Oracle® Communications ASAP Installation Guide
Release 7.2
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11 Upgrading ASAP

This chapter describes how to upgrade your existing system to Oracle Communications ASAP 7.2 release. It also includes information about new features, any impact that these new features have with respect to the operation of ASAP, and instructions on how to recover from a failed upgrade.

In this chapter, the ASAP release running on your production or development system is called the old release. The release you are upgrading to is called the new release.

About Upgrading ASAP

Upgrading to ASAP 7.2 consists of the following process:

  • Planning the upgrade

  • Implementing and testing the upgrade on a development test system

  • Preparing to upgrade a production system

  • Implementing and testing the upgrade on the production system

The upgrade process includes these tasks:

  • Updating the Oracle database and client

  • Updating the WebLogic Server and domain

  • Updating the ASAP software

  • Implement new features

For current patch information, see "Patch Requirements". For current release information, see "ASAP System Requirements".

Supported Upgrade Paths

You can directly upgrade to ASAP 7.2 from ASAP 5.2.4 and any ASAP 7.0.x release.

Planning Your Upgrade

To plan your upgrade, review the following tasks:

Identifying Your Upgrade Team

Your upgrade team should include the following team members:

  • A database administrator to manage the database upgrade and tune the database

  • A system integrator to handle new and existing ASAP customizations

  • A system administrator to manage the WebLogic Server and ASAP software upgrade

  • A UNIX administrator to manage accounts, network setup, and IP configurations

Identifying Who Is Affected by the Upgrade

You should identify who might be affected by the upgrade. For example:

  • You might need to give your customer service representatives (CSRs) who send work orders to ASAP advanced notice of any system downtime.

  • Tell your system administrators in advance about any changes to the system architecture (for example, Oracle database, client, or WebLogic Server upgrades).

  • Train CSR, cartridge developers, or system integrators on any new ASAP functionality that the upgrade may provide that would have an impact on their role.

  • Notify Oracle so that Oracle can help you anticipate and avoid problems. Technical support might have additional information about upgrading ASAP or information specific to your implementation.

Determining the Impact of New Features

You might need to make changes to your current system to accommodate additional or modified functionality in the new ASAP release. For example, if the release provides new security functionality, additional system configuration steps may be required.

For more information, see "Upgrade Impacts from ASAP 5.2.4 or ASAP 7.0.X to ASAP 7.2".

Estimating How Long the Upgrade Will Take

This is an important consideration because work order processing might be suspended as a result of upgrading ASAP.

The best way to determine how long the database upgrade will take is to run the upgrade on a test system that contains a duplicate of the data in your production system (see "Creating Test Environments").

In general, it takes longer to upgrade large databases with large tables.

Maintaining Access to Services While Upgrading

While upgrading ASAP, you must shutdown ASAP and the ASAP WebLogic Domain. Do not start the upgrade procedure until the status for all work orders indicates Completed and no work order status indicates in Loading, Initial, or in progress.

To minimize service outage while you upgrade, perform the upgrade during off-peak hours.

Creating Test Environments

To test the upgrade process, create a test environment. Use this environment to do the following:

  • Test the upgrade process and its results.

  • Compare the default behavior of the old and new ASAP releases.

  • Determine what customizations you made in the old ASAP release. Any customized ASAP clients and servers (SRP or NEP) or application that provides a programmatic integration with ASAP (using of the APIs described in the Developer's Reference Guide) should be identified.

For more information on creating a test environment from an existing ASAP environment, see "Creating a Test Environment from an Existing Environment".

Testing Your Upgraded System

When testing your upgraded ASAP system, verify that:

  • The database tables are installed

  • The data in database tables is correct

  • All IP addresses and ports are correct

  • The WebLogic Server starts

  • The SARM starts

  • The SRP starts

  • The NEPs start

  • Users and user permissions are correct

  • Cartridges are imported correctly

  • No changes need to be made to existing cartridges

  • No changes need to be made to the SRT

  • Work orders are being processed correctly.

  • NEs are properly provisioned.

