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Oracle GlassFish Server 3.1 Add-On Component Development Guide
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Document Information


1.   Introduction to the Development Environment for GlassFish Server Add-On Components

2.  Writing HK2 Components

3.  Extending the Administration Console

4.  Extending the asadmin Utility

About the Administrative Command Infrastructure of GlassFish Server

Adding an asadmin Subcommand

Representing an asadmin Subcommand as a Java Class

Specifying the Name of an asadmin Subcommand

Ensuring That an AdminCommand Implementation Is Stateless

Example of Adding an asadmin Subcommand

Adding Parameters to an asadmin Subcommand

Representing a Parameter of an asadmin Subcommand

Identifying a Parameter of an asadmin Subcommand

Specifying Whether a Parameter Is an Option or an Operand

Specifying the Name of an Option

Specifying the Long Form of an Option Name

Specifying the Short Form of an Option Name

Specifying the Acceptable Values of a Parameter

Specifying the Default Value of a Parameter

Specifying Whether a Parameter Is Required or Optional

Example of Adding Parameters to an asadmin Subcommand

Making asadmin Subcommands Cluster-Aware

Specifying Allowed Targets

The Target Utility

Specifying asadmin Subcommand Execution

Subcommand Preprocessing and Postprocessing

Running a Command from Another Command

Adding Message Text Strings to an asadmin Subcommand

Enabling an asadmin Subcommand to Run

Setting the Context of an asadmin Subcommand

Changing the Brand in the GlassFish Server CLI

Examples of Extending the asadmin Utility

Implementing Create, Delete, and List Commands Using Annotations

Command Patterns


The @Create Annotation

The @Delete Annotation

The @Listing Annotation

Create Command Decorators

Delete Command Decorators

Specifying Command Execution

Using Multiple Command Annotations

5.  Adding Monitoring Capabilities

6.  Adding Configuration Data for a Component

7.  Adding Container Capabilities

8.  Creating a Session Persistence Module

9.  Packaging, Integrating, and Delivering an Add-On Component

A.  Integration Point Reference


Examples of Extending the asadmin Utility

Example 4-5 asadmin Subcommand With Empty execute Method

This example shows a class that represents the asadmin subcommand create-mycontainer.

The usage statement for this subcommand is as follows:

asadmin create-mycontainer --originator any-character-string
[--description any-character-string]
[--enabled {true|false}]  any-character-string

This subcommand uses injection to specify that a running domain is required.

package com.example.mycontainer;

import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommandContext;
import org.glassfish.api.I18n;
import org.glassfish.api.Param;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Inject;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Scoped;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.PerLookup;

 * Sample subcommand
public Class CreateMycontainer implements AdminCommand {

    Domain domain;

    String originator;

    @Param(name="description", optional=true)
    String mycontainerDescription

    @Param (acceptableValues="true,false", defaultValue="false", optional=true)
    String enabled
    String containername;

     * Executes the subcommand with the subcommand parameters passed as Properties 
     * where the keys are the paramter names and the values the parameter values
     * @param context information 
    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {
        // domain and originator are not null
        // mycontainerDescription can be null.

The following message text strings are defined in the file for use by the subcommand:

create-mycontainer.command=Creates a custom container
create-mycontainer.command.originator=The originator of the container 
create-mycontainer.command.mydesc=A description of the container
create-mycontainer.command.enabled=Whether the container is enabled or disabled
create-mycontainer.command.containername=The container name

Example 4-6 asadmin Subcommand for Retrieving and Displaying Information

This example shows a class that represents the asadmin subcommand list-runtime-environment. The subcommand determines the operating system or runtime information for GlassFish Server.

The usage statement for this subcommand is as follows:

asadmin list-runtime-environment{runtime|os}
package com.example.env.cli;

import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommandContext;
import org.glassfish.api.ActionReport;
import org.glassfish.api.I18n;
import org.glassfish.api.ActionReport.ExitCode;
import org.glassfish.api.Param;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Inject;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Scoped;
import org.jvnet.hk2.component.PerLookup;


 * Demos asadmin CLI extension
public class ListRuntimeEnvironmentCommand implements AdminCommand {
    // this value can be either runtime or os for our demo
    String inParam;
    public void execute(AdminCommandContext context) {

        ActionReport report = context.getActionReport();

        // If the inParam is 'os' then this subcommand returns operating system
        // info and if the inParam is 'runtime' then it returns runtime info.
        // Both of the above are based on mxbeans.

        if ("os".equals(inParam)) {
            OperatingSystemMXBean osmb = ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
            report.setMessage("Your machine operating system name = " + osmb.getName());
        } else if ("runtime".equals(inParam)) {
            RuntimeMXBean rtmb = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean();
            report.setMessage("Your JVM name = " + rtmb.getVmName());
        } else {
            report.setMessage("operand should be either 'os' or 'runtime'");


Example 4-7 asadmin Subcommand for Updating Configuration Data

This example shows a class that represents the asadmin subcommand configure-greeter-container. The subcommand performs a transaction to update configuration data for a container component. For more information about such transactions, see Creating a Transaction to Update Configuration Data.

The usage statement for this subcommand is as follows:

asadmin configure-greeter-container --instances instances [--language language] [--style style]

The acceptable values and default value of each option of the subcommand are shown in the following table. The table also indicates whether each option is optional or required.

Acceptable Values
Default value
Optional or Required
An integer in the range 1–10
english, norsk, or francais
formal, casual, or expansive

Code for the container component is shown in Example of Adding Container Capabilities.

Code that defines the configuration data for the container component is shown in Examples of Adding Configuration Data for a Component.

package org.glassfish.examples.extension.greeter.config;

import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommand;
import org.glassfish.api.admin.AdminCommandContext;
import org.glassfish.api.Param;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Service;
import org.jvnet.hk2.annotations.Inject;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Transactions;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.ConfigSupport;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.SingleConfigCode;
import org.jvnet.hk2.config.TransactionFailure;

import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;

@Service(name = "configure-greeter-container")
public class ConfigureGreeterContainerCommand implements AdminCommand {

    @Param(acceptableValues = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", defaultValue = "5")
    String instances;
    @Param(acceptableValues = "english,norsk,francais", defaultValue = "norsk",
    optional = true)
    String language;
    @Param(acceptableValues = "formal,casual,expansive", defaultValue = "formal",
    optional = true)
    String style;
    GreeterContainerConfig config;

    public void execute(AdminCommandContext adminCommandContext) {
        try {
            ConfigSupport.apply(new SingleConfigCode<GreeterContainerConfig>() {

                public Object run(GreeterContainerConfig greeterContainerConfig)
                        throws PropertyVetoException, TransactionFailure {
                    return null;
            }, config);
        } catch (TransactionFailure e) {
