Components in Oracle Discrete Manufacturing

This appendix covers the following topics:


This appendix describes the components in Oracle Discrete Manufacturing.

Components in Oracle Discrete Manufacturing

Product Name Feature Name Component Name Search Tags Description
Oracle Bills of Material BOM ROUTING Setups Assign_Oper_Resources_Routing Operation Resources To enter data in main tab of operation resources header for bills of materials routing.
Oracle Bills of Material BOM ROUTING Setups Create_Upd_Standard_Operations Standard Operations To enter data in main tab of standard operations form and create standard operation.
Oracle Bills of Material BOM ROUTING Setups Crt_BOM_Rout_Osp_Res_Cost_Type Setup, Resource Costs To enter data for cost for resources.
Oracle Bills of Material BOM ROUTING Setups Create_Rout_Res_Header Setup, Resource To enter data for cost for resources and create routing resources.
Oracle Bills of Material BOM ROUTING Setups Create_Upd_Std_Oper_Resource Resources To enter data in all the tabs for standard operations resources.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Create_Bill_Revision Revision To enter date in the revisions window of bills.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Add_MFG_Substitute_Comp Substitute Components To add bill of material enabled items as Substitute component.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Add_ENG_Ref_Designators Reference Designators To add reference designator and description.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Clk_ENG_Ref_Designators Engineering Bills of Material To click on designators button.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Clk_ENG_Substitute_Comp Engineering Bills of Material To click on substitute component button.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Query_MFG_Bill_Header Bills of Material To query bill of material header.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Verify_Eng_Bill_Mat_Control Engineering Bills of Material To verify data of material control tab in header for engineering bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Del_MFG_Bill_Rout_Item Bills To delete manufacturing bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Create_Alternates Alternates To create alternate by entering data into alternate form and saving it.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Del_MFG_Bill_Rout_Oper Deletion Groups, Operations To delete manufacturing bill routing operations.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Add_Eng_Bill_Main_Tab Engineering Bills of Material To enter data in main tab for engineering bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Upd_Operation_Competencies Standard Operations To update the operation competency details.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Verify_ENG_Bill_Comp_Details Engineering Bills of Material To verify a bill of material component with bill of material enabled Item.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Verify_Eng_Bill_Main_Tab Engineering Bills of Material To verify data of main tab in header for engineering bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Update_BOM_Parameters Parameters To update bill of materials parameters.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Del_MFG_Bill_Comps Deletion Groups, Bills To delete components of a manufacturing bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Add_Eng_Bill_Mat_Control_Tab Engineering Bills of Material To enter data in material control tab for engineering bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Add_Mfg_Bill_Main_Tab Bills of Material To enter data in main tab for bills of material.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Create_Mfg_Common_Bill Create Common Bills To create a common bill for Items from source organization to destination organization.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Create_Eng_Bill_Header Engineering Bills of Material To create a bill of material header for engineering, with bill of material enabled item.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Create_Mfg_Bill_Header Bills of Material To create a bill of material header with bill of material enabled item.
Oracle Bills of Material Bills of Materials Verify_Eng_Bill_Header Engineering Bills of Material To verify data in header of engineering bill.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Query_Routing_Department Departments To query routing departments.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Add_Shifts_To_Resouce Shifts To add shift information to resources.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Create_Mfg_Routing_Header Routing To create routing header information in bills of materials.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Query_MFG_Routing_Header Routing To query routing information.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Verify_Routing_Operations Routing, verify To verify the routing operations for the routing header.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Add_Resource_To_Department Setup, Resources To attach a resource to a department and provide the resource details.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Enter_Mfg_Routing_Operations Routing To enter data in the main tab of routing information for bills of materials.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Create_Department Departments, Setup To create a department for bills of materials.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Create_Common_Routing Routing To attach routing information to an item that is common to another item.
Oracle Bills of Material Routing Copy_Routing Routing To copy routing information.
Oracle Configure to Order Transactions Open_Configurator_from_SO Sales Orders To open configuration page from sales order.
Oracle Configure to Order Transactions Find_SupplyDocSupplyToOrder_WB Order Details, Supplies For Sales Order To verify the item details and stores the item name and document number.
Oracle Configure to Order Transactions Select_Config_Options Configured Items, Sales Orders To select option classes from configurations.
Oracle Configure to Order Transactions Progress_Order_SO_Line Sales Orders To progress order for configure to sales order line.
