Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Release Notes for Release

Part #: E21703-07, July 2013

This document provides delta information from Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 to Value Chain Planning Cumulative Patch, Patch 16974659.

The information included in this document assumes that you have already installed Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Release 12.1.3, according to the instructions in the following document:

Note: This document - especially Section 5, Known Issues - may be updated after initial release. Any changes are listed in Section 6, Change Record. If you print this document, periodically check to ensure you have the most recent version.

The latest version of this document is available from the following locations:

In this Document

  1. What's New
  2. Documentation
  3. New and Changed Features
  4. Diagnostics and Logging
  5. Known Issues in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Release
  6. Change Record
  7. Documentation Accessibility

1. What's New

In Release, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning has added or changed the following features since its last release. For a complete list of new features within Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, refer to Document 561580.1, Release Content Document.

Feature Name Description
Forecast Spreading Based on Shipping Calendar

Before this release ASCP supported forecast spreading based on only manufacturing calendar.

In this release a new profile option "MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar" enables users to spread forecasts based on the shipping calendar in addition to the manufacturing calendar. The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Organization Manufacturing Calendar - This is the default value. The system uses the organization manufacturing calendar for spreading the forecast.
  • Organization Shipping Calendar - The system uses the organization shipping calendar for spreading the forecast.

Note: A forecast for a non-working day in the manufacturing calendar is moved to the previous working day.

Example: Consider an organization with a manufacturing calendar that has both Saturday and Sunday as non-working days. On the other hand the shipping calendar has only Sunday as the only non-working day of the week. Based on the shipping calendar, a forecast of 480 units for period 3 (March) is spread evenly to daily buckets from Monday to Saturday (total of 24 buckets). That results in the daily forecast quantity of 20 (480 / 24 = 20). Since Saturday is not a working day based on the manufacturing calendar, therefore ASCP moves and adds up the Saturdays' forecasts to Fridays' forecasts (20 + 20 = 40).

Excluding Planned Orders from Supply Tolerancing

Before this release the Shortage Tolerance Percent and Excess Tolerance Percent were applied to all order types including planned orders.

With this release ASCP provides a profile option called "MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance percentages to planned orders". The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Yes - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied to all supplies including planned orders. This is the default value.
  • No - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied only to existing supplies (such as On Hand, WIP).
  • When this profile option is set to No, it allows ASCP to generate planned orders that satisfy 100% of demand, while matching existing supplies (which may have irregular quantities due to actual process yields) to demands using a supply tolerance.

Example - Consider an item with 2 demands:

Demand1= 10200
Demand2= 10200
Fixed Order Quantity = 2000
MSC: Demand Satisfied Percent Threshold for Pegging = 98
Shortage Tolerance Quantity = 10200 x (100 - 98) / 100 = 204
MSC: Minimum Supply/Demand Percent for Pegging = 0.0018
Excess Tolerance Quantity = 10200 x 0.0018 = 1836

If the profile option "MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance percentages to planned orders" is set to "No", ASCP creates 6 planned orders of 2000 to satisfy Demand1 of 10200. In this case Demand1 is satisfied completely and the excess of 1800 (12000 - 10200) is used to satisfy Demand2 ignoring the excess tolerance percent even though 1800 < 1836.

On the other hand, if the profile option is set to "Yes", then ASCP initially creates 6 planned orders to satisfy Demand1, but it uses (pegs) only 5 of those to satisfy this demand since (10200 - 10000) < 204. In this case Demand1 is satisfied with an allowed shortage of 200. The other planned order of 2000 is used for satisfying Demand2.

Maximize Use-Up of Substitute Components

With this release ASCP provides a new profile option called "MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute" that allows you to maximize usage of substitute components. The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Yes - ASCP uses the existing supply of primary components before substitute components. This is the default value.
  • No - ASCP uses the existing supply of substitute components before primary components.
  • If this profile option is set to "No", and there is no existing supply for substitute components, ASCP generates new planned orders for the primary components before substitute components.

In addition to the above profile option, you need to set the following profile options to use this feature:

  • MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs. Comp - This profile option allows you to control how the existing supplies in substitute components / alternate BOM paths are used by ASCP. You need to set the value of this profile option to 0 (consider both existing substitute component supplies and existing alternate BOM component supplies) or 1 (consider existing substitute component supplies but not existing alternate BOM component supplies) to use this enhancement. Values 2 (consider neither existing substitute component supplies nor existing alternate BOM component supplies) and 3 (consider existing alternate BOM component supplies but not existing substitute component supplies) are not compatible with this feature.
  • MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time - This profile option enables ASCP to plan supplies with respect to the timing of alternates' usage. You need to set the value of this profile option to "No" to use this feature.

ASCP behavior with respect to this feature is summarized as follows:

With the feature turned off (MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute = Yes):

  1. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of primary components.
  2. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of substitute components.
  3. Generate new planned orders for primary components.
  4. Generate new planned orders for substitute components.

With the feature turned on (MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute = No):

  1. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of substitute components.
  2. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of primary components.
  3. Generate new planned orders for primary components.
  4. Generate new planned orders for substitute components.

Note that the on hand of a substitute component will not be used if it is less than the Minimum Order Quantity, Fixed Order Quantity, or Fixed Lot Multiplier. The on hand of a substitute component may be partially used if it is greater than the order modifiers but it is not a multiple of them.

This enhancement is only available with the Constrained (Without Scheduling) planning mode.

Distribution Planning Enhanced Order Modifier Support

Distribution planning now supports two more order modifiers: maximum order quantity and minimum order quantity. This is in addition to the currently supported fixed lot multiplier and round order modifiers. Users can specify maximum and minimum order quantity as an item attribute. Users can also choose to specify each newly supported order modifier on the supply allocation rule. Order modifiers specified on a supply allocation rule are applied to transfers between organizations.

Asset Intensive Planning - Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)

In release, ASCP provides functionality to plan asset maintenance.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning considers the preventative maintenance activities managed in Oracle Enterprise Asset Management and generates the supply chain plan for both rebuildable and consumable items. The Oracle Enterprise Asset Management Preventive Maintenance Scheduler considers factors to the maintenance effort that Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning does not consider, for example, usage, meter readings, and calendar days.

Asset Intensive Planning - Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (cMRO)

In release, ASCP has been enhanced to provide functionality to plan asset intensive maintenance in conjunction with Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (cMRO).

