Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris Security

Chapter 10 Introduction to the Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework

The Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework (KMF) provides a unified set of interfaces for managing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) objects in Oracle Solaris. These interfaces include both programming interfaces and administrative tools.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework Features

Developers and system administrators can choose among several different keystore systems when designing systems that employ PKI technologies. A keystore is a storage system for PKI objects. The primary choices for Oracle Solaris users are NSS, OpenSSL, and PKCS#11. Each of these keystore systems presents different programming interfaces and administrative tools. None of these keystore systems includes any PKI policy enforcement system.

KMF provides generic interfaces that manipulate keys and certificates in all of these keystores.

KMF also provides a system-wide policy database that KMF applications can use, regardless of which type of keystore is being used. The administrator can create policy definitions in a global database. KMF applications can choose which policy to assert, and then all subsequent KMF operations behave according to the limitations of that policy. Policy definitions include rules for how to perform validations, requirements for key usage and extended key usage, trust anchor definitions, Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) parameters, and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) DB parameters such as location.

Oracle Solaris KMF includes the following features:

KMF consumers include any project that uses certificates, such as authentication services and smart card authentication with X.509 certificates.

Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework Components

This section describes the following KMF components:

KMF Key Management Tool

The following pktool(1) subcommands specifically support KMF:


Delete objects in the keystore.


Download a CRL or certificate file from an external source.


Export objects from the keystore to a file.


Create a self-signed X.509v3 certificate.


Create a PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file.


Create a symmetric key in the keystore.


Displays a help message.


Import objects from an external source.


Initialize a PKCS#11 token.


List a summary of objects in the keystore.


Change user authentication passphrase for keystore access.


Sign a PKCS#10 CSR.


List all visible PKCS#11 tokens.

KMF Policy Enforcement Mechanisms

KMF policy is a hierarchical tree of policies. A default policy is defined when the system is installed. The default policy applies unless the application asserts a different policy.

Policy parameters control the use of X.509 certificates by an application. KMF policy applies to all certificates and is not restricted to any particular keystore.

Use the kmfcfg(1) utility to manage the KMF policy database and configure plugins. You can use kmfcfg to list, create, modify, delete, import, and export policy definitions in the system default database file /etc/security/kmfpolicy.xml or in a user-defined database file. Note that you cannot modify the default policy in the system KMF policy database. For plugin configuration, you can use kmfcfg to display plugin information, install or uninstall a KMF plugin, and modify the plugin option.

The following list shows some of the KMF policy attributes. See the kmfcfg(1) man page for a complete list and descriptions of these policy attributes.

See the kmfpolicy.h file for definitions of policy data types.

The following plugin libraries are provided in Oracle Solaris KMF:

KMF Application Programming Interfaces

The Oracle Solaris KMF provides abstract APIs for PKI operations. Applications written to KMF can access multiple keystores such as files (OpenSSL), NSS, and PKCS11 tokens and multiple validation modules such as OCSP and CRL checking. The KMF API can be extended by third parties for proprietary and legacy implementations.

The KMF APIs are provided in the Key Management Framework Library, libkmf(3LIB). These APIs enable your application to create and manage public key objects such as public/private keypairs, certificates, CSRs, certificate validation, CRLs, and OCSP response processing.

The KMF APIs are defined in the kmfapi.h file, and structures and types are defined in the kmftypes.h file. The kmfapi.h file lists the functions in the following groups:

Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework Example Application

The pktool application is an excellent example of how to use the KMF APIs.

This section shows a simple application that uses KMF. This section describes the basic steps that an application needs to take in order to perform some KMF operations. This example assumes that you have experience in C programming and a basic understanding of public key technologies and standards. This example goes through the steps of initializing KMF for use and then creates a self-signed X.509v3 certificate and associated RSA key pair. This example also shows how to use the KMF-enhanced pktool command to verify that the application was successful.

KMF Headers and Libraries

To give the program access to the KMF function prototypes and type definitions, include the kmfapi.h file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <kmfapi.h>

Be sure to include the KMF library in the link step.

$ cc -o kmftest kmftest.c -lkmf

KMF Basic Data Types

See the kmftypes.h file for definitions of structures and types. This example uses variables of the following KMF types.


Session handle for KMF calls


Return code for all KMF calls


Handle to a KMF key


KMF credential


Make sure this is big enough


Keystore type, such as KMF_KEYSTORE_PK11TOKEN


Key type, such as KMF_RSA


Data record that gets signed


Distinguished name record


Final certificate data record


Variable length integer

KMF Application Results Verification

The user can verify that the program successfully created the certificate and keypair by using the pktool(1M) utility.