Oracle Cost Management AR Invoice Qury_Intercompa_AP_Invoice Invoice Workbench To query an invoice and get the invoice number.
Oracle Cost Management AR Invoice Qury_AR_Invoice_Number Transactions To query sales order, to create accounting and to verify the accounting distribution from distribution window.
Oracle Cost Management Cost of Goods Sold Query_Material_Transaction Material Transaction To query material transaction in find material transaction window.
Oracle Cost Management Encumbrance Verif_Funds_Inquiry_Distribu Accounting Entries Details To verify the funds distribution details.
Oracle Cost Management Encumbrance Verify_Review_Journal Journals To verify the journals distribution.
Oracle Cost Management Encumbrance Enter_Encumburance Enter Encumbrances To post the encumbrance details in General Ledger by submitting a request internally.
Oracle Cost Management Encumbrance Querying_Funds_Inquiry Funds Available Inquiry To inquire funds available in specific account.
Oracle Cost Management Invoice Price Variance Verifying_Item_Cost Item Cost, Summary To verify the item cost.
Oracle Cost Management Journal Entries Verify_Journal_Entries Subledger Journal Entry Lines To verify the journal entries.
Oracle Cost Management Journal Entries Revenue_Account_Sales_Credit Revenue Accounting And Sales Credits To manage the revenue.
Oracle Cost Management Journal Entries Find_Journal Find Journals To query journal.
Oracle Cost Management Landed Cost Management Querying_Receipt_Distributions Distributions To query receiving transactions.
Oracle Cost Management Landed Cost Management Verify_Receipt_Distributions_Srch Distributions To query and verify receiving transactions based on search criteria.
Oracle Cost Management Material Distributions Query_Material_Distribu_Direct Distributions To query material transaction in find material distribution window.
Oracle Cost Management Material Distributions Query_Verify_Material_Distb Material Transaction To query material transaction and verify its details in material transaction distributions window.
Oracle Cost Management Material Distributions Verify_Material_Distribution Distributions To verify material transaction in material transaction distributions window.
Oracle Cost Management Period End Accr Reconcil Verif_Period_end_Acc_Distribut Distributions To verify period end accrual distributions.
Oracle Cost Management Period End Accr Reconcil Qurery_Period_end_Acc_Distr Receiving Accounting Events To query receiving accounting events.
Oracle Cost Management Periodic Average Costing Querying_PAC_Distrib_Intr_Ship Transactions To query periodic acquisition cost distributions.
Oracle Cost Management Periodic Average Costing Verify_PAC_Distributions Transactions To verify periodic acquisition cost distributions.
Oracle Cost Management Standard Cost Update Wait_For_Concurrent_Request Concurrent Request To wait until the concurrent request status turns to complete
Oracle Cost Management Work In Progess Querying_Resource_Distribution Distributions To query resource transactions.
Oracle Cost Management Work In Progess Define_Cst_For_Cst Type_Pendg SETUPCOMP, Item Cost To define item cost.
Oracle Cost Management Work In Progess Verify_Resource_Distribution Distributions To verify the costing resource distribution.
Oracle Engineering Copy or Transfer Copy_To_MFG Copy to Manufacturing To copy item to manufacturing.
Oracle Engineering Copy or Transfer Transfer_To_Mfg Transferring to Manufacturing To transfer an item bill from engineering to manufacturing.
Oracle Engineering Copy or Transfer Copy_Eco_To_Mfg Copy Engineering Data To copy engineering change order information to new engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering Copy or Transfer Transfer_To_Mfg_Details Transfer Details To enter details of transferring item bill routing from engineering to manufacturing.
Oracle Engineering Copy or Transfer ECO_Transfer_To_MFG Transfer Engineering Data To transfer existing engineering change order item to manufacturing.
Oracle Engineering ECO Get_Eco_Implement_Req_Id Engineering Change Orders To extract the engineering change order request number from the status bar.
Oracle Engineering ECO Add_Change_Type_Process Engineering, Change Type To add change type process.
Oracle Engineering ECO Create_Update_Change_Type Engineering, Change Type To create change type.
Oracle Engineering ECO Query_Eco_Header Engineering Change Orders To query an existing engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering ECO Verify_Eco_Header Engineering Change Orders To verify the data in the engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering ECO Create_Revised_Item Revised Items To enter data in main tab of revised item form for engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering ECO Create_Revised_Operations Revised Operations To enter data in all tabs of revised operations for engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering ECO Create_Revised_Components Revised Components To enter data in main tab of revised component for engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering ECO Create_Eco_Hdr Engineering Change Orders To enter header data in engineering change order.