Enhanced Consideration of Recipe Effective Date

In release, ASCP enables the planning engine to achieve better respecting of the process effectivity dates.

You can prevent the planning engine from planning supplies earlier than their corresponding demand due dates by setting the value of the profile option MSO: Allow early builds to consume existing supplies of phased-out components and sources to "No" to prevent early builds of supplies.

Note: This enhancement covers all Constrained Mode options:

  • Constrained (Classic)
  • Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling)
  • Constrained (With Detailed Scheduling)
Post Processing Lead Time for Make Orders

There are various post production activities, such as quality control analysis and shipping preparation activities, that are not modeled as part of an item routing. In these scenarios, the post processing lead time allows user to account for such activities when supplies are planned.

In release, ASCP can account for post processing lead time make orders using the attribute name Postprocessing LT in the Item Attributes Mass Maintenance window.

Forecast Spreading Based on User-defined Calendar

In release, the ASCP planning engine can now be instructed to to spread a forecast based on a user-defined calendar. This is added to previously available options of Manufacturing Calendar and Shipping Calendar.

You can specify a user-defined calendar for each planned organization in the Organizations tab of the Plan Options window.

Aggregate Work Orders

In release, the planning aggregates orders outside the aggregation horizon:

  • cMRO Unit Maintenance Plan Aggregate Work Orders
  • eAM and cMRO production and forecast maintenance demands
Configure Export to Excel

In release, you can export the supply, demand, and item information that you want, and in the format you want, from a supply chain plan to Microsoft Excel.

New Planner Workbench Views In release, you can use several edit windows from Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center in the Oracle Advanced Supply Planning Planner Workbench.
Project/Task order Query In release, you can create personal queries using Oracle Project Manufacturing fields.
Simulating Plans in Oracle Rapid Planning In release, you use Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning and Oracle Rapid Planning together to respond to unanticipated events between Advanced Supply Chain Planning runs. Use Rapid Planning to simulate prospective changes that address these unanticipated issues. Choose a solution, then release it to the execution system and feed it back to Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
ASCP and Rapid Planning Integration Enhancements

In Release, the following enhancements were made in ASCP to support Rapid Planning integration:

A new plan launch parameter "Copy Plan output to simulation plans". If this parameter is set to Yes, then the copy process from ASCP to Rapid Planning will be run automatically as part of the ASCP plan run. The copy process will be executed for all RP plans that refer to the ASCP plan being run.

A new plan option "Rapid Planning Simulation Set". You can specify this value to provide changes made within Rapid Planning to plan inputs such as lead times and capacities back to the next run of the ASCP plan.

Critical Path Information in Enforce Demand Due Date Plans

ASCP computes a critical path for late demands in plans with Enforce Capacity Constraints turned on.

With Release, the critical path computation has been extended to include late demands in Enforce Demand Due Date plans. Demands can be satisfied late in Enforce Demand Due Date plans if the profile option MSO: Lead Time Control is set to "Do Not Violate minimum processing time". Since EDD plans do not constrain by resource and supplier capacity, the critical path will indicate the longest lead time path in the pegging chain between the lowest level components/ingredients and the finished product supply.

Planners can view the critical path details both in the Critical Activities screen as well as in the Gantt chart. The navigational details and information displayed are the same as in Enforce Capacity Constraints plans with the addition of three new attributes in the Critical Activities window, namely: Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time, Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time and Days Late (Unconstrained). The Days Late (Unconstrained) is the difference between the supply due date and the Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time.

Profile Option to Enable Post-processing Lead Time for Make Orders In release, you can instruct Advanced Supply Chain Planning whether to include the post-processing lead time when planning for make orders. This is achieved by using the following new profile option MSC: Include postprocessing lead time when planning for make orders.
Minimum Remaining Shelf Life for Forecasts

Products such as groceries and pharmaceuticals have limited shelf life. Customers of such products typically impose rules that dictate that when such products arrive at the customer site, they must have a certain minimum duration of remaining shelf life, so that there will be enough time for the end consumer to buy and use the products.

In release, ASCP now supports minimum remaining shelf life (MRSL) constraints specified at the item-organization, and item-customer site levels for forecasts in addition to sales orders.

Parallel Collections In a company with independent business groups or regions, each business group may wish to run its Collections and Planning processes completely independent, without having to coordinate the timing of these activities across business groups. In release, this set of Collections enhancements enables independent Collections and Planning by business group in a company with a single global EBS source instance and multiple VCP planning instances (one planning instance per business group).

Return to What's New


2. Documentation

This section provides information on the following topics:


2.1 Online Help and PDF Documentation

The consolidated documentation patch for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 is Patch 9239095. For the product families that are included in Release 12.1.3, the consolidated documentation patches are listed below:

Patch Product Family
Patch 9400185 Applications Technology (ATG_PF)
Patch 9403775 Customer Relationship Management (CC_PF)
Patch 9403767 Financials (FIN_PF)
Patch 9401789 Human Resources (HR_PF)
Patch 9403759 Procurement (PRC_PF)
Patch 9403770 Projects (PJ_PF)
Patch 9403704 Supply Chain Management (SCM_PF)
Patch 9403751 Value Chain Planning (SCP_PF)

Oracle strongly recommends the installation of these patches.

In addition, the following Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning documentation is available as part of the Online Documentation Library on My Oracle Support (formerly MetaLink) and Oracle Technology Network for this release:

Documentation patches and Adobe Acrobat PDFs are cumulative; they include updated documentation for all Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning 12.1.3 changes.

Return to Documentation


2.2 Technical Documentation

The following technical documentation is available:

2.2.1 Data Model Comparison Report

The EBS data model comparison report provides the database object definition changes between two EBS releases to help users to preview the database object definition changes before upgrading their instances from one release to another and understand the impact of the database object changes that may affect the customization or business flows.

For more information about the EBS Data Model Comparison report, see Document 1290886.1, EBS Data Model Comparison Report Overview.

Return to Documentation


2.2.2 EBS ATG Seed Data Comparison Report

The EBS ATG Seed Data Comparison Report provides the differences between two EBS releases by documenting the seed data changes delivered by the product data loader files (.ldt extension) based on the EBS ATG loader control files (.lct extension). This report enables advanced users to review changes prior to an upgrade.

For more information about the EBS ATG Seed Data Comparison Report, see Document 1327399.1, EBS ATG Seed Data Comparison Report.