$ pktool list objtype=both
Enter pin for Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken :
Found 1 certificates.
1. (X.509 certificate)
        Subject: C=US, ST=CA, L=Menlo Park, O=Foobar Inc., OU=Foobar
IT Office,
        Issuer: C=US, ST=CA, L=Menlo Park, O=Foobar Inc., OU=Foobar IT
        Serial: 0x452BF693
        X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:

Found 1 keys.
Key #1 - RSA private key:

Complete KMF Application Source Code

See the libkmf(3LIB) man page for definitions of KMF APIs.

    This application performs the following steps:

  1. Before any KMF functions can be called, the application must first use kmf_initialize() to initialize a handle for a KMF session. This handle is used as the first argument to most KMF function calls. It is an opaque data type and is used to hold internal state and context information for that session.

  2. This example application uses the PKCS#11 keystore. Use kmf_configure_keystore() to define a token to use for future operations.

  3. The first step to create a certificate or a PKCS#10 CSR is to generate a keypair. Use kmf_create_keypair() to create both the public and private keys needed and store the private key in the specified keystore. The function returns handles to the application so that the caller can reference the public and private key objects in future operations if necessary.

  4. Once a keypair is established, use kmf_set_cert_pubkey() and kmf_set_cert_version() to populate the template record that is used to generate the final certificate. KMF provides different APIs for setting the various fields of an X.509v3 certificate, including extensions. Use kmf_hexstr_to_bytes(), kmf_set_cert_serial(), kmf_set_cert_validity(), and kmf_set_cert_sig_alg() to set the serial number. The serial number is a KMF_BIGINT record. Use kmf_dn_parser(), kmf_set_cert_subject(), and kmf_set_cert_issuer() to create a KMF_X509_NAME structure.

  5. Because this is a self-signed certificate creation exercise, this application signs the certificate template created above with the private key that goes with the public key in the certificate itself. This kmf_sign_cert() operation results in a KMF_DATA record that contains the ASN.1 encoded X.509v3 certificate data.

  6. Now that the certificate is signed and in its final format, it can be stored in any of the keystores. Use kmf_store_cert() to store the certificate in the PKCS#11 token defined at the beginning of this application. The certificate could also be stored in NSS or an OpenSSL file at this point.

  7. Memory allocated to data structures generated by KMF should be cleaned up when the data structure is no longer needed. KMF provides convenience APIs for properly deallocating memory associated with these objects. The proper cleanup of memory is strongly encouraged in order to conserve resources. Cleanup interfaces include kmf_free_data(), kmf_free_dn(), and kmf_finalize().

Below is the complete source code for this example application, including all of the data types and helper functions. When you compile, be sure to include the KMF library.

 * KMF Example code for generating a self-signed X.509 certificate.
 * This is completely unsupported and is just to be used as an example.
 * Compile:
 * $ cc -o keytest keytest.c -lkmf
 * Run:
 * $  ./keytest
 * Once complete, the results can be verified using the pktool(1) command:
 * $ pktool list 
 * This should show an RSA public key labeled "keytest" and a cert labeled "keytest".
 * The objects created by this program can be deleted from the keystore
 * using pktool(1) also:
 * $ pktool delete label=keytest
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <tzfile.h>

#include <kmfapi.h>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    KMF_HANDLE_T         kmfhandle;
    KMF_RETURN           ret;
    char                 opt, *str = NULL;
    extern char          *optarg;
    KMF_KEY_HANDLE       prikey, pubkey;
    KMF_CREDENTIAL       cred;
    KMF_ATTRIBUTE        attrlist[16]; /* this needs to be big enough */
    KMF_KEYSTORE_TYPE    kstype;
    KMF_KEY_ALG          keytype;
    KMF_KEY_HANDLE       prik, pubk;
    KMF_X509_CERTIFICATE certstruct;
    KMF_X509_NAME        certsubject, certissuer;
    KMF_DATA             rawcert;
    KMF_BIGINT           serno;
    char                 *token = "Sun Software PKCS#11 softtoken";
    char                 *keylabel = "keytest";
    boolean_t            readonly = B_FALSE;
    uint32_t             keylen = 1024;
    uint32_t             ltime = SECSPERDAY * DAYSPERNYEAR; /* seconds in a
                             year (see tzfile.h) */
    char                 prompt[1024];
    int                  numattrs;

    (void) memset(&certstruct, 0, sizeof (certstruct));
    (void) memset(&rawcert, 0, sizeof (rawcert));
    (void) memset(&certissuer, 0, sizeof (certissuer));
    (void) memset(&certsubject, 0, sizeof (certsubject));

     * Initialize a KMF handle for use in future calls.
    ret = kmf_initialize(&kmfhandle, NULL, NULL);
    if (ret != KMF_OK) {
        printf("kmf_initialize failed: 0x%0x\n", ret);

