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Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for SWIFTAlliance Access Guide

    Oracle Solaris ClusterSPARC Platform Edition

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1.  Installing and Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access

Overview of Installing and Configuring HA for Alliance Access

Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access Overview

Planning the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access Installation and Configuration

Configuration Restrictions

Configuration Requirements

Oracle Solaris Cluster components and their dependencies

Installing and Configuring Alliance Access

How to Install and Configure Alliance Access

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of Alliance Access

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of Alliance Access

Installing the HA for Alliance Access Packages

How to Install the HA for Alliance Access Packages

Registering and Configuring Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access

How to Register and Configure Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access as a Failover Service

Verifying the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access Installation and Configuration

How to Verify the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access Installation and Configuration

Understanding the Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access Fault Monitor

Resource Properties

Probing Algorithm and Functionality

Debugging Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access

How to turn on debugging for Oracle Solaris Cluster HA for Alliance Access


Installing and Configuring Alliance Access

This section describes the procedure to install and configure Alliance Access.

References will be made to some user-accessible directories for Alliance Access throughout the following sections.

Note - HA for Alliance Access can be configured to run in a whole root or a sparse root non-global zone for Alliance Access version 6.0, 6.2, 6.3, and 7.0 if required.

How to Install and Configure Alliance Access

Use this procedure to install and configure Alliance Access.

  1. Create the resources for Alliance Access.
    • Create a resource group for Alliance Access.

      # clresourcegroup create [-n node-zone-list] swift-rg
      -n node-zone-list

      Specifies a comma-separated, ordered list of zones that can master the resource group. The format of each entry in the list is node. In this format, node specifies the node name and zone specifies the name of a non-global Solaris zone. To specify the global zone, or to specify a node without non-global zones, specify only node. This list is optional. If you omit this list, the global zone of each cluster node can master the resource group.

    • Create a logical host.

      Add the hostname and IP address in the /etc/inet/hosts file on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group. Register the logical host and add it to the resource group.

      # clreslogicalhostname create -g swift-rg -l swift-lh swift-saa-lh-rs
    • Create the device group and file system.

      See Planning the Global Devices, Device Groups, and Cluster File Systems in Oracle Solaris Cluster Software Installation Guide for instructions on how to create global file systems.

    • Create an HAstoragePlus resource.

      It is recommended to create a HAStoragePlus failover resource to contain the Alliance Access application and configuration data instead of using the global file system.

      # clresource create -g swift-rg \
      -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus \
      -x FilesystemMountPoints=/global/saadg/alliance swift-ds
    • Bring the resource group online.

      # clresouregroup online -M swift-rg
    • Create the configuration directory.

      This directory contains Alliance Access information and creates a link from the /usr

      # cd /global/saadg/alliance
      # mkdir swa
      # ln -s /global/saadg/alliance/swa /usr/swa

      Note - If you install Alliance Access in a sparse root zone, that is if the /usr directory is inherited in read-only mode through a loopback mount, the link needs to be created within the global zone.

    • For Alliance Access 7.0:

      # mkdir -p /global/saadg/alliance/var/opt/swift

      On all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group:

      # ln -s /global/saadg/alliance/var/opt/swift /var/opt/swift
  2. Install Alliance Access software.

    Perform the following steps on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group. The steps vary between different versions of Alliance Access. You must perform the steps corresponding to the version of Alliance Access you are using.

    • For Alliance Access 6.0 only: Create the users all_adm, all_usr and the group alliance on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group with the same user ID and group ID.

      # groupadd -g groupid alliance
      # useradd -m -g alliance -d /export/home/all_adm -s /usr/bin/ksh all_adm
      # useradd -m -g alliance -d /export/home/all_usr -s /usr/bin/ksh all_usr

      Create a project called swift and assign the users all_adm and all_usr to it.

      # projadd -U all_adm,all_usr swift
    • For Alliance Access 6.2, 6.3, and 7.0: Create the user all_adm and the groups alliance and sagnlg on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group with the same user ID and group ID. Also, create a project called swift and assign the users all_adm to it.

      # groupadd -g groupid alliance
      # groupadd -g groupid sagsnlg
      # useradd -m -g alliance -G sagsnlg -d /export/home/all_adm -s \
      /usr/bin/ksh all_adm
      # projadd -U all_adm swift
    • Set the values of the resource controls for the project swift.

