ChorusOS 4.0 Porting Guide

The Driver Directory

In this example, for a keyboard driver, the driver class directory would be MYDRV_SRC_DIR/src/keybrd, along with all other keyboard drivers.

The keybrd.h include file defines the DDI interface of this new driver. This include file must be exported to a well-known place in order for it to be accessible to a client of this driver. For example:

#include <ddi/keybrd/keybrd.h>
For this reason, a DistFile macro appears in the Imakefile, as follows:

#define IHaveSubdirs  
SUBDIRS = zl345y  
DistFile(keybrd.h, $(DIST_DIR)/include/chorus/ddi/keybrd) 

The Imakefile also contains a list of keyboard drivers for different chips.