Sun Cluster System Administration Guide for Solaris OS

Beginning to Administer the Cluster

Table 1–2 provides a starting point for administering your cluster.

Table 1–2 Sun Cluster 3.1 4/04 Administration Tools




Log in to the Cluster Remotely 

Use the ccp command to launch the Cluster Control Panel (CCP). Then select one of the following icons: cconsole(1M), crlogin(1M), or ctelnet(1M).

How to Log In to Sun Cluster Remotely

Configure the Cluster Interactively 

Launch thescsetup(1M) utility.

How to Access the scsetup Utility

Display Sun Cluster Release Number and Version Information 

Use the scinstall(1M) command with either the -p or -pv options.

How to Display Sun Cluster Release and Version Information

Display Installed Resources, Resource Groups, and Resource Types 

Note –

Resource type, resource group, and resource property names are case insensitive when executing scrgadm.

Use the scrgadm(1M) -p command.

How to Display Configured Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Resources

Monitor Cluster Components Graphically 

Use SunPlex Manager or the Sun Cluster module for Sun Management Center (which is available with Sun Cluster on SPARC based systems only). 

SunPlex Manager or Sun Cluster module for Sun Management Center online help 

Administer Some Cluster Components Graphically 

Use SunPlex Manager or the Sun Cluster module for Sun Management Center (which is available with Sun Cluster on SPARC based systems only). 

SunPlex Manager or Sun Cluster module for Sun Management Center online help 

Check the Status of Cluster Components 

Use the scstat(1M) command.

How to Check the Status of Cluster Components

Check the Status of IP Network Multipathing Groups on the Public Network 

Use thescstat(1M) command with the -i option.

How to Check the Status of the Public Network

View the Cluster Configuration 

Use the scconf(1M) -p command.

How to View the Cluster Configuration

Check Global Mount Points 

Use the sccheck(1M) command.

How to Validate a Basic Cluster Configuration

Look at Sun Cluster System Messages 

Examine the/var/adm/messages file.

Solaris 9 System Administrator Collection “Viewing System Messages” in System Administration Guide: Advanced Administration

Monitor the Status of Solstice DiskSuite 

Use the metastat commands.

Solstice DiskSuite/Solaris Volume Manager documentation 

Monitor the Status of VERITAS Volume Manager if running Solaris 8 

Use the vxstat or vxva commands.

VERITAS Volume Manager documentation 

Monitor the Status of Solaris Volume Manager if running Solaris 9 

Use the svmstatcommand

Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide

How to Log In to Sun Cluster Remotely

The Cluster Control Panel (CCP) provides a launch pad for cconsole(1M), crlogin(1M), and ctelnet(1M) tools. All three tools start a multiple window connection to a set of specified nodes. The multiple-window connection consists of a host window for each of the specified nodes and a common window. Input to the common window is sent to each of the host windows, allowing you to run commands simultaneously on all nodes of the cluster. See the ccp(1M) and cconsole(1M) man pages for more information.

  1. Verify that the following prerequisites are met before starting the CCP.

    • Install the SUNWccon package on the administrative console.

    • Make sure the PATH variable on the administrative console includes the Sun Cluster tools directory, /opt/SUNWcluster/bin, and /usr/cluster/bin. You can specify an alternate location for the tools directory by setting the $CLUSTER_HOME environment variable.

    • Configure the clusters file, the serialports file, and the nsswitch.conf file if using a terminal concentrator. The files can be either /etc files or NIS/NIS+ databases. See clusters(4) and serialports(4) for more information.

  2. Determine if you have a Sun Enterprise 10000 server platform.

    • If yes, log into the System Service Processor (SSP) and connect by using the netcon command. After the connection is made, type Shift~@ to unlock the console and gain write access.

  3. Start the CCP launch pad.

    From the administrative console, type the following command.

    # ccp clustername

    The CCP launch pad is displayed.

  4. To start a remote session with the cluster, click either the cconsole, crlogin, or ctelnet icon in the CCP launch pad.

Where to Go From Here

You can also start cconsole, crlogin, or ctelnet sessions from the command line.

