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ToolTalk User's Guide
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Document Information


1.  Introducing the ToolTalk Service

2.  An Overview of the ToolTalk Service

3.  Message Patterns

4.  Setting Up and Maintaining the ToolTalk Processes

5.  Maintaining Application Information

6.  Maintaining Files and Objects Referenced in ToolTalk Messages

7.  Participating in ToolTalk Sessions

8.  Sending Messages

9.  Dynamic Message Patterns

10.  Static Message Patterns

11.  Receiving Messages

12.  Objects

Object-Oriented Messaging

Object Data

Creating Object Specs

Assigning Otypes

Determining Object Specification Properties

Storing Spec Properties

Adding Values to Properties

Writing Object Specs

Updating Object Specs

Maintaining Object Specs

Examining Spec Information

Comparing Object Specs

Querying for Specific Specs in a File

Moving Object Specs

Destroying Object Specs

Managing Object and File Information

Managing Files that Contain Object Data

Managing Files that Contain ToolTalk Information

An Example of Object-Oriented Messaging

13.  Managing Information Storage

14.  Handling Errors

A.  Migrating from the Classing Engine to the ToolTalk Types Database

B.  A Simple Demonstration of How the ToolTalk Service Works

C.  The ToolTalk Standard Message Sets

D.  Frequently Asked Questions



Maintaining Object Specs

The ToolTalk service provides the functions to examine, compare, query, and move object specs. lists the ToolTalk functions you use to maintain object specs.

Table 12-2 Functions to Maintain Object Specifications

Return Type
ToolTalk Function
char *
tt_spec_file(const char *objid)
The name of the file on which the spec is located.
char *
tt_spec_type(const char *objid)
The object type of the spec.
char *
tt_spec_prop(const char *objid, const char *propname, int i)
Retrieves the ith (zero-based) property value as a string.
tt_spec_prop_count(const char *objid, const char *propname)
The number of values under this property name.
tt_spec_bprop(const char *objid, const char *propname, int i, unsigned char **value, int *length)
The number of byte array values under this property name.
char *
tt_spec_propname(const char *objid, int i)
The name of the ith property.
tt_spec_propnames_count(const char *objid)
The number of properties located on this spec.
char *
tt_objid_objkey(const char *objid)
The unique key of the spec id.
tt_file_objects_query(const char *filepath, Tt_filter_function filter, void *context, void *accumulator)
Queries the database for object specs
tt_objid_equal(const char *objid1, const char *objid2)
Checks whether two spec ids are the same.
char *
tt_spec_move(const char *objid, const char *newfilepath)
Moves object spec to a new file.

Examining Spec Information

You can examine the following spec information with the specified ToolTalk functions:

Comparing Object Specs

To compare two objids, use tt_objid_equal. tt_objid_equal returns a value of 1 even in the case where one objid is a forwarding pointer for the other.

Querying for Specific Specs in a File

Create a filter function to query for specific specs in a file and obtain the specs in which you are interested.

Use tt_file_objects_query to find all the objects in the named file. As the ToolTalk service finds each object, it calls your filter function, and passes it the objid of the object and the two application-supplied pointers. Your filter function does some computation and returns a Tt_filter_action value (TT_FILTER_CONTINUE or TT_FILTER_STOP) to either continue the query, or to quit the search and return immediately.

illustrates how to obtain a list of specs.

Example 12-1 Obtaining a List of Specifications

 * Called to update the scrolling list of objects for a file. Uses
 * tt_file_objects_query to find all the ToolTalk objects.
       static int list_item = 0;
    char *file;
    int i;

    cntl_objid = (char *)0;

    for (i = list_item; i >= 0; i--) {
        xv_set(cntl_ui_olist, PANEL_LIST_DELETE, i, NULL);

    list_item = 0;
    file = (char *)xv_get(cntl_ui_file_field, PANEL_VALUE);
    if (tt_file_objects_query(file,
                                   &list_item, NULL) != TT_OK) {
        xv_set(cntl_ui_base_window, FRAME_LEFT_FOOTER,
               “Couldn't query objects for file”, NULL);
        return 0;

    return 1;

Within the tt_file_objects_query function, the application calls cntl_gather_specs, a filter function that inserts objects into a scrolling list. illustrates how to insert the objid.

Example 12-2 Inserting the objid

 * Function to insert the objid given into the scrolling lists of objects
 * for a file. Used inside tt_file_objects_query as it iterates through
 * all the ToolTalk objects in a file.
cntl_gather_specs(objid, list_count, acc)
     char *objid;
     void *list_count;
     void *acc;
    int *i = (int *)list_count;

    xv_set(cntl_ui_olist, PANEL_LIST_INSERT, *i,
           PANEL_LIST_STRING, *i, objid,

    *i = (*i + 1);

    /* continue processing */

Moving Object Specs

The objid contains a pointer to a particular file system where the spec information is stored. To keep spec information as available as the object described by the spec, the ToolTalk service stores the spec information on the same file system as the object. Therefore, if the object moves, the spec must move, too.

Use tt_spec_move to notify the ToolTalk service when an object moves from one file to another (for example, through a cut and paste operation).

When your process sends a message to an out-of-date objid (that is, one with a forwarding pointer), tt_message_send returns a special status code, TT_WRN_STALE_OBJID, and replaces the object attribute in the message with a new objid that points to the same object in the new location.

Note - Update any internal data structures that reference the object with the new objid.