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2.2.3 EBS File Comparison Report

The EBS File Comparison Report provides a comprehensive comparison of file system artifacts between different Oracle E-Business Suite releases for important file types. As part of Oracle E-Business Suite upgrade planning, this report helps customers to get a clear idea of what is different in a new release (additions, removals and modifications for Oracle E-Business Suite delivered files). The report also covers some special artifacts that span the file system and database (for example, Oracle E-Business Suite delivered Oracle Application Framework (OAF) personalizations, Oracle Application Framework (OAF) based pages, Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports and so on).

For more information about the EBS File Comparison Report, see Document 1446430.1, EBS File Comparison Report Overview.

Return to Documentation


2.3 Integration Repository

The Oracle Integration Repository is a compilation of information about the service endpoints displayed by the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. It provides a complete catalog of Oracle E-Business Suite's business service interfaces. The tool lets users easily discover and deploy the appropriate business service interface for integration with any system, application, or business partner.

The Oracle Integration Repository is shipped as part of the E-Business Suite. As your instance is patched, the repository is automatically updated with content appropriate for the precise revisions of interfaces in your environment.

You can navigate to the Oracle Integration Repository through Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway.

Return to Documentation


2.4 Release Content Document

Refer to Document 561580.1, Release Content Document for information about the features and enhancements for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3.

Return to Documentation


2.5 White Papers

There are no relevant white papers for this product in this release.

Return to Documentation


3. New and Changed Features

In Release 12.1.3, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning has added or changed the following features since its last release. For a complete list of new features within Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3, refer to the Document 561580.1, Release Content Document.

Use this section to access the following delta information for each feature:

This release provides the following new features and enhancements:


3.1 Forecast Spreading Based on Shipping Calendar


Before this release ASCP supported forecast spreading based on only manufacturing calendar.

In this release a new profile option "MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar" enables users to spread forecasts based on the shipping calendar in addition to the manufacturing calendar. The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Organization Manufacturing Calendar - This is the default value. The system uses the organization manufacturing calendar for spreading the forecast.
  • Organization Shipping Calendar - The system uses the organization shipping calendar for spreading the forecast.

Note: A forecast for a non-working day in the manufacturing calendar is moved to the previous working day.

Example: Consider an organization with a manufacturing calendar that has both Saturday and Sunday as non-working days. On the other hand the shipping calendar has only Sunday as the only non-working day of the week. Based on the shipping calendar, a forecast of 480 units for period 3 (March) is spread evenly to daily buckets from Monday to Saturday (total of 24 buckets). That results in the daily forecast quantity of 20 (480 / 24 = 20). Since Saturday is not a working day based on the manufacturing calendar, therefore ASCP moves and adds up the Saturdays' forecasts to Fridays' forecasts (20 + 20 = 40). An example appears below.


New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no changed programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

This table lists the changed tables.

Table Name Description
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS Added the profile option MSC_FCST_SPREADING_CALENDAR as a new row.
Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSC: Forecast Spreading Calendar - Allows users to spread forecast based on the shipping calendar in addition to the manufacturing calendar.
Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.2 Excluding Planned Orders from Supply Tolerancing


Before this release the Shortage Tolerance Percent and Excess Tolerance Percent were applied to all order types including planned orders.

With this release ASCP provides a profile option called "MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance percentages to planned orders". The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Yes - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied to all supplies including planned orders. This is the default value.
  • No - The shortage tolerance and excess percentages are applied only to existing supplies (such as On Hand, WIP).
  • When this profile option is set to No, it allows ASCP to generate planned orders that satisfy 100% of demand, while matching existing supplies (which may have irregular quantities due to actual process yields) to demands using a supply tolerance.

Example - Consider an item with 2 demands:

Demand1= 10200
Demand2= 10200
Fixed Order Quantity = 2000
MSC: Demand Satisfied Percent Threshold for Pegging = 98
Shortage Tolerance Quantity = 10200 x (100 - 98) / 100 = 204
MSC: Minimum Supply/Demand Percent for Pegging = 0.0018
Excess Tolerance Quantity = 10200 x 0.0018 = 1836

If the profile option "MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance percentages to planned orders" is set to "No", ASCP creates 6 planned orders of 2000 to satisfy Demand1 of 10200. In this case Demand1 is satisfied completely and the excess of 1800 (12000 - 10200) is used to satisfy Demand2 ignoring the excess tolerance percent even though 1800 < 1836.

On the other hand, if the profile option is set to "Yes", then ASCP initially creates 6 planned orders to satisfy Demand1, but it uses (pegs) only 5 of those to satisfy this demand since (10200 - 10000) < 204. In this case Demand1 is satisfied with an allowed shortage of 200. The other planned order of 2000 is used for satisfying Demand2.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no changed programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

This table lists the changed tables.

Table Name Description
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS Added the profile option MSC_APPLY_TOL_PLAN_ORD as a new row.
Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSC: Apply shortage and excess tolerance percentages to planned orders. - Allows users to exclude planned orders from supply tolerancing in order to completely satisfy demands when planned orders are needed.
Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.3 Maximize Use-Up of Substitute Components


With this release ASCP provides a new profile option called "MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute" that allows you to maximize usage of substitute components. The list of values for this profile option includes:

  • Yes - ASCP uses the existing supply of primary components before substitute components. This is the default value.
  • No - ASCP uses the existing supply of substitute components before primary components.
  • If this profile option is set to "No", and there is no existing supply for substitute components, ASCP generates new planned orders for the primary components before substitute components.

In addition to the above profile option, you need to set the following 2 profile options to use this feature:

1 - MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs. Comp - This profile option allows you to control how the existing supplies in substitute components / alternate BOM paths are used by ASCP. You need to set the value of this profile option to 0 (consider both existing substitute component supplies and existing alternate BOM component supplies) or 1 (consider existing substitute component supplies but not existing alternate BOM component supplies) to use this enhancement. Values 2 (consider neither existing substitute component supplies nor existing alternate BOM component supplies) and 3 (consider existing alternate BOM component supplies but not existing substitute component supplies) are not compatible with this feature.

2 - MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time - This profile option enables ASCP to plan supplies with respect to the timing of alternates' usage. You need to set the value of this profile option to "No" to use this feature.

