Sun Cluster Data Service for SAP DB Guide for Solaris OS

How to Enable SAP DB to Run in a Cluster

  1. Create a failover resource group to contain the SAP DB application resources and the logical hostname for the SAP DB resource.

    Use the resource group that you identified when you answered the questions in Configuration Planning Questions.

    # scrgadm -a -g sapdb-rg[ -h nodelist]

    Specifies that a new configuration is to be added.

    -g sapdb-rg

    Specifies that the resource group that you are creating is named sapdb-rg.

    -h nodelist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of nodes where the resource group can be brought online. Specifying a node list is optional. If you omit the node list, the resource group can be brought online on all cluster nodes.

  2. Ensure that all network resources that you intend to you use are added to your name service database.

  3. Add a logical hostname resource to the failover resource group that you created in Step 1.

    # scrgadm -a -L -g sapdb-rg -l  sapdb-logical-hostname[ -n netiflist]

    Specifies that a new configuration is to be added.


    Species that a logical hostname resource is to be added.

    -g sapdb-rg

    Specifies that the logical hostname resource is to be added to the failover resource group that you created in Step 1.

    -l sapdb-logical-hostname

    Specifies the logical hostname of the server on which the database is running. This hostname must be the logical hostname for the SAP DB resource that you specified in Configuration Planning Questions.

    -n netiflist

    Specifies a comma-separated list of network interfaces. All nodes in the node list of the resource group must be represented in the list of network interfaces. Specifying a list of network interfaces is optional. If you omit the list, an attempt is made for each node to discover a network interface on the subnet that the hostname list identifies.

  4. Enable the resource group that you created in Step 1.

    # scswitch -Z -g sapdb-rg

    Moves a resource group to the MANAGED state and brings the resource group online

    -g sapdb-rg

    Specifies that the resource group that you created in Step 1 is to be moved to the MANAGED state and brought online

Example 1–5 Enabling SAP DB to Run in a Cluster

This example shows the sequence of commands that are required to enable SAP DB to run in a cluster. The commands are run on only one cluster node.

  1. The following command creates a failover resource group to contain the SAP DB application resources and the logical hostname for the SAP DB resource. The resource group is named sapdbrg. The sapdbrg resource group can be brought online on all cluster nodes.

    # scrgadm -a -g sapdbrg
  2. The following command adds a logical hostname resource to the sapdbrg resource group. The logical hostname of the server on which the database is running is srvr-1. When the sapdbrg resource group is brought online, an attempt is made for each node to discover a network interface on the subnet that the hostname list identifies.

    # scrgadm -a -L -g sapdbrg -l srvr-1 
  3. The following command moves the sapdbrg resource group to the MANAGED state and brings the resource group online.

    # scswitch -Z -g sapdbrg