Sun Cluster 3.1 10/03 Data Services Developer's Guide

Stopping the Application

The Stop method provides a two-tiered approach to stopping the data service: an orderly or smooth approach using a SIGTERM signal through pmfadm and an abrupt or hard approach using a SIGKILL signal. The Stop method obtains the Stop_timeout value (the amount of time in which the Stop method must return). Stop then allocates 80% of this time to stopping smoothly and 15% to stopping abruptly (5% is reserved), as shown in the following sample.




The Stop method uses pmfadm -q to verify that the DNS daemon is running. If it is, Stop first uses pmfadm -s to send a TERM signal to terminate the DNS process. If this signal fails to terminate the process after 80% of the timeout value has expired Stop sends a SIGKILL signal. If this signal also fails to terminate the process within 15% of the timeout value, the method logs an error message and exits with error status.

If pmfadm terminates the process, the method logs a message that the process has stopped and exits with success.

If the DNS process is not running, the method logs a message that it is not running and exits with success anyway. The following code sample shows how Stop uses pmfadm to stop the DNS process.

# See if in.named is running, and if so, kill it. 
if pmfadm -q $PMF_TAG; then 
   # Send a SIGTERM signal to the data service and wait for 80% of
   # total timeout value.
   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 
      logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
          “${ARGV0} Failed to stop HA-DNS with SIGTERM; Retry with \
      # Since the data service did not stop with a SIGTERM signal, use 
      # SIGKILL now and wait for another 15% of the total timeout value.
      pmfadm -s $PMF_TAG -w $HARD_TIMEOUT KILL
      if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
          logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
          -t [$SYSLOG_TAG]
          “${ARGV0} Failed to stop HA-DNS; Exiting UNSUCCESFUL”
          exit 1
   # The data service is not running as of now. Log a message and 
   # exit success.
   logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
           -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
           “HA-DNS is not started”

   # Even if HA-DNS is not running, exit success to avoid putting
   # the data service resource in STOP_FAILED State.

   exit 0


# Could successfully stop DNS. Log a message and exit success.
logger -p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err \
    “HA-DNS successfully stopped”
exit 0