ASCP behavior with respect to this feature is summarized as follows:

With the feature turned off (MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute = Yes):

  1. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of primary components
  2. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of substitute components
  3. Generate new planned orders for primary components
  4. Generate new planned orders for substitute components

With the feature turned on (MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute = No):

  1. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of substitute components
  2. Use on hand and scheduled receipts of primary components
  3. Generate new planned orders for primary components
  4. Generate new planned orders for substitute components

Note that the on hand of a substitute component will not be used if it is less than the Minimum Order Quantity, Fixed Order Quantity, or Fixed Lot Multiplier. The on hand of a substitute component may be partially used if it is greater than the order modifiers but it is not a multiple of them.

This enhancement is only available with the Constrained (Without Scheduling) planning mode.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no changed programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

This table lists the changed tables.

Table Name Description
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS Added the profile option MSO_SCO_SUBSCOMP_SEQ as a new row.
Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute. - Enables ASCP to consume existing supply of substitute components before existing supply of primary components.
Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.4 Distribution Planning Enhanced Order Modifier Support


Distribution planning now supports two more order modifiers: maximum order quantity and minimum order quantity. This is in addition to the currently supported fixed lot multiplier and round order modifiers. Users can specify maximum and minimum order quantity as an item attribute. Users can also choose to specify each newly supported order modifier on the supply allocation rule. Order modifiers specified on a supply allocation rule are applied to transfers between organizations.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no changed programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

There are no changed tables that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

There are no new profile options that are associated with this feature.

Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.5 Asset Intensive Planning - Oracle Enterprise Asset Management (eAM)


Rebuildable items (rebuildables) are assets that you install, remove, overhaul, and reinstall, for example, engines, control boxes, and computer boards. Other components that you remove, discard, and replace are consumables.

Maintenance activities, for example, inspection, overhaul, lubrication, repair, servicing, and cleaning, are the templates of work orders. The activities have an activity structure - the material requirements (maintenance bill of material) and operations and resource requirements (activity routing) that you need to perform the maintenance.

You associate activities with assets.

The preventative maintenance scheduler uses asset and rebuildable utilization meters and associated activities to forecast maintenance work orders (budget forecast template). The maintenance work orders forecast the material, resource, and budgetary requirements to maintain the assets for the budget horizon.

You can also create routine work orders and easy work orders manually. Oracle Quality and Oracle Service create work orders as well. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning:

  • Collects the Oracle Enterprise Asset Management maintenance work orders
  • Plans repair work orders for rebuildable items and purchase requisitions for consumable items

When you release repair work orders:

  • The material and labor associated with the activity becomes part of the work orders.
  • They pass to Oracle Production Scheduling for scheduling.

For more information, refer to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.6 Asset Intensive Planning - Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (cMRO)


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plans material and resource supply for complex assemblies (rotable items) and components (repairable items) associated with:

  • Routine maintenance requirements
  • Non-routine maintenance requirements
  • Operational visits

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning recognizes the defectives in the supply chain and:

  • Plans repair orders based on sourcing preferences.
  • Maximizes the supply from repair.
  • Plans and executes the repair order by recommending adequate repair orders and defective move orders to move defective to repair site.
  • Tracks the inventory and transactions across the extended supply chain.
  • Uses repair lead time or a repair bill of material/repair routing to plan for the auxiliary materials and resources you need to perform the repair.
  • Considers repair constraints like yield, repair lead-time and the various transfer and processing lead-time.
  • Future supply of defective items that can be repaired.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning creates:

  • Planned complex assembly repair orders with suggested maintenance organizations.
  • Planned component work orders with suggested maintenance organizations.

Note: Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning performs all the tasks above for both Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management.

For more information, refer to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Supplement.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Note: The table below pertains to both Oracle Complex Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul and Oracle Enterprise Asset Management.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
ASCP Plan Options > Scope tab > Organizations subtab > Organizations region - Organizations region includes a 'Returns Forecast' in addition to an org level 'Demand Schedule' and 'Supply Schedule'. The Schedule Designator specified in the returns forecast loaded through legacy will be available for selection here.
ASCP Plan Options - Derive Returns Forecast from Maintenance Work Orders check box and the Maintenance Work Orders button / popup screen added to ASCP Plan Options form.
CMRO OSP - A new Collections parameter called CMRO OSP was added to support collection of CMRO OSP orders.
New Programs

This table lists the new programs.

Program Name Feature Area
Load Net Resource Availability from Planning to CMRO This concurrent program is run when the resource availability information is to be published to cMRO. When this program is launched, it refers to the MSC: Plan Name for CMRO profile to get the plan from which Resource Availability information is to be published, and writes out the resource availability information to the AHL tables.
New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSC: Plan Name for CMRO - Set profile to the name of the plan from which Resource Availability information should be extracted for publishing.
Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.7 Enhanced Consideration of Recipe Effective Date


In release, ASCP enables the planning engine to achieve better respecting of the process effectivity dates.

You can prevent the planning engine from planning supplies earlier than their corresponding demand due dates by setting the value of the profile option MSO: Allow early builds to consume existing supplies of phased-out components and sources to "No" to prevent early builds of supplies.

Note: This enhancement covers all Constrained Mode options:

  • Constrained (Classic)
  • Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling)
  • Constrained (With Detailed Scheduling)
New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Tables

This table lists the changed tables.

Table Name Description
FND_PROFILE_OPTIONS Added the profile option MSO_SCO_USE_EXIST_PHASEOUT_SUPP as a new row.
New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSO: Allow early builds to consume existing supplies of phased-out components and sources -

Used to prevent planning engine from planning supplies earlier than their corresponding demand due dates by setting the value of the following profile option to "No" to prevent early builds of supplies.

Available options:

  • Yes - System builds early to consume existing supplies before they become obsolete. This is the default value.
  • No - System does not build early to consume existing supplies.
Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

Set profile MSO: Allow early builds to consume existing supplies of phased-out components and sources.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.8 Post Processing Lead Time for Make Orders


There are various post production activities, such as quality control analysis and shipping preparation activities, that are not modeled as part of an item routing. In these scenarios, the Post processing lead time allows user to account for such activities when supplies are planned.

In release, ASCP can account for post processing lead time make orders using the attribute name Postprocessing LT in the Item Attributes Mass Maintenance form.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Item Attributes Mass Maintenance - New attribute, Postprocessing LT, is available to define post processing lead time. Specify the Post processing lead time value and Apply (or Save).
Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

Define a simulation set and then perform query for your item from from Item Attributes Mass Maintenance form.

