ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

The Top' Level Driver Directory

For this example, the new directory will be called MYDRV_SRC_DIR. This root-level directory must contain the following two files:

Example A-1 New driver: Makefile.bin



The COMPONENT macro defines a list of components that will be processed in the build phase. The MYDRV source component is added to this list.

Example A-2 New driver: Makefile.src


all:: MYDRV.all 


        cd $(MYDRV_DIR); $(MAKE)
        touch $(MYDRV_DIR)/DONE

$(MYDRV_DIR)/Makefile: $(MYDRV_SRC)/Imakefile
        sh $(DEVTOOLS_DIR)/ChorusOSMkMf $(BUILD_DIR)
                         -s $(MYDRV_SRC) -b $(MYDRV_DIR) -d $(MYDRV_DIR)
        cd $(MYDRV_DIR); $(MAKE) Makefiles

This makefile defines the MYDRV.all target used to compile and link the MYDRV source files. The ChorusOSMkMf tool is used to create Makefiles from Imakefiles (see the ChorusOSMkMf(1CC) manpage for more details). The MYDRV_DIR variable is automatically set to $(BUILD_DIR)/build-MYDRV. This directory will be used as the build directory, for example where sources are compiled and linked. It will be used also as the binary delivery directory, for example where includes and binaries are exported.

Note -

These two files, Makefile.bin and Makefile.src , are referenced in the $BUILD_DIR/Makefile, which resides at the root of the build directory. The contents of both files should not be changed.