How to Access the scsetup Utility

The scsetup(1M) utility enables you to interactively configure quorum, resource group, cluster transport, private hostname, device group, and new node options for the cluster.

  1. Become superuser on any node in the cluster.

  2. Enter the scsetup utility.

    # scsetup

    The Main Menu is displayed.

  3. Make your configuration selection from the menu. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete a task.

    See the scsetup online help for more information.

How to Display Sun Cluster Release and Version Information

You do not need to be logged in as superuser to perform these procedures.

    Display the Sun Cluster patch numbers.

    Sun Cluster update releases are identified by the main product patch number plus the update version.

    % showrev -p

    Display the Sun Cluster release number and version strings for all Sun Cluster packages.

    % scinstall -pv

Example—Displaying the Sun Cluster Release Number

The following example displays the cluster's release number.

% showrev -p | grep 110648
Patch: 110648-05 Obsoletes:  Requires:  Incompatibles:  Packages: 

Example—Displaying Sun Cluster Release and Version Information

The following example displays the cluster's release information and version information for all packages.

% scinstall -pv
SunCluster 3.1
SUNWscr:       3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscdev:     3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscu:       3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscman:     3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscsal:     3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscsam:     3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWscvm:      3.1.0,REV=2000.
SUNWmdm:       4.2.1,REV=2000.

How to Display Configured Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Resources

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the SunPlex Manager GUI. Refer to Chapter 10, Administering Sun Cluster With the Graphical User Interfaces. See the SunPlex Manager online help for more information.

You do not need to be logged in as superuser to perform this procedure.

    Display the cluster's configured resource types, resource groups, and resources.

    % scrgadm -p

Example—Displaying Configured Resource Types, Resource Groups, and Resources

The following example shows the resource types (RT Name), resource groups (RG Name), and resources (RS Name) configured for the cluster schost.

% scrgadm -p
RT Name: SUNW.SharedAddress
  RT Description: HA Shared Address Resource Type 
RT Name: SUNW.LogicalHostname
  RT Description: Logical Hostname Resource Type 
RG Name: schost-sa-1 
  RG Description:  
    RS Name: schost-1
      RS Description: 
      RS Type: SUNW.SharedAddress
      RS Resource Group: schost-sa-1
RG Name: schost-lh-1 
  RG Description:  
    RS Name: schost-3
      RS Description: 
      RS Type: SUNW.LogicalHostname
      RS Resource Group: schost-lh-1

How to Check the Status of Cluster Components

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the SunPlex Manager GUI. See the SunPlex Manager online help for more information.

You do not need to be logged in as superuser to perform this procedure.

    Check the status of cluster components.

    % scstat -p

Example—Checking the Status of Cluster Components

The following example provides a sample of status information for cluster components returned by scstat(1M).

% scstat -p
-- Cluster Nodes --
                    Node name           Status
                    ---------           ------
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-1      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-2      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-3      Online
  Cluster node:     phys-schost-4      Online
-- Cluster Transport Paths --
                    Endpoint            Endpoint            Status
                    --------            --------            ------
  Transport path:   phys-schost-1:qfe1 phys-schost-4:qfe1 Path online
  Transport path:   phys-schost-1:hme1 phys-schost-4:hme1 Path online
-- Quorum Summary --
  Quorum votes possible:      6
  Quorum votes needed:        4
  Quorum votes present:       6
-- Quorum Votes by Node --
                    Node Name           Present Possible Status
                    ---------           ------- -------- ------
  Node votes:       phys-schost-1      1        1       Online
  Node votes:       phys-schost-2      1        1       Online
-- Quorum Votes by Device --
                    Device Name         Present Possible Status 
                    -----------         ------- -------- ------ 
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d2s2  1        1       Online 
  Device votes:     /dev/did/rdsk/d8s2  1        1       Online 
-- Device Group Servers --
                         Device Group        Primary             Secondary
                         ------------        -------             ---------
  Device group servers:  rmt/1               -                   -
  Device group servers:  rmt/2               -                   -
  Device group servers:  schost-1           phys-schost-2      phys-schost-1
  Device group servers:  schost-3           -                   -
-- Device Group Status --
                              Device Group        Status              
                              ------------        ------              
  Device group status:        rmt/1               Offline
  Device group status:        rmt/2               Offline
  Device group status:        schost-1            Online
  Device group status:        schost-3            Offline
-- Resource Groups and Resources --
            Group Name          Resources
            ----------          ---------
 Resources: test-rg             test_1
 Resources: real-property-rg    -
 Resources: failover-rg         -
 Resources: descript-rg-1       -
-- Resource Groups --
            Group Name          Node Name           State
            ----------          ---------           -----
     Group: test-rg             phys-schost-1      Offline
     Group: test-rg             phys-schost-2      Offline
-- Resources --
            Resource Name       Node Name           State     Status Message
            -------------       ---------           -----     --------------
  Resource: test_1              phys-schost-1      Offline   Offline
  Resource: test_1              phys-schost-2      Offline   Offline
-- IPMP Groups --
              Node Name         Group   	 Status         Adapter   Status
              ---------         -----   	 ------         -------   ------
  IPMP Group: phys-schost-1     sc_ipmp0   Online         qfe1      Online