Oracle Engineering Mass Change Create_Mass_Change_Report Mass Change Bills To generate report or create engineering change order and submit.
Oracle Engineering Mass Change Create_Mass_Component_Change Component Changes To enter date in component changes in all tabs for mass change bill header.
Oracle Engineering Mass Change Create_Mass_Change_Bill_Header Mass Change Bills To create a bill header for mass change.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Click_Setup_Subtab Sequence Attributes, FLM Setup To perform an action on sequence attributes tab to launch sequence attributes tab.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Click_Seq_Rule_Subtab FLM Setup, SETUPCOMP To click on sequence rule tab in sequence attributes window.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Define_Standard_Process Standard Processes, SETUPCOMP To define new standard process for flow manufacturing.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Define_Standard_LineOperation Line Operations, SETUPCOMP To define new standard line operation for flow manufacturing.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Def_Prod_Line_Tol_Fence Production Lines, SETUPCOMP To define new standard production line and define tolerance fences for flow manufacturing.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Create_Sequential_Attributes Sequencing Attributes, SETUPCOMP To create a sequence attribute of type component, flow schedule property, item category sales order property and buttons which are present in the sequence attributes.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Create_Seq_Rule Sequencing Rules, FLM Setup To define new sequencing rule in sequencing rule window.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Create_Seq_Constraint_Cmpavl Sequencing Rules, FLM Setup To create constraints for sequencing rule from sequencing rule window.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Def_Rout_Event_Resource Standard Events, FLM Setup To define standard line operation.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Assign_Line_Rules Sequencing Rules, FLM Setup To assign the production lines to rule.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Def_Std_Lop_Event_Res Resources To assign resources to events in resource form.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Search_Seq_Rules Sequencing Rules, FLM Setup To search existing rules in sequence rules page and assign production line to the rule by clicking on assign line image.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing FLM Setup Define_Flow_Routing Flow Routing, FLM Setup To define flow routing by selecting each type all events, line operations, process and enter all details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Sch Creation Forms Create_Flow_Schedule_Details Flow Schedule To create a new flow schedule and capture the flow schedule number.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Sch Creation Forms Create_Flow_Schedule_Details_Forms Flow Schedule To create a new flow schedule and capture the flow schedule number, and to show hidden fields in the flows schedules summary table.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Sch Creation Forms Click_Flow_Schedule_Details Flow Schedule To search assembly and click on details buttons in flows schedule summary form.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Sch Creation Forms Open_LSWB_Options Flow Schedule To enter the production line in first LOV and enter flow schedule details like schedule group and rule.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in Forms Find_Sch_For_Comp_Pick_Release Find Flow Schedule, Pick Release To find the flow schedule for component pick release.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in Forms Release_Components Find Flow Schedule, Pick Release To perform component pick release for flow schedule and capture the move order number.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in Forms Verify_Flow_Sch_Details_Form Scheduling Workbench To query and verify the flow schedule details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in Forms Complete_WOL_Txn WOL Completion, Flow Schedule To perform work order less transaction for flow schedule.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Enter_Assy_Lot_Ser_Info Complete Schedule To enter assembly lot and serial information for flow schedule, generate lot and serial numbers in complete schedule assembly details page.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Enter_Quality_Results_LOP Complete Schedule To enter quality results for collection plan during line operation completion.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Enter_Quality_Details Complete Schedule To select quality plan in complete schedule window for update collection details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Replenish_Kanban_Cards Kanban Replenish To select Kanban card to perform replenish.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Go_To_Components_Tab Kanban Replenish To click components tab then to click on kanban card icon to view Kanban card details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Enter_Mul_Lot_Seri_Compon_Info Complete Schedule To enter multiple lot and serial numbers for back flush components during flow schedule completion transaction.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Complete_Flow_Schedules Work Queue To search a schedule number in work queue page to perform actions and to enter schedule completion details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Complete_Line_Operation Work Queue To search a schedule number in work queue page to perform actions and to enter line operation completion details.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Click_Mul_Lsr_Component_Btn Add Lot and Serial To click on the buttons in add lot and serial page depending on the requirement.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Backflush_Component_Lot_Ser Complete Schedule To search back flush components and enter lot and serial numbers during flow schedule completion transaction.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow Txns in OAF Open_Flow_Schedule_page Oracle Applications, FLM Setup To enter required details to start work queue in home page and to click on different tabs in home page.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Create_Seq_Tasks Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To create sequencing task and enter sequencing parameters.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Search_Seq_Schedules Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To search sequencing task in sequencing tasks window.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Submit_Sequencial_Task Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To split sales order, update, move across lines, and submit the task.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Update_Sequencing_Rule Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To update sequencing rule information.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Click_Seq_Task_Hyperlink Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To check request status after sequence task completion.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Flow sch Creation OAF Select_Line_N_Filter_Demand Sequencing Tasks, FLM Setup To filter the demands during sequence task creation.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Kanban Set up Find_Create_Pull_Sequence Pull Sequence To find existing pull sequence with query criteria.