Creating a Test Environment from an Existing Environment

When you create a new Oracle Communications ASAP environment, dynamic ASAP data is created automatically. However, if you want to create a new environment that is identical to an existing environment, you must copy the data from the existing ASAP static tables to the new environment.

You may want to create additional identical environments for comparison testing.

Copying Static Data

If you want to move your static data from one database to another, you must first save the data in a flat file and then load the data into the new database. If the data used for the static tables is already stored within flat files, then simply load the data into the tables. All the static data tables are listed by component following these procedures.

To save tables to files (Oracle):

The ora_dump_sql script copies the table data to a file named TABLE NAME.sql, where TABLE NAME is the name of the table in uppercase characters. If there is more than one table, the script creates a separate file for each one.

  1. In a UNIX operating system, type the command line:

    ora_dump_sql [-d|-n|-t] user ID/password [table name]

    where [-d|-n|-t] are options that apply to reinserting the data as follows:

    • d – Deletes and replaces with new rows

    • t – Truncates table first

    • n – Inserts new rows, no deletions

    user ID and password are your user ID and password for the appropriate component

    [table name] is the name of the static table. If you do not specify a table, the script takes all tables for the user and copies them to separate files.

To load data into tables:

  1. In a UNIX, type the command line:

    sqlplus user_name/password filename


  • user_name and password are your user name and password for the appropriate component

  • filename is the name of the file where the static data is stored

Control Schema Static Data tables

  • tbl_alarm_center

  • tbl_appl_proc

  • tbl_classA_secu

  • tbl_classB_secu

  • tbl_code_list

  • tbl_component

  • tbl_db_threshold

  • tbl_event_type

  • tbl_fs_threshold

  • tbl_name_value_pair

  • tbl_system_alarm

  • tbl_unid

Service Activation Request Manager Schema Static Provisioning Translation Tables

  • tbl_asdl_config

  • tbl_asdl_parm

  • tbl_csdl_asdl

  • tbl_csdl_config

  • tbl_nep_asdl_prog

  • tbl_nep_jprogram

  • tbl_nep_program

  • tbl_program_source

Service Activation Request Manager Schema Static NE Configuration Tables

  • tbl_clii_route

  • tbl_comm_param

  • tbl_cp_mux

  • tbl_err_threshold

  • tbl_host_clii

  • tbl_ne_config

  • tbl_ne_event

  • tbl_ne_monitor

  • tbl_nep

  • tbl_nep_mux

  • tbl_nep_rte_asdl_nxx

  • tbl_q3_agent_name

  • tbl_resource_pool

  • tbl_user_err_threshold

Upgrade Impacts from ASAP 5.2.4 or ASAP 7.0.X to ASAP 7.2

This section explains any important system changes introduced by an upgrade.

New features and new functionality are described in the ASAP Release Notes.

Support for Oracle Fusion Middle Ware 11g R1

ASAP 7.2 supports Oracle Fusion Middle Ware 11g R1's WebLogic Server 10.3.5. To upgrade your WebLogic Server, you must also upgrade your JDK to version 1.7.

Schema Changes

This section lists the summary of schema changes for various possible upgrades.

Summary of Schema Changes – ASAP 7.0.1 to ASAP 7.0.2

The following is the only change to the ASAP 7.0.2 database schema from ASAP 7.0.1:

Table Made Empty

  • tbl_classA_secu table in the Control database is now empty.

Summary of Schema Changes – ASAP 7.0.0 to ASAP 7.0.1

The following is the only change to the ASAP 7.0.1 database schema from ASAP 7.0.0:

New Function

  • SSP_get_completed_asdls

Summary of Schema Changes – ASAP 5.2.3 to ASAP 5.2.4

Table 11-1 summarizes the changes to the ASAP 5.2.4 database schema from ASAP 5.2.3.

