

The CLM iProcurement application consists of the following main tabs: Shop, Requisitions, Receiving. The Shop tab consists of the following sub-tabs: Stores, Shopping Lists, and Non-Catalog Requests.

When you need to shop for a particular item or service, click the Stores sub-tab and then select a store. The catalogs associated with that store are displayed and you can search for a specific item or service from a catalog and then select it for your use.

Use the Search LOV to find an item associated to that store. You can filter an item by store as well.

Click the Advanced Search button to specify other search criteria such as Store, Description, Supplier Item, Supplier. For more search criteria, use the Add Another LOV to add additional search criteria and click Add. Enter a value for the search criteria and click Go to search for the item.

The Stores region lists all the stores that you have access to. Click on a store to open it and view the catalogs associated with it. Click on a catalog to view the items associated to the catalog. For example, Main Store has a catalog called Industrial Supplies, which in turn has several item categories such as Abrasive Belts, Casters, Pliers Sets, Utility Carts etc. Click on any item category to view the items in that category.

The Stores search results region also enables you to perform the following additional activities:

When you add an item to your shopping cart, it gets added as a CLIN (contract line) in the requisition. You can further add an item as a SLIN (sub-line) or an option line to the CLIN. For more information on CLINs/SLINs, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

For items sourced from an IDV, you can add a complete CLIN/SLIN structure of that item as is found in the IDV, by clicking on Add IDV Structure to Cart.

The Add as SLIN or Option button enables you to add the item line as a SLIN or an Option Line. For more information on SLINs, please refer to the appendix – Common CLM Functionality. For more information on Option Lines, please refer to the appendix – Common CLM Functionality. When you click the Add as SLIN or Option button, the Add Item as SLIN or Option page displays with the item details. The existing lines are also displayed below the item details rows.

To add an item as a SLIN, select the radio button Add as SLIN and also select the CLIN to which the SLIN should be added, and then click Add to Cart. The Shopping Cart region displays the additional lines that you added.

To add an item as an Option line, select the Add as Option radio button; also enter the Option Dates and select the base line for the option line. Click Add to Cart to add the option line(s) to the shopping cart. The Shopping Cart region displays the additional lines that you added.

The Stores page also consists of the following regions:

Note: Requisition Templates and Contractor Requests are not supported in CLM.

Shopping Lists

A shopping list consists of a list of items that you would request for / procure frequently. The Shopping Lists page displays the items in your favorite lists. Select a favorite list from the Select List LOV and click Go. The items in your favorite list are displayed in the search results page. Sort by various fields such as Currency, Description etc., in ascending or descending order.

As in catalogs, when an item gets added from the shopping list to the shopping cart, it gets added as a CLIN (contract line). You can also add items as SLINs or Option lines (items that you wish to purchase at a future date) to the shopping cart. For more information on CLIN/SLIN and Option lines, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

Add all the items in the favorite list to your cart by clicking Add All Items to Cart. Add the items to your cart as SLINs or Options. For more information on SLINS and Options, please refer to the appendix – Common CLM Functionality.

You can delete an item from your favorite list by clicking Delete. A warning message displays, confirming if you want to continue with the deletion of the item from the favorite list. Please note that the item gets removed from your favorite list only, it is retained in the store.

Add IDV Structure to Cart enables you to add items along with the entire CLIN/SLIN structure as defined from the IDV, to the shopping cart. For example, if your cart contains personal computers, you could add a IDV structure that contains other lines that consists of hardware such as Hard Disks, CD-ROM Drives, and Keyboards to the shopping cart. Thus, you would have a complete requisition for the hardware needed.

Create shopping lists as public and personal favorites using the Preferences page. Click the Preferences link at the top of any iProcurement page and select the iProcurement Preferences hyperlink.

In the Favorites region of the iProcurement Preferences page, click Add Another Row. Enter a name for your new favorite list and click Apply. If you want this list to be your default, select it and click Set as Primary.