  IPMP Group: phys-schost-2     sc_ipmp0   Online         qfe1      Online


How to Check the Status of the Public Network

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the SunPlex Manager GUI. See the SunPlex Manager online help for more information.

You do not need to be logged in as superuser to perform this procedure.

To check the status of the IP Network Multipathing groups, use the scstat(1M) command.

  1. Check the status of cluster components.

    % scstat -i

Example—Checking the Public Network Status

The following example provides a sample of status information for cluster components returned by scstat -i.

% scstat -i
-- IPMP Groups --
              Node Name         Group   	 Status         Adapter   Status
              ---------         -----   	 ------         -------   ------
  IPMP Group: phys-schost-1     sc_ipmp1 	 Online         qfe2      Online

  IPMP Group: phys-schost-1     sc_ipmp0 	 Online         qfe1      Online

  IPMP Group: phys-schost-2     sc_ipmp1 	 Online         qfe2      Online

  IPMP Group: phys-schost-2     sc_ipmp0 	 Online         qfe1      Online


How to View the Cluster Configuration

You can also accomplish this procedure by using the SunPlex Manager GUI. See the SunPlex Manager online help for more information.

You do not need to be logged in as superuser to perform this procedure.

    View the cluster configuration

    % scconf -p

    To display more information using the scconf command, use the verbose options. See the scconf(1M) man page for details.

Example—Viewing the Cluster Configuration

The following example lists the cluster configuration.

% scconf -p
Cluster name:                       cluster-1
Cluster ID:                         0x3908EE1C
Cluster install mode:               disabled
Cluster private net:      
Cluster private netmask:  
Cluster new node authentication:    unix
Cluster new node list:              <NULL - Allow any node>
Cluster nodes:                      phys-schost-1 phys-schost-2 phys-schost-3
Cluster node name:                                 phys-schost-1
  Node ID:                                         1
  Node enabled:                                    yes
  Node private hostname:                           clusternode1-priv
  Node quorum vote count:                          1
  Node reservation key:                            0x3908EE1C00000001
  Node transport adapters:                         hme1 qfe1 qfe2
Node transport adapter:                          hme1
    Adapter enabled:                               yes
    Adapter transport type:                        dlpi
    Adapter property:                              device_name=hme
    Adapter property:                              device_instance=1
    Adapter property:                              dlpi_heartbeat_timeout=10000
Cluster transport junctions:                       hub0 hub1 hub2
Cluster transport junction:                        hub0
  Junction enabled:                                yes
  Junction type:                                   switch
  Junction port names:                             1 2 3 4
Junction port:                                   1
    Port enabled:                                  yes
Junction port:                                   2
    Port enabled:                                  yes
Cluster transport cables
                    Endpoint            Endpoint        State
                    --------            --------        -----
  Transport cable:  phys-schost-1:hme1@0 hub0@1        Enabled
  Transport cable:  phys-schost-1:qfe1@0 hub1@1        Enabled
  Transport cable:  phys-schost-1:qfe2@0 hub2@1        Enabled
  Transport cable:  phys-schost-2:hme1@0 hub0@2        Enabled
Quorum devices:                                    d2 d8
Quorum device name:                                d2
  Quorum device votes:                             1
  Quorum device enabled:                           yes
  Quorum device name:                              /dev/did/rdsk/d2s2
  Quorum device hosts (enabled):                   phys-schost-1
  Quorum device hosts (disabled): 
Device group name:                                 schost-3
  Device group type:                               SVM
  Device group failback enabled:                   no
  Device group node list:                          phys-schost-3, phys-schost-4
  Diskset name:                                    schost-3