    /* We want to use the PKCS11 keystore */
    kstype = KMF_KEYSTORE_PK11TOKEN;
    numattrs = 0;
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ATTR,
        &kstype, sizeof (kstype));

    /* Indicate which PKCS11 token will be used */
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_TOKEN_LABEL_ATTR,
        token, strlen(token));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_READONLY_ATTR,
        &readonly, sizeof (readonly));

    ret = kmf_configure_keystore(kmfhandle, numattrs, attrlist);
    if (ret != KMF_OK)
        exit (ret);

    /* Reset the attribute count for a new command */
    numattrs = 0;

     * Get the PIN to access the token.
    (void) snprintf(prompt, sizeof (prompt), "Enter PIN for %s:", token);
    cred.cred = getpassphrase(prompt);
    if (cred.cred != NULL) {
        cred.credlen = strlen(cred.cred);
        kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_CREDENTIAL_ATTR,
            &cred, sizeof (cred));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ATTR,
        &kstype, sizeof (kstype));

    keytype = KMF_RSA;
    keylen = 1024;
    keylabel = "keytest";

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYALG_ATTR,
        &keytype, sizeof (keytype));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYLENGTH_ATTR,
        &keylen, sizeof (keylen));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYLABEL_ATTR,
        keylabel, strlen(keylabel));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_CREDENTIAL_ATTR,
        &cred, sizeof (cred));

     * Set the handles so they can be used later.
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_PRIVKEY_HANDLE_ATTR,
        &prik, sizeof (prik));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_PUBKEY_HANDLE_ATTR,
        &pubk, sizeof (pubk));

    ret = kmf_create_keypair(kmfhandle, numattrs, attrlist);
    if (ret != KMF_OK) {
        printf("kmf_create_keypair error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

     * Now the keys have been created, generate an X.509 certificate
     * by populating the template and signing it.
    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_pubkey(kmfhandle, &pubk, &certstruct))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_pubkey error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    /* Version "2" is for an x509.v3 certificate */
    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_version(&certstruct, 2))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_version error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

     * Set up the serial number, it must be a KMF_BIGINT record.
    if ((ret = kmf_hexstr_to_bytes((uchar_t *)"0x010203", &serno.val, \
            &serno.len))) {
        printf("kmf_hexstr_to_bytes error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_serial(&certstruct, &serno))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_serial error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_validity(&certstruct, NULL, ltime))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_validity error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_sig_alg(&certstruct, KMF_ALGID_SHA1WithRSA))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_sig_alg error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

     * Create a KMF_X509_NAME struct by parsing a distinguished name.
    if ((ret = kmf_dn_parser("cn=testcert", &certsubject))) {
        printf("kmf_dn_parser error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_dn_parser("cn=testcert", &certissuer))) {
        printf("kmf_dn_parser error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_subject(&certstruct, &certsubject))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_sig_alg error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

    if ((ret = kmf_set_cert_issuer(&certstruct, &certissuer))) {
        printf("kmf_set_cert_sig_alg error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

     * Now we have the certstruct setup with the minimal amount needed
     * to generate a self-signed cert.  Put together the attributes to 
     * call kmf_sign_cert.
    numattrs = 0;
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ATTR,
            &kstype, sizeof (kstype));

    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEY_HANDLE_ATTR,
            &prik, sizeof (KMF_KEY_HANDLE_ATTR));

    /* The X509 template structure to be signed goes here. */
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_X509_CERTIFICATE_ATTR,
            &certstruct, sizeof (KMF_X509_CERTIFICATE));

     * Set the output buffer for the signed cert.
     * This will be a block of raw ASN.1 data.
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_CERT_DATA_ATTR,
            &rawcert, sizeof (KMF_DATA));

    if ((ret = kmf_sign_cert(kmfhandle, numattrs, attrlist))) {
        printf("kmf_sign_cert error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
        goto cleanup;

     * Now we have the certificate and we want to store it in the
     * keystore (which is the PKCS11 token in this example).
    numattrs = 0;
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_KEYSTORE_TYPE_ATTR,
            &kstype, sizeof (kstype));
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_CERT_DATA_ATTR,
            &rawcert, sizeof (KMF_DATA));

    /* Use the same label as the public key */
    kmf_set_attr_at_index(attrlist, numattrs, KMF_CERT_LABEL_ATTR,
        keylabel, strlen(keylabel));

    if ((ret = kmf_store_cert(kmfhandle, numattrs, attrlist))) {
        printf("kmf_store_cert error: 0x%02x\n", ret);
                goto cleanup;


    return (ret);