Demand Signal Repository

This chapter covers the following topics:

Demand Signal Repository Implementation

Please follow the procedures in this section to implement Oracle Demand Signal Repository (DSR).


Verify the following prerequisites:

Known Issues

Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) code generation bug #9543458 and #9544083 #9580806 in certain circumstances might result in incorrect map code generation. This would in certain cases also result in DSR providing incomplete error message in error tables about records being processed. Please refer Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) bug #9543458, bug #9544083 and bug #9580806 and related bugs for more details and solution.

Setting Up Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB)

Perform the procedures below to setting up Oracle Warehouse Builder for your Demand Signal Repository implementation.

Setting Up the Demand Signal Repository Project

Perform the procedure below to set up the Demand Signal Repository project.

Registering Users

  1. Identify the target schema. The readme lists steps for deployment in the "APPS" schema, which is recommended. Additional setup not detailed in this document is required if schema other than "APPS" is used.

  2. Create a user for the repository. The steps for creating the user can be found here:

  3. Identify the workflow schema for process flows. Schema and location name are assumed to be to be "APPS" and "DSR_OWF_LOCATION" respectively for reference in the following sections of this document. Oracle Applications provides embedded Oracle Workflow in "APPS" schema. Please refer to Oracle Warehouse Builder Installation and Administration Guide installation instructions and other details if you need to perform standalone Oracle Workflow installation.

  4. Register the target schema 'APPS' and workflow schema 'APPS' as control center users. Please refer to the following document for more details on registering the users as control center users.

Importing MDLs

Import Options - Using the Design Center

  1. Place the MDL files in a directory with appropriate read and write permissions.

  2. From the File menu option, select Import > Warehouse Builder Metadata option from the menu. The Import Metadata dialog box appears.

  3. Browse the MDL file to be imported and select a file based on the sequence given above.

  4. Choose Import all objects from file under object selection.

  5. Select the Update Meta data (replace existing objects and create new metadata) option under Import option.

  6. Select Match By Name under Match By option.

  7. Click Import.

  8. Monitor the process and click on import summary to check for any errors.

Import Options - Using OMBPlus Utility with the OMBIMPORT Command

  1. Refer to the link below for a detailed explanation of the OMBIMPORT usage.

Sample format of Import command:

OMB+> OMBIMPORT MDL_FILE '<mdl name and path> ' USE UPDATE_MODE MATCH_BY NAMES OUTPUT LOG TO 'log name and path' 

It is recommended that the customer maintain an import script that can be run from the OMBPlus console. This will reduce the effort and time to import the MDL files and also take care of all the dependencies automatically.

Creating Locations

Setting Up Project Module Location

  1. In the Project Explorer window, expand project DEMAND_SIGNAL_REPOSITORY.

  2. Locate and expand the module Databases and Oracle.

  3. Double-click on the DEMAND_SIGNAL_REPOSITORY_ETL module.

  4. Select the Metadata Location tab.

  5. Choose the Location as <DSR_APPS_LOCATION>.

  6. Select Data Location and select the <DSR_APPS_LOCATION> from the Available Locations list.

  7. Click OK. Ignore any warnings for the configuration if displayed.

  8. Right-click on the DEMAND_SIGNAL_REPOSITORY_ETL module and select Configure from the menu.

  9. In the details dialog, select the Location and Streams Administrator Location as <DSR_APPS_LOCATION>. Click OK.

Setting Up the Process Flow Module Location

  1. In the Project Explorer window, expand project DEMAND_SIGNAL_REPOSITORY.

  2. Locate and expand the Process Flows module.

  3. Expand Process Flow Modules and double-click on the DSR_OTHER_PROCESS_FLOWS module.

  4. Select Data Locations tab and select "DSR_OWF_LOCATION" or equivalent workflow location from the Available Locations list.

  5. Click OK and ignore any warnings for the configuration if thrown.

  6. Right-click the DSR_OTHER_PROCESS_FLOWS module and select Configure from the menu.

  7. In the details dialog, select the "Evaluation Location" as "Use default location" and "Location" as <DSR_OWF_LOCATION>. Click OK.

  8. Follow steps 1 to 7 listed above for other process flow modules. Set up "DSR_DEMANTRA_INTEGRATION" process flow only if you are planning to deploy and implement integration with Demantra.

Creating File Locations

  1. Create a New FILE location:

    • In Oracle Warehouse Builder design center, go to "Connection Explorer," right-click on the Files node and select New.