Specify the Post processing lead time value and Apply (or Save).

Note: The Post processing lead time is defaulted to zero in the Master Item and Organization Item windows for make items and cannot be modified in the source.

Note: ASCP populates the date representing the point in time between the end of the last real operation and the post processing step into the existing Sugg Dock Date field.

Note: In case of EDD plans, the lead time may be compressed to satisfy the demand on time. The order of compression is from left to right (starts with Preprocessing lead time and ends with Post processing lead time).

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.9 Forecast Spreading Based on User-defined Calendar


In release, the ASCP planning engine can now be instructed to to spread a forecast based on a user-defined calendar. This is added to previously available options of Manufacturing Calendar and Shipping Calendar.

You can specify a user-defined calendar for each planned organization in the Organizations tab of the Plan Options window.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Plan Options - Organizations Tab -

Forecast Spreading Calendar added to Organization region of Organization tab of the Plan Options window.

The Forecast Spreading Calendar specified in the Organization tab overrides the Manufacturing Calendar or Shipping Calendar for the specific organization.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

This section lists the setup steps that were added or changed for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. For additional details about performing the setup steps listed below, refer to the documentation described in 2.1 Online Help and PDF Documentation.

Note: The Forecast Spreading Calendar specified in the Organization tab overrides the Manufacturing Calendar or Shipping Calendar for the specific organization.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.10 Aggregate Work Orders


For collections of cMRO Unit Maintenance Plan Aggregate Work Orders, the collections process collects cMRO work orders not associated with visits. It buckets these work orders into one work order per period, grouped by maintenance requirement and operating fleet.

For aggregate planned orders, the planning engine aggregates these production and forecast maintenance demands into monthly buckets outside the aggregation horizon:

  • cMRO Visit Work Orders - Production
  • cMRO Unit Maintenance Plan - Forecast
  • eAM Production
  • eAM Budget Forecast
New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Plan Options - Organizations Tab -

Maintenance Work Order Aggregation Horizon added to Organization region of Organization tab of the Plan Options window.

Set this option to Aggregate to aggregate collected work orders for these production and forecast maintenance demands into monthly buckets:

  • cMRO Visit Work Orders - Production
  • cMRO Unit Maintenance Plan - Forecast
  • eAM Production
  • eAM Budget Forecast
Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

This section lists the setup steps that were added or changed for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. For additional details about performing the setup steps listed below, refer to the documentation described in 2.1 Online Help and PDF Documentation.

Set Maintenance Work Order Aggregation Horizon plan option and MSO Use of Assigned Units In Scheduling profile as needed.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.11 Configure Export to Excel


In release, you can export the supply, demand, and item information that you want, and in the format you want, from a supply chain plan to Microsoft Excel. The planning engine:

  • Collects the data that you want during the planning run.
  • Saves it as a worksheet with the other plan information for you to export.

You export the worksheets to Microsoft Excel.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

This table lists the new windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Plan Worksheets -

Use this window to define worksheets to export to Microsoft Excel.

This window contains the following tabs:

  • Filters - Use to select the information that you want to see in each column.
  • Results Layout - Use to lay out the Excel spreadsheet.
  • Other - Use to select up to three item category sets. If you do, the spreadsheet shows the order quantities of each item for all valid combinations of the item categories.
Planner Workbench, Select Worksheet - Use this window to export worksheets to Microsoft Excel.
Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Plan Options - Reporting Tab - The Reporting tab provides fields and options to define the worksheets exported to Excel.
Launch Supply Chain Planning Process Request Set, Parameters -

Use Build Worksheets option to specify if worksheets are built at launch time. Set option to Yes to build worksheets at plan launch time.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

This section lists the setup steps that were added or changed for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. For additional details about performing the setup steps listed below, refer to the documentation described in 2.1 Online Help and PDF Documentation.

  1. Define worksheets, Plan Worksheets window.
  2. Tell the planning process which worksheets to complete for each plan: Plan Options window > tab Reporting.
Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.12 New Planner Workbench Views


In release, you can use several edit windows from Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center in the Oracle Advanced Supply Planning Planner Workbench.

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Material Plan to mass edit planned orders.

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Resource Plan to mass edit resource requirements.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release 12.1.3. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Planner Workbench, Navigator -

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Material Plan to mass edit planned orders.

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Resource Plan to mass edit resource requirements.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

This feature requires WebLogic or later. Refer to the Oracle Value Chain Planning Installation Guide Supplement for release for additional information.

Upgrade Considerations

This feature requires WebLogic or later. Refer to the Oracle Value Chain Planning Installation Guide Supplement for release for additional information.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities This feature requires WebLogic or later. Refer to the Oracle Value Chain Planning Installation Guide Supplement for release for additional information.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.13 Project/Task Order Query


In release, you can create personal queries using Oracle Project Manufacturing fields.

When you create personal queries in the Planner Workbench, you can use these Oracle Project Manufacturing fields to filter the data:

  • Planning Group
  • Project
  • Tasks

You export the worksheets to Microsoft Excel.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Planner Workbench, Create Query -

From the Create Query window, you can create queries based on the following:

  • Query Type: Orders
  • Criteria: Planning Group, Project, and Task
Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.14 Simulating Plans in Oracle Rapid Planning


In release, you use Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning and Oracle Rapid Planning together to respond to unanticipated events between Advanced Supply Chain Planning runs.

The process is as follows:

  • Run plan.
  • Edit and firm order dates.
  • Release orders to execution.
  • If there are unanticipated events that cause production issues before the next plan run, copy Advanced Supply Chain Planning plan as Rapid Planning baseline plan.
  • Use the Rapid Planning simulation set in the next plan run.
New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Release These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

This table lists the new windows and pages.

New Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Open Simulation - This new dialog box appears when Open Simulation is selected from the Plan menu. This dialog is used to create a new Rapid Planning simulation or open an existing Rapid Planning simulation plan.
Open Simulation - Status - If the baseline process is invoked from ASCP using the Open Simulation, a new Forms-based progress screen, Open Simulation - Status, is displayed. Once the process is complete, the RP screen appears with the RP plan loaded into the application page.
Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Preferences Page - Other Tab - A new option, Enable Rapid Planning Simulations, is used to launch Rapid Planning from ASCP. When selected, Open Simulation appears as an option in the Plan menu from ASCP, which when selected opens the plan in Rapid Planning. If Enable Rapid Planning Simulations is not selected, then the Plan menu displays the ASCP Online Planner menu options.
Plan Action Menu - Incremental Replan Scope -

In Rapid Planning, select Define Incremental Replan Scope from the Plan Actions menu to display form. The following options are available from the list at the top of the form:

  • Freeze existing plan / Replan new demands only (Default)
  • This is the mode in which incremental planning currently runs. This is the default value. If this value is chosen, the Supply selection criteria is disabled out since it is not applicable.

  • Freeze Selected Supplies / Replan all demands
  • In this mode, RP engine executes a query based on the Supply Selection Criteria specified and "internally firm" all the supplies that are output by the query prior to running the engine. After the re-plan completes the supplies that were "internally firmed" need to be "internally unfirmed" before presenting the results to the users.

  • Freeze All Except Selected Supplies / Replan all demands
  • In this mode, RP engine executes a query based on the Supply Selection Criteria specified and internally firm all the supplies except the ones that are output by the query prior to running the engine. After the re-plan completes the supplies that were "internally firmed" need to be "internally unfirmed" before presenting the results to the users.

Use the following fields to define the Supply Selection Criteria:

  • Criteria
  • Condition
  • Values
  • Include pegged upstream supplies
  • Include pegged downstream supplies

See the Rapid Planning Implementation and User's Guide for additional details on using the Incremental Replan Scope form.

Changed Concurrent Process

This table lists the changed concurrent processes.

Changed Concurrent Process Name Technical Name Description
Launch Supply Chain Planning Process Request Set - Runs the supply chain plan.
Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

This section lists the setup steps that were added or changed for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3. For additional details about performing the setup steps listed below, refer to the documentation described in 2.1 Online Help and PDF Documentation.

  1. In Advanced Supply Chain Planning, navigate to window Preferences, tab Other. Select Enable Rapid Planning Simulations.
  2. Use plan action Define Incremental Replan Scope to specify the scope of the replans by:
    • Selecting the incremental planning mode.
    • Naming the entities that the planning engine plans or does not plan (supply selection criteria).
Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.
Minimum Level Requirements There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.
Technology Stack Incompatibilities There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.
Technical Architecture Considerations There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.
Troubleshooting Tips There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.15 Critical Path Information in Enforce Demand Due Date Plans


ASCP computes a critical path for late demands in plans with Enforce Capacity Constraints turned on.

With Release, the critical path computation has been extended to include late demands in Enforce Demand Due Date plans. Demands can be satisfied late in Enforce Demand Due Date plans if the profile option MSO: Lead Time Control is set to "Do Not Violate minimum processing time". Since EDD plans do not constrain by resource and supplier capacity, the critical path will indicate the longest lead time path in the pegging chain between the lowest level components/ingredients and the finished product supply.

Planners can view the critical path details both in the Critical Activities screen as well as in the Gantt chart. The navigational details and information displayed are the same as in Enforce Capacity Constraints plans with the addition of three new attributes in the Critical Activities window, namely: Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time, Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time and Days Late (Unconstrained). The Days Late (Unconstrained) is the difference between the supply due date and the Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

This table lists the changed windows and pages.

Changed Window or Page Name Technical Name Description
Critical Activities -

Screen provides 3 new attributes:

  • Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time
  • Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time
  • Days Late (Unconstrained) - The Days Late (Unconstrained) is the difference between the supply due date and the Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time.
Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

There are no changed tables that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Profile Options

The profile option below is an existing profile option, but must be set as described in order to use the Critical Path Information in EDD Plans feature.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSO: Lead Time Control - Set to "Do Not Violate minimum processing time" for demands to be satisfied late in Enforce Demand Due Date plans.
Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions

Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.

Minimum Level Requirements

There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.

Technology Stack Incompatibilities

There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.

Technical Architecture Considerations

There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.

Troubleshooting Tips

There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.16 Profile Option to Enable Post-processing Lead Time for Make Orders


In release, you can instruct Advanced Supply Chain Planning whether to include the post-processing lead time when planning for make orders. This is achieved by using the following new profile option MSC: Include postprocessing lead time when planning for make orders.

New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

There are no changed tables that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

There are no new profile options associated with this feature..

Changed Profile Options

This table lists the changed profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSC: Include postprocessing lead time when planning for make orders -

Use to include the post-processing lead time when planning for make orders.

Valid profile options values are:

  • No (Default) - ASCP does not include post-processing lead time when planning for make orders.
  • Yes - ASCP includes post-processing lead time when planning for make orders.
Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions

Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.

Minimum Level Requirements

There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.

Technology Stack Incompatibilities

There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.

Technical Architecture Considerations

There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.

Troubleshooting Tips

There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.17 Minimum Remaining Shelf Life for Forecasts


Products such as groceries and pharmaceuticals have limited shelf life. Customers of such products typically impose rules that dictate that when such products arrive at the customer site, they must have a certain minimum duration of remaining shelf life, so that there will be enough time for the end consumer to buy and use the products.

In release, ASCP now supports minimum remaining shelf life (MRSL) constraints specified at the item-organization, and item-customer site levels for forecasts in addition to sales orders.

Item-organization and item-customer site level MRSLs are specified via item attribute simulation sets. Additionally, MRSL can be specified at the sales order level. Sales order-level MRSLs can only be entered via a customization that populates a new column in the MSC_SALES_ORDERS table on the planning server.

MRSL Assumptions / Restrictions

  • ASCP does not support shelf life enhancements with projects.
  • When using priority pegging, Supply Window Size and Demand Window Size should be set to 1.
  • The profile option "MSO: Net All Firm Supplies Before Creating Planned Order" is not honored when ASCP plans with respect to MRSL.
  • MRSL and safety stock planning cannot be enabled for the same item. If an item has demands with MRSL requirements, safety stock for that item will not be planned.
  • MRSL functionality is designed to work in a single echelon planning environment for independent demands only.
New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

There are no changed tables that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

There are no new profiles that are associated with this feature.

Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

When using priority pegging, Supply Window Size and Demand Window Size should be set to 1.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions

Sales order-level MRSLs can only be entered via customization that populates a new column in the MSC_SALES_ORDERS table on the planning server.

Minimum Level Requirements

There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.