Your lists are displayed in the Select List drop down in the Shopping Lists page. You can move items from one favorite list to another by selecting the item in your search results and clicking Move.

Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart enables you to create requisitions quickly and in a user-friendly manner. Select an item that you have chosen from a store or from a shopping list search result and click Add to Cart. The item gets placed on the shopping cart and the Shopping Cart region displays the item that you have added. Please note that the item gets placed on the shopping cart as a CLIN (contract line), that is, it becomes a line in the requisition.

If one or items in this shopping cart have information templates associated to them, you can provide additional information for those items in the shopping cart page. For more information on Information Templates, please refer to the Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide.

The Shopping Cart displays the number of lines that it contains as well as some details of recently added lines. Click View Cart and Checkout to proceed with the checkout process. The Shopping Cart page opens, displaying the line information for the item(s) you added to the shopping cart. You can edit the line numbers that have been defaulted for CLINs on this page.

Click Organize Lines if you wish to move the lines to other locations, for example, you wish to move a line to be a SLIN below a CLIN. The Organize Lines page displays. The Organize Lines page consists of 2 regions: Current Structure (source) and Target Structure (destination). Select one or more lines by clicking on the Select checkbox in the Current Structure region. Then select the type of move you wish to perform using the Select Action LOV in the Target Structure region. Select from one of the 3 possible values: Move After Selected Line (moves the line after the line you selected in the previous page), Move Before Selected Line (moves the line above the line you selected in the previous page) and Move as subline(s) under selected line (moves lines as SLINs under selected CLIN). Click Done to save and apply your changes and return to the previous page. The Shopping Cart page displays, showing you the new structure of the lines.

Clicking Save saves the items of the shopping cart in an incomplete requisition. The items will remain in the shopping cart and will not be converted to purchase requisition lines.

Click Checkout if you wish to save your work, check out your items and convert the shopping cart items into requisition lines. Checkout is a 3-step process which you can follow to checkout your items quickly.

Step 1 of the checkout process involves entering the requisition information. For more details on entering the relevant data in this page, please refer to the Purchase Requisitions chapter in this guide.

Note: The Emergency Requisitioning feature is not supported in CLM.

Step 2 of the checkout process involves viewing and managing approvals and notes. View the approvers and enter a justification if you need to make any changes to the approval hierarchy. Optionally enter a note to the buyer.

Step 3 of the checkout process involves reviewing and submitting your items. The Review and Submit Requisition page displays the header, line and attachment details associated with your checkout. You can choose to Save your work and return to it at a later point of time. You could also opt to submit the requisition for approval by clicking Submit. When you click Submit, a confirmation message displays, telling you that the requisition (with a Purchase Requisition number) has been submitted for approval.

Click the Continue Shopping button to return to the Stores page and proceed with your shopping activities.

When the items and the CLINs/SLINs/Options are added to the requisition via the shopping cart, you can go to the requisition lines and edit the information as per your requirement, anytime before the requisition is submitted for approval.

Creating a Non-Catalog Request

Non-catalog requests help you purchase goods and services not available in the online catalog. Your agency maintains a catalog of items, item information, and preferred supplier information. When searching, you search this online catalog. Use non-catalog requests to request items that are not available in this catalog.

The requisitioning process for catalog and non-catalog request items are similar except that for a catalog item, you search for the catalog item online and select it while for a non-catalog request, you enter the item information yourself. In both cases, the checkout process is the same.

Select an Item Type - Goods billed by Quantity, Goods or Services billed by Amount, Services billed by Quantity.

Enter the Item Description - this is a mandatory field.

Enter a Category - Category represents the purchasing category of the item.

Select the Informational checkbox to indicate that the line is an Informational line and not a priced line.

Select a Contract Type - A Contract Type is used to determine the pricing calculation for the item or service to be procured. For example, if the Contract Type is Firm Fixed Price, the price is calculated as Quantity * Unit Price. For an item type of Goods billed by Quantity, the Contract Types are different from the item type of Goods or Services billed by Amount. For more information on Contract Types and their pricing formulas, please refer to the appendix - Common CLM Functionality.