    • Provide the location, a name, and point it to the directory location for TDLINX csv file.

  2. Set up external file:

    • In Oracle Warehouse Builder design center, expand the File node in Project Explorer.

    • Right-click the module under the File node, and select Open Editor.

    • Metadata Location tab: Select the location, the FILE location set earlier in step 1 above.

    • Data Location tab: Select the FILE location set earlier.

    • Right-click and select Configure. Select the FILE location set earlier.

    • Open DDR_TDLINX_STR_DATA node under External Files and set the Default Physical File Name to the name of the tdlinx data file.

  3. Set up external table:

    • In Oracle Warehouse Builder design center in "Project Explorer," right-click on the "External Table" and select Open Editor.

    • Locations tab: Select file location set above in step 1.

    • Right-click and select Configure.

    • Select the locations for: Bad file, Discard file and Log file.

Setting Up Control Center


Perform the following during the deployment process:

Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition

Install Oracle Business Suite Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE)

Refer to the Oracle Business Suite Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation for details.

Setting Up the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Infrastructure

Files and contain the following files for use with the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition

Copy these ZIP files (, from obiee ($DDR_TOP/patch/115/obiee) directory.

Unzip to get DSR_Reports.rpd.

Copy the DSR_Reports.rpd file to repository subdirectory of the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition server.

Enable the use of "Oracle Demand Signal Repository" repository file:

Setting Up the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Services

Perform the following to set up the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation Services.

  1. Unzip to get DSR_Reports Web catalog.

  2. Copy the catalog directory into the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Presentation server.

    • On a Windows system, the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition presentation server is usually installed in the "OracleBIData" directory. You can copy the appropriate the file using Windows Explorer, or execute a command from a command prompt as shown in the following example:

      xcopy /E /I DSR_Reports ORACLE_HOME\web\catalog

      Note: On Windows 2003, this command copies over the folder contents to the location from where the command was executed. Please use Windows Explorer for copying over this folder to the required location.

    • On UNIX or Linux-based systems, you can copy the appropriate directory by executing a command similar to the one shown in the following example

      cp -rf DSR_Reports ORACLE_HOME/web/catalog

Setting Up Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Translation

Perform this setup only if you are planning to use translated OBIEE UI. This process uses the "transx" utility that is part of the Oracle DB install.

  1. Configure Transx using the instructions provided at the link below:

    Note: The above instructions are valid if you have Oracle 10g database installation.

    The instructions are specifically for Windows-based standalone setup.

    The directory paths will change based on the install directory used. Please use the sample setup below as guideline.

    • In Window Environment, right-click My Computer icon and select Properties.

    • Select the Advanced tab in System Properties.

    • Click Environment Variables and setup CLASSPATH, CLASSPATHJ, JAVA_HOME, XDX_HOME variables.

      Sample Variables Setup for Database 10g

      %CLASSPATHJ ==> C:\Apps\db\oracle102\jdbc\lib\;C:\Apps\db\oracle102\jdbc\lib\nls_charset12.jar
      %JAVA_HOME ==> D:\jdk1.5.0_09
      %ORACLE_HOME ==> C:\Apps\db\oracle102

      Sample Variables Setup for Database 11g

  2. The OBIEE translated files are shipped under <$DDR_TOP>/patch/115/obiee directory and are named as ddr_obiee_<language id>.zip (for example,

  3. Unzip the language zip file to be used to a local drive (for example, c:\ drive). The DLF files will be extracted into the C:\ddr\OracleBI\Repository directory.

  4. Import the files into the DB by executing the following transx command:

    transx "hostname:port:sid" username password filename 

    For example, to load the Spanish translation version you might use the following:

    c:\transx rws60147rems:1524:mz1dv220 apps apps ddr_es.dlf
  5. Verify the seeding data gets uploaded correctly in DDR_TRANSLATED_MESSAGE by the following query:

    SELECT Count(*)
    GROUP BY lang_id='<language id>'
  6. Copy the files sopcaptions.xml, scacaptions.xml and scrmcaptions.xml if available from

    ddr\OracleBIData\l_<language id>


    <..>\OracleBIData\web\res\l_<language id>\Captions

    If the directory l_<language id>is not there, then perform:

    create subdirectory l_<language id>>\Captions 

    under OracleBIData\web directory.

  7. Restart the BI servers to verify the translation.

  8. To use the translated UI, select an appropriate language and then enter user id/password when you log in to Presentation Service.

Setting Up the Exception Management Dashboard Feature

Perform the set up described in this section only if you plan to use the exception management dashboard feature.

