ChorusOS 4.0 Introduction


If the DebugServer process is terminated, RDBS will attempt to reconnect to a new DebugServer process automatically. If there was a debugging session open at the time, the single process representing the ChorusOS operating system will be killed, and the debugging context lost. You will need to re-grab the process after RDBS has reconnected to the new DebugServer. If this does not work, then kill and restart RDBS.

If the target is rebooted, the single process representing the ChorusOS operating system will appear in the XRAY output window first as killed, and shortly after as restarted. XRAY will then attempt to reinsert all previously set breakpoints and promote them from thread-specific to global. Any breakpoints that cannot be reinserted will be deleted.

If you stop the system while it is waiting for console input, it will not resume until you provide some keyboard input.

Currently, the DebugServer does not offer access to the target's ChorusOS IPC ports. RDBS will report this by printing a warning message on start-up.

If a given symbols is present in several actors, or in several modules in a single actor (a static symbol, for example), then you can use the ps /f symbol_name command to display all of the occurrences of the symbol, complete with a full pathname. The full pathname is of the @binary_file\\module\symbol_name form. Use this full pathname to reference symbols which not in the current scope.

Because XRAY asks for a thread list each time a debugged process stops, and generating the list takes a long time during system debugging, the thread list shown in the Threads Manager is simplified. It does not include fields names, such as actor names, and is only updated when the current thread changes. The full thread list is available from the Resource Viewer or through the dallthreads command. Per-actor threads can be displayed with the command dthreads=aid. You can force the full thread list to be displayed, both in the Resource Viewer and in the Threads Manager, by permanently leaving the Resource Viewer window open on the thread list.