How to Validate a Basic Cluster Configuration

The sccheck(1M) command runs a set of checks to validate the basic configuration required for a cluster to function properly. If no checks fail, sccheck returns to the shell prompt. If a check fails, sccheck produces reports in either the specified or the default output directory. If you run sccheck against more than one node, sccheck will produce a report for each node and a report for multi-node checks.

The sccheck command runs in two steps: data collection and analysis. Data collection can be time consuming, depending on the system configuration. You can invoke sccheck in verbose mode with the -v1 flag to print progress messages, or you can use the -v2 flag to run sccheck in highly verbose mode which prints more detailed progress messages, especially during data collection.

Note –

Run sccheck after performing an administration procedure that might result in changes to devices, volume management components, or the Sun Cluster configuration.

  1. Become superuser on any node in the cluster.

    % su
  2. Verify the cluster configuration.

    # sccheck

Example—Checking the Cluster Configuration With All Checks Passing

The following example shows sccheck being run in verbose mode against nodes phys-schost-1 and phys-schost-2 with all checks passing.

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished

Example—Checking the Cluster Configuration With a Failed Check

The following example shows the node phys-schost-2 in the cluster suncluster missing the mount point /global/phys-schost-1. Reports are created in the output directory /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/.

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 -o /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished.
sccheck: One or more checks failed.
sccheck: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
sccheck: Reports are in /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.suncluster.txt
CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.

How to Check the Global Mount Points

The sccheck(1M) command includes checks which examine the /etc/vfstab file for configuration errors with the cluster file system and its global mount points.

Note –

Run sccheck after making cluster configuration changes that have affected devices or volume management components.

  1. Become superuser on any node in the cluster.

    % su
  2. Verify the cluster configuration.

    # sccheck

Example—Checking the Global Mount Points

The following example shows the node phys-schost-2 of the cluster suncluster missing the mount point /global/schost-1. Reports are being sent to the output directory /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/

# sccheck -v1 -h phys-schost-1,phys-schost-2 -o /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-1.
sccheck: Requesting explorer data and node report from phys-schost-2.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-1: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Explorer finished.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Starting single-node checks.
sccheck: phys-schost-2: Single-node checks finished.
sccheck: Starting multi-node checks.
sccheck: Multi-node checks finished.
sccheck: One or more checks failed.
sccheck: The greatest severity of all check failures was 3 (HIGH).
sccheck: Reports are in /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.suncluster.txt
CHECK ID : 3065
FAILURE  : Global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
ANALYSIS : The global filesystem /etc/vfstab entries are not consistent across 
all nodes in this cluster.
Analysis indicates:
FileSystem '/global/phys-schost-1' is on 'phys-schost-1' but missing from 'phys-schost-2'.
RECOMMEND: Ensure each node has the correct /etc/vfstab entry for the 
filesystem(s) in question.
# cat /var/cluster/sccheck/myReports/sccheck-results.phys-schost-1.txt
CHECK ID : 1398
FAILURE  : An unsupported server is being used as a Sun Cluster 3.x node.
ANALYSIS : This server may not been qualified to be used as a Sun Cluster 3.x node.  
Only servers that have been qualified with Sun Cluster 3.x are supported as 
Sun Cluster 3.x nodes.
RECOMMEND: Because the list of supported servers is always being updated, check with 
your Sun Microsystems representative to get the latest information on what servers 
are currently supported and only use a server that is supported with Sun Cluster 3.x.