?
Are Some Selections Disallowed Until Other Selections Are Made?
Will Your Rules Include Repeating Patterns or Redundancy?
Are your configuration rules based on legacy rules?
Do You Need to Express Compatibilities in Your Model?
Do You Need to Express Comparisons in Your Model?

Best Practices

Explicit Model Structure Versus Abstractions
Explicit Structure
Downstream Consequences in Other Oracle Applications
Related Best Practices and Relevant Case Studies
Explicit Model Structure Versus References
      Explicit Structure
      Model References
      Referencing BOM Option Classes
      Non-Imported Model References
      Downstream Consequences in Other Oracle Applications
      Related Best Practices and Relevant Case Studies
Optional and Multiple Instantiation
      Optional Instantiation of BOM Option Classes
      Setting Node Values After Adding Instances
      Downstream Consequences in Other Oracle Applications
      Large Numbers of Instances
      Related Best Practices and Relevant Case Studies
Guided Buying or Selling
      Manufacturing vs. Sales View of a Model
Shallow Versus Nested or Deep Hierarchy
Items Versus Alternatives to Items
      Values Needed For Configuration Only
      Values Needed Downstream
      Related Best Practices and Relevant Case Studies
Large Option Features and Option Classes
      Grouped Versus Ungrouped Items
      Maximum Selections on Large Option Classes or Features
      Alternatives to Option Features With Many Options
      Relevant Case Studies
Defaults Rules Versus Alternatives to Default Selections
      Evaluating the Need for Default Selections
      Activating Defaults on End User Request
      Boolean Features With Initial Values
      The postConfigNew Configurator Extension
      Implies Relation Instead of Defaults Relation
      Default Rule Idiosyncrasies
Repetitive Rule Patterns and Redundancy
      Repetitive Patterns and Common Subexpressions
      Circular Propagation
Number and Complexity of Rules
NotTrue Logical Function Imposes Order and Causes Locking
      Order Dependency Caused By NotTrue
      Locked States Caused By NotTrue
Compatibility Rules
      Expressing Compatibility Using Properties
      Minimizing Participants in a Compatibility
      Using the Excludes Relation to Express Incompatibilities
      Minimizing the Size and Complexity of Property-based Compatibility Rules
      How do Property Features Simplify Property-based Relationships between Large Option Classes?
Comparison Rules
      Comparison Rules That Raise Warnings
      Using Intermediate Values Effectively With Comparison Rules
Connectors with Connection Rules
      Connection Rules That Depend on End-User Input
      Order Independent Connection Rules
      Restoring Configurations With Connections
Optimizing User Interface Performance
      Display Conditions
      Number and Type of Pages and Controls
      Configuration Summary User Interface Template
      Custom User Interface
Large Amounts of End-User Data Collected Using Configurator Extensions
Configurator Extension Design
      Avoiding Unnecessary Interactions
      Accessing Runtime Nodes
      Components and Requests
      Adding and Deleting Instantiable Components
      Impact of Making Connections Among Components
      Optimization of Configurator Extensions that Change Model Structure
      Detailed Sequence
      Comparison of Coding Approaches
      Code Example
      Optimization of Validation Configurator Extensions

Case Studies

To solve your configuration problem, Oracle Configurator may require a combination of best practices that is not obvious. This section presents some examples of common configuration problems and optimal design solutions best suited to an Oracle Configurator implementation.

Many Large BOM Models

Project Description
A Deficient Modeling Approach
The Suggested Modeling Approach
      Applying Best Practices to Your Model Structure
      Applying Best Practices to Further Optimize the End-User Experience
      The Resulting End-User Flow
      Advantages of This Modeling Approach

Many BOM Items

Project Description
A Deficient Modeling Approach
The Suggested Modeling Approach
      Applying Best Practices to Your Model Structure
      Applying Best Practices to Further Optimize the End-User Experience
      The Resulting End-User Flow
      Advantages of This Modeling Approach

SQL Queries

Number of Nodes by Type
Number of Features by Type in a Configuration Model
Number of Rules by Type in a Configuration Model
Number of Rules by Relation in a Configuration Model

Common Glossary for Oracle Configurator
