Solaris OS용 Sun Cluster 데이터 서비스 개발 안내서

데이터 서비스 재시작

동일한 노드에서 데이터 서비스를 재시작하기 위해 decide_restart_or_failover()에 의해 restart_service() 함수가 호출됩니다. 이 함수는 다음 논리를 실행합니다.

function restart_service

        # To restart the data service, first verify that the 
        # data service itself is still registered under PMF.
        pmfadm -q $PMF_TAG
        if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
                # Since the TAG for the data service is still registered under
                # PMF, first stop the data service and start it back up again.

                # Obtain the Stop method name and the STOP_TIMEOUT value for
                # this resource.
                STOP_TIMEOUT=`scha_resource_get -O STOP_TIMEOUT \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAM?
                STOP_METHOD=`scha_resource_get -O STOP \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAM?
                hatimerun -t $STOP_TIMEOUT $RT_BASEDIR/$STOP_METHOD \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME \
                        -T $RESOURCETYPE_NAME

                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
                        logger-p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
                                “${ARGV0} Stop method failed.”
                        return 1

                # Obtain the START method name and the START_TIMEOUT value for
                # this resource.
                START_TIMEOUT=`scha_resource_get -O START_TIMEOUT \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAM?
                START_METHOD=`scha_resource_get -O START \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAM?
                hatimerun -t $START_TIMEOUT $RT_BASEDIR/$START_METHOD \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME \
                        -T $RESOURCETYPE_NAME

                if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
                        logger-p ${SYSLOG_FACILITY}.err -t [$SYSLOG_TAG] \
                                “${ARGV0} Start method failed.”
                        return 1

                # The absence of the TAG for the dataservice 
                # implies that the data service has already
                # exceeded the maximum retries allowed under PMF.
                # Therefore, do not attempt to restart the
                # data service again, but try to failover
                # to another node in the cluster.
                scha_control -O GIVEOVER -G $RESOURCEGROUP_NAME \
                        -R $RESOURCE_NAME

        return 0