man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces
  • L
    • ldterm(7M)– standard STREAMS terminal line discipline module
    • llc1(7D)– Logical Link Control Protocol Class 1 Driver
    • llc2(7D)– Class II logical link control driver
    • lo0(7D)– ipnet device driver
    • lockstat(7D)– DTrace kernel lock instrumentation provider
    • lofi(7D)– Loopback file driver
    • lofs(7FS)– loopback virtual file system
    • log(7D)– interface to STREAMS error logging and event tracing
    • lp(7D)– driver for parallel port
    • lsimega(7D)– SCSI HBA driver for LSI MegaRAID 320-2x SCSI RAID Controller
    • lx_systrace(7D)– DTrace Linux system call tracing provider