Technology Stack Incompatibilities

There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.

Technical Architecture Considerations

There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.

Troubleshooting Tips

There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


3.18 Parallel Collections


In a company with independent business groups or regions, each business group may wish to run its Collections and Planning processes completely independently, without having to coordinate the timing of these activities across business groups. In release, this set of Collections enhancements enables independent Collections and Planning by business group in a company with a single global EBS source instance and multiple VCP planning instances (one planning instance per business group.)

Parallel Collections can be categorized into 4 scenarios:

  1. Parallel Collections - One Source, Multiple VCP Instances on One Shared Physical Destination Server
  2. In the above scenario, volumes and performance requirements permitting, at least some of the multiple VCP planning instances may be housed in one single shared physical destination server.

    You can now execute multiple runs of Collections from the same physical destination server in parallel. All of the data are pulled from the same EBS source instance into the single physical destination planning server. For example, in one run you may pull data for Items and Sales Orders for organizations M1 and M2 and in another parallel run you may pull data for the same entities for organizations M3 and M4. It is recommended that the set of organizations associated with each planning instance to be mutually exclusive.

    The efficiency of the parallel Collections runs is enhanced by the following source instance profile option MRP: Max Age of Materialized View Before Refresh (minutes).

    If a Collections run starts and the ages of the Collections materialized views on the source for the entities to be collected are both consistent and less than the value of this profile option, then the Refresh Collections Snapshots portion of Collections processing will be skipped and Collections will run faster overall.

    The default value for this profile option is "NULL". This means that Refresh Collections Snapshots runs with each Collections run.

    In order to perform "Parallel Collections - One Source, Multiple VCP Instances on One Shared Physical Destination Server", the system administrator must remove the following incompatibility for the concurrent program Refresh Collection Snapshots on the source instance:

    • Refresh Collection Snapshots
  3. Parallel Collections - One Source, Multiple VCP Instances Each on Its Own Physical Destination Server
  4. Volumes and performance requirements may dictate that for at least some of the VCP planning instances, each must be housed in its own physical destination server.

    You can now also run multiple parallel Collections from different physical destination servers, with each Collections run pulling data from a single shared source EBS instance.

    The parallel runs are controlled by the same profile option mentioned above, MRP: Max Age of Materialized View Before Refresh (minutes).

    In order to perform "Parallel Collections - One Source, Multiple VCP Instances Each on Its Own Physical Destination Server", the system administrator must remove the following incompatibility for the concurrent program Refresh Collection Snapshots on the source instance:

    • Refresh Collection Snapshots

    Also remove the following incompatibilities for the concurrent program Request Set Planning Data Collection on the destination instance:

    • Request Set Planning Data Collection
  5. ODS Load Running in Parallel with Memory Based Snapshot
  6. In previous releases, there was a seeded Concurrent Request incompatibility between Collections and Plan Run (specifically, between ODS Load and Memory Based Snapshot.) This was put in place to avoid the possibility of Collections overwriting data that is in the process of being read in for the Plan Run.

    With this release, this incompatibility remains in place. However, in order to support the "multiple VCP planning instances on one shared physical destination server" configuration, this incompatibility must be manually removed by a system administrator. This allows a plan to be run in one VCP planning instance, while Collections is running in another VCP planning instance (on the same physical destination server). The specific incompatibilities that must be removed are for the concurrent program Planning ODS Load:

    • Memory-Based Snapshot
    • Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit AIX
    • Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit HP
    • Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit HP-Itanium
    • Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit Linux
    • Memory-Based Snapshot 64 bit Sun

    However, within the same VCP planning instance, the separation of Collections and Plan Run must be maintained in order to prevent a plan being run against inconsistent input data. With this release, when overlapping Collections (ODS Load) and Plan Run (Memory Based Snapshot) requests are submitted for the same VCP planning instance, the second request will wait for the first request to complete before starting. You can specify the wait time using the profile option MSC: MBS and ODS Load Contention Wait Time (minutes).

    The ODS Load program will error out if the Memory Based Snapshot program does not finish within the user-specified wait time. Similarly the Memory Based Snapshot program will error out if the ODS Load program does not finish within the user-specified wait time.

    The default value for the profile option is "NULL". This means the Memory Based Snapshot will wait for the ODS Load or vice versa indefinitely.

  7. Legacy Collections Running In Line with Standard Collections
  8. This enhancement allows you to include collection of supplementary legacy file data just by launching Standard Collections, without having to launch two separate Collections processes (Standard Collections and Legacy Collections.)

    Specifically you can load data for Forecasts, MPS, and MDS via flat files in line with loading other entities using Standard Collections.

    There are 3 profile options that are used with this feature:

    • MSC: Enable Parallel Legacy Collections
    • MSC: Legacy Flat File Directory
    • MSC: MSC_TOP Directory

In order to use "Legacy Collections Running In Line with Standard Collections", the system administrator must manually remove the following incompatibilities for the concurrent program Request Set Planning Data Collection:

  • Pre-Process Monitor
  • Flat File Loader
New, Changed, Obsolete Components

This section lists the components that were added, changed, or made obsolete for this feature in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. These components may include the following: forms, windows, reports, C programs, SQL*Loader programs, workflows, alerts, tables, or APIs.

New Windows or Pages

There are no new windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Changed Windows or Pages

There are no changed windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Windows or Pages

There are no obsolete windows or pages that are associated with this feature.

New Reports

There are no new reports that are associated with this feature.

Changed Reports

There are no changed reports that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Reports

There are no obsolete reports that are associated with this feature.

New Workflows

There are no new workflows that are associated with this feature.

Changed Workflows

There are no changed workflows that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Workflows

There are no obsolete workflows that are associated with this feature.

New Alerts

There are no new alerts that are associated with this feature.

Changed Alerts

There are no changed alerts that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Alerts

There are no obsolete alerts that are associated with this feature.

New Public APIs

There are no new public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Public APIs

There are no changed public APIs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Public APIs

There are no obsolete public APIs that are associated with this feature.

New Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Changed Programs

There are no new programs that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Programs

There are no obsolete programs that are associated with this feature.

New Tables

There are no new tables that are associated with this feature.

Changed Tables

There are no changed tables that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Tables

There are no obsolete tables that are associated with this feature.

New Views

There are no new views that are associated with this feature.

Changed Views

There are no changed views that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Views

There are no obsolete views that are associated with this feature.

New Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no new Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no changed Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components

There are no obsolete Business Intelligence Publisher Components that are associated with this feature.

New SQL Loader Files

There are no new SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Changed SQL Loader Files

There are no changed SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete SQL Loader Files

There are no obsolete SQL loader files that are associated with this feature.

New Flexfields

There are no new flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Changed Flexfields

There are no changed flexfields that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Flexfields

There are no obsolete flexfields that are associated with this feature.

New Profile Options

This table lists the new profile options.

Profile Option Name Feature Area Description
MSC: Enable Parallel Legacy Collections -

Use to to include collection of supplementary legacy file data just by launching Standard Collections, without having to launch two separate Collections processes (Standard Collections and Legacy Collections).

Valid profile options values are:

  • No (Default) - Does not enable parallel collections feature.
  • Yes - Enables parallel collections. When set to Yes, the system displays the following additional values for the collection entities Forecasts, MPS, and MDS:
    • Legacy Flat File - When the "Legacy Flat File" value is selected, you need to use the profile option MSC: Legacy Flat File Directory to specify a legacy flat file directory which contains your legacy flat files.
    • Legacy Pre-Staged - Select the "Legacy Pre-Staged" value when your Forecasts, MPS, and MDS data are loaded to staging tables already.
MSC: Legacy Flat File Directory -

Used when the "Legacy Flat File" value is selected to specify a legacy flat file directory which contains your legacy flat files.

The flat file names are as follows:

  • MDS - DemandMDS.dat, DesignatorMDS.dat
  • MPS - PlannedOrderSupply.dat, DesignatorPlanOrder.dat
  • Forecast - DemandForecast.dat, Designator.dat
MSC: MSC_TOP Directory - Used to specify the path to the "$MSC_TOP" directory, which is used to locate the control files used by MSCLDM to load data into the staging tables.
Changed Profile Options

There are no changed profile options that are associated with this feature.

Obsolete Profile Options

There are no obsolete profile options that are associated with this feature.

Implementation Considerations
New and Changed Setup Steps

There are no new or changed setup steps for this feature.

Upgrade Considerations

There are no upgrade considerations for this feature.


There are no sizing considerations for this feature.

Table Space Considerations

There are no table space considerations for this feature.

Performance Considerations

There are no performance considerations for this feature.


There are no XMLDB usages for this feature.

Load Balancing

There is no load balancing information for this feature.

New Bulk Interfaces

There are no new bulk interfaces for this feature.

Customizations and Extensions

Customizations and extensions are not possible for this feature.

Minimum Level Requirements

There are no minimum level requirements for this feature.

Technology Stack Incompatibilities

There are no technology stack incompatibilities for this feature.

Technical Architecture Considerations

There are no technology architecture considerations for this feature.

Troubleshooting Tips

There are no troubleshooting tips for this feature.

Return to New and Changed Features


4. Diagnostics and Logging

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning utilizes Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics, a tool to help standardize data gathering and troubleshooting. This tool is delivered within the maintenance pack (product code IZU) and consists of two components:

It is highly recommended that following the successful installation of the Release 12.1.3 maintenance pack for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning, the following actions are taken:

After installation, review Document 783319.1, the diagnostic catalog, to identify other helpful tests that you can use for maintaining a healthy environment.

For questions about Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics or any issues using this tool, please consult Document 235307.1, FAQ, in My Oracle Support for the latest answers and discussion.

E-Business Suite Diagnostics Quick Reference

My Oracle Support Document Title Purpose
Document 167000.1 Installation Guide

Use this note to download the latest Diagnostics patch.

Follow the installation instructions to eliminate common installation and usage problems.

A link to how to set up RBAC security for Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics is included.

Document 235307.1 FAQ

Do you have a problem installing Diagnostics?

Do you have a question about how Diagnostics works and what it can do for you? This Note is a great first-line resource to getting the information that you need.

Document 342459.1 Overview The Overview highlights Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics, and what this tool can do for you and your E-Business Suite applications.
Document 421245.1 Overview This Note lists all tests that are available for Release 12.
Document 368109.1 Pre-production test sets

Tests that are grouped together (known as test sets) by a product family, designed to aid in verifying that all included applications are set up correctly.

Designed to detect missing or incorrect setup and prevent corruption before implementation or usage of applications.

Document 232116.1 Training Viewlets and presentations, explaining the various aspects of Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics.
My Oracle Support Diagnosibility Community Diagnosibility link This is an open forum to discuss Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics, and is monitored by the Oracle E-Business Suite Diagnostics development team.

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning uses the common diagnostics features in Oracle E-Business Suite. This enables users and system administrators to use a centralized set of options to control logging level, as well as output destination. To run diagnostics, use the following profile options:

Setting the log level to Statement produces detail logging of code execution. To reduce the size of the output and make it more manageable, you can use ascp% as a module to restrict messages to those coming from Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning code.

The preceding profile options can be turned on at the user, function, responsibility, or site level. It is preferable, however, to set profiles at the user level to restrict the overhead they add to the system. If issues are experienced, logging profiles should be set at the user level experiencing the issue. For authorization servlet-related issues, you must set the diagnostics profile at the user level to ANONYMOUS.

To diagnose user interface issues, you can use the filter iby%,fnd.framework%,jbo% and set the diagnostics go-to screen by clicking the Diagnostics Global button. To enable this functionality, you must set the following profile option:

The FND: Diagnostics profile option controls whether the Diagnostics button is rendered. It also controls the display of the About this Page link.

For system issues, such as exceptions, timeouts, or unexpected behavior, you can turn on logging, based on where you are experiencing the issues, as follows:

You can also capture additional information about the system by printing the report from the About this Page link, as well as from the jsp: /OA_HTML/jsp/fnd/fndversion.jsp.

For more information on Logging, see the Oracle Applications System Administrator's Guide Documentation Set and the Oracle Applications Developer's Guide in the Release 12.1.3 Documentation Library.

Return to Diagnostics and Logging


5. Known Issues in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Release

There are no known issues for this product.

Return to Known Issues


6. Change Record

Date Description of Change
July 2013 Published for ASCP Release
October 2012 Updated to reference installation guide and installation guide supplements.
September 2012 Published for ASCP Release
May 2012 Published for ASCP Release
January 2012 Published for ASCP Release
6 July 2011 Published document


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