Oracle Flow Manufacturing Kanban Set up Create_Pull_Sequence SETUPCOMP, Pull Sequence To create new pull sequence.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Assign_Item_Org Master Item To assign the specified master item to an organizations.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Item_Org_Attributes Item, Master Items, Tools, Organization Assignment To open organization item in master item window to enter or change organization level attributes.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Find_Customer_Item_Cross_Ref Find Customer Item To find customer item cross reference.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Define_Customer_Item Customer Items Detail To define customer items and create or update customer items.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Define_Customer_Item_Cross_Ref Customer Item Cross References To define a customer item cross reference.
Oracle Item Master Item Actions Assign_Item_All_Org Master Items To assign master items to all the organizations.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Upd_Master_Item_Costing_Tab Master Items To update master items costing tab.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Define_Item_Revisions Master Items To define a particular version of an item.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Upd_Master_Itm_Process_Mfg_Tab Master Items To update master items process manufacturing tab.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Copy_Item_Apply_Temp_Done Master Items To apply template to master item.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Upd_Master_Item_Pur_Tab Master Items To update master items purchasing tab.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Upd_Master_Item_Inv_Tab Master Items To update master items inventory tab.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Upd_Master_Item_OM_Tab Master Items To update master items order management tab.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Query_Item_Main Master Items To query an master item.
Oracle Item Master Master Items Create_Item_Main Master Items To create a master item.
Oracle Item Master Org Items Find_Organization_Items Find Organization Item To search organization item.
Oracle Item Master Org Items Itm_Upd_Org_Item_Ldtime_Tab Organization Items, Lead Times, Organization Item To enter details in lead times tab.
Oracle Item Master Org Items Itm_Upd_Org_Item_WIP_Tab Organization Items, Work In Process To update organization Items work in progress tab.
Oracle Item Master Org Items Itm_Upd_Org_Item_MPSMRP_Tab Organization Items, Lead Times To update organization Items lead times tab.
Oracle Item Master Org Items Itm_Upd_Org_Item_Inv_Tab Organization Items, Inventory To update organization Items inventory tab.
Oracle Item Master Setups - Item Master Set_Item_Status_Attributes Master Item, Attribute Control To set certain controls and reference options before defining items.
