Oracle® Communications ASAP System Administrator's Guide
Release 7.2
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1 Starting and Stopping ASAP

This chapter describes how to start and stop Oracle Communications ASAP.

Starting ASAP

The Control server creates a list of ASAP processes for each ASAP territory and system. The list enables the components of all ASAP systems in a territory to be specified and maintained in a single database.

In a particular ASAP implementation, there can be many territories. A territory is the geographical area served by the ASAP system. A Control server manages all applications and processes within the territory. Territories are generally mutually exclusive because there is no communication between ASAP systems in different territories.

The Control server determines each application's details from the static database table tbl_appl_proc. This table specifies whether each application is a client or a server and specifies whether each application process should start automatically or manually, the sequence in which applications are to be started, and the diagnostic details of the process.

When ASAP is started, the Control servers on each machine in the network are started first. The primary Control server then either starts each ASAP application process individually (or sequentially) on its local machine, or instructs one of the secondary Control servers to start the application process on its machine. Every Control server determines the application details from a static database configuration table.

To shut down an ASAP application, you must submit a request to the Control server that manages the shutdown.

Using the Control server for all startup and shutdown activities provides a consistent approach to starting and stopping the system, and provides the ability to start ASAP processes on remote machines when ASAP is in a distributed environment.

Oracle recommends that you restart ASAP when:

Scripts are provided to start up and shut down an entire ASAP instance or individuals application components.

When the Control server is requested to start an ASAP application, the Control server performs the following steps:

If the spawned application is a server, the parent Control server process goes into a retry loop and attempts to open a network connection to the newly created application process. If the connection to the application process is not established, a system event is issued and the Control server terminates the application server.


You must define the server application name within the brackets [ ] in the header for each Server Configuration Parameters section in the ASAP.cfg file. You must define the server application name for each section, for example, the CTRL, SRP, SARM, NEP, and ADMIN. There can be no empty brackets [ ] in any of the sections in the Server Configuration Parameters, otherwise system errors occur.

Starting All ASAP Servers

Use the start_asap_sys script located in the ASAP_home/scripts folder to start all ASAP servers (where ASAP_home is location of the ASAP installation).

After you start the WebLogic Server domain for ASAP and the ASAP database instance, you can call the start_asap_sys script to start the entire ASAP system.


The start_asap_sys script must be started from the host that the primary Control server resides on. However, if you want to start ASAP remotely, R-shell into the host where the primary Control server resides.

This script does the following:

  • Starts the ASAP Control server from the command line.

  • Verifies that the Control server is running.

  • Starts all configured ASAP application components in the ASAP system and territory in the sequence defined in the database.


start_asap_sys [-d] [ -U ] [ -P ] [ -n ][ -a ] [ -m] [ SlaveCtrl ... ][ -C ]


start_asap_sys -h

Table 1-1 lists and describes the arguments for the start_asap_sys script.

Table 1-1 start_asap_sys Arguments

Argument Description


Development mode. If used, do not specify -U or -P options.

- U

The control database user ID.

- P

The password for the user ID.

- n

Indicates that no Control server should be started as a result of running this script, however, any other lapsed server should restart.

- a

An ASAP profile to be sourced before starting up Remote or Slave Control servers.

- m

The master Control server. This option is specified with -m. The -p option can be used to specify compatibility with a previous version of this script.


The slave Control server(s) to start.

- C

Starts ASAP services concurrently, rather than sequentially.


Displays command help.

When you start the ASAP servers, you must observe the following logic:

  • If you do not specify the master Control server in the command, the script obtains the master server specification from the environment variable $MASTER_CONTROL. You specify the master Control server in the command line using the -m option otherwise the script uses the $MASTER _CONTROL environment variable.

  • If you do not specify a Control server name, the slave Control servers identified in the environment variable $SLAVE_CONTROL_ SERVERS are started. $SLAVE_CONTROL_SERVERS should provide the real names of the slave Control servers as follows:

SLAVE_CONTROL_SERVERS=”SlaveCtrl1[:Host1] ... 
SlaveCtrlN[:hostN]” export SLAVE_CONTROL_SERVERS

If $SLAVE_CONTROL_SERVERS is not set, only the master Control server is started.

For example:


  • If the host is not specified with a Slave Control server, the interfaces file $SYBASE/interfaces is searched to find the host for that server.

  • If the host for a slave server is not given or cannot be determined by looking in the interfaces file, the Control server is not started.

  • If an ASAP profile is specified in the command line, it is sourced before starting the Slave Control servers.

  • If no ASAP profile is specified, the profile specified in the environment variable Environment_Profile is sourced before starting the Control servers.

  • If Environment_Profile is not set, Slave Control servers are not started.

  • To start a Control server on a host, the ASAP user must have permission to use rsh to the host from the current host.

Starting the Control Server

Use the start_control_sys script located in the ASAP_home/scripts folder to start the ASAP Control server (where ASAP_home is location of the ASAP installation).