Table 11-1 Database Schema Differences

Database Table Details

SARM database


created table

strsub_type VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,

description VARCHAR2(255) NULL,

asdl VARCHAR2(80) NULL,

csdl VARCHAR2(80) NULL,

ne_vendor VARCHAR2(255) NULL,

tech_type VARCHAR2(255) NULL,

sftwr_load VARCHAR2(16) NULL,

ne_str_pattern VARCHAR2(255) NULL,

ne_replace_pattern VARCHAR2(255) NULL,

CHECK ((ne_vendor IS NOT NULL and tech_type IS NOT NULL and sftwr_load IS NOT NULL) or (ne_vendor IS NOT NULL and tech_type IS NOT NULL and sftwr_load IS NULL) or (ne_ vendor IS NULL and tech_type IS NULL and sftwr_ load IS NULL))

SARM database





Summary of Schema Changes – ASAP 5.2.2 to ASAP 5.2.3

Table 11-2 summarizes the changes to the ASAP 5.2.3 database schema from ASAP 5.2.2.

Table 11-2 Database Schema Differences

Database Table Details

SARM database


added column

srq_sub_stat SMALLINT DEFAULT 127

CHECK (srq_sub_stat BETWEEN 0 AND 127);



created table

xpath_name VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL,

xpath_value VARCHAR2(1024) NOT NULL



created table


event_type VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,

csdl VARCHAR2(80) NULL,

parameter_name VARCHAR2(80) NULL, parameter_value VARCHAR2(255) NULL



created table

template_name VARCHAR2(80) NOT NULL,

parameter_type VARCHAR2(20) NOT NULL,

csdl VARCHAR2(80) NULL,

parameter_name VARCHAR2(80) NULL,

Deleted Functions

  • getallWoListByWoId

Summary of Schema Changes – ASAP 5.2.0 to ASAP 5.2.2

Table 11-3 summarizes the changes to the ASAP 5.2.2 database schema from ASAP 5.2.0.

Table 11-3 Database Schema Differences

Database Table Details

SARM database

















rename column from BUNDLE_ID to SERVICE_ID

added column SERVICE_TYPE CHAR



rename column from BUNDLE_ID to SERVICE_ID



rename column from BUNDLE_ID to SERVICE_ID







Modified Packages


  • SSP_list_srt_bundle_rt1

  • SSP_list_srt_bundle_csdl_rt1

  • SSP_nep_load_rt1

  • SSP_nep_load_rt5

  • SSP_list_asdl_defn_rt1

  • SSP_list_net_elem_rt1

  • SSP_wo_cancel_rqst_rt1

  • SSP_future_wo_rt1

  • SSP_load_asdl_rt3

  • SSP_xfer_order_rt1

New Functions

  • SSP_nep_config_load

  • SSP_set_ne_throughput

  • SSP_update_wo_pnr

Modified Functions

  • SSP_new_srt_bundle

  • SSP_list_srt_bundle

  • SSP_new_asdl_defn

  • SSP_list_asdl_defn

  • SSP_list_net_elem

  • SSP_new_net_elem

  • SSP_nep_load

  • SSP_nep_list

  • SSP_new_csdl_asdl_idx

Upgrading from ASAP 5.2.4 or ASAP 7.0.x to ASAP 7.2

Table 11-4 describes the upgrade methods for ASAP software component upgrade methods.

Table 11-4 ASAP Software Component Upgrade Methods

Software Upgrade Method Description

Oracle database

In-place or out-of-place

(during the database installation, using dbua after installing the database, or using the expdp and impdp utilities)

You can either upgrade your existing ASAP database when you install the new version of the database software, or run Oracle_home/bin/dbua after you have installed the new database software where Oracle_home is the location of the new Oracle Database installation. You can also create a new database and use the expdp or impdp utilities to import the old database into the new one.

You may perform an in-place upgrade (into the same Oracle_home) or an out-of-place upgrade (into a separate Oracle_home). You may also upgrade your database from a single instance Oracle Database to an Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) database. Refer to the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for recommendations and procedures.

In either case, Oracle recommends that you back up your database before the upgrade. For Database backup and restore procedure, please refer to "Creating a Backup of the ASAP Schemas" and "Rolling Back the ASAP Database".

Oracle client

New installation.

Install a new version of the Oracle client when you upgrade your database. Download and install the software as described in "Downloading and Installing the Oracle Client Software".

