Sun Cluster 3.1 System Administration Guide

Example—Checking the Status of Cluster Components

The following example provides a sample of status information for cluster components returned by scstat(1M).

% scstat -p
-- Cluster Nodes --
                    Node name           Status
                    ---------           ------
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-1      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-2      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-3      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-4      Online
-- Cluster Transport Paths --
                    Endpoint            Endpoint            Status
                    --------            --------            ------
  Transport path:   phys-schost-1:qfe1 phys-schost-4:qfe1 Path online
  Transport path:   phys-schost-1:hme1 phys-schost-4:hme1 Path online
-- Quorum Summary --
  Quorum votes possible:      6
  Quorum votes needed:        4
  Quorum votes present:       6
-- Quorum Votes by Node --
                    Node Name           Present Possible Status
                    ---------           ------- -------- ------
  Node votes:       phys-schost-1      1        1       Online
  Node votes:       phys-schost-2      1        1       Online
-- Quorum Votes by Device --
                    Device Name         Present Possible Status 
                    -----------         ------- -------- ------ 
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d2s2  1        1       Online 
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d8s2  1        1       Online 
-- Device Group Servers --
                         Device Group        Primary             Secondary
                         ------------        -------             ---------
  Device group servers:  rmt/1               -                   -
  Device group servers:  rmt/2               -                   -
  Device group servers:  schost-1           phys-schost-2      phys-schost-1
  Device group servers:  schost-3           -                   -
-- Device Group Status --
                              Device Group        Status              
                              ------------        ------              
  Device group status:        rmt/1               Offline
  Device group status:        rmt/2               Offline
  Device group status:        schost-1            Online
  Device group status:        schost-3            Offline
-- Resource Groups and Resources --
            Group Name          Resources
            ----------          ---------
 Resources: test-rg             test_1
 Resources: real-property-rg    -
 Resources: failover-rg         -
 Resources: descript-rg-1       -
-- Resource Groups --
            Group Name          Node Name           State
            ----------          ---------           -----
     Group: test-rg             phys-schost-1      Offline
     Group: test-rg             phys-schost-2      Offline
-- Resources --
            Resource Name       Node Name           State     Status Message
            -------------       ---------           -----     --------------
  Resource: test_1              phys-schost-1      Offline   Offline
  Resource: test_1              phys-schost-2      Offline   Offline
-- IPMP Groups --
              Node Name         Group   	 Status         Adapter   Status
              ---------         -----   	 ------         -------   ------
  IPMP Group: phys-schost-1     sc_ipmp0   Online         qfe1      Online

  IPMP Group: phys-schost-2     sc_ipmp0   Online         qfe1      Online
