Sun Cluster Geographic Edition 3.1 8/05 Release Notes

Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide

This section discusses errors and omissions from the Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

No Troubleshooting Documentation (6265968)

Problem Summary: The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide does not include instructions on troubleshooting.

Workaround: Contact your Sun service representative.

Requirements for Creating a Protection Group That Uses Oracle Real Application Clusters (6426014)

Problem Summary: The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition software supports using Oracle Real Application Clusters with hardware RAID. The documentation does not explain the requirements for creating a protection group that uses Oracle Real Application Clusters.

Workaround: Before you create a protection group for Oracle Real Application Clusters, ensure that the following conditions are met:

Missing Documentation on When the RoleChange_ActionCmd Command is Run (6426007)

Problem Summary: The Sun Cluster Geographic Edition System Administration Guide does not accurately describe when the executable command specified by the RoleChange_ActionCmd property is run.

Workaround: The executable command you specify in the RoleChange_ActionCmd property runs on the new primary cluster when the primary cluster for the protection group changes and the protection group is started.