Oracle WebLogic Server


(using script)

Locate the Oracle WebLogic Server software distribution file on the Oracle software delivery Web site. The Oracle WebLogic Server distribution file is located with the ASAP software components.

Also download and install the version of Java for the operating system you are using for your WebLogic Server software. See "Software Requirements" for Java version requirements for your platform.

Run wls_home/Middleware/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/ to activate the WebLogic Server Upgrade Wizard (where wls_home is the location of the new version of the WebLogic Server software).

ASAP software


(using the ASAP installer with the file from the old installation)

Run the ASAP installer after you have upgraded all other ASAP software components. The ASAP installer will reference the file from the previous installation to upgrade your ASAP software. Download the ASAP installation files as describe in "Downloading the ASAP Installation Files".


Before you start the upgrade procedure, you must backup your WebLogic domain, ASAP, and Oracle database (see "Creating a Backup of ASAP, WebLogic Domain, and ASAP Schemas"). The upgrade process for these software components is in-place, meaning the upgrades are applied to the existing software. If the upgrade fails, you must use these backups to roll back your upgrades (see About Rolling Back ASAP).

To upgrades from ASAP 7.0.x or ASAP 5.2.4 to ASAP 7.2:

  1. Ensure that your current ASAP server is running.

  2. Upgrade the Oracle Database and Client to the appropriate release (see Table 11-4).


    It is very important that you read and follow the Oracle Database Upgrade Guide to ensure that your database instance is successfully upgraded.

    Open a service request (SR) in My Oracle Support with the Oracle Database team for database upgrade problems.

  3. Log in with the same user ID that you used to install the old version of WebLogic Server.

  4. Download ASAP 7.2, WebLogic Server 10.3.5, and the correct Java version for your platform (see Table 11-4) from the Oracle software delivery Web site:
  5. Unzip the WebLogic Server zip file.

  6. Install the WebLogic Server software.

  7. Upgrade ASAP WebLogic Server domain to release 10.3.5.


    For information about performing an upgrade for WebLogic server domain, see the Installation Guide in Oracle WebLogic 10.3.5 documentation located at:

    For upgrades of ASAP, Oracle recommends to run the WebLogic Upgrade Wizard on the older WebLogic server domain to upgrade it to WebLogic Server 10.3.5.

    For information about the correct JDK required for your WebLogic Server, see "Software Requirements".

    The WebLogic Server upgrade scripts automatically creates a backup file for your WebLogic Server called Save this file in a secure location.

  8. Perform the procedures described in the "Configuring, Backing Up, and Starting WebLogic Before Installing ASAP".

  9. Start the WebLogic server domain for ASAP.

  10. Log in with the same user ID that you used to install the old version of ASAP.

  11. Source ASAP_home/Environment_Profile from the old version of ASAP.

    . ./Environment_Profile
  12. Untar the ASAP 7.2 software that you downloaded to a folder of your choice.

  13. (Optional) If the WebLogic Server and ASAP are installed on separate machines, do the following:

    1. Export the AWK_CMD variable:

      • On Solaris and AIX, export the variable with nawk:

        export AWK_CMD=nawk
    2. Where the WebLogic Server and domain are installed, run the following script:

  14. Run the following script:

    chmod u+x /asap_utils/

    This script performs the following tasks:

    • Validates the WebLogic Server version

    • Updates the config.xml, jdbc/, jms/ resource files in the new WebLogic domain

    • Updates the JNDI names from 5.2.4 or 7.0.x to the 7.2

    • Un-deploys the asap$ENV_ID.ear, cartridge_management_ws.ear, SecurityServices.ear, srt$ENV_ID.ear, removing the old 5.2.4 or 7.0.x WebLogic content for ASAP.


      Customizations related to these EAR files are not removed by this script. The customizations remains in ASAP 7.2 WebLogic domain.

  15. Restart the WebLogic Server domain.

  16. Shut down the current ASAP servers.

    stop_asap_sys -d
  17. Copy and unzip the InstallShield backup you created when you installed the old version of ASAP into the $HOME directory for your UNIX user account for ASAP.