Oracle Item Master Setups - Item Master Set_Item_Attribute_Control Master Item, Attribute Control To set certain controls and reference options before defining items.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Dept_Access SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update departmental access to Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Jobop_Actions SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update job operation actions in MES parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Set_MES_Admin_Level SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To set levels for MES parameters.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Work_Order_Comp_Shrtge SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update work order and component shortage setup for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Srch_Job_Actions SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update search job or serial operation actions for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems parameter.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Global_Actions SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update job operation actions for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Supervisor_Dashboard_View SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update supervisor dashboard view for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Time_Entry_Mode SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update time entry mode for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Job_Selction_Mode SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update job selection mode for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Ddiscrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Req_Badge_Move_Transx SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update required badge number for move transaction for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Include_Complete_Qty SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update include complete quantity in dispatch list Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Default_Intra_Op_Step SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update default intra operation step for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Single_User_Mode SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update single user mode for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing MES Parameters Upd_Par_Oprtr_Skills_Validatn SETUPCOMP, MES parameters To update operator skill validation for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing Parameter details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Compl_Assly_MES_Oprtr Complete Assembly Transaction, MES Operator To perform complete assembly transaction from Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems in Discrete Manufacturing workstation.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Move_MES_Serial_Assembly Move Serial Assembly Transaction, MES Operator, MES Supervisor To add details of discrete job during move assembly transaction for serialized assembly.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Search_Serial_Number_MES Search Serial Numbers To add serial numbers and perform actions in search serial number page.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Complete_MES_Serial_Assembly Complete Assembly To perform complete assembly transaction for serialized assembly.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Reject_Assy_Serial_MES_Oprtr Reject Assembly To add details of discrete job during reject assembly transaction for assembly serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Return_Reject_MES_Serial_Oprtr Return Assembly To add details of discrete job during return from reject assembly transaction for assembly serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Return_Scrap_MES_Serial_Oprtr Scrap Assembly To add details of discrete job during return from scrap assembly transaction for assembly serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Scrap_Assy_Serial_MES_Oprtr Scrap Assembly To add details of discrete job during scrap assembly transaction for assembly serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Transact_Comp_in_Move Move Assembly To transact serialized components for assembly.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Select_Job_Action_MES_Oprtr Search Jobs To search discrete job, verify the job operation and chose an action for a job.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Transact_Comp_MES_Operator Transact Components To add details of discrete job during component transactions like WIP issue, WIP return issue.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Scrap_Asmbl_MES_Operator Scrap Assembly To add details of discrete job during scrap assembly transaction.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Retn_Asmbl_MES_Operator Return Assembly To add details of discrete job during return assembly transaction.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Move_Compl_MES_Oprtr Move and Complete To add details of discrete job during move and complete assembly transaction.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Report_My_Time_MES_Operator Report My Time To add details for report my time.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Startup_MES_Operator MES Workstation To update or add the start up parameter details for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems operator.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Select_Serial_Axn_MES_Operator Assembly Serial Numbers To search assembly serial numbers and perform actions on the serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Search_Jobop_MES_Oprtr MES Workstation, Supervisor Workstation To search discrete job based on assembly, department, resource, from data and to date.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Search_Job_MES_Operator Search Jobs To search job in the search jobs page.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Move_Assly_MES_Oprtr Move Assembly To add details of discrete job during move assembly transaction.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Report_Exception_MES_Operator Report Exception To report multiple exceptions for a discrete job.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Jobop_Axn_MES_Oprtr MES Workstation, Supervisor Workstation To search discrete job, verify the job operation and chose an action for a job.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Global_Actions_MES_Operator MES Workstation To perform global actions from the Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing workstation.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Click_Serial_MES_Operator MES Workstation, Supervisor Workstation To search discrete job to navigate assembly serial page.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Reject_Assly_MES_Oprtr Reject Assembly To add details of discrete job during reject assembly transaction for serial numbers.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Startup_MES_Operator_OAF MES Workstation To enter start up details for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Search_Assy_Serial_Num_MES Serial Numbers To enter serial number and badge number and perform an action an entered serial number.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Handle_Backflush_Comp_Ser_Assy Serialized Transaction To handle the back flush components while performing all serialized transactions.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Verify_Jobop_Dtls_MES_Oprtr Search Jobs This component is used to verify the job details in search jobs page.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Verify_ClockIn_Details Search Jobs To verify the clock in details in search jobs.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Return_Move_Assly_MES_Operator Return and Move Assembly To add details of discrete job during return move assembly transaction.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Verify_Lot_Details MES, Verify lot detail To Verify detail information on Lot detail page
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Verify_Operation_Details MES, Operations Details To Verify page details of OperationsViewPG.xml
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions Verify_Resource_Details MES, Resource details To Verify page details of ResourcesViewPG.xml
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions View_Quality_Results MES, View QA Results To Verify page details of ViewQaResultsPG.xml
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Operator Actions View_Serial_Details MES, Verify Serial To Verify page details of ViewSerialDtlsPG.xml
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Search_Closed_Exceptn_Sup Dashboard To search exception for closed exceptions from Oracle Manufacturing Execution System supervisor.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions View_Comp_Closed_Exceptn_Sup Report Exception To search and verify closed exception details for discrete job.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions View_Comp_MES_Exception Report Exception To view component exception details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Upd_Resource_MES_ViewEx Report Exception To update reported resource exception details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Clk_Exception_Dtl_Open_All_MES Report Exception To navigate to exception details page through dashboard window.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Verify_Comp_Shrtg_Imp_Job_Dtls Component Shortages To verify the Impacted jobs details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Upd_Comp_MES_ViewEx Report Exception To update multiple exception details through dashboard
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions View_Other_MES_Exception Report Exception To view other type exception details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions View_Resource_MES_Exception Report Exception To view resource type exception details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Check_Comp_Shortage_Supervisor Component Shortages To check the component shortage at organization level, capture shortage request and verify the component shortage details.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Global_Actions_MES_Supervisor Supervisor Workstation To perform global actions in oracle manufacturing execution systems supervisor.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Startup_MES_Supervisor Start Up Supervisor To update or add the start up parameter details for Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems supervisor.