  1. Copy <product_top>/patch/115/obiee/java/DDRExceptionHandler.jar file to $HOME/OracleBI/web/javahost/lib on the BI server.

    This enhancement uses iBots that require OBIEE Scheduler be set up.

    For complete set-up instructions please refer to Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide, Chapter 10, "Configuring Oracle BI Scheduler."

    This enhancement uses a custom Java program to write exceptions to the database. This custom Java program requires a '' file for database access information.

  2. Create a text file named "".

    The content of the file should be set-up like example below.

    Example File


    Note: If you do not want to expose "APPS" schema password in the file, perform the following: Create a database a new database user ddremd and grant execute privilege on ddr_emd_util package in apps schema to this user.

    You may use following sample commands to create user and grantprivileges:

    create user ddremd identified by ddremd
    grant execute on apps.ddr_emd_util to ddremd;
  3. Modify the CLASSPATH in the javahost config file, located at $HOME/OracleBI/web/javahost/config/config.xml to make sure $HOME/OracleBI/web/javahost/lib/DDRExceptionHandler.jar file is in the class path.

    Sample CLASSPATH configuration:

    {%javahostdir%}/lib; C:/Oracle/OracleBI/oc4j_bi/jdbc/lib/ojdbc14dms.jar;

Setting Up Web Services

Demand Signal Repository provides a set of Web services that can be optionally deployed. Implementers can use these Web services to automate their processes or perform integration with 3rd party systems.


SOA Suite must be installed.

Deploying Web Service

  1. Log on to Oracle Application Server Control, click the name of the OC4J instance you want to deploy to (example: home).

    The Web services delivered in Oracle Demand Signal Repository as part of this Maintenance Pack appear in the table below.

    Description Web Service File Deployed Application in Application Server
    Demand Signal Repository Fact Data Webservice ddrwsfal.ear DDR_WS1.0
  2. To deploy the Web service, perform the following:

    • For a given application, if it has been deployed previously, please first undeploy it before deploying it again.

    • Select the Application tab, and then click Deploy button.

    • On "Archive Location", click browse and select the following:

      <DDR TOP>/patch/115/ear/ddrwsfal.ear 
    • In Step 2, click Next .

    • In Step 3, click Deploy. The Web service is now deployed.

    • Repeat for each of the EAR files.

  3. Update Connection Pool.

    • For the deployed application, go back to the corresponding Applications screen.

    • Click Administration, and then click JDBC Resources.

    • Click the connection pool named "jdev-connection-pool-CustomerDBConnection".

    • In the URL field, please enter proper host name, port name and database connection information for the EBS database. There may already be an example value entered "". If present, replace it.

    • Set the Username field to the APPS database username, set the password. Click Apply. If users would like to avoid using clear text passwords, please see password indirection and password obfuscation sections in Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide.

    • Click Apply.

  4. Re-start the SOA Application Server.

Setting Up Demand Signal Repository - Demantra Integration

Customers who want to use Oracle Demantra Release 7.2 with DSR should apply the script msddemcrwf3.sql to create the series, integration profiles, and workflows required for the integration.

The SQL file is not executed during patch application. It must be applied manually.

The SQL file location is as follows:


Case 1: DSR (APS) and Demantra on the Same Database Instance

  1. Make sure that the profile 'MSD_DEM: Schema' is set to the correct Demantra Schema name.

  2. Make sure the Demantra installation is not in use for any activity.

  3. Apply the SQL File msddemcrwf3.sql in the APPS schema.

  4. Bounce the Demantra Application Web Server.

  5. Create a synonym named 'BIIO_DSR_SALES_DATA' in the APPS schema of the instance where DSR is installed.

    This synonym should point to the table 'BIIO_DSR_SALES_DATA' in the Demantra Schema. For example, if the Demantra schema name is 'DMTRA_TEMPLATE', then create the synonym by running the following command in the APPS schema:


Case 2: Demantra on Separate Database Instance

  1. Create the package MSD_DEM_DEMANTRA_UTILITIES in the Demantra schema by applying the following files

    • $MSD_TOP/patch/115/sql/msddemdus.pls - Package Specification

    • $MSD_TOP/patch/115/sql/msddemdub.pls - Package Body

  2. Make sure the Demantra installation is not in use for any activity.

  3. Apply the SQL File msddemcrwf3.sql in the Demantra schema.

  4. Bounce the Demantra Application Web Server.

  5. Create a synonym named 'BIIO_DSR_SALES_DATA' in the APPS schema of the instance where DSR is installed. This synonym should point to the table 'BIIO_DSR_SALES_DATA' in the Demantra Schema.