    The installer must pick up all the information collected by the old installation contained in the InstallShield file. Certain install files including the file were created during the old installation and contain information about the components installed in an ASAP environment. The install files are stored under ~/InstallShield/Universal/common/Gen1/_vpddb directory. You must ensure that ASAP 7.2 installer refers to the existing file.

  18. In a terminal new session, do the following:

    1. Log in with the same user ID that you used to install the old version of ASAP.

    2. Using the console, export the following variables:

      export ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_client_home
      export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
    3. Update the path for the $ORACLE_HOME variable in the ASAP_home/Environment_Profile file in the old version of ASAP.

      export ORACLE_HOME=Oracle_client_home


      Do not source the $ASAP_BASE/Environment_Profile file.

    4. Export $TNS_ADMIN to the directory where the tnsnames.ora file is located (if required) using the following command:

      export TNS_ADMIN=tnsnames_file_directory_location
    5. Run the ASAP 7.2 installer (see "Installing ASAP").


      Some of the steps listed in the GUI installation do not appear when upgrading ASAP.

      Also, during the upgrade, WebLogic Server may throw the following error message, which can be ignored:

      <ERROR> <network.Element> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '3' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'> <Unset routing element :WL_Domain:name=System/UA77/ApplicationType/ServiceActivation/Application/1-0; 7-2;ASAP/Comp/routingElement/TORONTO-,type=routingElement> WL_Domain:name=System/UA77/ApplicationType/ServiceActivation/Application/1-0;7 -2;ASAP/Comp/routingElement/TORONTO-,type=routingElement

  19. Open ASAP_home/Environment_Profile and update the following environment variables:

    Update export DSQUERY="Oracle_SID"
    Update exportVERSION="\\\"Build_Number\\\"" 

    where Oracle_SID is the SID for the Oracle Database, and Build_number is the ASAP software build number.

  20. Re-install the SRT components (if required) after ASAP installs. See Service Request Translator User's Guide for more information.

Upgrading ASAP from a Single Database to a RAC Database

The following sections describe additional upgrade procedures required if you are upgrading from a single Oracle database instance to a RAC database instance.

Upgrading the Oracle Database, WebLogic, and ASAP Servers

To upgrade the Oracle Database and ASAP Servers:

  1. Upgrade the single instance database (see Table 11-4, "ASAP Software Component Upgrade Methods").

  2. Upgrade ASAP as described in "Upgrading from ASAP 5.2.4 or ASAP 7.0.x to ASAP 7.2".

  3. Stop ASAP.

  4. Migrate the upgraded single instance database to an Oracle RAC database. For instructions, see the Oracle Database documentation.

Creating WebLogic Generic and Multi Data Sources to the RAC Database

After upgrading ASAP and migrating the ASAP Oracle database content to an Oracle RAC database, you must delete the original WebLogic data sources that connected to the single database instance and create new WebLogic data sources as listed in Table 11-5. Each RAC database requires a single generic data source that are both members of a common multi data source.

Table 11-5 ASAP Data Source Migration

Original Data Source Name and JNDI Name New Data Source Name and JNDI Name



Generic data sources:

  • envid.ADMDataSource-1


  • envid.ADMDataSource-2


Multi Data Source:





Generic data sources:

  • envid.CTRLDataSource-1


  • envid.CTRLDataSource-2


Multi Data Source:





Generic data sources:

  • envid.NEPDataSource-1


  • envid.NEPDataSource-2


Multi Data Source:





Generic data sources:

  • envid.SARMDataSource-1


  • envid.SARMDataSource-2


Multi data source:





Generic data sources:

  • envid.SRPDataSource-1


  • envid.SRPDataSource-2


Multi data source:



To create new generic and multi data sources to a RAC database:

  1. Log into the WebLogic Server.

    The WebLogic Administration Console appears.

  2. Click Deployments.

  3. Select all Deployments

  4. Click Stop.

  5. Click Force Stop Now.

  6. Expand Services.

  7. Click Database Sources.

  8. Select all the original data sources listed in Table 11-5 except for the Admin data source. Do not select the RPC data source.