Oracle Manufacturing Execution Systems for Discrete Manufacturing Supervisor Actions Update_All_Exceptions_MES Report Exception To update all exceptions in update exceptions page.
Oracle Project Manufacturing Setup Select_Project_Parameters Project Parameters To select the way to view the project parameters form by project or by organization.
Oracle Project Manufacturing Setup Crt_Project_Parameters Project Parameters To create project parameters for the organization.
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_WIP_Job PJM Inquiry To Verify WIP Job header information (WipJobPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Job_Components PJM Inquiry To Verify components on a discrete job (ComponentPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Job_Operation PJM Inquiry To Verify WIP Job operation information (OperationPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_OP_Component PJM Inquiry To Verify WIP Job operation components (OpCompPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Onhand_Balance PJM Inquiry To Verify on hand balances (OnhandBalancePG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Onhand_Value PJM Inquiry To Verify on hand values (OnhandValuePG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Expenditure PJM Inquiry To Verify expenditures (ExpenditurePG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Line_Schedule PJM Inquiry To Verify Line Schedules (LineSchedulePG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Cost_Variance PJM Inquiry To Verify Cost Variances (ProjCostVarViewPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_PO PJM Inquiry To Verify Purchased Orders (PurchaseOrderPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Quotation PJM Inquiry To Verify Quotations (QuotationPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_Requisition PJM Inquiry To Verify Requisitions (RequisitionPG.xml)
Oracle Project Manufacturing PJM Inquiry Verify_SO PJM Inquiry To Verify Sales Orders (SalesOrderPG.xml)
Oracle Quality Enter Quality Results Find_Collection_Plan_Through_LOV Enter Quality Result, Collection Plan To search a collection plan in find collection plan form.
Oracle Quality Enter Quality Results Verify_Quality_Results View Quality Results, Collection Plan To verify the quality results of a collection plan.
Oracle Quality Enter Quality Results Enter_Quality_Result_20Element Enter Quality Result, Collection Plan To enter maximum 20 dynamic quality results for a collection plan.
Oracle Quality Quality Workbench Search_Audit_Questions Quality, Audit To Search Audit Questions and copy to Audit plan.
Oracle Quality Quality Workbench Verify_Audit_Questions Quality, Audit To Verify Audit Questions.
Oracle Quality Quality Workbench Copy_Audit_Questions Quality, Audit To Copy Audit Questions to Audit plan.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Inquiries_CE query collection element To Query Collection element information.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Inquiries_CP query collection plan To Query Collection plan information.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Create_Update_Collection_Plan Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To create a collection plan or update an existing collection plan details.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Query_Collection_Plan Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To query a collection plan in collection plan form.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Add_Plan_Txn_Triggers Collection Transactions, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To add a condition for a collection plan in collection transaction form.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Add_Plan_Transaction Collection Transactions, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To add a collection transaction name to a collection plan.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Create_Sampling_Plan_Rules Sampling Plan, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create a sampling plan rule.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Copy_Collection_Plan_Elements Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To create a new collection plan by copying collection elements from existing collection plan.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Create_Sampling_Plan Sampling Plan, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create a sampling plan.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Add_Elements_To_Plan Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To add new elements to a collection plan in collection plan form.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Query_Plan_Elements Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To query a collection element in collection plan form.
Oracle Quality Quality - Setup Update_Elements_Plan Collection Plan, SETUPCOMP To updating the elements details of a collection plan.
Oracle Quality Sampling Create_Sampling_Association Sampling Criteria, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create sampling association for the item in sampling criteria setup
Oracle Quality Sampling Create_Skip_Sampling_Criteria Sampling Criteria, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create skip lot sampling criteria for an item in skip lot sampling form.
Oracle Quality Skip Lot Create_Skip_Lot_Association Skip Lot Process, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create skip lot association for the item in skip lot criteria setup form.