Setting Up Demand Signal Repository - Retail Merchandising System (RMS) Integration

Please follow instructions in this section only if you are planning to implement Demand Signal Repository integration with Retail Merchandising System (RMS).


Setting Up Oracle Data Integrator (ODI)

The required Oracle Data Integrator set up files are available through file. The file is located under odi directory under Demand Signal Repository product directory.

Objects in the ZIP File

Topology Objects

These objects set up the database connections for the integration and must be modified in the ODI topology manager.

Scenario Object

This object is the integration process within ODI.

Java Class File

The Java program that converts the pre EDI 852 flat file generated by RMS to XML file format that can be used by ODI.

DTD File

This file defines the XML structure for the Java converter program and ODI.

Configuring the User Parameters in DSR Lookups and Setting Up Integration Directories

Please refer Demand Signal Repository implementation guide for more information on how to set up the system parameters.

The parameters specified below in the LKUP_CD column need to be configured and set up by the user. Sample values appear below.

Parameter Parameter Value (Example values listed) Purpose of the parameter
RETL_DSR_SRC_DIR ODI_HOME/retldsr/source The directory where the RMS EDIDLPRD File should be kept for upload to DSR.
RETL_DSR_SRC_FILENAME EDIDLPRD.pc The RMS EDIDLPRD File name that needs to be loaded into Oracle DSR.
RETL_DSR_SUCCESS_DIR ODI_HOME/retldsr/sucess The directory where the RMS EDIDLPRD file should be moved after the successful upload.
RETL_DSR_FAILED_DIR ODI_HOME/retldsr/failed The directory where the RMS EDIDLPRD File should be moved after the upload fails.
RETL_DSR_TO_ADDR user_name@ The admin email address where the error or success notification should be sent.
RETL_DSR_FM_ADDR The Integrator admin email from which the error or success notification should be sent.
RETL_DSR_MAIL_SERVER Mail. Mail Server that will send the ODI email notifications.
RETL_DSR_CLASS_DIR ODI_HOME/retldsr/source The directory where the DLPRDFileToXMLConverter.class file is located.

Create the directories that were set up in the DDR_R_LKUP_MST table to be the source, success, failure and class directories.

Copying the Class and DTD Files to the Necessary Folders

  1. Copy the class file DLPRDFileToXMLConverter.class from the temporary folder/src/class to the directory specified in the RETL_DSR_CLASS_DIR in the DDR_R_LKUP_MST Table.

  2. Copy the DTD file RETLDLPRD.dtd from the temporary folder/src/xml to the source directory specified in the RETL_DSR_SRC_DIR in the DDR_R_LKUP_MST Table.

Setting Up the odiparams.bat /.sh File for Importing from Command Line

  1. Go to the Oracle ODI Home /bin directory.

  2. Open the odiparams.bat (win) or .sh (UNIX) file for editing.

  3. Add the repository connection information, which should appear as follows:

    set ODI_SECU_DRIVER=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    set ODI_SECU_URL=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<host>:<port>:<sid>
    set ODI_SECU_USER=user for master repository
    set ODI_SECU_ENCODED_PASS= use agent encode utility in bin dir to encode the user password
    set ODI_SECU_WORK_REP=repository name

Importing and Configuring the Topology Objects

Importing from Command Line (Preferred)

  1. Make sure that the odiparams file is set to the ODI repository.

  2. From the command line run the following:

    "startcmd.bat OdiImportObject -FILE_NAME= "<Insert the ODI object name and directory path>" -WORK_REP_NAME= ODI_WORKREP_PROJECT -IMPORT_MODE=SYNONYM_INSERT_UPDATE
  3. Repeat this process for all 5 topology objects.

  4. Verify that all the objects were imported.

    • On the physical architecture tab under Oracle verify that tree structure of "Oracle DSR DS" and under that "Oracle DSR DS.DDR" were imported.

    • On the physical architecture tab under XML verify that tree structure of "RETL DLPRD DS" and under that "RETL DLPRD DS.RETLDLPRD" were imported.

    • On the logical architecture tab under Oracle verify that "Oracle DSR" was imported.

    • On the logical architecture tab under XML verify that "RETL DLPRD" was imported.

    • On the contexts tab verify that "Retail to DSR Context" was imported.