Enter a Cost Constraint, if required. The default value of the Cost Constraint field is Null. A Cost Constraint is an indicator at CLIN/SLIN level that controls the pricing or the document printing behavior for that CLIN/SLIN.

Enter a Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Price, Currency as per your requirements. The Extended Price is automatically calculated for that item or service. Below the Extended Price field, a pricing formula is displayed, telling you the formula that was used in calculating the Extended Price. Please note that the final calculated price may be called Extended Price or something else, depending on factors such as the Contract Type and other pricing attributes that to into the price calculation. For goods or services billed by amount item types only, the Pricing Details hyperlink is displayed; on clicking the hyperlink, the Pricing Details popup displays, showing you additional pricing attributes that contribute to the calculation of the final price.

The Pricing details popup is enabled only for amount-based lines. Depending on the contract type you select for the amount-based line, the relevant pricing attributes display in the popup. You can enter the values in the popup for the attributes and the formula as well as the final calculated price is shown in the line in the total line amount field (this field may be called Extended Price, Total Amount, etc, depending on the contract type and formula).

Solicitation Required: By default, this field is hidden on the page that the requester uses to enter the non-catalog request. Requesters use the Solicitation Required flag to indicate to the buyer that he should request for a quotation for the item. This is an optional field.

Negotiated: By default, this field is hidden on the page that the requester uses to enter the non-catalog request. Use the Personalize Page link at the top of the page if you want to display this field. Use the Negotiated field if you are or will be implementing Daily Business Intelligence (DBI) for Procurement. If you select Yes, then DBI for Procurement considers all items ordered through this template to have negotiated prices, for reporting purposes. By default, this field is set to No and is optional.

Select a Contract Number that you have established with the supplier for procuring goods or services.

If you enter supplier information for a non-catalog request, selecting the New Supplier check box tells iProcurement not to validate the supplier. This allows you to enter a name for suppliers that are not yet approved for use by your organization. It does not add them to your supplier base. This is an optional field.

Select a Supplier Name and a Supplier Site that you will be procuring the goods or services from. You can enter the Supplier Contact Name, Phone Number and the item number as specified by the supplier. For example, your item number is AS54999, however your supplier item number for the same item is PC93938.

You can add the non-catalog item to your primary favorites list by clicking the Add to Favorites button.

Add to Cart adds your non-catalog item to the shopping cart as a CLIN. The line displays in the Shopping Cart region on the right of the page. Click View Cart and Checkout to initiate the checkout process. The checkout process will convert the non-catalog request to a requisition CLIN.

The Add as SLIN or Option button enables you to add the item line as a SLIN or an Option Line. For more information on SLINs, please refer to the appendix – Common CLM Functionality. For more information on Option Lines, please refer to the appendix – Common CLM Functionality. When you click the Add as SLIN or Option button, the Add Item as SLIN or Option page displays with the item details. The existing lines are also displayed below the item details rows. Select one of the radio buttons – Add as Option or Add as SLIN. Select an existing line by clicking on the Select radio button (this is the line to which you will be adding a SLIN or an Option) and then click Add to Cart. The Shopping Cart region displays the additional lines that you added.

Step 1 of the checkout process involves entering the requisition information. For more details on entering the relevant data in this page, please refer to the Purchase Requisitions chapter in this guide.

Step 2 of the checkout process involves viewing and managing approvals and notes. View the approvers and enter a justification if you need to make any changes to the approval hierarchy. Optionally enter a note to the buyer.

Step 3 of the checkout process involves reviewing and submitting your items. The Review and Submit Requisition page displays the header, line and attachment details associated with your checkout. You can choose to Save your work and return to it at a later point of time. You could also opt to submit the requisition for approval by clicking Submit. When you click Submit, a confirmation message displays, telling you that the requisition (with a Purchase Requisition number) has been submitted for approval.

Click the Continue Shopping button to return to the Stores page and proceed with your shopping activities.