This script observes the same logic as start_asap_sys.

After you start the WebLogic Server domain for ASAP and the Oracle database, you can call the start_control_sys script to start the ASAP Control server(s). Application servers are not started with this script.

The start_control_sys script does the following:

  • Starts the ASAP Control server. The standard input, output, and error from this startup are sent to the ASAP.Console file. The ASAP.Console file contains standard input, standard output, and errors that are sent to a console screen. The ASAP.Console file records any startup errors.

  • Verifies that the Control server is running.


start_control_sys [-d] [ -U ] [ -P ] [ -a ] [ -m ] [ SlaveCtrl ... ]

Table 1-2 lists and describes the arguments for the start_control_sys script.

Table 1-2 start_control_sys Arguments

Argument Description


The control database user ID.


The password for the user ID.


Development mode. If used, do not specify -U or -P options.


An ASAP profile to be sourced before starting up Remote or Slave Control servers.


The master Control server. This option is specified with “-m”; “-p” can be used to specify compatibility with a previous version of this script.


The slave Control server(s) to start.

Starting the ASAP Daemon

When using an ASAP application that interfaces with the WebLogic Server (such as the Java SRP, SACT, or SADT), you must start the WebLogic Server first, and then start the ASAP Daemon prior to starting the specified ASAP applications.


The start_asap_sys script also starts the ASAP Daemon.

When you use an application that uses the WebLogic Server, and that application calls an IO operation against the ASAP instance, the WebLogic Server sends a remote file request or a remote command to the ASAP daemon. All WebLogic Server IO operations against the ASAP instance are handled by the daemon server process.

You can start the ASAP daemon through using a start server command, or through a wrapping script. If starting the ASAP daemon using the start server command, start ASAP first.

Starting ASAP Daemon Using a Start Command

Oracle recommends that you start the ASAP daemon using the following command.

After you have started ASAP, type:

startc -d $DAEM

The ASAP daemon is started.

Starting ASAP Daemon Using a Wrapping Script

You can optionally use the following script to start the ASAP daemon server:

asapd -start -d | -password control_password -port port [-asap_base asap_base_dir] [-sybase sybase_dir]

Use the following script to stop the ASAP daemon server:

asapd -stop -d | -password control_password -url host:port

The following command displays help information (see Table 1-3):

asapd -h

Table 1-3 asapd Arguments

Argument Description


Used in development mode only.

-port=[port number]

Specifies a port number on which the ASAP daemon listens for requests from the WebLogic applications in the current ASAP instance. On the WebLogic Server, the daemon client configuration must contain an identical port number. In other words, when starting an ASAP Daemon server, the port number must be identical to the port that is referenced in the WebLogic Server jmx_connector descriptor.

-password=[control password]

This optional argument specifies the control password for authentication purposes. In a development environment, if the password is missing, the script attempts to obtain the password from the environment.

-asap_base=[ASAP base directory]

This optional argument specifies the ASAP base path that the current ASAP instance works on. In a development environment, if the base path is missing, the script attempts to obtain the path from the environment.

-sybase=Sybase interfaces directory

This optional argument specifies the parent directory of the Sybase interfaces file used by the current ASAP instance. In a development environment, if this reference is not specified, the script will attempt to obtain the path from the environment.


Displays a help screen.

For more information on configuring the ASAP daemon, refer to ASAP Developer's Guide.

Confirming that ASAP Started Successfully

To verify the status of each server process, use the following procedure:

  1. From a UNIX terminal, source the ASAP_home/Environment_Profile (where ASAP_home is location of the ASAP installation).

    . ./Environment_Profile
  2. Enter the following command:

               **** ASAP Application Status ****
    #  CPU       PID      Program                        Application Location
    -- --------- -------- ------------------------------ ----------- --------
    1  0:01      796      $ASAP_BASE/programs/ctrl_svr   CTRLdc2     LOCAL
    2  0:01      900      $ASAP_BASE/programs/fork_agent CTRLdc2     LOCAL
    3  0:01      978      $ASAP_BASE/programs/admn_svr   ADM_dc2     LOCAL
    4  0:01      1019     $ASAP_BASE/programs/srp_emul   SRP_dc2     LOCAL
    5  0:05      993      java                           DAEMdc2     LOCAL
    6  0:11      945      java                           JNEP_dc2    LOCAL
    7  0:02      960      $ASAP_BASE/programs/asc_nep    NEP_dc2     LOCAL
    8  0:02      984      $ASAP_BASE/programs/sarm       SARMdc2     LOCAL
               **** End of Application Status ****
  3. Verify that all the server processes you wanted to start appear in the output from the status command.

Stopping ASAP

To shut down ASAP, a script called stop_asap_sys is provided in the ASAP_home/scripts folder (where ASAP_home is location of the ASAP installation). This script terminates the ASAP applications in the inverse order to which they were started.

In the distributed environment, the Control servers must be stopped separately on each machine in the network. This is supported by the stop_asap_sys script.