Importing from UI

  1. From ODI topology manager, select File > Import > Topology.

  2. From the import mode drop down, select Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE.

  3. Select Import From a Folder option.

  4. Click the Browse button to the right of the text box and select the temporary folder where retl_dsr_install was unzipped in. Select the folder retl_dsr_install > src > topology and click OK to start the import.

Configuring the Physical Architecture in Topology Manager

  1. On the physical architecture tab under Oracle on the "Oracle DSR DS" object, change the JDBC URL to point to the DSR database.

  2. On the "Oracle DSR DS.DDR", change the username and password for that connection. Click Test and make sure the connection is successful.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Under XML on the "RETL DLPRD DS", change the JDBC URL to point to the file RETLDLPRD.dtd in the source directory created. Click Test and make sure connection is successful.


    the picture is described in the document text

Configuring the Context and Logical Architecture in Topology Manager

  1. On the contexts tab, verify on the schemas tab for the "Retail to DSR Context" .

    • Logical Schema "Oracle DSR" = "Oracle DSR DS.DDR" Physical Schema

    • Logical Schema "RETL DLPRD" = "RETL DLPRD DS.RETLDLPRD" Physical Schema

  2. On the logical architecture tab under Oracle, verify on the definitions tab for "Oracle DSR" that Context "Retail to DSR Context" = "Oracle DSR DS.DDR" Physical Schema.

  3. On the logical architecture tab under XML verify on the definitions tab for "RETL DLPRD" that Context "Retail to DSR Context" ="RETL DLPRD DS.RETLDLPRD" Physical Schema.

Importing the Scenario Object in the Operator

Importing from Command Line

  1. Make sure that the odiparams file is set to the repository.

  2. From the command line run the following:

    startcmd.bat OdiImportObject -FILE_NAME=
     ".\src\topology\CONT_RetailtoDSRContext.xml" -WORK_REP_NAME=

Importing from UI

  1. From ODI Operator, select the Scenario tab and then File > Import > Import Scenario.

  2. From the import mode drop down list, select Synonym Mode INSERT_UPDATE.

  3. Click the Browse button to the right of the text box, and select the folder where retl_dsr_install was unzipped in. Select the folder retl_dsr_install > src > scenario.

  4. Select the LOAD_RETL_ITEMS_TO_DSR_PKG object and click OK to start the import.

  5. Verify that the object gets imported.

Executing the Scenario

  1. When the EDI file is received, move it to the source directory that is set up in the variable RETL_DSR_SRC_DIR in the DDR_R_LKUP_MST table.

  2. Right-click the LOAD_RETL_ITEMS_TO_DSR_PKG object from the ODI Operator on the Scenario tab, and select Execute.

  3. On the variables to be used window, enter the RTL_ORG_CD. This is the code that represents the retailer in DSR.

  4. Tab out of the RTL_ORG_CD field, and click OK.

  5. Select the Sessions List tab to check the status of the execution.

Oracle Value Chain Planning - Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Integration

Setting Up Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) v60 to integrate with EBS 12.1.3

All customers using OTM version 6 in order to integrate with EBS 12.1.3 need to do the following on the OTM side:

  1. The following steps need to be performed once on the OTM instance to have the XSL file available for use:

    Get a copy of the "GLogXML v60 to v55 DateTime.xsl" and "GLogXML v60 to v55.xsl" files, the files are shipped with OTM in the {otm_install}/utils/integration/transform directory

    Place the xsl files on the OTM server. There are two options:

    • Manually copy the files to the xsl file location {otm_install}/glog/integration/client/xsl .Note that the actual location is indicated by the following OTM property : glog.integration.stylesheetRoot

    • Upload the XSL files in the Integration Manager

      • In OTM login as DBA.ADMIN (you can only upload the xsl files as DBA.ADMIN)

      • Go to Business Process Automation > Integration >Integration Manager > Upload an XML/CSV Transmission

      • Upload each of the XSL files

  2. The following steps need to be performed for the External Systems configured to send to the BPEL flow:

    • In OTM log in to the domain.

    • Go to the External System you are using to send to BPEL, menu: Business Process Automation > Communication Management > External Systems.

    • In the External System Manager, in the External System Translations section, enter the following:

      • Sequence Number:1 (increase for each entry)

      • Stylesheet Name : GLogXML v60 to v55 DateTime.xsl

      • XML Element ID: chose the outbound interface or select "*" for all interfaces.

      • Leave the other fields in the grid empty and click Save to save the translation entry.

      • Click Finished at the top of the page to save the External System.