Oracle Quality Skip Lot Create_Skip_Lot_Process Skip Lot Process, SETUPCOMP, Collection Plan To create a new skip lot process in skip lot process setup form.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Co Products Create_Co_Product SETUPCOMP, Define Co Products To create co product for finished goods.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Lot Based Jobs Move_Lot_Based_Job Move Lot Based Job To perform the transaction like move, undo, jump partial, reject, scrap and return on lot based job.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Lot Based Jobs Create_Lot_Based_Job Lot Based job To create new lot based job and capture that job.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Lot Transanctions Transact_WIP_Lot WIP Lot Transactions To perform transactions like split, merger, bonus, update routing, update quantity, update lot name and update assembly and to capture the resulting job.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Lot Transanctions Transact_Inv_Lot Inventory Lot Transactions To perform transactions like split, merge, translate, transfer.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Lot Transanctions Create_Lots Lot Creation To create lots and verify the resulting lot details.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Network Routing Run_Lead_Time_Ntwrk_Routing SETUPCOMP, Lead Times To launch the compute lead times program in network routing form.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Network Routing Create_Ntwk_Routing_Header SETUPCOMP, Routing To search the item and create the network routing.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Network Routing Enter_Ntwk_Routing_Dtls Routing Network To add the details for the network routing.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Network Routing Verify_Lead_Times Routing Network To query the item and verify the lead time calculations.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Network Routing Enter_Ntwk_Routing_Oper_Dtls SETUPCOMP, Routing Network To add the routing operations details like code, sequence, department for the routing.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Upd_Phantom_Cmp_Recommens OSFM, Update Phantom To Verify and update info on page updatePhantomsPG.xml.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Verify_Operation_Details OSFM, Operation Details To verify the page details on Operation Details page: LBJPlanResrcCompPG.xml.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Undo_Move_OSFM_Oprtr Undo Move To add details like operator, transaction reason for performing undo move.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Split_Txn_Dtl_OSFM_Oprtr Split Job, Lot Based Job To add details operator split job transaction.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Move_In_Dtl_OSFM_Oprtr Move In, Lot Based Job To perform complete move in.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Merge_Txn_Dtl_OSFM_Oprtr Merge To add details for operator merge jobs transaction.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Jump_Operation_OSFM_Oprtr Jump To Operation To add details like operator, transaction reason and to operator to perform the Jump to operation.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Dispatch_List_Axn_OSFM_Oprtr Operator Workstation, Actions To search job in dispatch list and perform action on that job.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Move_In_Out_OSFM_Oprtr Move In, Move Out To search lot based job and verify the job operation.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Move_Out_Dtl_OSFM_Oprtr Move Out, Lot Based Job To add details for perform complete move out transaction.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Change_Disptch_List_Opn_Oprtr Operator Workstation To change dispatch list options for oracle shop floor management operator.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Operator Actions - HTML Upd_Lot_Name_OSFM_Oprtr Update Lot Name To update the lot name.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Setup Set_OSFM_Parameters SETUPCOMP, OSFM parameters To update shop floor management parameters.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Change_Context_Op_OSFM_Oprtr Add Context Details To update context by oracle shop floor management supervisor to operation based.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Click_Trxn_Search_Job_Suprvsr Search Job Operation To search job with operation, resource and assembly.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Transact_Materials_Suprvsr Transact Material, OSFM Supervisor To perform transact materials by oracle shop floor management supervisor
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Change_Context_OSFM_Supervisor SETUPCOMP, Current Resource Status To change context action by oracle shop floor management operator and accept warning on changing context.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Ver_Cur_Res_Status_OSFM_Suprvr Current Resource Status To verify the current resource status based on the department or resource.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Update_Status_OSFM_Supervisor Current Resource Status To update current resource status by supervisor.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Change_Cntxt_Res_OSFM_Suprvsr SETUPCOMP, Add Context Details To update context action by supervisor to resource based.
Oracle Shop Floor Management Supervisor Actions Dispatch_List_Axn_OSFM_Suprvsr Search Job Operation To search lot based job.
Oracle Work in Process Completion Txns Complete_Job_Txn Completion Transaction, Discrete Job To perform completion of discrete job transaction.
Oracle Work in Process Completion Txns Close_Discrete_Job_Form Close Discrete Job, Discrete Job To search and close discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Component Pick Release Find_Job_Comp_Pickrelease Find Discrete Jobs, Discrete Job, Pick Release To find discrete job for component pick release.
