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Oracle GlassFish Server Message Queue 4.5 Administration Guide
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Document Information


Part I Introduction to Message Queue Administration

1.  Administrative Tasks and Tools

2.  Quick-Start Tutorial

Part II Administrative Tasks

3.  Starting Brokers and Clients

4.  Configuring a Broker

5.  Managing a Broker

6.  Configuring and Managing Connection Services

7.  Managing Message Delivery

8.  Configuring Persistence Services

9.  Configuring and Managing Security Services

10.  Configuring and Managing Broker Clusters

11.  Managing Administered Objects

12.  Configuring and Managing Bridge Services

13.  Monitoring Broker Operations

14.  Analyzing and Tuning a Message Service

15.  Troubleshooting

Part III Reference

16.  Command Line Reference

17.  Broker Properties Reference

18.  Physical Destination Property Reference

19.  Administered Object Attribute Reference

20.  JMS Resource Adapter Property Reference

21.  Metrics Information Reference

22.  JES Monitoring Framework Reference

Part IV Appendixes

A.  Distribution-Specific Locations of Message Queue Data

B.  Stability of Message Queue Interfaces

C.  HTTP/HTTPS Support

HTTP/HTTPS Support Architecture

Enabling HTTP/HTTPS Support

Step 1 (HTTPS Only): Generating a Self-Signed Certificate for the Tunnel Servlet

Step 2 (HTTPS Only): Specifying the Key Store Location and Password

To Specify the Location and Password of the Certificate Key Store

Step 3 (HTTPS Only): Validating and Installing the Server's Self-Signed Certificate

To Validate and Install the Server's Self-Signed Certificate

Step 4 (HTTP and HTTPS): Deploying the Tunnel Servlet

To Deploy the HTTP or HTTPS Tunnel Servlet

Modifying the Application Server's Security Policy File

Step 5 (HTTP and HTTPS): Configuring the Connection Service

To Activate the httpjms or httpsjms Connection Service

Step 6 (HTTP and HTTPS): Configuring a Connection

Installing a Root Certificate (HTTPS Only)

Configuring the Connection Factory (HTTP and HTTPS)

Using a Single Servlet to Access Multiple Brokers (HTTP and HTTPS)

Using an HTTP Proxy


Server or Broker Failure

Client Failure to Connect Through the Tunnel Servlet

If a Client Cannot Connect

D.  JMX Support

E.  Frequently Used Command Utility Commands


To Activate the httpjms or httpsjms Connection Service

  1. Open the broker’s instance configuration file.

    The instance configuration file is named and is located in IMQ_VARHOME/instances/instanceName/props.

  2. Add httpjms or httpsjms to the list of active connection services.

    Add the value httpjms or httpsjms to the imq.service.activelist property: for example,



  3. Set any other HTTP/HTTPS-related configuration properties as needed.

    At startup, the broker looks for an application server or Web server and an HTTP or HTTPS tunnel servlet running on its local host machine. If necessary, you can reconfigure the broker to access a remote tunnel servlet instead, by setting the servletHost and servletPort properties appropriately (see Table C-2): for example,

    imq.httpjms.http.servletHost=helios imq.httpjms.http.servletPort=7675

    You can also improve performance by reconfiguring the connection service’s pullPeriod property. This specifies the interval, in seconds, at which each client issues HTTP/HTTPS requests to pull messages from the broker. With the default value of -1, the client will keep one such request pending at all times, ready to pull messages as fast as possible. With a large number of clients, this can cause a heavy drain on server resources, causing the server to become unresponsive. Setting the pullPeriod property to a positive value configures the client’s HTTP/HTTPS transport driver to wait that many seconds between pull requests, conserving server resources at the expense of increased response times to clients.

    The connectionTimeout property specifies the interval, in seconds, that the client runtime waits for a response from the HTTP/HTTPS tunnel servlet before throwing an exception, as well as the time the broker waits after communicating with the tunnel servlet before freeing a connection. (A timeout is necessary in this case because the broker and the tunnel servlet have no way of knowing if a client that is accessing the tunnel servlet has terminated abnormally.)

Step 6 (HTTP and HTTPS): Configuring a Connection

To make HTTP/HTTPS connections to a broker, a client application needs an appropriately configured connection factory administered object. Before configuring the connection factory, clients wishing to use secure HTTPS connections must also have access to SSL libraries provided by the Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) and must obtain a trusted root certificate.

Installing a Root Certificate (HTTPS Only)

If the root certificate of the certification authority (CA) that signed your application server’s (or Web server’s) certificate is not in the trust store by default, or if you are using a proprietary application server or Web server certificate, you must install the root certificate in the trust store. (This step is not needed for ordinary, non-secure HTTP connections, or if the CA’s root certificate is already in the trust store by default.)