  9. Click Delete.

  10. You must create a generic data source for each RAC database. Click New.

  11. Click Generic Data Source.

    The Create a New JDBC Data Source screen appears.

  12. In the Name field, add the first new data source name listed in Table 11-5. For example, envid.ADMDataSource-1.

  13. In the JNDI Name field, add the first new JNDI name listed in Table 11-5. For example, System.envid.ApplicationType.ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.ADMDataSource-1.

  14. From the Database Type list, select Oracle.

  15. Click Next.

  16. From Database Drive list, select Oracle Driver for RAC Service-Instance connections; Version 10: and later.

  17. Click Next.

  18. Click Next.

  19. Do the following:

    1. In the Service Name field, enter the service name of the RAC database you want this data source to connect to.

    2. In the Database Name field, enter the database name for the RAC database you want this data source to connect to.

    3. In the Hostname field, enter the hostname for the RAC database you want this data source to connect to.

    4. in the Port field, enter the port number for the RAC database you want this data source to connect to.

    5. Enter the Database User Name for the Schema you want to create a data source for.

    6. Enter the Password for the ASAP schema you want to create a data source for.

    7. Confirm the Password for the ASAP schema you want to create a data source for.

  20. Click Next.

  21. Edit the URL field as follows:


    where ip_address, port, and service_name are the IP address, port number, and service name for a RAC database.

  22. Click Test Configuration.

  23. Do the following:

    • If the test succeed, click Next.

    • If the test did not succeed, review the steps in this procedure and check for configuration errors.

  24. In the Select Targets section, select Admin if ASAP is installed in a single Admin server or Managed Server if ASAP is installed with an Admin server and a managed server.

  25. Click Finish.

  26. Select the created data source.

  27. On the Transaction tab, deselect the Supports Global Transactions check box.

  28. Click Save.

  29. Repeat steps 6 to 28 for the second new data source name listed in Table 11-5. For example, envid.ADMDataSource-2 System.envid.ApplicationType.ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.ADMDataSource-2.

  30. You must create a multi data source for RAC that references these two data sources. Click New.

  31. Click Multi Data Source.

  32. In the Name field, enter the multi data source name listed in Table 11-5.

  33. In the JNDI Name field, enter the multi data source JNDI name listed in Table 11-5.

  34. From the Algorithm Type list, select Failover.

  35. Click Next.

  36. In the Select Targets section, select Admin if ASAP is installed in a single Admin server or Managed Server if ASAP is installed with an Admin server and a managed server. The target server should be the same one used for the original data sources.

  37. Click Next.

  38. Click Next.

  39. From the Data Source Available section, select the two generic data sources that correspond to the multi data source node you are creating.

  40. Click the right arrow to choose them.

  41. Click Finish.

  42. Repeat steps 6 to 41 for all remaining generic and multi data sources listed in Table 11-5.

  43. Click Services.

  44. Click Persistent Stores.

  45. Click envid.JMSJDBCStore.

  46. In the Target list, do one of the following:

    • Select AdminServer if ASAP is installed on a single administration server.

    • Select ManagedServer if ASAP is installed on an administration server with one or more managed servers.

  47. In the Data Source field, select the new multi data source for the Admin server. This step only applies to the Admin Server. All other servers used JDBC. The target server should be the same one used for the original data sources.

  48. Click Save.

  49. Click Database Sources.

  50. Select the old Admin data source.

  51. Click Delete.

  52. Restart the WebLogic server.

  53. Log into the WebLogic server.

    The WebLogic Administration Console appears.

  54. Click Deployments.

  55. Select all Deployments

  56. Click Start.

  57. Select Service All Requests.

Configuring the ASAP Environment for the RAC Database

To configure the ASAP environment for the RAC database:

  1. From the ASAP environment, source the ASAP_home/Environment_Profile.

  2. Open the Environment_Profile with a text editor.

  3. Search for DSQUERY.

  4. Change the value for DSQUERY to the new RAC database service name.

  5. Save the Environment_Profile.

  6. Open ASAP_home/ with a text editor.

  7. Change the values for DB_CONNECT to the new RAC database tnsname.ora DB_CONNECT values.

  8. Add the RACDB_CONNECT_STR parameter and set it to the RAC database connection string. This connection string repeats the IP addresses and port numbers for the RAC databases listed in the tnsnames.ora file in a different format. For example:


    Where host1 and host2 are the name or IP address of your RAC databases, port is the port number for the RAC databases, and servicename is the service name for the RAC databases.