Oracle Work in Process Component Pick Release Release_Components Component Pick Release, Discrete Job, Pick Release To perform component pick release transaction for one or more discrete jobs.
Oracle Work in Process Costing Verify_WIP_Txn_Distributions WIP Transaction Distributions, Discrete Job, WIP Values To query an account, transaction value and verifies the transaction detail.
Oracle Work in Process Costing Verify_WIP_Value_Summary WIP Value Summary, Discrete Job To verify work in process value summary of discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Costing Find_Job_WIPValueSummary WIP Jobs and Schedules, Discrete Job To search and verify discrete job details.
Oracle Work in Process Material Issue Txns Issue_Materials Material Transactions, Discrete Job To issue components with supply type as push.
Oracle Work in Process Move Txns Backflush_LotSerial_Components Backflush, Discrete Job, Move Job To search a component in backflush window for the discrete job during move or easy completion transactions.
Oracle Work in Process Move Txns Move_Discrete_Job Move Transactions, Discrete Job To perform move discrete job transactions like scrap, reject, move and completion.
Oracle Work in Process Move Txns Move_Discrete_Job_Wth_QA Move Transactions, Discrete Job To perform move discrete job transactions like scrap, reject, move and completion with quality.
Oracle Work in Process Repetitive Schedules Create_Repetitive_Schedule Repetitive Schedules To create and update repetitive schedule.
Oracle Work in Process Repetitive Schedules Ver_Repetitive_Sch_Operations View Repetitive Schedules Summary, Repetitive Schedules To verify repetitive schedule details.
Oracle Work in Process Repetitive Schedules Find_Repetitive_Schedule Find Repetitive Schedule, Repetitive Schedules To search repetitive schedule.
Oracle Work in Process Repetitive Schedules Associate_Repetitive_Line_Assy Repetitive Line, Assembly Associations Summary, Repetitive Schedules To create link between line and assembly from repetitive schedule.
Oracle Work in Process Resource Txns View_Resource_Transaction View Resources Transaction, Discrete Job, Resource Transactions To find job or schedule, and verify resource transaction details.
Oracle Work in Process Resource Txns Transact_Resources Resource Transaction, Discrete Job To perform transaction work in process resources for a job.
Oracle Work in Process Simulate Discrete Job Simulate_Discrete_Job Simulate Discrete Jobs, Discrete Job To perform simulation for discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process WIP Setup Define_WIP_Parameters SETUPCOMP, WIP Parameters To define and update work in process parameters.
Oracle Work in Process WIP Setup Create_Production_Line Production Lines, SETUPCOMP To define production line for repetitive schedule and setting up tolerances.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Upd_Del_Job_Components Material Requirements, Discrete Job To find discrete job and delete material requirements of the job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Upd_Del_Job_Operations Job Operations, Discrete Job To find discrete job and delete job operation.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Link_SalesOrder_To_Job Sales Orders, Discrete Job To define a link between discrete job and sales order.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Associate_SerialNumber_To_Job Discrete Job To add or generate serial numbers to discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Update_Res_Instances Resource Requirements, Discrete Job To update instance name for the discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Verify_Discrete_Job_Operations Operations, Discrete Job To verify discrete job operation details.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition FindJob_Or_Click_NewJob Find Discrete Jobs, Discrete Job To create a new discrete job or query an existing one.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Create_Update_Discrete_Job Discrete Jobs To create new discrete standard or no standard job, and to perform scheduling for discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Verify_Operation_Resources Resource Requirements, Discrete Job To verify the resources of a discrete job operation.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Verify_Discrete_Job_Material Material Requirements, Discrete Job To verify material requirements of a discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Verify_Discrete_Job_Info Discrete Jobs To verify the status, completion date and quantity of a discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Update_Job_Components SETUPCOMP, Material Requirements To query job and components, then update component details.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Update_Res_Requirement Resource Requirements, Discrete Job To query and update resource details of a discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Query_Req_No_in_UpdateNeedbyDt Operations, Discrete Job To capture purchase order, purchase requisition number and verify purchase order quantity, status.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Update_Job_Operations Operations, SETUPCOMP To update and add operation details to discrete job.
Oracle Work in Process Work Order Definition Query_Pending_Job_Schedule WIP, Pending Job and Schedule To Verify Pending Jobs and Schedules (WIPJSINT).