      For Alliance Access 6.0 only:

      # projmod -s -K "project.max-sem-ids=(privileged,128,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-nsems=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-ops=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4294967295,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-ids=(privileged,128,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-msg-qbytes=(privileged,4194304,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-msg-ids=(privileged,500,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-messages=(privileged,8192,deny)" swift

      For Alliance Access 6.2 and 6.3 only:

      # projmod -s -K "project.max-sem-ids=(privileged,1320,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-ids=(privileged,1500,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4294967295,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-msg-ids=(privileged,800,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-nsems=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-ops=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-msg-qbytess=(privileged,10485760,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-msg-messages=(privileged,8192,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-stack-size=(basic,33554432,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-data-size=(basic,8.0EB,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,1000,deny)" swift

      For Alliance Access 7.0 only:

      # chown -R all_adm:alliance /global/saadg/alliance
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-sem-ids=(privileged,1320,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-ids=(privileged,1500,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-shm-memory=(privileged,4294967295,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "project.max-msg-ids=(privileged,800,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-nsems=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-sem-ops=(privileged,512,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-msg-qbytess=(privileged,10485760,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-msg-messages=(privileged,8192,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-stack-size=(basic,33554432,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-data-size=(basic,8.0EB,deny)" swift
      # projmod -s -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,4096,deny)" swift

      The previous values are examples. For more accurate values, refer to the latest SWIFT documentation release notes of the corresponding version.

    • For Alliance Access 6.0 only:

      Assign the project swift as the default project for all_adm and all_usr by editing the file /etc/user_attr and typing the following two lines at the end of the file.


      For Alliance Access 6.2, 6.3, and 7.0 only:

      Assign the project swift as the default project for all_adm by editing the file /etc/user_attr and typing the following line at the end of the file.

    • For Alliance Access 6.0 only:

      Repeat the installation of the software on the other node or zone that can master the resource group, but you must end the installation before the Alliance Access software licensing step.

  3. For Alliance Access 6.0 only: Continue configuring Alliance Access application.

    To enable clients to connect to the failover IP address, create a file named interfaces.rpc on the data subdirectory of the Alliance Access software.

    If you are using the same file system as shown in the examples, this directory will be /global/saadg/alliance/data. This file must contain the IP address of the logical host as configured within the Alliance Access resource group.

    # cd /global/saadg/alliance/data
    # chown all_adm:alliance interfaces.rpc

    If Alliance Messenger is licensed, create a file called interfaces.mas and add the cluster logical IP address used to communicate with SAM.

    # cd /global/saadg/alliance/data
    # chown all_adm:alliance interfaces.mas
  4. Add a symbolic link and entries.
    • Add the symbolic link /usr/swa on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group, see the last bullet in Step 1.

    • For Alliance Access 7.0 only: add the symbolic link /var/opt/swift on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group. See the last bullet in Step 1.

    • For Alliance Access 6.0, 6.2, and 6.3: entries in /etc/services have to be added on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group. This can be done as root by running the /usr/swa/apply_alliance_ports script.

      For Alliance Access 7.0: as the root user, run the saa_rootpostinstall.ksh script on all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group:

      # /global/saadg/alliance/install/saa_rootpostinstall.ksh
    • For Alliance Access 6.0 only:

      The rc.alliance and rc.swa_boot scripts in /etc/init.d must remain in place. Any references to these files in /etc/rc?.d need to be removed and the access rights must be as follows:

      # cd /etc/init.d
      # chmod 750 rc.alliance rc.swa_boot
      # chown root:sys rc.alliance rc.swa_boot

      If the Alliance Access Installer displays “Start this SWIFTAlliance at Boottime”, choose No.

      You must copy the rc.alliance and rc.swa_boot scripts to all other cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group:

      # scp rc.alliance rc.swa_boot node2:/etc/init.d

    Note - You must not configure to automatically start at boot time through the saa_configbootstrap command for Alliance Access 6.2 and 6.3.

  5. Install Alliance Access Remote API (RA).
    • Install RA after Alliance Access on shared storage using the following options:

      Instance RA1 (default), user all_adm

    • Alliance Access 6.0 only:

      Copy the files in the home directory of the all_adm and all_usr user to all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group.

    • Alliance Access 6.2 and 6.3 only:

      Copy the files in the home directory of the all_adm user to all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group. Copy the root/InstallShield directory to all cluster nodes or zones that can master the resource group.