System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System

IPv6 Zone Network Address

If you are using IPv6, you must manually configure the address. Typically, at least the following two types of addresses must be configured:

Link-local address

A link-local address is of the form fe80::64-bit interface ID/10. The /10 indicates a prefix length of 10 bits.

Address formed from a global prefix configured on the subnet

A global unicast address is based off a 64–bit prefix that the administrator configures for each subnet, and a 64-bit interface ID. The prefix can also be obtained by running the ifconfig command with the -a6 option on any system on the same subnet that has been configured to use IPv6.

The 64–bit interface ID is typically derived from a system's MAC address. For zones use, an alternate address that is unique can be derived from the global zone's IPv4 address as follows:

16 bits of zero:upper 16 bits of IPv4 address:lower 16 bits of IPv4 address:a zone-unique number

For example, if the global zone's IPv4 address is, a suitable link-local address for a non-global zone using a zone-unique number of 1 is fe80::c0a8:c80a:1/10. If the global prefix in use on that subnet is 2001:0db8:aabb:ccdd/64, a unique global unicast address for the same non-global zone is 2001:0db8:aabb:ccdd::c0a8:c80a:1/64. Note that you must specify a prefix length when configuring an IPv6 address.

For more information about link-local and global unicast addresses, see the inet6(7P) ma page.