  9. Restart ASAP.

Upgrading Stored Procedures for ASAP Servers

To upgrade ASAP server stored procedures:

  1. Change to the $ASAP_BASE/isql of ASAP 7.2:

    cd $ASAP_BASE/isql
  2. Run the following commands to upgrade the stored procedures:

    sqlplus $SARM_USER/sarm_db_password < sarm_procs.sql
    sqlplus $SARM_USER/sarm_db_password < oca_sarm_procs.sql
    sqlplus $CTRL_USER/control_db_password < control_procs.sql
    sqlplus $ADM_USER/admin_db_password < admin_procs.sql
    sqlplus $ADM_USER/admin_db_password < aims_procs.sql
    sqlplus $ADM_USER/admin_db_password < oca_admin_procs.sql
    sqlplus $SRP_USER/srp_db_password < srp_emul_procs.sql
    sqlplus $NEP_USER/nep_db_password < asc_nep_procs.sql
  3. Check the upgraded database object status as follows:


    The status of all database objects should be VALID. For example:

    /scripts/check_db_obj_status.ksh -U $SRP_USER -P srp_db_password

About Rolling Back ASAP

You can roll back to a previous version of ASAP by using the backup files that you created after you installed ASAP or before you started an upgrade (see "Creating a Backup of ASAP, WebLogic Domain, and ASAP Schemas").

If you are restoring a backup created on one machine to a different machine, ensure the following:

  • The new machine name must be identical to the old machine name.

  • The new user accounts and permissions should be identical to the old user accounts and permissions.

  • The IP addresses for the new box must be updated in the ASAP environment, WebLogic Domain, and ASAP database servers.

Ensure that you have installed the zip and unzip utility before you start the roll back procedures for the ASAP environment and WebLogic Domain.

The Oracle Database Server provides the impdp and expdp utilities to import and export database schemas.

Rolling Back the ASAP Environment

To roll back the ASAP environment, use the following procedure.

  1. From the directory that contains the old ASAP_home folder (where ASAP_home is the location of your ASAP server installation directory), use the unzip utility to unzip an ASAP backup file.


Rolling Back the WebLogic Domain

To roll back the WebLogic domain, use the following procedure:

  1. From the directory that contains the old WLS_domain_home folder (where WLS_domain_home is the location of your old WebLogic Server domain directory), use the unzip utility to unzip a WebLogic Domain backup file.


Rolling Back the ASAP Database

To roll back the ASAP Database, use the following procedure:

  1. Source the ASAP Environment_Profile in the ASAP_home folder (where ASAP_home is the location of your ASAP server installation directory).

    . ./Environment_Profile
  2. Drop all database users, if you are importing your database back into an environment where those users were already created.

    1. Log into your database using /as sysdba for the user-name.

    2. Enter the following commands to drop the ASAP users:

      drop user admenvid cascade;
      drop user sarmenvid cascade;
      drop user ctrlenvid cascade;
      drop user nepenvid cascade;
      drop user srpenvid cascade;

      Where envid is the environment ID for your ASAP instance.

    3. Log out of your database.

  3. Use the following command to restore the backup file for the Control, Admin, SARM, NEP, and SRP servers. Where password is the database system admin password and filename is the name that you gave your DMP file when you created the backup (see "Creating a Backup of the ASAP Schemas").

    impdp system/password SCHEMAS=$CTRL_USER,$SARM_USER,$ADM_USER,$NEP_USER,$SRP_USER DUMPFILE=filename.dmp


    When you run the impdp script, the script reports the following error five times, once for each ASAP server schema user:
    Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/EVENT/TRIGGER
    ORA-39083: Object type TRIGGER failed to create with error:
    ORA-04072: invalid trigger type
    Failing sql is:

    Ignore these messages since they are false.